| 01:01 | BogdanXor | joined the channel |
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| 02:17 | Bertl | off to bed.
| 02:17 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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| 09:19 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 09:19 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 09:24 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 09:37 | niemand | left the channel |
| 10:02 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 10:03 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 10:08 | BogdanXor | joined the channel |
| 10:29 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| 10:31 | se6astian | good morning!
| 10:31 | se6astian | its austrian national holiday
| 10:32 | se6astian | and we celebrate by riding tanks around central vienna :)
| 10:45 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 10:51 | niemand | Bertl_oO, on the new axiom I don't have the firmware with dual output anymore, could you reupload it please (or give me the address in case it's still there)
| 10:57 | se6astian | how did the BBA go?
| 11:00 | niemand | We haven't used the axiom
| 11:01 | se6astian | why not?
| 11:05 | niemand | Various reasons. Two of them: We could not test yet the color differences between the cams. And we would have needed one person to adjust settings during the event (at least in the beginning). Both are due to staff shortage.
| 11:05 | niemand | We are now integrating the axiom as third camera in our running setup.
| 11:05 | niemand | btw: live stream is here: https://streaming.media.ccc.de/pw16/pw1/
| 11:06 | niemand | if the axiom goes online I will notify you :)
| 11:06 | niemand | And color differences are not an issue here at the conference I guess
| 11:07 | niemand | light intensity would have been no problem at all, i tested that yesterday
| 11:16 | se6astian | great
| 11:24 | niemand | How can I get the currently set exposure time?
| 11:27 | niemand | ah, I remember that's not possible
| 11:31 | alexML | niemand: take a snapshot without specifying the exposure (you need a small patch to cmv_snap3)
| 11:32 | alexML | if (num_times == 0)
| 11:32 | alexML | goto skip;
| 11:32 | alexML | comment out these
| 11:33 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 11:33 | alexML | then, ./cmv_snap3 -2 -b -r > snap.raw12; raw2dng snap.raw12
| 11:33 | alexML | this will print current exposure time without changing it
| 11:34 | alexML | (just tried, not sure why the "goto skip" line is actually there; maybe Bertl_oO knows?)
| 11:40 | se6astian | alternatively you can read the sensor registers defining the exposure time (see datasheet) and do the math to convert to seconds
| 11:40 | se6astian | that would probably be something quite handy in general to have a small script for that
| 11:52 | niemand | left the channel |
| 11:56 | Spirit532 | joined the channel |
| 12:06 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
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| 13:19 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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| 14:06 | jucar | left the channel |
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| 14:53 | niemand | It seems we need 4:2:2 ...
| 14:57 | Bertl_oO | well, you have to implement that then
| 14:58 | Bertl_oO | alexML: './cmv_snap3 -z -r' will simply output the sensor registers without changing anything or producing an entire raw
| 14:59 | Bertl_oO | but of course, it would be simpler to access the sensor registers directly and just read (and interpret) the relevant ones
| 14:59 | niemand | And I don't know if the card supports RGB too
| 15:01 | Bertl_oO | look, I don't want to be rude, but I've spent a significant amount of time to adjust the firmware for 'your needs' in last week and you didn't manage to find somebody to 'operate' the camera at the BBA ...
| 15:01 | Bertl_oO | if you need more features, please go ahead and implement them
| 15:03 | niemand | I totally understand you and I'm too not amused to know these requirements toady. We try to get it working using an additional SDI->HDMI converter
| 15:03 | niemand | so we can use it on another capture card
| 15:04 | niemand | probably it works then. But its not clear that we get that converter today.
| 15:04 | Bertl_oO | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/beta-software/tree/master/cmv_hdmi3
| 15:08 | aombk2 | left the channel |
| 15:08 | Bertl_oO | alexML: the gain firmware has to wait till I (or somebody) write a test firmware to figure out why the zynq doesn't match the simulation behaviour
| 15:09 | Bertl_oO | but if you like, I can upload the new row_col_noise entity for investigation
| 15:11 | alexML | no rush, I'm currently trying to figure out some matrix math
| 15:13 | alexML | (trying to find cam_xyz to implement kelvin white balance)
| 15:15 | aombk2 | joined the channel |
| 15:15 | Bertl_oO | the best approach would be to first linearize the relevant portion with the linearization LUTS (maybe directly adjusting the white balance for the sensor)
| 15:15 | Bertl_oO | then identify the primaries and use that to map to XYZ
| 15:15 | Bertl_oO | (should be easy when the data is basically linear)
| 15:20 | aombk2 | left the channel |
| 15:23 | alexML | sure, easy in theory, but troubleshooting it takes a lot longer than expected...
