| 00:17 | _florent_ | left the channel |
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| 03:05 | Bertl | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 03:05 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 03:07 | eppisai | joined the channel |
| 03:44 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
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| 06:39 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 07:53 | mumptai | joined the channel |
| 08:08 | se6ast1an | good day
| 08:38 | eppisai | left the channel |
| 10:40 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 10:40 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 10:46 | se6ast1an | good day
| 11:55 | mumptai | left the channel |
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| 13:31 | aombk | left the channel |
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| 16:58 | BAndiT1983 | 2 minutes till meeting
| 17:00 | se6ast1an | MEETING TIME!
| 17:00 | se6ast1an | hello everyone!
| 17:00 | Bertl | yay!
| 17:00 | se6ast1an | who is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
| | 17:00 | BAndiT1983 | here
| | 17:00 | se6ast1an | I have to leave early today, in around 15-20 minutes so lets get things started
| 17:00 | metal_dent[m] | is present
| | 17:01 | se6ast1an | and BAndiT1983 was so kind to finish the moderation when I am gone
| 17:01 | se6ast1an | metal_dent[m]: please go ahead with your progress report
| 17:01 | BAndiT1983 | *will be ;)
| 17:01 | se6ast1an | yes!
| 17:02 | metal_dent[m] | last week i was a little busy with some personal stuff but i got the remote and BAndiT1983 and Bertl helped me setting it up
| 17:03 | metal_dent[m] | it took some time but finally we got it working now!
| 17:03 | Bertl | \o/
| 17:04 | se6ast1an | great
| 17:04 | metal_dent[m] | now i'm reading some articles (http://www.aidanmocke.com/blog/) and comparing our code with that information as it'll help us refining the USB code
| 17:04 | metal_dent[m] | that's it from me i guess ':D
| 17:05 | se6ast1an | right, what will you do in the next week?
| 17:07 | metal_dent[m] | haven't clearly discussed the steps with BAndiT1983 yet but we were planning to get the flashing process finished once i get the remote
| 17:07 | BAndiT1983 | i suppose USB has to work first, before you can move on
| 17:07 | se6ast1an | right
| 17:07 | BAndiT1983 | at least the basic version iwth the 8byte problem
| 17:07 | se6ast1an | bluez: are you here as well?
| 17:08 | metal_dent[m] | yup, that was a big hurdle back then
| 17:09 | se6ast1an | ok bluez and eppisai dont seem to be here today
| 17:09 | bluez | yep i am now
| 17:09 | se6ast1an | ah great!
| 17:09 | bluez | sry ':D
| 17:09 | se6ast1an | please go ahead
| 17:10 | bluez | yeah so... last week i was finally able to readback the bitstream through the devcfg interface (PCAP)
| 17:10 | bluez | but i am still facing some issues... there are some error bits coming up.. like one POST_CRC or ECC error... dunno exactly why its coming up... still investigating
| 17:11 | bluez | the bitsteram is successfully read back though... but due to those error the interface goes into an unrecoverable state
| 17:12 | bluez | so trying to find a solution for that... or maybe ditch it altogether and directly go for ICAP if not possible
| 17:12 | bluez | thats it from me!
| 17:12 | se6ast1an | many thanks!
| 17:13 | se6ast1an | quick updates from me before I have to leave
| 17:13 | se6ast1an | the pcb panels from nextpcb have arrived today
| 17:13 | se6ast1an | well packaged
| 17:13 | se6ast1an | looking good: https://cloud.apertus.org/index.php/apps/gallery/s/4MmPmfrAqjXrFKw
| 17:14 | se6ast1an | also in the course of the last week I ordered all components for our assembly run at the factoryhub, they are in transit
| 17:14 | se6ast1an | should arrive this week if everything goes well
| 17:14 | se6ast1an | next steps there are ordering the stencil
| 17:15 | se6ast1an | still waiting for a tiny change in cream layer from Bertl before I can do that
| 17:15 | se6ast1an | we need to produce some custom trays because some chips were not available in reels/tape
| 17:15 | se6ast1an | I designed the trays today and should soon get the ESD 3d print filament from Bertl
| 17:15 | se6ast1an | to print the trays this friday if everything goes well
| 17:16 | se6ast1an | also to be done are the pick and place coordinate files, BAndiT1983 will pick up that task again soon
| 17:16 | se6ast1an | then I also worked on some concept drafts for the AXIOM Micro R2.1 enclosure
| 17:17 | se6ast1an | inspirations were vintage style medium format cameras
| 17:17 | se6ast1an | https://cloud.apertus.org/index.php/apps/gallery/s/YxifETjmDowqtYb
| 17:17 | se6ast1an | I designed and 3d printed a first concept already
| 17:17 | se6ast1an | second version concept is in the works
| 17:17 | se6ast1an | where the consideration now is to always put two image sensors on the PCB
| 17:17 | se6ast1an | one 5MP, one 13MP one
| 17:18 | se6ast1an | in terms of cost its no big difference
| 17:18 | se6ast1an | and if someone just wants to use one sensor thats easy as well
| 17:18 | se6ast1an | using two might add interesting additional usage scenarios though
| 17:19 | se6ast1an | today at the factoryhub I prepared all components that we already had in stock here for the production run
| 17:19 | se6ast1an | now started to concept how we could cut constructive ESD foam elements in our packaging box
| 17:20 | se6ast1an | instead of milling out from a solid block
| 17:20 | se6ast1an | that should drasticaly reduce the too high cost we currently envision per package
| 17:20 | se6ast1an | esd foam is expensive
| 17:20 | se6ast1an | measured the esd foam sample today with voltmeter, 50-80M Ohm would be within the range we seek as dissipative I would say
| 17:21 | se6ast1an | for both samples we received
| 17:21 | se6ast1an | thats it from me
| 17:21 | se6ast1an | I hereby hand over the mic to BAndiT1983 :D
| 17:21 | BAndiT1983 | :D
| 17:21 | BAndiT1983 | thanks
| 17:21 | BAndiT1983 | ok, lets continue
| 17:21 | BAndiT1983 | vup? anuejn?
