| 00:00 | anuejn | ah nice now it seems to have worked
| 00:00 | anuejn | :)
| 00:00 | Bertl | great!
| 00:01 | anuejn | now what do I have to do to route the jtag to the southern plugin module?
| 00:01 | Bertl | there are two steps for that
| 00:01 | Bertl | first you need to verify (or ensure) that your pic can switch the jtag port
| 00:02 | Bertl | and then you need to program the jtag pass through bitstream into the routing fabric
| 00:03 | anuejn | how do I do that
| 00:06 | Bertl | give me a minute to boot up the remote setup and see what commands you need for that
| 00:09 | anuejn | okay, thanks
| 00:16 | Bertl | okay, make sure that the driver is unloaded (i.e. doesn't claim the addresses)
| 00:17 | Bertl | then run axiom_rf_sel.py A and axiom_pic_jtag_id.py
| 00:17 | Bertl | note the traceid
| 00:19 | Bertl | then do 'i2c2_set 0x4F 1' and run the axiom_pic_jtag_id.py again
| 00:20 | Bertl | the traceid should now be zero
| 00:20 | anuejn | it is not
| 00:20 | Bertl | it's the same as before, right?
| 00:21 | anuejn | yup
| 00:21 | Bertl | okay, that means your PIC code is too old and you need to update it
| 00:22 | Bertl | run axiom_prep_icsp.sh
| 00:24 | anuejn | that worked
| 00:25 | Bertl | http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/ICSP/i2c_slave.hex
| 00:26 | Bertl | (or grab the .c and build the hex yourself :)
| 00:26 | anuejn | I am totally fine with the hex file you supplied
| 00:27 | Bertl | make sure that the RFW side is selected
| 00:28 | Bertl | use 'axiom_icsp_id.py A' to verify that the PIC can be seen
| 00:29 | mumptai | left the channel |
| 00:29 | anuejn | seems like it can be seen
| 00:30 | Bertl | okay, great use 'axiom_icsp_prog.py A i2c_slave.hex' to update the PIC
| 00:38 | anuejn | that caused the camera to hand
| 00:38 | anuejn | *hang
| 00:39 | anuejn | there is still heartbeat but it doesnt respond via serial or ssh
| 00:40 | Bertl | that's at least unusual
| 00:41 | Bertl | anya
| 00:41 | Bertl | anyway
| 00:41 | Bertl | reset/reboot and try again
| 00:43 | anuejn | now `axiom_icsp_id.py A` hangs too
| 00:43 | Bertl | did you run the icsp_prep?
| 00:44 | anuejn | ah no
| 00:45 | anuejn | hm... I guess I have some more problems with the camera
| 00:45 | anuejn | It just freezed without any particular reason
| 00:46 | Bertl | do you have enough power?
| 00:46 | anuejn | maybe I sould upgrade my power supply to something propper
| 00:46 | anuejn | 5V@3A currently
| 00:46 | Bertl | that should be fine at least without sensor running
| 00:46 | anuejn | the sensor is running
| 00:46 | anuejn | I could stop that
| 00:46 | Bertl | why did you start that?
| 00:47 | anuejn | do you have a link to the powersupply you normally ship with the camera
| 00:47 | anuejn | It currently autostarts
| 00:47 | Bertl | okay, make sure to disable that then
| 00:47 | Bertl | and no, I do not have the link at hand, but se6ast1an certainly does
| 00:51 | anuejn | why does it hang the camera so badly if I try to access the icsp without it being "prepped"?
| 00:51 | Bertl | several reasons actually
| 00:52 | Bertl | first, the prep_icsp loads a special firmware which allows for the ICSP protocol on the i2c bus
| 00:52 | Bertl | so your gateware registers (AXI stuff) get replaced
| 00:53 | Bertl | then it messes with the PICs and that in turn messes with the RFs and at least RFE is used for sensor control
| 00:53 | anuejn | ah okay
| 00:54 | anuejn | the update seems to have worked :)
| 00:54 | Bertl | great, now repeat the 0x4F 1 test to verify
| 00:54 | anuejn | yup
| 00:55 | anuejn | now it is all zeroes
| 00:55 | Bertl | use 'i2c2_set 0x4F 0' to return to the RF
| 00:55 | Bertl | check the ID should be the same as before
| 00:56 | anuejn | it is
| 00:57 | Bertl | okay, great, what MachXO2 do you have on your board?
| 00:58 | anuejn | MXO2-2000HC
| 01:02 | Bertl | http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/pass_jtag/
| 01:02 | Bertl | use the Makefile.2000 and link the pass.prj.2000 to pass.prj
| 01:03 | Bertl | (or use nMigen to do the same, i.e. pass through a bunch of IO signals :)
| 01:04 | anuejn | ah you mean on the camera?
| 01:04 | anuejn | or on the usb3 plugin?
| 01:04 | Bertl | that's the bitstream for the RFW
| 01:05 | anuejn | ah there I pesumably have a MXO2-1200HC
| 01:05 | Bertl | well, what did the axiom_pic_jtag_id.py report? :)
| 01:06 | anuejn | MXO2-1200HC
| 01:07 | Bertl | then similar but with 1200
| 01:17 | anuejn | I will go to bed now
| 01:17 | Bertl | okay, have a good night!
| 01:17 | anuejn | I dont feel like fighting some more diamond issues
| 01:17 | anuejn | (due to version missmatch)
| 01:17 | anuejn | you too!
| 05:18 | Bertl | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 05:18 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 06:50 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 13:42 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 14:09 | lexano | left the channel |
| 14:09 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 14:09 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 14:13 | se6ast1an | good day
| 14:15 | lexano | joined the channel |
| 15:24 | RexOrCine | joined the channel |
| 16:00 | preetimenghwani[ | left the channel |
| 17:47 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 19:53 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 19:53 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 19:59 | Umori | left the channel |
| 20:00 | Umori | joined the channel |
| 20:02 | RexOrCine | left the channel |
| 20:16 | mumptai | joined the channel |
| 22:04 | comradekingu | left the channel |
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| 22:48 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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