| 02:00 | illwieckz_ | joined the channel |
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| 02:16 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 05:51 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 05:52 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 06:04 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 06:05 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 06:05 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 06:15 | LordVan | left the channel |
| 06:31 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 12:04 | RexOrCine|away | changed nick to: RexOrCine
| 12:38 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 12:38 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 12:38 | BogdanXOR | joined the channel |
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| 13:23 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 13:55 | illwieckz_ | left the channel |
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| 15:07 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 15:15 | BogdanXOR | joined the channel |
| 15:23 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 15:23 | TofuLynx | Good Afternoon!
| 15:27 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 15:28 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 15:29 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| 15:32 | LordVan | left the channel |
| 15:56 | sebix | left the channel |
| 16:19 | ymc98_2 | I won't be able to make it for the weekly meeting today. I came down with fever and going to bed early. Nothing much to report for this week. Have been working on MachXO2 serdes.
| 16:20 | TofuLynx | Wish you a speedy recovery
| 16:20 | se6astian | understood, all the best!
| 16:20 | ymc98_2 | Thank you very much
| 17:03 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
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| 17:37 | BogdanXOR | left the channel |
| 17:49 | supragya | joined the channel |
| 17:53 | g3gg0 | joined the channel |
| 17:55 | se6astian | meeting in 4
| 17:56 | TofuLynx | Ok! :)
| 17:59 | nmdis199- | Good evening everyone!
| 18:00 | TofuLynx | Helllo nmdis199-!
| 18:00 | ArunM | hello
| 18:00 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl
| 18:00 | se6astian | hellO!
| 18:00 | Bertl | evening!
| 18:01 | se6astian | welcome to another weekly team/gsoc meeting
| 18:01 | se6astian | ymc98_2 told us earlier to be sick and not able to attend today
| 18:01 | se6astian | anyone else who wants to report/share again please PM me now and I will put people in order
| 18:02 | se6astian | nmdis199-: you are first, please go ahead
| 18:02 | nmdis199- | Awesome :)
| 18:03 | nmdis199- | Last week was pretty good, after talking to sebastian on irc I did wrote a code for calculating luminance and it showed result however, since I didn’t know what data was being provided by dev/mem I couldn’t have verified it.
| 18:03 | nmdis199- | The code is present in ../opt/ITI/Waveform on beta.
| 18:03 | rahul_ | hello!
| 18:03 | nmdis199- | So Bertl suggested me to verify the code by writing an image into the memory, so I proceeded toward it and wrote the code to write an image into memory and calculate luminance.
| 18:03 | nmdis199- | Now, this was the point where my code on running on beta showed Segmentation fault.
| 18:03 | nmdis199- | We did some gdb testing but came to conclusion that it was weird to write into framebuffer first and the read data back.
| 18:04 | nmdis199- | Therefore, mid-week Bertl asked me to write modified version of mimg (which is in processing tools) and explained me what it does and how.
| 18:04 | nmdis199- | I started working on it and we named it load_raw the code can be seen here -> https://github.com/nmdis1999/load_raw
| 18:04 | nmdis199- | it is also uploaded on the beta
| 18:04 | nmdis199- | Also, it was tested and didn’t failed us on beta :) we still need to test it with a raw file though.
| 18:04 | nmdis199- | This can be useful for future purposes as well as on my waveform tool for writing an image to the memory which is a much better way.
| 18:05 | nmdis199- | Now, I’ll make modified snap version to dump the image.
| 18:05 | nmdis199- | that's all :)
| 18:05 | se6astian | great, so with load_raw we should already be able to draw HDMI overlays currently?
| 18:06 | nmdis199- | load_raw only deals with raw image, because it wasn't wise to use register
| 18:06 | Bertl | no, the tool is to load a full raw image into the framebuffer
| 18:06 | Bertl | bascially the counterpart to cmv_snap3
| 18:06 | nmdis199- | yes :)
| 18:07 | se6astian | ah, so you fill the framebuffer instead of reading it out
| 18:07 | nmdis199- | yes, we are trying to write into memory and then use modified (cmv_snap3) to dump it
| 18:07 | se6astian | and the idea is to write the histogram data into the framebuffer so cmv_snap can read it and save it into an image correct?