| 15:26 | aombk2 | joined the channel |
| 15:27 | Bertl_oO | as always ̉̉...
| 15:30 | aombk2 | left the channel |
| 15:32 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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| 15:57 | niemand | what "monitors" do you use to test the hdmi output?
| 16:01 | aombk2 | joined the channel |
| 16:04 | alexML | niemand: I use a SmallHD DP6
| 16:08 | niemand | thanks. I think I need such a device^^
| 16:09 | Bertl_oO | the atomos devices work too, but they require a special mode
| 16:10 | niemand | but are very expensive
| 16:15 | niemand | left the channel |
| 16:16 | se6astian | the DP6 isnt that much cheaper
| 16:16 | se6astian | I created a task for the exposure time script so we do not forget it
| 16:16 | se6astian | https://lab.apertus.org/T682
| 16:19 | intracube | joined the channel |
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| 17:26 | Spirit532 | this is one of the problems with apertus in my opinion
| 17:26 | Spirit532 | it needs an internal recorder
| 17:26 | Spirit532 | but the microzed doesn't have high-speed transcievers, so no SATA
| 17:26 | Spirit532 | (no HS sata anyway)
| 17:33 | se6astian | help make it happen :)
| 17:42 | BogdanXor | joined the channel |
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| 18:04 | Spirit532 | se6astian, not much I can do unless you propose a several-thousand-dollar budget to switch from the microzed to something that has a 7015, or an entirely custom board
| 18:04 | niemand | I probably can help with implementing some more resolutions and subsampling later
| 18:04 | Spirit532 | 7015/7030 anyway, but even a 7015 should be plenty for reading the cmv12k sensor at full speed into ram, and at about half speed into an ssd
| 18:05 | niemand | Spirit532, then we can encode it to an h.264 stream too^^
| 18:05 | Spirit532 | what's stopping you from doing that with the 7010/20?
| 18:05 | Spirit532 | aside from proper IP being ridiculously pricy
| 18:06 | niemand | Spirit532, you mean encoding on the fpga or in the zboard? (I don't know much details about the hardware)
| 18:06 | Spirit532 | on the fpga
| 18:07 | Spirit532 | it should have enough grunt to implement an h264/5 encoder if I remember the specs correctly
| 18:08 | Spirit532 | but the microzed is a rather terrible choice for an integrated camera
| 18:08 | niemand | okay, doing this on the fpga is a great idea, but hard to do
| 18:10 | Spirit532 | I'm going to design a camera based on the 7015, probably a module from trenz electronics or the bora from DAVE
| 18:10 | Spirit532 | but not using the CMV12k, it's just far too expensive for me
| 18:11 | Spirit532 | I'm going to use the CMV2k sensor instead
| 18:40 | Bertl_oO | well, there are plenty of closed cameras out there, go ahead and create another one
| 18:43 | BogdanXor | joined the channel |
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| 18:55 | niemand | Is there any solution to update all scripts?
| 19:12 | Spirit532 | Bertl_oO, what good is an open camera that requires a ton of closed hardware to make it work? :P
| 19:21 | Bertl_oO | what good is another proprietary solution?
| 19:22 | Spirit532 | who said it will be proprietary?
| 19:22 | Spirit532 | and even if it is, I want to implement all features sought after in a camera of this price range(~$1k), rather than dividing it into silly models like socanikon do
| 19:23 | Spirit532 | that's what makes hobbyists differ
| 19:23 | Spirit532 | we do what we want, we aren't driven by profit charts and the responsibilities before a board of 850 directors and 300 CEOs
| 19:25 | Spirit532 | different*
| 19:30 | Bertl_oO | looking forward to your FOSS/OH camera based on a Trenz or DAVE module ...
