02:19 | aombk2 | left the channel | |
02:20 | aombk2 | joined the channel | |
11:14 | max_bxl | joined the channel | |
11:14 | max_bxl | hello everyone !
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11:15 | max_bxl | apertus IRL brussels here !
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11:16 | max_bxl | Bertl: we can resume the debugging of last week if it's a good moment for you !
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11:19 | max_bxl | left the channel | |
11:19 | Bertl | currently not a good moment, we are getting stuff delivered shortly
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11:23 | max_bxl | joined the channel | |
11:24 | max_bxl | ok ! let me now when, I can be around the Beta with my computer until 2pm (even a bit more)
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11:34 | zvevqx | joined the channel | |
11:34 | zvevqx | hi everyone
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11:35 | zvevqx | changed nick to: julien_bxl
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11:38 | julien_bxl | quick question , we try some super easy stuff to begin with : connect and MCU ( arduino / esp ... ) to the usb port and see if wi can create some kindo of a pendant interface to the camera ( take snapshot / execute axiom_start / shutdown ... you name it ) BUT the mcu doens't show up to pyserial neither on the tty list ?
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11:39 | max_bxl | for the raw recording, this magwell on ebay seems a legit one, right ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/235270040199?epid=9026500655&hash=item36c72fea87:g:QkEAAOSwTHFlOWIJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0Jdz1xTn22HVFqrGPkLgtaNAVlzKGwlIxfplUexjtxAduabkldBbaOtul5KdhsYnClNZ3LzW1rCfVWxSULrNGMLdeAk1I%2BebD8DGN3MvH7E1Loh45TzJTymXDKxGlrFP5wDzNuSy%2BVkP5uGIhU0Cb%2FygEs%2B1vPaJjVIXclR5N4Iod45l%2BC03h2BY8P7f5QwkACZmsBSQCcNxevpCE773ONywSiy4CUxw2zYF6oQz%2B7l
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11:39 | max_bxl | cyhruwt77CImMbKcaS%2FrxXHnSCEkv%2BWiT2iQ%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8Lxnr__Yg
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11:44 | se6astian | yes, looks good
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11:44 | se6astian | and good price
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11:45 | se6astian | you connected the arduino to your laptop and want to connect to it over serial interface?
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11:45 | julien_bxl | no connected to the beta cam
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11:45 | max_bxl | through the usb port on the microzed
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11:47 | se6astian | I am just reading about a very similar setup with arduino and raspberry pi here
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11:47 | se6astian | https://roboticsbackend.com/raspberry-pi-arduino-serial-communication/#Serial_via_USB
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11:47 | se6astian | it covers for example the Hardware permissions for Serial
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11:52 | max_bxl | concerning the ebay item : do we have someone in the USA that could receive the package ? (this seller does not ship outside the US)
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11:54 | julien_bxl | se6astian thx for the link i'm aware obout the permission ( i think the dialout rules doen't apply to arch system not on mine at leat but via a udev rules) the think is the arduino ( wtah ever mcu ) doenst show up in the ttyXXX list
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11:55 | se6astian | hmm, not from the top of my head
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11:55 | se6astian | right, maybe Bertl has a tip here then
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11:56 | se6astian | the arduino powers properly right?
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11:56 | se6astian | because the power from the beta USB port might not be enough?
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11:57 | julien_bxl | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Arduino see 2.1 for uart access
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11:58 | julien_bxl | did try with 5v and 3.3v mcu ..
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12:21 | julien_bxl | ok I maybe have some hint :
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12:22 | julien_bxl | \blsusb\b do show the usbport of the mcu ( serial convertor [ftdi / cp210x / whatever it is ])
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12:22 | julien_bxl | lsusb sorry
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12:24 | julien_bxl | the serial port doesnt so up in the /dev/ttyXXX list
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12:25 | julien_bxl | also ( and that's where i thinks the solution is ) whane looking for kernel module
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12:26 | julien_bxl | modinfo usbserial and modinfo cp210x are both NOT found
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12:27 | julien_bxl | when manually loading them : modprobe: FATAL: Module usbserial not found in directory /lib/modules/5.8.1-axiom
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12:27 | julien_bxl | same for both
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12:30 | julien_bxl | is it possible that this module are not part of the kernel ?
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12:32 | se6astian | Yes, possible
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12:32 | se6astian | Bertl?
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12:37 | Bertl | the kernel on my Beta is 5.16.11-axiom and modinfo shows stuff for e.g. usbserial
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12:38 | Bertl | i.e. more details about your image are required
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12:39 | julien_bxl | 5.8.1-axiom
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12:40 | julien_bxl | how is possible ? you did an update on the live system ? this is the vanilla system from the iso download
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12:43 | Bertl | I have no overview of the newer Axiom Beta images, but I think it was a normal SD image install
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12:44 | Bertl | but what is in /lib/modules/5.8.1-axiom/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/ ?
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12:48 | julien_bxl | no serial
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12:48 | julien_bxl | usb / chipidea/ common/ core/ gadget/ host/ phy/ roles/ storage/
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12:49 | julien_bxl | i'll try a systeme update
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12:51 | julien_bxl | do you think it's possible to boot the iso from an RPI5 to be able to dig aroud without the axiom itself
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12:52 | Bertl | boot it where?
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12:53 | julien_bxl | the iso on a rpi
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12:53 | Bertl | what is 'the iso' ?
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12:53 | julien_bxl | the axiom img
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12:53 | Bertl | you can't boot that on an rpi
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12:55 | Bertl | but you can boot it on a MicroZed without the rest of the camera around it
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12:55 | julien_bxl | sure but we don;t want to unbuild the camera
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12:56 | Bertl | what I meant was, you can get a serparate MicroZed
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13:03 | max_bxl | I have dowloaded and installed the Unstable Developpment Snapshot 97 from https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-firmware/releases/tag/nightly%2F5cf3fc64 I don't know if there's anything newer ?
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13:06 | max_bxl | concerning the MicroZed, it could be a good thing that we have a separate one indeed, do you have one to spare or bulk prices ? but being able to boot axiom ISO on RPi would be nice, because we already have them !
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13:09 | Bertl | well, different architecture (the rpi) so it needs separate/other boot loader and kernel/modules
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13:09 | Bertl | and yes, we can arrange something with a MicroZed
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13:10 | max_bxl | cool !
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13:10 | max_bxl | thx
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13:11 | max_bxl | you confirm that snapshot 97 is the latest one ?
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13:13 | Bertl | I have no idea, please check with anuejn or vup
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13:14 | Bertl | but as I said, I'm currently busy, we have to move stuff around here ... but we can certainly check/do stuff on the weekend
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13:20 | anuejn | max_bxl: yup, seems to be
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13:21 | max_bxl | left the channel | |
14:17 | aombk2 | left the channel | |
14:25 | max_bxl | joined the channel | |
14:29 | max_bxl | anuejn: then how it comes that bertl and I don't have the same kernel ? :/
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14:33 | julien_bxl | left the channel | |
16:46 | max_bxl | bye everyone !
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16:47 | max_bxl | left the channel | |
18:09 | illwieckz | left the channel | |
18:28 | illwieckz | joined the channel | |
20:41 | se6astian | Kodak just released their new Super 8 camera that they announced in 2018
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20:41 | se6astian | its just 5500$