| 00:23 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 00:24 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
| 01:39 | fredy | left the channel |
| 01:39 | fredy_ | changed nick to: fredy
| 02:06 | fredy330 | joined the channel |
| 04:48 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 04:48 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 11:01 | se6astian | anuejn: great to see aspect ratio and fps merged!
| 11:01 | se6astian | will test today
| 11:02 | se6astian | one thing that confuses me about this repo though:
| 11:02 | se6astian | https://github.com/axiom-micro/recorder vs https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-recorder
| 11:02 | se6astian | was it renamed?
| 11:03 | se6astian | also there is no folder called recorder in the repo..
| 12:53 | Spirit532 | left the channel |
| 12:55 | Spirit532 | joined the channel |
| 13:46 | se6astian | ran it on lattepanda alpha 864s: works great!
| 14:24 | se6astian | and my recorder gui can now playback the raw12 sequences directly after capture as well
| 14:58 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 14:58 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 17:42 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 17:42 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 17:48 | vup2 | se6astian: ah the old link to axiom-micro/recorder is from before we moved the repo to the apertus-open-source-cinema orga
| 17:48 | vup2 | so its just wrong in the readme
| 17:49 | vup2 | and the `cd recorder` of course also should be changed to `cd axiom-recorder`
| 17:49 | se6astian | done :)
| 17:49 | se6astian | thanks!
| 17:52 | se6astian | it works very well btw
| 17:52 | se6astian | even on the lattepanda
| 17:53 | se6astian | so well that I immediately have new wishes :)
| 17:53 | se6astian | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-recorder/issues/19
| 17:57 | vup2 | heh
| 18:01 | vup2 | changed nick to: vup