| 02:28 | xfxf | left the channel |
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| 04:04 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 04:04 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 04:26 | jucar | left the channel |
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| 11:58 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 11:58 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 12:52 | illwieckz_ | changed nick to: illwieckz
| 12:58 | illwieckz | left the channel |
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| 13:27 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 13:27 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 13:33 | jucar | joined the channel |
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| 15:51 | RexOrCine|away | changed nick to: RexOrCine
| 16:36 | comradekingu | left the channel |
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| 16:46 | sebix | left the channel |
| 17:10 | nmdis1999 | Good evening ! :)
| 17:10 | Bertl_oO | evening nmdis1999!
| 17:11 | RexOrCine | Meeting in 50 minutes.
| 17:13 | Bertl_oO | yay!
| 17:15 | nmdis1999 | How was your week Bertl?
| 17:17 | Bertl_oO | rather busy but I think also quite productive
| 17:21 | nmdis1999 | good to hear :)
| 17:33 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 17:34 | TofuLynx | Good Afternoon!
| 17:35 | nmdis1999 | Good afternoon TofuLynx!
| 17:41 | RexOrCine | Did you cut into that USB cable Bertl, and were you happy with it if so?
| 17:42 | Bertl_oO | haven't done any cutting yet
| 17:43 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 17:43 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 17:47 | supragya_ | joined the channel |
| 17:47 | supragya_ | Good evening
| 17:50 | TofuLynx | Hello supragya_ :)
| 17:50 | supragya_ | How's it going TofuLynx ?
| 17:51 | TofuLynx | I am good! How about you?
| 17:51 | supragya_ | Quite good... how's your project?
| 17:53 | TofuLynx | It's going well, implementing openCL and stuff, the kernels are done, so there isnt much to do left
| 17:53 | supragya_ | nice to know
| 17:53 | TofuLynx | how about yours?
| 17:54 | supragya_ | well... finished documentation today... for the proof of concept "MLV recorder and publisher"
| 17:55 | supragya_ | so I guess a bit part is done.... let's see what else is to be added or removed
| 17:55 | ArunM | hello everyone
| 17:55 | TofuLynx | Cool! :P
| 17:55 | TofuLynx | Hello ArunM !
| 17:55 | supragya_ | Hello ArunM
| 17:55 | TofuLynx | I touched my documentation too, revamped the images, as they kinda sucked
| 17:55 | TofuLynx | but now I'm satisfied with the new images
| 17:55 | supragya_ | supragyaraj.com/dev/gsoc-2018
| 17:57 | TofuLynx | Oh that's so cool! Really well structured!
| 17:57 | nmdis1999 | Hello Arun! :D
| 17:57 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl
| 17:58 | nmdis1999 | It's already finished @supragya ? :D
| 17:58 | supragya_ | nup...
| 17:58 | supragya_ | we'll have to see...
| 17:58 | TofuLynx | Ok :P
| 17:59 | nmdis1999 | You've got plenty of time for that! :)
| 17:59 | TofuLynx | why did you call it develuper?
| 17:59 | supragya_ | quite a quirk isn't it
| 17:59 | supragya_ | s/develup/develop
| 17:59 | RexOrCine | OK. Meeting time.
| 18:00 | nmdis1999 | great!
| 18:00 | nmdis1999 | you'll be our host today @RexOrCine ?
| 18:00 | TofuLynx | Okk :D
| 18:00 | RexOrCine | Yeah, I'll be chairing the meeting today. This is unusual, but these are unusual circumstances. It's been said that se6astian has had an offer from L'Oreal so he's gone to have a sit down with their money men. That's all I know at the moment, can't even remember who said it so please don't ask hundreds of questions. But it's not about the desktop wallpaper - https://s33.postimg.cc/ewgmcvusf/apertus_Paris_Desktop.png ... so, exciting times.
| 18:01 | TofuLynx | ooooooooooh
| 18:01 | TofuLynx | xD
| 18:01 | nmdis1999 | yaay!
| 18:01 | supragya_ | LOreal?
| 18:01 | Bertl | ;-)
| 18:01 | RexOrCine | The shampoo people.
| 18:01 | TofuLynx | finally I will fix my hair
| 18:01 | supragya_ | hair care brand with apertus?
| 18:02 | RexOrCine | Well, they're interested in the camera, and Sebastian. let's say that.
| 18:02 | ArunM | now we want goodies too
| 18:02 | TofuLynx | ;)
| 18:02 | nmdis1999 | haha..good xD
| 18:03 | RexOrCine | nmdis1999: You wanna go first?
| 18:03 | nmdis1999 | Sure, would love to!
| 18:03 | nmdis1999 | Okay, So, this week I cleaned up codes, updated my github ran tests on all three tools (i.e histogram, waveform, and vectorscope).
