03:09 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| |
03:09 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| |
07:55 | se6astian | good day
| |
10:36 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| |
10:36 | Bertl | morning folks!
| |
10:38 | se6astian | good day!
| |
11:48 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
12:09 | metaldent | joined the channel | |
13:40 | metaldent | left the channel | |
14:17 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
14:24 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
14:31 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
14:31 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
14:35 | Dest321 | joined the channel | |
14:38 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
14:50 | Dest321 | left the channel | |
14:50 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
15:28 | dos1 | joined the channel | |
15:28 | dos | left the channel | |
15:29 | dos1 | changed nick to: dos
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15:31 | vnksnkr | left the channel | |
15:32 | vnksnkr | joined the channel | |
16:04 | metaldent | joined the channel | |
16:22 | metaldent | left the channel | |
16:22 | metaldent | joined the channel | |
17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME - welcome everyone to libera our new host
| |
17:00 | se6astian | who is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
| 17:00 | bluez | is here
| 17:00 | Dest123 | is here
17:00 | se6astian | left the channel | |
17:01 | se6ast1an | joined the channel | |
17:01 | se6ast1an | Dest123: would you like to start?
| |
17:01 | Dest123 | sure
| 17:01 | metaldent | is present
17:01 | Dest123 | So the last couple of days I was working on the deserialized data of the sensor.
| |
17:02 | Dest123 | To be specific, the control channel and the training data, which are nearly done.
| |
17:02 | Dest123 | the control channel conveys status information on the validity of the data on the data channels,
| |
17:02 | Dest123 | supporting the 5 output modes.
| 17:02 | eppisai | is here
17:03 | Dest123 | I just need to generalize the case of FVAL signal (Indicating the validity of the read-out of a frame) other than that,
| |
17:03 | Dest123 | it completely conveys the output data validity.
| |
17:03 | Bertl | care to elaborate shortly on the 5 output modes you mentioned?
| |
17:04 | Dest123 | sure
| 17:04 | vup | is here
17:05 | Dest123 | sending the data using 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 channels
| |
17:05 | Dest123 | 6* output modes, sorry for that
| |
17:05 | se6ast1an | changed nick to: se6astian
| |
17:05 | Dest123 | each mode will require different data on the control channel
| |
17:06 | Dest123 | should I divulge more into it?
| |
17:07 | Bertl | nah, tx
| |
17:07 | Bertl | we also have 64 channels btw
| |
17:09 | Dest123 | yes but if I understood correctly the control data won't change if only one or both sides were used
| |
17:09 | Bertl | correct
| |
17:09 | Dest123 | DVAL and LVAL data for that matter
| |
17:09 | Dest123 | ok then, as for the data training,
| |
17:10 | Dest123 | to synchronize the receiving side with the output data, a training pattern is sent on the data channel when there is no valid image data to be sent.
| |
17:10 | Dest123 | the module handles and sends both the training patterns through different operating conditions. i.e. Idle, overhead time
| |
17:11 | Dest123 | both modules are supposedly finished, just need to do one more test, but my simulator crashed again this morning.
| |
17:11 | Dest123 | hope I get this fixed by tonight.
| |
17:11 | Dest123 | that's it for me :)
| |
17:11 | Bertl | excellent!
| |
17:12 | se6astian | many thanks Dest123!
| |
17:12 | se6astian | eppisai: you are next!
| |
17:12 | eppisai | Hi!
| |
17:13 | eppisai | So last week, I had extended display function for lcd and added transition manipulation.. in the firmware
| |
17:13 | eppisai | Like we had in previous version of remote
| |
17:14 | se6astian | did you push code to your github repo?
| |
17:15 | eppisai | Yes.. it's under Transition-Task branch in my fork..
| |
17:15 | eppisai | Currently using phone because outside so will share the link soon :)
| |
17:15 | se6astian | thanks
| |
17:16 | eppisai | Besides need to improve on it, and adding option for controlling transition speed from UI as BAndiT had suggested
| |
17:16 | eppisai | That's it :)
| |
17:17 | se6astian | before you dive into an speed changes lets verify its working as intended
| |
17:18 | se6astian | Bertl: is the remote remote webcam working already and remotely accessible?
| |
17:18 | eppisai | Yea.. that's my top priority right now
| |
17:18 | Bertl | we do not have a dedicated remote lcd webcam
| |
17:19 | Bertl | the webcam which overlooks the entire remote setup is working
| |
17:19 | se6astian | does it "see" the remote lcd?
