| 01:23 | rton | left the channel |
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| 12:35 | anuejn | davidak: do you know, where the betas are?
| 12:37 | anuejn | we want to test a new image iteration...
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| 19:28 | felix_ | the sdi adapter cables that i ordered from digikey aren't really mechanically compatible with the 3d-printed cable holders :/
| 20:02 | Bertl_oO | how's that?
| 20:04 | RexOrCine | Very unsure about what's happening at CCC.
| 20:04 | RexOrCine | There's been no mention of Beta across socials at this point.
| 20:06 | RexOrCine | And links to any video would be great.
| 20:17 | felix_ | Bertl_oO: bei den neuen kabeln ist das metallstueck hinten um das kabel laenger, weshalb das mit dem plastikstueck, was an der stelle vom kabelbinder zwischen kabel und der platte ist, etwas kollidiert. der stecker trifft so nicht senkrecht auf die buchse, weshalb ich das kabel da nicht angeschlossen bekomme
| 20:19 | Bertl_oO | I see ... well, you have two cables which work, so that should not be a problem for now and I'm sure se6astian can adapt the design ...
| 20:20 | felix_ | yes, that's not a big problem
| 20:21 | felix_ | RexOrCine: yesterday i wasn't at the apertus table, because i would habe been the only one for quite some time; went to the openfpga table and reviewed and wrote some coreboot patches
| 20:23 | felix_ | iirc david wanted to film some footage
| 20:25 | RexOrCine | If you see him could you please tell him that if he captures any event photos to copy in @AXIOM_Community on Twitter or to send them to *email address removed* if poss.
| 21:09 | jucar | left the channel |
| 21:24 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 21:51 | davidak[m] | felix_: we want to connect the beta to the VOC render cube via SDI now. do you want to come?
| 21:55 | felix_ | have you seen florent today? i think he's the only one who really knows how to get that running at the moment
| 21:59 | felix_ | well and herbert knows how to talk to the module from the zynq side, but i'm not sure if we ever tested that
| 22:00 | felix_ | should i go to the apertus assembly now anyway?
| 22:01 | seku | joined the channel |
| 22:01 | Bertl_oO | the serial connection from the zynq was tested (not with the SDI firmware, but with a loopback)
| 22:02 | Bertl_oO | and one of the three modules you have should still have the serial cables attached
| 22:15 | Bertl_oO | so what I'm saying is that it should only depend on the SDI module firmware not the Beta ...
| 22:21 | davidak[m] | felix_: tim said florent went home for today
| 22:26 | davidak[m] | you can come and help figure things out and see the setup when it works
| 22:26 | davidak[m] | we have connected the camera and powered it up, but they get no output from SDI
| 22:27 | davidak[m] | do i still have to start the kick script?
| 22:35 | felix_ | you need to load the bitstream into the sdi module, run some init script on the camera and then send some command to the sdi module
| 22:36 | felix_ | i'll go to the apertus assembly soon
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| 23:15 | felix_ | Bertl_oO: on which uart on the zynq is the srial port of the sdi module?
| 23:19 | Bertl_oO | ttyS1
| 23:19 | _florent_ | felix_: i'm no longer at the venue but can try to help
| 23:19 | Bertl_oO | *ttyPS1
| 23:20 | _florent_ | felix_: do you have the bitstream?
| 23:24 | felix_ | i flashed the second bitstream you emailed
| 23:28 | _florent_ | ok, is it working?
| 23:36 | felix_ | not really
| 23:38 | Bertl_oO | but it wasn't working at Vienna either
| 23:38 | Bertl_oO | (with the unmodified setup)
| 23:40 | felix_ | we did get a video stream via sdi in vienna
| 23:41 | anuejn | Bertl: im currently working on the images for the beta...
| 23:41 | anuejn | but somehow everything hangs, when we are executing the kick.sh script
| 23:42 | anuejn | just when it tries to write to address 0x60000144
| 23:42 | anuejn | any ideas?
| 23:42 | Bertl_oO | where do you test it?
| 23:43 | anuejn | and is there any way to check, wether the fpga bitstream is loaded properly?
| 23:43 | anuejn | i testes it with one of the betas at congress...
| 23:44 | Bertl_oO | so you are testing your image on those betas?
| 23:45 | anuejn | yes.
| 23:45 | anuejn | (the one thats currently not involved in the sdi experiments)
| 23:45 | Bertl_oO | okay, good
| 23:46 | Bertl_oO | well, a write (or read) to 0x6xxxxxxx will hang if there is no AXI slave present
| 23:46 | Bertl_oO | which in turn means, that the FPGA bitstream was not loaded or is not the correct one
| 23:47 | anuejn | yeah that could be entirely true...
| 23:47 | anuejn | i only have amba in the devicetree
| 23:47 | anuejn | *not devicetree unde /sys/
| 23:48 | Bertl_oO | the devicetree doesn't matter
| 23:48 | anuejn | yeah sorry
| 23:48 | Bertl_oO | and the AXI is part of AMBA
| 23:48 | anuejn | is there any easy way to check, wether the bitstream is loaded?
| 23:49 | anuejn | but the paths vary quite a lot between what the scripts asume and what is present in my /sys
| 23:49 | Bertl_oO | yes, when a bitstream is loaded correctly, the DONE flag/pin will be set
| 23:50 | anuejn | where can i find it?
| 23:50 | Bertl_oO | the pin is connected to the blue LED on the microzed, but we override that in our bitstream to use the LED for indicating a frame capture
| 23:51 | Bertl_oO | but you can read the flag from the devcfg registers
| 23:53 | Bertl_oO | devcfg.STATUS bit 2 and 4
| 23:53 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 23:54 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 23:55 | Bertl_oO | and if the devcfg driver is loaded (Linux) you can use /sys/devices/soc0/amba/f8007000.devcfg/prog_done
| 23:55 | Bertl_oO | (or wherever f8007000.devcfg is in your tree)
| 23:56 | anuejn | this bit is set
| 23:57 | anuejn | i loaded http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/cmv_hdmi3_dual_30.bit bitstream