02:47 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
02:48 | Dest321 | left the channel | |
05:47 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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05:47 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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07:47 | Dest321 | joined the channel | |
07:48 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
14:58 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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14:58 | Bertl | morning folks!
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15:13 | intrac | left the channel | |
15:13 | intrac | joined the channel | |
18:17 | anuejn | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/narui is now available as a standalone library and even has some docs :)
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18:18 | anuejn | (this is part of the preparation for my gsoc work product)
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18:55 | se6astian | very cool!
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19:21 | Dest321 | left the channel | |
19:22 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
20:16 | tpw_rules | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XouC0hDe9JYK8-lsbX8DFGoOoim52FDkN6NngmQRx88/edit?usp=sharing does anybody have any input on my final report? vup wanted to put it on the blog. se6astian, anuejn too? it would be good to get it done today so i can send the blog link to google
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20:39 | se6astian | hi tpw_rules, we do not have a blog in that sense, what did you have in mind exactly?
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20:39 | tpw_rules | this is what vup said to me: "I don't know in which format you want to write your final report, but I think a blog post we could put on apertus.org would be great"
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20:40 | se6astian | I assume vup meant an article for this years gsoc wrap
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20:40 | se6astian | here is the 2020 one: https://www.apertus.org/google-summer-of-code-wrap-2020-article-october-2020
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20:42 | tpw_rules | oh, then you won't be publishing it by tomorrow
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20:43 | se6astian | as this will take some time to collect from all students after gsoc is finished I am afraid not
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20:44 | se6astian | there is a wiki page listing all projects though
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20:44 | tpw_rules | alright, then i will simply send them that google doc, or a gist, or something
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20:44 | tpw_rules | do you have any input?
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20:44 | se6astian | I will be asking students from this year to add their projects at tomorrows IRC meeting
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20:44 | se6astian | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/GSoC_Projects
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20:44 | se6astian | you can already do it now though and add that docs content to it
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20:45 | se6astian | you can look at the entries from the last years for reference
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20:45 | tpw_rules | how do i get an account?
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20:45 | se6astian | ah yes, the wiki registration was disabled as we got spammer flooded
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20:45 | se6astian | let me reenable registration
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20:47 | se6astian | try now
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20:47 | tpw_rules | ah i see it
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20:50 | tpw_rules | hm, how do i make a new page
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20:52 | se6astian | create the link entry here first
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20:52 | se6astian | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/GSoC_Projects
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20:52 | se6astian | then you can click on it and fill the page
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20:53 | tpw_rules | ok, i will do that soon. tnaks
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20:53 | tpw_rules | thanks
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20:54 | anuejn | se6astian: I would prefer to release tpw_rules and my final report in that news category
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20:54 | anuejn | since it seems close enough to a blog
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20:55 | se6astian | sounds good
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20:55 | se6astian | it will need images/graphics/etc. though and has a more general public target audience
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20:56 | se6astian | so it requires more general introductions and overviews as its not for a programmer audience
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20:58 | se6astian | we did something similar about a particular gsoc project a few years back: https://www.apertus.org/GSoC-completed-results-report-smart-switching-regulator-article-oct-2017
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20:59 | tpw_rules | hm, that doesn't quite sound right for what google wants. i don't really have pictures now either
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20:59 | anuejn | yeah sounds like it
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21:06 | tpw_rules | hm, where is vup
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21:09 | vup | sorry was quite busy today, I am here now
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21:09 | vup | I was thinking of publishing it in the news part as anuejn said
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00:22 | tpw_rules | vup: anuejn: can you review the doc again? i made significant changes