| |
17:19 | Bertl | IIRC, BAndiT1983 planned to do a direct frame buffer readout via serial/usb last year, that might be better for actual testing
| |
17:19 | Bertl | yes, it can 'see' the remote lcd, but it is not very detailed
| |
17:20 | Bertl | (only makes up a small portion of the frame)
| |
17:20 | se6astian | lcd buffer read out is not finished to my knownledge, also would only wokr on single images, not viewing an animation
| |
17:21 | se6astian | so the webcam would probably be "good enough" to see a sliding animation that goes over the entire lcd
| |
17:21 | Bertl | probably
| |
17:21 | se6astian | eppisai: can you you get set up with help of bertl to access the webcam and post a screenshot then?
| |
17:22 | eppisai | Ohk! :)
| |
17:22 | se6astian | thanks, bluez you are up next
| |
17:23 | bluez | yep! some quick updates from me:
| |
17:23 | bluez | I was able to optimize the read/write speed for a register by a large factor
| |
17:23 | bluez | read was reduced from around 1 min to 3 secs! similarly for write
| |
17:23 | bluez | for this i generated a minimal lookup database at build time, i.e. with info only about slices which are actually used by the design
| |
17:24 | bluez | it can be optimized further as well, and it's necessary as we will need to update a lot of registers at once
| |
17:24 | bluez | other than this, i did some cleanup here and there, and added some basic build/run instructions
| |
17:24 | bluez | will add more documentation soon
| |
17:24 | bluez | https://github.com/Swaraj1998/reg-test
| |
17:24 | bluez | that's it from me for now!
| |
17:25 | se6astian | many thanks!
| |
17:25 | Bertl | great! tx!
| |
17:25 | bluez | :)
| |
17:25 | se6astian | metaldent: your turn
| |
17:26 | metaldent | hi, last week Bandit and I were discussing about rendering the remote visualizer into 3d
| |
17:26 | metaldent | so i looked at some emscripten docs and tutorials to understand it better
| |
17:27 | metaldent | i also found this similar lab task -> https://lab.apertus.org/T1178
| |
17:27 | metaldent | so this week i'll be working more on this, that's it from me!
| |
17:27 | se6astian | can you elaborate about the 3d rendering, not sure I follow
| |
17:29 | metaldent | it'll be something like you guys did with the 3d cad viewer
| |
17:29 | metaldent | but of the visualizer, am still investigating how to do that
| |
17:29 | se6astian | interesting
| |
17:30 | se6astian | many thanks
| |
17:30 | se6astian | vup, please share your news with us!
| |
17:30 | vup | sure
| |
17:30 | vup | not too much to report, uni held me pretty busy
| |
17:31 | vup | but i made some progress on the layer I am currently designing (with a lot of help from anuejn) to simplify some things we are currently doing in nmigen
| |
17:31 | vup | I won't bore you with the details this time :)
| |
17:32 | vup | But the prototype is now starting to take shape, and we can hopefully replace some aweful code in the nmigen-gateware with it
| |
17:32 | vup | This is a basic usage example: https://paste.niemo.de/nojuranazu.py
| |
17:33 | vup | If anybody is interested in this more, I guess ask me questions either now or after the meeting :)
| |
17:33 | vup | Anyways, this is it from me this week
| |
17:33 | vup | Oh I nearly forgot
| |
17:33 | se6astian | nice, many thanks!
| |
17:34 | vup | we also fixed the CI for the nmigen gateware, so we now test synthesis / bitstream generation with vivado again
| |
17:34 | se6astian | quick updates from me
| |
17:34 | vup | and also generate the docs again
| |
17:34 | se6astian | hardware production update: all the hardware was collected from tele last week and handed over to Bertl last thursday
| |
17:35 | se6astian | he started inspecting it over the weekend, he will share more about this I assume
| |
17:35 | se6astian | I am now in the middle of counting and listing all the remaining components tele returned to us
| 17:35 | vup | the latest docs can be found here: https://docs.niemo.de/naps/commit/latest/index.html
17:35 | se6astian | a huge box
| |
17:36 | se6astian | regarding our IRC move you probably noticed that freenode made it easier/quicker for us
| |
17:36 | se6astian | as it bulk closed all channels that had "libera" in the topic there
| |
17:36 | se6astian | so our channel there is deserted now as they moved it to ##apertus
| |
17:37 | se6astian | no big deal, this is our new home here
| |
17:37 | se6astian | website has been updated accordingly
| |
17:37 | se6astian | need to check wiki and gsoc related info as well though
| |
17:37 | se6astian | to make sure freenode is not still listed there by accident
| |
17:38 | se6astian | another topic is the 3d cad viewer progress
| |
17:38 | se6astian | latest state is here:https://apertus-open-source-cinema.github.io/cad-3d-viewer/
| |
17:38 | se6astian | latest additions are layout fine tuning fixes/updates
| |
17:38 | se6astian | the light/dark switch should work for most elements now
| |
17:39 | se6astian | font size and spacing was updated
| |
17:39 | se6astian | external links added to open the source or go to apertus.org
| |
17:40 | se6astian | BAndiT1983_: also added a model ID GET parameter in URL
| |
17:40 | se6astian | so you can link to a specific model now, example in https://lab.apertus.org/T1246
| |
17:40 | se6astian | https://apertus-open-source-cinema.github.io/cad-3d-viewer/?part=axiom_lens_cap_v01
| |
17:40 | se6astian | BAndiT1983_: has a few open tasks still, listed in rightmost coloumn of this workboard: https://lab.apertus.org/project/view/16/
| |
17:41 | Bertl | can 3D models be downloaded in some way from the viewer?
