| 07:49 | se6astian | you are right, I paid 1€ more :) https://www.amazon.de/Calibrite-ColorChecker-Passport-Video-Videobearbeitung/dp/B0973KMBN2/
| 07:50 | se6astian | cool anuejn, can I tweet about it already?
| 07:50 | se6astian | the dng repo
| 14:44 | anuejn | I am currently writing documentation
| 14:44 | anuejn | but yes you could tweet :)
| 15:05 | se6astian | well lets wait a bit for more documentation then so that when people see it they get sucked into it already :)
| 18:07 | anuejn | now there is more documentation: https://docs.rs/dng/latest/dng/
| 18:10 | se6astian | great, posting now
| 18:17 | se6astian | done