01:45 | Spirit532 | left the channel | |
01:45 | Spirit532 | joined the channel | |
05:00 | aombk3 | joined the channel | |
05:09 | fredy | left the channel | |
05:09 | aombk2 | left the channel | |
05:16 | fredy | joined the channel | |
05:16 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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05:17 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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08:07 | metaldent | joined the channel | |
10:45 | se6astian | good day
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11:41 | BAndiT1983_ | left the channel | |
11:42 | BAndiT1983 | joined the channel | |
13:00 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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13:00 | Bertl | morning folks!
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17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME! Who is here? Please message me know to get put into the report queue
| 17:00 | BAndiT1983 | is here
| 17:00 | vup | is here
17:00 | tpw_rules | i am here for the meeting
| 17:00 | bluez | is here
| 17:01 | Bertl | is here ...
| 17:01 | vnksnkr | is here
17:01 | tpw_rules | ok se6astian has invited me to start so, are we missing anybody? i'll wait a couple more minutes
| 17:01 | eppisai | is here
17:02 | Bertl | tpw_rules: just go ahead, everybody can read up later ...
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17:03 | tpw_rules | ok
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17:03 | tpw_rules | so i have written code to access the Beta's sensor over SPI but i have been a bit stuck because i don't have a good way to test it
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17:04 | tpw_rules | i can't simulate it because it mostly involves the linux device tree stuff
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17:04 | tpw_rules | but anuejn said i can access their Beta which does have a sensor so hopefully that can get set up today and i can proceed on that front
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17:04 | tpw_rules | that is it from me
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17:05 | se6astian | many thanks!
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17:05 | se6astian | is there another area you can progress on in parallel until the sensor hardware matter is settled?
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17:05 | vup | tpw_rules: also feel free to open a WIP PR so anuejn and I can take a first look
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17:06 | tpw_rules | i am not sure. the next step was the sensor LVDS lanes which also is largely a hardware matter. but i can definitely open the PR to progress on the code review
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17:06 | vup | se6astian: I think anuejn should be able to provide remote access to a beta with sensor very soon
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17:06 | se6astian | very good
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17:07 | se6astian | bluez: you are next
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17:08 | bluez | yup! so nothing much from me but i recently started working on accomodating the reconfigurable register project to the beta gateware
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17:08 | bluez | to gather some real world data on how it works and the utilization and stuff
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17:09 | bluez | i was just compiling atm and if everything looks good i would need to test it on a partial beta
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17:09 | bluez | which Bertl will help arrange :)
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17:09 | bluez | so that's it from me
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17:10 | se6astian | sounds good, many thanks
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17:10 | se6astian | vnksnkr: your turn!
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17:10 | vnksnkr | Hi
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17:10 | vnksnkr | quick updates from me..
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17:11 | vnksnkr | I've started working on the code to interface with the JTAGF primitive available on the MACHXO2
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17:11 | vnksnkr | Once that's complete I could start testing the gateware
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17:12 | vnksnkr | maybe first using the python scripts and then later with the kernel driver
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17:12 | vnksnkr | That's all from my side :)
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17:13 | se6astian | many thanks, any questions or comments so far?
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17:13 | Bertl | yes, vnksnkr also discovered a problem in our shield design
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17:14 | Bertl | which did go unnoticed so far, but it is probably easy to fix
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17:14 | se6astian | ah, interesting, please elaborate
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17:14 | Bertl | well, we have a shield designed for the remote control purpose
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17:14 | Bertl | which is basically a bunch of mosfets controlled via GPIOs
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17:14 | Bertl | now for whatever reason, the schematic uses N/P pairs of mosfets
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17:15 | Bertl | while we actually want to use N/N pairs there (i.e. no P channels)
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17:15 | Bertl | I have to check whether we actually populated N/P units there, I don't think we did, but the schematic there is just wrong
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17:15 | Bertl | luckily even if we did, this can be easily fixed as the N/N pairs have the same pinout
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17:16 | Bertl | so no redesign oder rewiring required
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17:16 | se6astian | understood, great work vnksnkr!
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17:16 | vnksnkr | thanks!
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17:16 | se6astian | eppisai: your turn
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17:17 | eppisai | Hi!
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17:19 | Bertl | hello ;)
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17:20 | eppisai | I have been trying to debug as to why transitions were causing crash in remote.. have been testing and have so far.. 1. Made changes to drawing by using single loop (earlier was using two, like previous version of remote) and have tried to remove centraldb variables from transition
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17:20 | eppisai | But still crashing..
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17:21 | Bertl | what kind of crash do you see?
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17:22 | eppisai | But, Andrej has been helping me alot , so got a rough idea of what might be causing the error .. it's where I set transition framebuffer.. so currently making complete flow chart diagram of the logic so.. can improve the entire process properly and discuss with Andrej..
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17:22 | BAndiT1983 | crashes are related to memory usage, have tested the code on my remote and could narrow the problem down in framebuffer switch, so advised to move the logic to proper place and check the implementation regarding memory etc.
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17:23 | Bertl | so stack overflow or what?
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17:23 | BAndiT1983 | could be, will port exception handlers to the main code, then i can see the address of cause
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17:24 | BAndiT1983 | or the memory area is not set fully correctly up
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17:24 | Bertl | hmm, okay, tx
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17:25 | se6astian | we are still lacking a hardware debugging setup so a bit handicapped :)
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17:26 | se6astian | I hope to get that set up soon with the JTAG debugger
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17:26 | BAndiT1983 | yep, have also not ordered 4232h yet
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17:26 | eppisai | So, besides have read alot on interupts and timers.. had implemented one.. it wasn't proper.. ISR was bit long.. so need to improve on it.. and will test it also..