| |
17:41 | se6astian | good idea
| |
17:41 | se6astian | not yet
| |
17:41 | se6astian | but would be a great addition
| |
17:41 | se6astian | will add to workboard after meeting
| |
17:42 | se6astian | and we posted progress on twitter and it was retweeted by onshape among others which made the tweet rather succesful
| |
17:42 | se6astian | https://twitter.com/ApertusOSCinema/status/1397848942973423618
| |
17:42 | se6astian | almost 8000 impresions by now
| |
17:42 | se6astian | no threejs retweeted, not onshape, sorry
| |
17:43 | se6astian | next topic is the youtube terms and conditions change
| |
17:43 | se6astian | they now reserve the right to monetize our videos
| |
17:43 | se6astian | which we do not monetize ourselves
| |
17:43 | se6astian | so they can play ads, insert them during the video, etc.
| |
17:44 | se6astian | the first impulse was to consider monetization ourselves to at least maintain control
| |
17:44 | se6astian | but thats not gonna work out as we do not reach the 4000h viewtime per year youtube set as minimum requirement
| |
17:44 | se6astian | our videos are too short and we do not post enough videos
| |
17:45 | se6astian | so we will have to live with yt monetizing our content for now
| |
17:45 | se6astian | they might not actually do it
| |
17:45 | se6astian | and in addition we can consider/discuss alternatives
| |
17:46 | Bertl | link to a youtube ad remover ;)
| |
17:46 | se6astian | like peertube is already being mentioned a couple of times (by rex in particular who did not do the freenode -> libera move )
| |
17:46 | se6astian | yeah, me and I guess many of you never see ads anyway with adblock
| |
17:47 | se6astian | so far the peertube efforts were not going anywhere because nobody wants to deal with installing/maintaining it
| |
17:47 | se6astian | we could get a separate server instance for it
| |
17:47 | se6astian | but requirements were not 100% clear yet
| |
17:47 | se6astian | peertube hosting exists, eg. https://app.spacebear.ee/plans
| |
17:48 | se6astian | but there its rather expensive for what you get
| |
17:48 | se6astian | so does anyone have an opinion about this or whats to suggest/discuss?
| |
17:48 | se6astian | *wants to
| |
17:48 | tpw_rules | do people still use vimeo?
| |
17:48 | se6astian | any soluton
| |
17:49 | se6astian | yes vimeo has turned more towards profesional content creators
| |
17:49 | se6astian | who pay for storage space to upload videos basically
| |
17:49 | tpw_rules | ok
| |
17:49 | se6astian | so its more like a video hosting platform, no ads but paid by creators
| |
17:49 | se6astian | also an option for our videos
| |
17:50 | vup | what about just using a existing peertube instance?
| |
17:51 | se6astian | also an option
| |
17:51 | se6astian | blender has a big one AFAIK
| |
17:52 | se6astian | technical university vienna as well, maybe we know someone there, Bertl?
| |
17:52 | se6astian | https://tube1.it.tuwien.ac.at/about/peertube
| |
17:52 | Bertl | maybe
| |
17:53 | vup | using a existing instance might not offer the "branding" opportunities hosting one ourselves has we might not need that :)
| |
17:53 | Bertl | Nur für universitäre Zwecke der TU Wien, insbesondere Lehre.
| |
17:54 | eppisai | I had first heard about Apertus from a quora , and had seen videos of Sebastian explaining what Axiom beta is.. I think if it's about reaching to people youtube might be best option still..
| |
17:54 | se6astian | yeah, more interesting to get in touch with them than to use their directly
| |
17:54 | se6astian | TU vienna
| |
17:55 | se6astian | eppisai: I agree, youtube is also about the subscribers, the social network side, the video suggestions, etc.
| |
17:55 | Bertl | I doubt youtube will suggest our videos :)
| |
17:55 | se6astian | I would do a parallel approach where we embed videos on the website on peertube but might still also upload to youtube
| |
17:56 | se6astian | Bertl: it already does
| |
17:57 | Bertl | never got any suggestion in this regard
| |
17:57 | eppisai | Actually I got a suggestion once on my feed about the ad campaign of apertus.. where there was a news anchor reporting about disrupt in cinema technology..
| |
17:57 | se6astian | such a new anchor nerd!