| 19:30 | Spirit532 | once I finish the thermal camera, I'll start pouring money into it
| 19:44 | BogdanXor | joined the channel |
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| 20:59 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 21:06 | niemand | The black offset is something I haven't done previously in my attempts
| 21:06 | alexML | by default, after RCN calibration, it should be 128
| 21:07 | alexML | if you shoot dark frames, it usually is
| 21:07 | alexML | however, once you shoot real images, the actual black level may change
| 21:07 | alexML | so if you get clipped shadows, try lowering it
| 21:10 | alexML | my current setup: ./gamma_conf.sh 0.4; ./set_wb.py 1 1.5 2.8 1 128 1; # tungsten light
| 21:10 | Bertl_oO | the 128 make perfect sense for raw recording, but for HDMI output, you probably want it to clip on both ends
| 21:10 | Bertl_oO | i.e. linearize the sensor response to the full range
| 21:11 | alexML | yes, the 128 in set_wb.py subtracts it
| 21:11 | alexML | so the output is from 0 to white (I think)
| 21:12 | alexML | I'd like to run a test with the Shogun (which interprets 16-235) to compare to what I see here
| 21:12 | alexML | se6astian: do you still have it around?
| 21:21 | niemand | left the channel |
| 21:26 | se6astian | yes its connected to the beta
| 21:36 | se6astian | just tell me what parameters/commands I should run and what to capture
| 21:43 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 21:44 | alexML | if you have an IT8 chart and a tungsten light, run the command I've pasted above, with set_wb.py from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4124919/bleeding-edge/apertus/set_wb.py and record a single frame in regular HDMI mode (not UHD) and a raw12 snap; the beta should be RCN-calibrated
| 21:46 | BogdanXor | joined the channel |
| 21:50 | BogdanXor | left the channel |
| 21:53 | Bertl_oO | alexML: can you check if there is any column related variance on the back column data?
| 21:54 | Bertl_oO | i.e. what I would like to know is if we should separate even and odd columns when averaging them
| 21:57 | alexML | column-wise, I didn't notice any patterns, but odd and even rows have different behaviors
| 21:59 | Bertl_oO | yeah, okay, so even/odd column doesn't matter for the black columns at all
| 21:59 | alexML | right, I didn't use this property at all
| 22:00 | alexML | median of 16 values would probably be best (as it will not be influenced by hot pixels), but I guess it's a lot harder to compute than mean, on FPGA
| 22:01 | alexML | what may cause surprises is the transition from black pixels to active pixels (when the light is strong, border black pixels may become brighter as well)
| 22:02 | alexML | so probably it's best to ignore them and average e.g. 6 + 6 columns
| 22:02 | Bertl_oO | really?
| 22:04 | Bertl_oO | that would suggest that the sensel discharge even with the electronic shutter closed, very interesting
| 22:06 | Bertl_oO | do you have any data to back that up? I'd love to ask the CMOSIS folks why this happens
| 22:07 | Bertl_oO | s/why/how/
| 22:09 | alexML | well, I know for sure it happens on Canon (an image with the sun near the edge of the frame)
| 22:09 | alexML | also, the 8th column is brighter than the others on CMV
| 22:10 | alexML | and I can try to reproduce the troublesome scene on the CMV as well
| 22:10 | niemand | left the channel |
| 22:11 | alexML | let me check if it reacts to a desk lamp
| 22:13 | Bertl_oO | does the canon sensor allow to switch the black columns on and off?
| 22:13 | Bertl_oO | because it might be, that they simply covered the black columns on the filter, which would result in the effect you describe
| 22:14 | alexML | I know how to tweak the size of the top black bar (smaller or much larger), but no idea about the left one (which caused the issue)
| 22:18 | se6astian | I am off to bed
| 22:18 | se6astian | good night
| 22:19 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 22:33 | alexML | Bertl_oO: this is a scene that caused trouble in Canons: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4124919/bleeding-edge/apertus/black-columns-scene-light-test/borderlamp.jpg
| 22:33 | alexML | CMV black columns [1:8, end-7:end]: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4124919/bleeding-edge/apertus/black-columns-scene-light-test/black-columns-borderlamp.png
| 22:34 | alexML | and from some dark/gray/clipped frames:
| 22:34 | alexML | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4124919/bleeding-edge/apertus/black-columns-scene-light-test/black-columns-darkframe.png
| 22:34 | alexML | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4124919/bleeding-edge/apertus/black-columns-scene-light-test/black-columns-grayframe.png
| 22:34 | alexML | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4124919/bleeding-edge/apertus/black-columns-scene-light-test/black-columns-overexposed.png
| 22:36 | alexML | so there is some influence, but more like a global effect; on Canons, it was much more obvious and only on the lines with the strong light source
| 22:36 | alexML | (the test image for the Canon is with the sun in the frame; I can look it up on request)
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| 22:53 | alexML | anyway, if you average the first and last 6 columns, those seem to have no influence from the scene
| 23:07 | Bertl_oO | okay, great!
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