| 18:08 | nmdis199- | yes, we can use it for histogram as well as waveform tool
| 18:08 | Bertl | the main idea is to be able to run the various tools (waveform, histogram, etc) on 'known' good test data (raw images)
| 18:09 | nmdis199- | precisely :)
| 18:09 | se6astian | great, many thanks for reporting!
| 18:09 | se6astian | anything more to add?
| 18:09 | se6astian | otherwise TofuLynx is up next
| 18:10 | nmdis199- | Not much for right now, I will be probably working on modified cmv_snap3 from today onwards :)
| 18:10 | TofuLynx | Ok :)
| 18:10 | TofuLynx | Can I start reporting nmdis199-?
| 18:10 | nmdis199- | yes, sure go on :)
| 18:11 | TofuLynx | Ok! So, last week, I didn't do much things. It was mainly documentating the code and cleaning up some bits.
| 18:12 | TofuLynx | https://docs.google.com/document/d/18o9ajnAF1_DEy2CfYi_jYxDmurW-KEtojqL3_c3SPBU/edit?usp=sharing
| 18:12 | TofuLynx | I am writing the documentation here so that I can later port it to the apertus wiki
| 18:13 | TofuLynx | So far, the only thing I have to finish is the SHOODAK2 documentation. The documentation helped me notice some areas of the code that I can optimize
| 18:13 | TofuLynx | This is essential to prepare myself to the next task, which is to accelerate the algorithms with openMP
| 18:14 | TofuLynx | By the way, I didn't do so much last week because I was occupied with my last university exam
| 18:14 | TofuLynx | so now I am, hopeful, free and fully dedicated to apertus :D
| 18:15 | se6astian | may I suggest to add some example debayered images in the documentation
| 18:15 | TofuLynx | Yeah, I have to add some examples
| 18:15 | TofuLynx | Thanks for the suggestion!
| 18:16 | se6astian | many thanks for the report!
| 18:16 | TofuLynx | :)
| 18:16 | se6astian | rahul_ you are up next
| 18:17 | rahul_ | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/907fvQuD/
| 18:18 | rahul_ | hello
| 18:18 | rahul_ | I have made the required ‘focus peaking kernel’ as reported in the last meeting,
| 18:18 | se6astian | url says "Pastebin deleted"
| 18:18 | rahul_ | This time I ran functional and timing tests so as to ensure the proper functioning of the module.
| 18:18 | TofuLynx | the link for me says pastebin deleted, rahul_
| 18:18 | rahul_ | In the coming week I will be done with my university exams and will try to incorporate my design into the existing Pipeline.
| 18:18 | BogdanXOR | joined the channel |
| 18:19 | rahul_ | ya the link was deleted
| 18:19 | rahul_ | this is all from my side
| 18:20 | se6astian | rahul_ do you have a way to simulate the focus peaking kernel output with a provided input image?
| 18:21 | rahul_ | currently, I've done it with pixel values so as to check how my system buffers and produces the required pixel values.
| 18:22 | rahul_ | I dont have a way to simulate.
| 18:22 | rahul_ | until I implement it on actual hardware
| 18:23 | Bertl | simulation would be possible but rather tricky
| 18:23 | se6astian | right so the plan is to evaluate the HDMI output on the remote beta I assume?
| 18:23 | rahul_ | yes
| 18:23 | se6astian | great
| 18:23 | se6astian | I upgraded the remote beta webcam
| 18:23 | se6astian | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Beta_Remote_Access
| 18:24 | Bertl | as the design is for the output pipeline, it would also be possible to test it with uploaded raw images on the Beta
| 18:24 | se6astian | images should be much better now
| 18:25 | rahul_ | ok, once I finish the incorporation of my design in the pipeline, I will start testing it on beta
| 18:25 | se6astian | even with uploaded raw images it would require looking at the LCD output via webcam right?