| |
17:57 | se6astian | *news
| |
17:58 | Bertl | that was the crowdfunding video
| |
17:58 | se6astian | if you watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx1y0tJcXeU, I see a Team Talk suggestion on the right
| |
17:58 | eppisai | :D :D
| |
17:58 | se6astian | but it might be different for another users
| |
18:00 | tpw_rules | yeah i don't get any apertus related recommendations
| |
18:01 | se6astian | right, so to conclude the topic for now, we can continue to discuss this further if anyone has ideas/suggestions
| |
18:02 | se6astian | but currently it seems we will continue using yt and see what happens
| |
18:02 | se6astian | maybe a parallel other platform in addition
| |
18:03 | se6astian | thats it from my side
| |
18:03 | se6astian | Bertl: please close us!
| |
18:03 | Bertl | thanks for the 'quick' update ;)
| |
18:03 | Bertl | we are missing some GSoC students today as it seems
| |
18:03 | tpw_rules | i am here!
| |
18:04 | Bertl | vnksnkr: manav: where art thou?
| |
18:04 | vnksnkr | I am here :)
| |
18:04 | Bertl | ah, excellent, want to report what you need last week?
| |
18:04 | Bertl | *did
| |
18:05 | Bertl | tpw_rules: I guess you have a few things to report as well, IIRC?
| |
18:05 | vnksnkr | sure I started working on the gateware properly as I mentioned last week
| |
18:06 | vnksnkr | Still more are left to be done before sharing the simulation results..will be sharing them soon :)
| |
18:07 | Bertl | okay, great! thanks!
| |
18:07 | tpw_rules | hello, yes i can
| |
18:07 | Bertl | please do so ;)
| |
18:07 | vnksnkr | Also discussed with Bertl on implementing the communication side that's it from me :)
| |
18:08 | tpw_rules | i got the development environment set up and compiled some of the nmigen applets and tested them on the betas to validate my setup and the remote access. everything worked great!
| |
18:08 | tpw_rules | my next step is to prepare some of the pin connector definitions required to access the sensor, then start work on the spi communication for setting sensor parameters
| |
18:08 | tpw_rules | that should be it from me
| |
18:08 | Bertl | excellent! tx!
| |
18:09 | Bertl | btw, I should have an SPI PMOD gizmo somewhere which could be used via one of our PMOD plugins
| |
18:09 | Bertl | that might help with the SPI directly attached to the Zynq if you still want something to test
| |
18:10 | Bertl | (but I have to find it first ;)
| |
18:10 | vup | nice
| |
18:10 | Bertl | okay, so I spent most of the time last week with remote setup and introduction for our GSoC students
| |
18:10 | tpw_rules | depends on how long you think it will take to get the sensor ready
| |
18:11 | Bertl | this really depends on how se6astian wants to proceed with the TELE PCBs
| |
18:11 | Bertl | which was where I spent most of my free time during the weekend on
| |
18:12 | Bertl | the detailed inspection revealed a number of actual and potential issues, especially with the manually soldered parts
| |
18:12 | Bertl | there are some cold joints and a bunch of misaligned connectors
| |
18:13 | tpw_rules | that is unfortunate
| |
18:13 | Bertl | and there are some accidental solder 'spills' on components
| |
18:14 | Bertl | that said, the parts which got automatically placed and reflowed have pretty good quality
| |
18:14 | Bertl | (i.e. matches what we had in our test PCBs and is more than adequate for our purpose)
| |
18:15 | Bertl | I will continue creating documentation of the review and also start testing the boards tonight
| |
18:16 | Bertl | (that is electrical and functional tests)
| |
18:16 | Bertl | so we will know more in the next days
| |
18:17 | Bertl | that's it from my side for this week
| |
18:17 | se6astian | many thanks!
| |
18:17 | se6astian | anyone ele who still wants to report/discuss anything?
| |
18:18 | se6astian | right ten, many thanks everyone who participated!
| |
18:18 | se6astian | MEETING CONCLUDED!
| |
18:19 | Bertl | thanks for hosting!
| |
18:19 | se6astian | my pleasure!
| |
18:22 | vup | tpw_rules: Ok, are there any open questions / anything you would like to discuss?
| |
18:23 | tpw_rules | not at this time.
| |
18:23 | vup | great :)
| |
18:24 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| |
18:24 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| |
18:26 | metaldent | left the channel | |
18:27 | manav | Hi
| |
18:28 | manav | I was stuck in the office for my internship
| |
18:28 | manav | today was the last day
| |
18:28 | manav | sorry couldnt join in earlier
| |
18:30 | manav | Last week I was looking into the eMMC standards and had all the necessary tools installed
| |
18:31 | manav | Couldnt do much past week other than that with the internship and uni
| |
19:28 | Dest123 | changed nick to: Dest123[away]
| |
19:56 | se6astian | back, thanks for the update manav