| 18:03 | nmdis1999 | I have implemented the formula discussed with a1ex last week, here are the codes :
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | https://github.com/nmdis1999/Histogram
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | https://github.com/nmdis1999/Waveform
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | https://github.com/nmdis1999/Vectorscope
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | One can also test them on beta
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | ../opt/ITI/gsoc18
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | After this, I bought my own domain and hosting server (for uploading my work) :)
| 18:04 | nmdis1999 | I have started working on the documentation (it still needs to be completed, hopefully will do within next 2 days! )
| 18:05 | nmdis1999 | One thing to note here is that even though I have tried to implement the features we initially wanted.
| 18:05 | nmdis1999 | I still think we can add a lot of better things and since it’d extend the deadline , so for now I tried to keep it short, but I am planning to talk to a1ex to continue working on these after gsoc, so that it could be useful for apertus and others in future, I am hoping for the best :)
| 18:05 | nmdis1999 | Here are some plot's I got after testing the three tools https://imgur.com/a/vxpd1b9
| 18:05 | nmdis1999 | https://imgur.com/a/yFYbAxd
| 18:05 | nmdis1999 | https://imgur.com/a/nlq8GoW
| 18:05 | nmdis1999 | https://imgur.com/a/kTx5yoj
| 18:06 | TofuLynx | You fixed that issue with big datas?
| 18:06 | nmdis1999 | the first one is for vectorscope, (this time it's calculating and plotting R/G and B/G data)
| 18:07 | nmdis1999 | TofuLynx, that's something of a problem which I tried finding (I am not sure if it's code fault because the text file so generated has all the data )
| 18:07 | nmdis1999 | the problem occurs while plotting
| 18:07 | nmdis1999 | so, a1ex's approach was to first focus on the result we are getting and improve it
| 18:07 | TofuLynx | Okk :)
| 18:07 | supragya_ | maybe the plot points are too many
| 18:07 | alexML | these histograms look like random noise ;)
| 18:07 | nmdis1999 | probably
| 18:08 | nmdis1999 | alexML : the histogram for histogram.c is is showcased here nmdis1999.com/wp
| 18:09 | nmdis1999 | I tried not using black and white level because 1. we still aren't sure if they'd be okay 2. the data I am using is in range 0-255 (I think we talked about directly implementing the logarithmic formula on raw data, right?)
| 18:10 | nmdis1999 | ftp://ftp.apertus.org/AXIOM-Beta/iti/raw-exposure.html <- a1ex wrote this document for information regarding the task :)
| 18:10 | alexML | that might be the issue: raw12 data is definitely not 0-255
| 18:10 | Bertl | only at very low exposures :)
| 18:11 | alexML | supragya_: I'm unable to reply in the chat window, I get some messages from a robot that tells me Bertl should fix something :P
| 18:11 | nmdis1999 | while I output buffer data (on which we'd work) it gives lesser values (I am not sure if it's exceeding white balance )
| 18:11 | supragya_ | it's 0 to 2^12...
| 18:12 | supragya_ | if variables are not correct, they may not complain and provide lsb maybe>
| 18:12 | supragya_ | try scaling down
| 18:12 | Bertl | alexML: huh? which chat window?
| 18:12 | supragya_ | DM
| 18:12 | supragya_ | any idea btw... alexML ?
| 18:14 | alexML | nmdis1999: with IT8-chart-5ms.raw12, data range is from 0 to 2853
| 18:14 | supragya_ | variables are not correct -> datatypes
| 18:14 | nmdis1999 | Okay! Thanks alexML :)
| 18:15 | alexML | and its histogram definitely doesn't look like random noise
| 18:15 | g3gg0 | joined the channel |
| 18:16 | alexML | if you mix together all 4 channels (like you did in your code), you should get this: ftp://ftp.apertus.org/AXIOM-Beta/iti/IT8-chart-5ms.png
| 18:17 | nmdis1999 | alright, I am unable to understand why it's plotting it that way. I'll send you the code?
| 18:21 | alexML | left the channel |
| 18:21 | g3gg0 | "You must log in with services to message this user"
| 18:21 | RexOrCine | OK. Connection probs by the look of it.
| 18:21 | g3gg0 | cant chat either
| 18:21 | supragya_ | try webchat.freenode.net
| 18:22 | TofuLynx | weird
| 18:22 | nmdis1999 | Okay, is it something or irc client's fault?
| 18:22 | RexOrCine | Is that you done nmdis1999?
| 18:22 | alexML | joined the channel |
| 18:22 | g3gg0_ | joined the channel |
| 18:23 | nmdis1999 | Yes, I'll discuss plotting problems later with alex.
| 18:23 | g3gg0 | same here
| 18:23 | Bertl | you need to identify with NickServ to PM anybody on freenode
| 18:23 | g3gg0 | ok, thats new
| 18:23 | RexOrCine | 104.
| 18:23 | alexML | PM works after reconnecting
| 18:23 | RexOrCine | TofuLynx: Your turn.
| 18:23 | TofuLynx | Okk :)
| 18:24 | TofuLynx | So, I had to finish the debayering kernels and implement a baseOCL class for opencine,
| 18:25 | TofuLynx | I finished the kernels and did working versions of the baseOCL class, however, we (me and my mentor) didn't accept it, as it could be more structured and avoid classes that arent autonomous
| 18:26 | TofuLynx | So, we are still working on the baseOCL class
| 18:26 | TofuLynx | and also we have to handle the processors required.