| 18:26 | rahul_ | I think so
| 18:26 | Bertl | depends on how it gets implemented
| 18:26 | Bertl | it would be possible to store the peaking output into memory as well
| 18:26 | se6astian | rahul_ if the webcam view turns out to be non optimal or you need the LCD moved to get a better look contact RexOrCine (here on irc) as he is in the office almost daily and can move stuff around
| 18:26 | Bertl | (but we'll see what we can do once we get there :)
| 18:27 | se6astian | right
| 18:27 | rahul_ | sure
| 18:27 | se6astian | many thanks for the report!
| 18:27 | se6astian | supragya is up next
| 18:27 | supragya | Good evening everyone
| 18:28 | supragya | so, the last week, I added linearization table into already existing MLVFS
| 18:28 | supragya | some cleanup and rectification still needs to be done
| 18:28 | supragya | however, from mlv, dngs are coming out fine with linearization table effecting the colors
| 18:29 | supragya | I am currently working on merging the previous cam2mlv system with this modified mlvfs to create a final dng out of actual raw12
| 18:30 | supragya | then, I will look into new blocks in mlv that needs to be added for our use and implement it
| 18:30 | supragya | that's all till now
| 18:31 | supragya | (I updated the status to the mentors using the email... last friday if I am not wrong)
| 18:31 | se6astian | great, thanks!
| 18:31 | se6astian | any images I can share via social media about this?
| 18:32 | supragya | there was a test image... a burnt out magenta render of a mlv...
| 18:32 | se6astian | also from any other students: rahul_ TofuLynx nmdis199- ?
| 18:32 | supragya | although that was a test image
| 18:32 | supragya | so I am not sure if that serves the purpose
| 18:33 | nmdis199- | I was planning to write a blog about working with apertus (so if you want I can provide day in a day or two)
| 18:33 | se6astian | that would be great!
| 18:33 | se6astian | but even just single images or short videos with a bit of context what we are seeing would be great
| 18:33 | nmdis199- | Okay, then will do upload a blog (preferably on medium) :)
| 18:34 | TofuLynx | Well you can upload a comparison from the 3 algorithms from my part
| 18:34 | nmdis199- | supragya, you did made a video right? Is it working the Qt one ?
| 18:34 | supragya | https://www23.zippyshare.com/v/jETeM1Lr/file.html - this was linearization using random values
| 18:34 | supragya | these (above) are the images...
| 18:35 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
| 18:35 | supragya | the linearization table was synthetic... but modifies MLVFS for us...
| 18:35 | se6astian | thanks
| 18:35 | supragya | nmdis199-: not sure what you are asking me...
| 18:35 | TofuLynx | Do you want the comparison, se6astian ?
| 18:36 | nmdis199- | The video for building up OpenCine (the one which I tried making on my ubutnu :P )
| 18:36 | supragya | yes... made that
| 18:36 | se6astian | its in here now: https://www.apertus.org/opencine
| 18:36 | se6astian | and the wiki
| 18:36 | se6astian | TofuLynx: yes please
| 18:36 | TofuLynx | Ok. Please wait a moment
| 18:37 | TofuLynx | Do you have any preferred image?
| 18:37 | TofuLynx | https://www.apertus.org/axiom-beta-uhd-raw-mode-explained-article-may-2016
| 18:37 | rton | left the channel |
| 18:37 | TofuLynx | from those samples
| 18:37 | se6astian | the axiom labs one would be great
| 18:37 | TofuLynx | Ok! :)
| 18:38 | nmdis199- | se6astian ,I'll email the blog you then, I don't have much images right now (because we haven't plotted waveform tool yet) so will that do?
| 18:39 | rton | joined the channel |
| 18:39 | se6astian | the image situation should soon change when you can write and read images to/from memory
| 18:39 | se6astian | blog post is also great
| 18:39 | nmdis199- | yes it should be :) will do
| 18:39 | se6astian | ok, if there are no further topics I will give a brief update
| 18:40 | nmdis199- | sure!
