| 00:03 | mumptai | left the channel |
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| 06:43 | aombk3 | joined the channel |
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| 06:54 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 07:55 | se6ast1an | good morning!
| 08:18 | mumptai | joined the channel |
| 09:03 | comradekingu | left the channel |
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| 12:27 | se6ast1an | vup / anuejn: in FW2 are all axiom-* commands now axiom_* commands?
| 12:28 | vup | They should, yes
| 12:29 | se6ast1an | right
| 12:29 | se6ast1an | we should document that :)
| 12:29 | se6ast1an | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Beta_Firmware_Version_2.0
| 12:29 | lexano | left the channel |
| 12:32 | se6ast1an | done
| 12:32 | se6ast1an | is the bitstream still called axiom-fpga-main.bin ?
| 12:33 | se6ast1an | axiom_fpga_main.bin I assume
| 12:36 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 12:36 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 13:04 | se6ast1an | vup / anuejn / Bertl_oO I need your help
| 13:04 | se6ast1an | berto2: installed latest firmware snapshot 74
| 13:04 | se6ast1an | and has trouble with HDMI output
| 13:05 | vup | what does trouble mean?
| 13:05 | se6ast1an | he has a new monitor
| 13:05 | se6ast1an | atomos ninja V
| 13:05 | se6ast1an | which shoul support 1080p60 and p50 without issues
| 13:05 | berto2 | yes, just trying this new recorder
| 13:05 | se6ast1an | he is now trying the different hdmi modes in axiom_setup.sh
| 13:06 | se6ast1an | but currently gets an error: error line 6 ./gen-init.sh no such file or directory
| 13:06 | vup | well this doesn't seem like the correct version
| 13:06 | vup | ie looking at: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-firmware/blob/master/software/scripts/axiom_setup.sh
| 13:06 | se6ast1an | also berto2 the lines should all say "axiom_gen_init"
| 13:06 | se6ast1an | not gtn_init.sh
| 13:07 | se6ast1an | thats the easy part
| 13:08 | se6ast1an | I updated the file on github
| 13:08 | se6ast1an | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-firmware/blob/master/software/scripts/axiom_setup.sh
| 13:12 | berto2 | Yes I did try every mode with this correction
| 13:12 | berto2 | blue light no turns on
| 13:12 | berto2 | but still no signal on the ninja V
| 13:14 | vup | just to verify, the blue light blinks, right?
| 13:14 | berto2 | right
| 13:14 | vup | ok
| 13:14 | vup | and with a normal monitor the hdmi output works?
| 13:14 | berto2 | yes, with the shogun mode
| 13:14 | berto2 | I had a signal
| 13:15 | vup | hmm
| 13:21 | BAndiT1983 | left the channel |
| 13:27 | se6ast1an | but not with the other modes and the pc monitor?
| 13:27 | se6ast1an | and no more errors reported now with the different modes?
| 13:27 | BAndiT1983 | joined the channel |
| 13:29 | berto2 | no error
| 13:32 | se6ast1an | does the pc monitor say anything about the mode?
| 13:33 | lexano | joined the channel |
| 13:37 | berto2 | nope
| 14:04 | berto2 | I updated the firmware of the ninja
| 14:04 | berto2 | still no signal
| 14:08 | se6ast1an | hard to debug from the distance
| 14:10 | se6ast1an | you can still try the different modes listed in https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-firmware/blob/master/software/scripts/axiom_gen_init.sh
| 14:10 | se6ast1an | SWIT
| 14:10 | se6ast1an | for example
| 14:10 | se6ast1an | otherwise I would assume the SHOGUN one would have worked
| 14:10 | se6ast1an | as that was tuned with an atomos device
| 14:15 | se6ast1an | but if nothing helps only tuning hysnc/vsync etc. until there is an image would do the trick
| 14:17 | berto2 | randomly ?
| 14:22 | se6ast1an | I am afraid so
| 14:23 | se6ast1an | since the ninja does not tell you anything about the signal it receives
| 14:23 | vup | well connecting a laptop with linux to the ninja and getting the modeline / edid would be very interesting
| 14:30 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 15:11 | berto2 | like this : xvidtune - show
| 15:12 | berto2 | 1920x1080 148.5 1920 2008 2052 2200 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync
| 15:13 | vup | yep
| 15:13 | vup | can you get the edid aswell?