| 18:26 | TofuLynx | In other hand, I revamped the images of the documentation
| 18:26 | TofuLynx | which previously werent good and were confusing
| 18:27 | TofuLynx | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/OpenCine.Nearest_Neighbor_and_Bilinear_Interpolation
| 18:27 | TofuLynx | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/OpenCine.Green_Edge_Directed_Interpolation
| 18:27 | TofuLynx | And I am very satisfied with the new images :)
| 18:28 | TofuLynx | So, that's all :D
| 18:28 | RexOrCine | Good stuff. supragya_
| 18:29 | supragya_ | Hi
| 18:29 | g3gg0 | hi
| 18:29 | supragya_ | So the proof of concept system for MLV containerization is over to a great extent
| 18:29 | supragya_ | and available with docs...
| 18:30 | supragya_ | I added a link earlier too... http://supragyaraj.com/dev/gsoc-2018/
| 18:30 | supragya_ | I have worked on adding cam2dng system and mlv2dng in single repo and separate it so as difference is clear
| 18:31 | supragya_ | support bash scripts are added for emulation to see how the containerization would function - both in camera, in transit, making cache, making mlv and finally DNG
| 18:32 | supragya_ | all of this is implemented and available for scruitiny...that's all
| 18:33 | RexOrCine | OK Are there any other GSoC students present?
| 18:34 | RexOrCine | Bertl: Do you have anything for us?
| 18:34 | Bertl | well, not too much ...
| 18:35 | Bertl | the new power board is progressing quite well
| 18:35 | ArunM | Can i
| 18:35 | ArunM | ?
| 18:35 | Bertl | sure, go ahead
| 18:37 | ArunM | Should i start Rex0rCine
| 18:37 | RexOrCine | Yes please.
| 18:37 | ArunM | Integeration with original beta firmware is almost complete apart from testing the binaries on real Beta ;-)
| 18:37 | ArunM | "I am a little behind schedule" can be said now
| 18:37 | ArunM | but things are now going in a straight line
| 18:38 | ArunM | During Integeration
| 18:38 | ArunM | Placed lfsr for generating random data in place of pattern Generator,
| 18:38 | ArunM | Changed delays to comply with the beta 250 MHZ clock etc and few minor changes to make the code work on zynq 7020
| 18:38 | ArunM | nothing major to report there
| 18:38 | ArunM | Last week went in optimisation of the integrated design, trying to fit it in fpga
| 18:39 | ArunM | the design is synthesized and simulated without errors
| 18:39 | ArunM | but still no binary file because of sparse resources left on fpga
| 18:39 | ArunM | i now realised after talking with my mentor that Vivado was placing all the memory elements on LUTs instead of block ram and
| 18:40 | ArunM | and the script was not adding constrain file
| 18:40 | ArunM | hopefully i'll be done with testing on Beta in a day or two
| 18:40 | ArunM | thats all :)
| 18:41 | RexOrCine | Good stuff. there should be someone else iirc.
| 18:42 | Bertl | Mahesh doesn't seem to be around
| 18:42 | Bertl | rahul__: ping?
| 18:42 | RexOrCine | Do you wanna carry on Bertl?
| 18:42 | Bertl | yea, I'll do in the meantime ...
| 18:43 | Bertl | we spent some quality time on the AXIOM remote last week too
| 18:43 | Bertl | and some testing of the new heat sink is going on as well
| 18:43 | Bertl | I'm also working on more test systems (Half-Betas) for all kinds of tests
| 18:43 | Bertl | (they should be completed soon)
| 18:44 | Bertl | that's it from my side ...
| 18:44 | nmdis1999 | What is Half-Betas?
| 18:44 | Bertl | basically a Beta which ends right before the sensor
| 18:45 | nmdis1999 | oh...alright interesting stuff :)
| 18:45 | Bertl | hopefully with ArunM's work, this will be very useful not just for non-sensor related work
| 18:46 | nmdis1999 | Nice :)
| 18:47 | Bertl | anything from your side RexOrCine?
| 18:48 | nmdis1999 | off for now, be back later :)
| 18:48 | nmdis1999 | Goodnight everyone!
| 18:48 | RexOrCine | Thanks for attending everyone. Will close this week's meeting with an update from Youranus - We went to see the injection moulding progress last week. Really good stuff. Best shirts were worn. Some pictures went out on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/AXIOM_Community/status/1021882698875449345 Footage is presently being edited but it'll be a few days I think. Herbert is testing the new heat sink at the moment. Enclosure parts have successfully been
| 18:50 | Bertl | thanks RexOrCine!
| 18:51 | supragya_ | in the tweet: who's the one with se6astian
| 18:51 | RexOrCine | supragya_: 486: You must log in with services to message this user
| 18:52 | RexOrCine | Mafred.
| 18:52 | RexOrCine | Manfred*
| 18:53 | supragya_ | nice to know
| 18:53 | supragya_ | Meeting adjourned? :D
| 18:53 | RexOrCine | https://www.apertus.org/user/646
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