| 18:40 | se6astian | max emailed me the first draft edit of the next team talk episode
| 18:40 | se6astian | so that is progressing
| 18:40 | se6astian | I attended a cooperative forming workshop as we plan to create an apertus or AXIOM cooperative as legal commerical entity
| 18:42 | se6astian | we secretely updated our brochure: https://apertus.org/AXIOM_Beta_Brochure_02.04.pdf
| 18:43 | se6astian | lots of wiki clean ups and restucturing going on: https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&limit=250&days=14
| 18:43 | se6astian | work on finishing the compact enclosure is also slowly progressing
| 18:44 | se6astian | also started software development with my limited time on the actual first AXIOM Remote prototype hardware today
| 18:44 | Bertl | finally we did some extensive testing on the laser cut enclosure which will also be quite helpful for the future Compact version of the Beta
| 18:45 | Bertl | mostly in regard of thermal design and airflow
| 18:46 | Bertl | the data should be available today or tomorrow
| 18:46 | se6astian | felix_: is also making progress with the production hardware design of the SDI plugin module
| 18:47 | se6astian | thats it from my side!
| 18:47 | se6astian | many thanks for attending the meeting
| 18:47 | nmdis199- | Great :)
| 18:47 | rton | left the channel |
| 18:48 | se6astian | feel free to use the channel for general discussion/chatting again
| 18:48 | nmdis199- | I'll be off for now, have a goodnight everyone!
| 18:48 | se6astian | bye!
| 18:48 | supragya | same... with me..
| 18:49 | Bertl | rahul_: one way to test your blocks easily would be to wrap them in a simple HLS design
| 18:49 | supragya | btw... felt great hearing progress about the org... se6astian
| 18:49 | Bertl | reading the data from DDR and writing the resulting image back into DDR
| 18:52 | TofuLynx | se6astian: Does Apertus use some specific text font type?
| 18:53 | se6astian | TofuLynx: https://www.apertus.org/logo
| 18:54 | se6astian | supragya: great to hear!
| 18:54 | TofuLynx | thank you!
| 18:54 | BAndiT1983 | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/apertus_multimedia/blob/master/apertus°%20Corporate%20Identity/apertus°CI%20Color%20Palette.pdf
| 18:57 | supragya | it's titillium?
| 18:58 | supragya | used some font in video... don't remember
| 19:00 | TofuLynx | I will be away for a moment
| 19:00 | TofuLynx | Going to watch the FIFA world cup :)
| 19:00 | TofuLynx | Portugal is playing now
| 19:00 | TofuLynx | See you guys!
| 19:02 | supragya | left the channel |
| 20:01 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 20:09 | illwieckz | left the channel |
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| 20:21 | rton | joined the channel |
| 21:10 | RexOrCine | changed nick to: RexOrCine|away
| 21:28 | Bertl | off for a nap ... bbl
| 21:28 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 21:33 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 21:42 | TofuLynx | BAndiT1983: are you there?
| 21:55 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 22:08 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 22:22 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 23:41 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 23:48 | comradekingu | left the channel |
| 00:09 | felix_ | haven't written this here yet: since i have some space left on the edge of the sdi module, i'll add a legacy synchronization input to the board; apparently that's something that is still used in production today
| 00:10 | felix_ | it's an adiitional hdbnc connector and maybe 10 euro in other parts, but it doesn't have to be populated. but yeah, compared to the sdi chips and the fpga that's not that much more... ;)
| 00:10 | futarisIRCcloud | joined the channel |
| 00:11 | felix_ | basically a LMH1981 with some passives and a connector
| 00:14 | felix_ | oh and fun fact: the version in the bigger package of the clocking chip i chose for the sdi board is also used in the new readout system for the atlas experiment at cern
| 00:45 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 00:45 | illwieckz | joined the channel |