| 17:22 | BAndiT1983 | anyone else wants to report besides Bertl and me?
| 17:23 | BAndiT1983 | doesn't seem so
| 17:23 | BAndiT1983 | ok, will report, before Bertl will finish off, as always
| 17:23 | BAndiT1983 | was mainly guiding metal_dent[m] and eppisai on the remote topic
| 17:24 | BAndiT1983 | also investigated crashes in the firmware, seems like there is some bloat involved and needs further checking
| 17:24 | BAndiT1983 | added exception handling for the pic32, from the results it looks like there is stack overwriting the heap, so the data gets messy
| 17:24 | BAndiT1983 | also activated some GCC flags to check where the stack problems do come from
| 17:24 | anuejn | wants to report, sorry for being late
| | 17:25 | BAndiT1983 | like se6ast1an mentioned also PNP script will be adjusted this week to be ready for the production
| 17:25 | BAndiT1983 | that would be it from me, anuejn please go on
| 17:26 | anuejn | so I worked mostly on the schematics for the micro r2.1 this week
| 17:26 | anuejn | aditionally I discussed the overall product with se6ast1an and vup a lot
| 17:27 | anuejn | the schematics should be very soon (tomorrow?) in a state where they can be reviewed by bertl and then we can start with pcb layout :)
| 17:27 | anuejn | thats it from my side
| 17:28 | BAndiT1983 | many thanks!
| 17:28 | BAndiT1983 | Bertl: seems like you're left, please finish us off
| 17:28 | Bertl | Thanks!
| 17:28 | Bertl | Not much to report from my side though ...
| 17:29 | Bertl | Besides helping here and there the only relevant thing is the update for the one part which is messing with the cream layer
| 17:29 | Bertl | Which I did, but it is not back in the design yet (will happen tonight I guess)
| 17:29 | Bertl | That's it from my side for this week
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | alright, nobody seems to be left
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | at least ones who want to report
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | meeting concluded! many thanks everybody!
| 17:30 | Bertl | thanks!
| 19:32 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 19:32 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 21:36 | eppisai | joined the channel |
| 21:59 | eppisai | Hello.I am really sorry, i couln't attend the meet.
| 21:59 | eppisai | I just spend last week correcting and modifying code for keyboard,(no GUI differences,just code quality is better now). And have added a pointer in the text-field,at the end of text. BAndiT1983 has been really helpful in these.
| 21:59 | eppisai | oh also, i have completed task T1216(move GetStringFramebufferWidth() to Utils class).
| 22:00 | eppisai | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1llbjqwRRQzyXT9G3v3gz5doxq_z4lCFr/view?usp=sharing
| 22:00 | eppisai | https://github.com/eppisai/AXIOM-Remote/tree/dev
| 22:01 | eppisai | above is the code of the same(mainly in utils.cpp and keyboard.cpp + header)
| 22:02 | eppisai | this week my primary focus is on T1173 (Re-add Transition Animations in C++ Firmware) and will be looking through other ways to contribute in codebase, and now on the side will be improving my last code(keyboard).
| 22:04 | mumptai | left the channel |
| 22:17 | Z4CHe | joined the channel |
| 22:19 | se6ast1an | great, many thanks eppisai!
| 22:19 | se6ast1an | can you create a PR for the GetStringFramebufferWidth() please if everything is confirmed working
| 22:23 | Z4CHe | left the channel |
| 22:31 | eppisai | ah.. it is working as far as i have tested, but can't say it is confirmed working,as have not tested on real board, because as a newbie I might have tendency to leave unexpected bugs here and there is code.. although bandit1983 had reviewed..
| 22:32 | eppisai | I have asked bandit1983, and he will test on real board, then will create the PR..
| 22:33 | BAndiT1983 | hi eppisai
| 22:33 | eppisai | hello! :)
| 22:34 | BAndiT1983 | yep, will test on real board, but keyboard is crashing, we are currently investigating the crashes, as we have several individual occasions when it happens
| 22:34 | eppisai | segmentation fault?
| 22:36 | BAndiT1983 | stack is extending onto the heap, too much bloat in the menu system code, probably wrong pointer usage and too much unnecessary static data
| 22:36 | BAndiT1983 | will post the summary soon, when i've uploaded adjusted makefile with enabled stack usage report and warnings if modules are using too much
| 22:39 | se6ast1an | Sounds good
| 22:39 | se6ast1an | Off to bed, good night!
| 22:40 | BAndiT1983 | good night
| 22:48 | eppisai | Good night!
| 23:10 | aombk | left the channel |
| 23:25 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 23:38 | eppisai_ | changed nick to: eppisai
| 23:41 | RexOrCine1 | (17:13:24) se6ast1an: looking good: https://cloud.apertus.org/index.php/apps/gallery/s/4MmPmfrAqjXrFKw - If you recall I recommended black wasn't chosen as a colour because they're a bastard to get clean and keep looking clean.
| 23:50 | Spirit532 | left the channel |
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| 23:57 | RexOrCine1 | ...but it's difficult. I was always most impressed by the red FPGA boards I built for Edmund. Red works well in lots of light conditions and can be kept looking clean.