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17:26 | BAndiT1983 | but exception handling helps already a lot with crashes usually
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17:26 | BAndiT1983 | *exception handling of pic32
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17:26 | se6astian | BAndiT1983: please continue with your report
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17:27 | Bertl | yeah, I think that and reset codes should help a lot
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17:27 | BAndiT1983 | have resumed remote development again, previously my time was rather occupied
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17:28 | BAndiT1983 | main focus is on UART communication through ASCII protocol, USB will follow afterwards, have reworked some parts and now CRC8 is verified, thanks to GSoC code from metaldent
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17:28 | se6astian | nice
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17:28 | BAndiT1983 | exception handling is done in my version, but will be moved to main repo soon, also added a timer which polls every 5ms if data is there, then a flag is set and main loop processes it, just a quick test for me, before the processing will be adjusted
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17:29 | BAndiT1983 | this also relates to such things as display brightness change, as we currently have some problems with central DB and possible memory bloat from there, i suspect c++11 features, but not verified yet
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17:30 | BAndiT1983 | am thinking about moving brightness handling from function pointers and lambdas to something more simple, but no real plan is there yet, requires a bit of time
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17:30 | BAndiT1983 | that's it from me
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17:30 | se6astian | many thanks
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17:30 | se6astian | quick updates from me:
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17:31 | se6astian | we had a tele videoconference today about the last remaining issues of the production run
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17:31 | se6astian | and concluded that Bertl can start the manual rework, tele wil give us a small refund in return
| |
17:31 | se6astian | I guess Bertl will talk about it in detail then
| 17:32 | Bertl | .o( will I? )
17:32 | se6astian | beside that I moved to house sit for the next 4 weeks not that far from our office in the factory hub, I couldnt take all the hardware with me (left the rockpi for example) but will get the remote hardware setup soonand hopefully also jtag hardware debugging then
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17:33 | se6astian | another company in the factory hub remembered our wish to capture high resolution images of populated boards
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17:33 | se6astian | and today I photographed around 15 panels they did
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17:34 | BAndiT1983 | Bertl: are you a lot into VSauce lately with such questions? ;)
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17:34 | se6astian | this is reference/sample data for the automated optical inspection sotware: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/pcb-aoi
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17:34 | se6astian | currently in development
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17:35 | se6astian | so not that much to report from my side this week, but should get better again now that I am settled in
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17:35 | se6astian | thats it
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17:35 | se6astian | will Bertl now report? We might find out!
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17:35 | Bertl | BAndiT1983: always have been ...
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17:35 | Bertl | well, okay, so let's see what I can report there ...
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17:36 | Bertl | basically we decided that repairing the boards by reworking them ourself is the lesser evil here
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17:37 | Bertl | we already had discussions with tele whether a potential future issue is 'worth' fixing
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17:37 | Bertl | and our position here is that we do not want any Betas to come back in a few weeks with problems
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17:38 | Bertl | so all issues we identify now, we want to get fixed and fixing them ourseleves is the fastest and probably cheapest way to get that done
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17:39 | Bertl | also any repair from tele would end up in a lot of logistic and administrative work which we do not want to spend much time on
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17:39 | Bertl | that said, I hope that we can learn from those issues and improve the process in the future
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17:40 | Bertl | not much project related work was done from my side last week, I was mostly otherwise busy, except for GSoC
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17:40 | Bertl | that's it from my side for this week
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17:40 | se6astian | many thanks!
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17:41 | se6astian | anyone else who wants to report/discuss/share anything?
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17:41 | se6astian | anuejn: any news?
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17:41 | se6astian | manav you there?
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17:41 | metaldent | left the channel | |
17:42 | se6astian | ok then, many thanks everyone! meeting concluded!
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17:43 | Bertl | thank you for the moderation!
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17:44 | se6astian | my pleasure
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18:13 | fredy | left the channel | |
18:52 | fredy | joined the channel | |
19:40 | anuejn | sorry for not being at the meeting
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19:40 | anuejn | here is my report:
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19:45 | anuejn | I continued to develop the cores for receiving and debugging hdmi with some sucess
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19:46 | anuejn | I can sucessfully do bit and word alignment to the hdmi signal
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19:46 | anuejn | and connect the ILA to it and watch the timing
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19:48 | anuejn | however I can not capture long traces since the ecp5 on which I do this does not have much bram and the board does not feature any dram or high speed interfaces to the computer
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19:49 | anuejn | after some initial glances, the hdmi signal I inspected (a rpi forced to dvi mode) looked exactly as I wolud expect
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19:50 | anuejn | ... which is a bit unfortunate since I hoped to gain some kind of enlightenment what my current hdmi tx core is doing wrong
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19:50 | anuejn | however with this approach I still hope to be able to get our cores to work with the camlink and the recorder :)
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19:51 | anuejn | thats it from my side
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19:58 | Bertl | sounds great!
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19:58 | Bertl | any chance we can use that on the hdmi digitizer board?
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20:37 | anuejn | in princicple yes, but the io had to be adapted
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20:38 | anuejn | (and something something transcievers)
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20:44 | fredy | left the channel | |
20:56 | Bertl | yeah, the something something we could probably solve by configuring them with the xilinx tools and copying the settings from there
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20:57 | fredy | joined the channel | |
20:59 | anuejn | Yeah I once inspected the output from the wizzard but then decided to be overwhelmed ;)
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21:02 | Bertl | we might just read them out via the configuration interface
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21:02 | Bertl | anyway, would be nice to get that working at some point
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23:30 | vup | tpw_rules: can you pm me a ssh key you want to use to login to the server to access the remote beta?