| 04:57 | balrog | joined the channel |
| 17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME, who is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
| | 17:01 | se6astian | any news to report Bertl?
| 17:01 | Bertl | not really, there were some unexpected delays
| 17:03 | Bertl | anything interesting on your end?
| 17:04 | se6astian | not much beside shipping packages, minor website tweaks and todays VC with cinepi
| 17:04 | se6astian | firmware hacking will continue when anuejn is back in Vienna later in August maybe
| 17:05 | Bertl | sounds good to me!
| 17:06 | se6astian | ok then MEETING CONCLUDED and we meet at 19:00 for the VC
| 17:07 | anuejn | hey
| 17:07 | anuejn | nothing to report from my side but I just got back from my vaccation :)
| 17:08 | Bertl | welcome back!
| 22:16 | Guest57 | joined the channel |
| 22:17 | Guest57 | left the channel |