| 15:15 | vup | for ubuntu you can install read-edid and that should provide the `get-edid` tool, uploading `filename` somewhere after running `get-edid > filename` would be nice
| 15:21 | berto2 | hmm, I think it only show me the EDID of my PC screen
| 15:28 | se6ast1an | can you share a screenshot or paste?
| 15:28 | vup | hmm, the `> filename` part should redirect what is shown on the screen to a file name `filename`
| 15:30 | vup | alternative is, check using xrandr or so which output the ninja is connected to, then run `sudo find /sys -name 'edid'` and copy the one for the output the ninja is connected to somewhere and upload that
| 15:30 | vup | (not copying the file that is listed by the `sudo find ...` command, not just the filename :)
| 15:39 | berto3 | joined the channel |
| 15:39 | berto3 | http://pastebin.fr/75323
| 15:48 | vup | can you put the output of `xrandr` somewhere?
| 15:49 | Bertl_oO | berto3: did the original firmware work on that device?
| 15:51 | berto3 | it's my first try
| 15:51 | berto3 | xrandr http://pastebin.fr/75329
| 15:52 | vup | berto3: ok, what does `l /sys/devices/*/*/drm/card*/card*-HDMI*/edid` output?
| 15:56 | berto3 | http://pastebin.fr/75330
| 15:56 | Bertl_oO | berto3: so you didn't try with the original firmware/SD card?
| 15:57 | vup | berto3: ok can you copy each of these three files somewhere and upload to somewhere (they are binary files, so pastebin won't work well)
| 15:59 | Bertl_oO | you can use 'od' or 'xxd' when installed and then pastebin it :)
| 16:00 | joli_mai[m] | left the channel |
| 16:01 | vup | or that
| 16:01 | vup | (two of them are probably empty aswell)
| 16:03 | vup | or wow even easier
| 16:03 | vup | run xrandr --props
| 16:05 | berto3 | http://pastebin.fr/75333
| 16:08 | Bertl_oO | looks like whatever is connected cannot do full HD
| 16:09 | Bertl_oO | ah, no that's probably your monitor screen
| 16:09 | berto2 | yes it's the pc monitor that is 1280
| 16:23 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 16:28 | berto3 | left the channel |
| 16:53 | berto2 | was it helpful ?
| 17:14 | vup | just came back, taking a look now
| 17:14 | vup | https://edid.tv/edid/791/
| 17:15 | vup | I am busy now, maybe Bertl_oO can assist with configuring a setup, such that it matches one of the timings described in the edid?
| 17:33 | Bertl_oO | never had any luck with that ...
| 17:34 | Bertl_oO | but the timings look pretty standard
| 17:34 | Bertl_oO | berto2: for me the main questions are: did the original firmware/sd work with the device?
| 17:35 | Bertl_oO | does the camera work with a full HD capable PC monitor?
| 17:40 | berto2 | I did not try it with the original firmware. And I could not because I cannot connect to th FW1 anymore (micro usb slot has broken, long story)
| 17:41 | berto2 | but th camera works with a full HD PC monitor in SHOGUN init mode
| 17:42 | lexano | left the channel |
| 17:44 | lexano | joined the channel |
| 17:45 | Bertl_oO | berto2: let's hear the story about the micro usb ...
| 17:47 | berto2 | we did some camera test before a shooting, connected with usb cable. the camera pan and the slot went off with the cable
| 17:49 | Bertl_oO | I see, so you now do not have console access, I presume?
| 17:49 | berto2 | correct
| 17:50 | berto2 | I have to stick with FW2
| 17:50 | Bertl_oO | well, you can also use the original FW without console
| 17:51 | Bertl_oO | but it requires a proper setup, which you probably do not have (yet)
| 18:03 | berto2 | well, I cannot see how to enter it in the first place, since the only way (to my knowledge) to put the 1 key, would be xith the usb cable (minicom). Or I should open port and let one of you with the key, put my key. complex
| 18:04 | lexano | left the channel |
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| 18:13 | Bertl_oO | berto2: yeah, I see, no problem, you will sooner or later need a replacement for the MicroZed anyway
| 18:41 | berto2 | left the channel |
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| 21:02 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 23:20 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away