03:09 | fredy | joined the channel | |
05:25 | Bertl | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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05:25 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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08:41 | se6astian | good day
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12:34 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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12:34 | Bertl | morning folks!
| |
12:35 | vup | good morning :)
| |
17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME
| |
17:00 | se6astian | who is here?
| 17:01 | Bertl | is here ...
17:02 | se6astian | seems we will be quick today again :)
| |
17:02 | se6astian | any news Bertl ?
| |
17:02 | Bertl | not really
| |
17:02 | se6astian | right
| |
17:02 | se6astian | so quick updates from me:
| |
17:02 | se6astian | new rubber feet from manfred arrived: https://twitter.com/ApertusOSCinema/status/1472557170701094918
| |
17:03 | se6astian | new recorder enclosure 3d print parts (we are at version 0.2 ) have been produced and I am putting the recorder together to test as we speak
| |
17:03 | se6astian | recorded the CCC talk last week together with Max
| |
17:03 | se6astian | and he is in full swing editing already
| |
17:03 | se6astian | as the deadline to submit it is today
| |
17:04 | se6astian | with all the inserts to add we might not make it but 1 or 2 days shall not be an issue hopefully
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17:04 | cscar | joined the channel | |
17:04 | se6astian | anuejn completed new additions to the axiom recorder to do realtime debayering of A+B frames from HDMI stream
| |
17:05 | se6astian | so thats what I am getting ready to test currently
| |
17:05 | se6astian | directly on the lattepanda recorder hardware
| |
17:06 | se6astian | had a chat with vup/anuejn yesterday about workflow decision and the plan now is to apply darkframe, dcnu frame, gainframe in realtime in the recorder before displaying/saving the raw footage
| |
17:06 | se6astian | directly in dng then though
| |
17:07 | se6astian | there is still the question if one would like to save the "pure raw" footage before the corrections
| |
17:07 | se6astian | what we have in raw12 currently basically
| |
17:07 | Bertl | I'd definitely opt for keeping raw data
| |
17:08 | se6astian | well dng is also raw :)
| |
17:08 | se6astian | I guess the user will have the choice in the end
| |
17:08 | Bertl | any noise correction could potentially be done in a better way if there is more cpu power available
| |
17:09 | Bertl | so we should not do any correction which can not easily be undone
| |
17:09 | se6astian | as the axiom recorder can already read raw12 sequences now so it would be possible to apply the corrections later (not from hdmi source but filesource) as well
| |
17:10 | Bertl | note: it's perfectly fine to do any corrections on-the-fly for visualization and we can even do them in the stored 'raw' data if the process is reversible
| |
17:11 | se6astian | there was also the question if the raw12-viewer is obsolete now and I concluded that the axiom-recorder has a slightly different goal so I/BAndiT1983_ will continue working on it
| |
17:11 | se6astian | Bertl: agreed
| 17:11 | vup | is a bit late
17:12 | vup | Bertl: for these simple corrections it should also be pretty doable to just save a bit of extra data and make it reversible
| |
17:12 | se6astian | vup: we discussed yesterday if the corrections are reversible but concluded: "not entirely" right?
| |
17:12 | vup | maybe that could also be a option
| |
17:13 | vup | se6astian: well only darkframe, dcnu frame and gainframe should be reversible (apart from maybe rounding errors)
| |
17:13 | se6astian | even better
| |
17:14 | vup | more interesting is the dark column based row noise filtering, but worst case I think we just need to save 2xheight extra values to make it reversible
| |
17:16 | se6astian | I think thats it from my side
| |
17:16 | vup | (very important in making it reversible is of course using the same *frames to undo the correction, but we probably can just save a checksum of them or something like that to catch mismatches)
| |
17:17 | se6astian | saving darkframe/dcnu/gainframe with the footage would sound like a sane idea
| |
17:17 | vup | maybe saving them on the camera? So you can not easily loose them
| |
17:18 | vup | (and they are probably to some extend camera specific, so you need to match them to the right camera anyways)
| |
17:18 | se6astian | true
| |
17:20 | se6astian | anuejn: it works! realtime raw playback is running on the lattepanda
| |
17:20 | vup | (Bertl: also yes in general I completely agree with you about only doing corrections we can (easily) reverse if we only save a corrected image)
| |
17:21 | se6astian | motion creates weird block effects though, maybe from downscaling
| |
17:21 | se6astian | is that expected?
| |
17:22 | vup | Hmm block effects? when anuejn and I tried it last time it looked fine, but there some color artifacts which looked like the wrong frames were getting combined
| |
17:22 | se6astian | will take picture
| |
17:23 | vup | oh with the newest version you can also save dngs (but now while viewing the preview), so would be interesting to check if they are present there aswell
| |
17:23 | se6astian | cool
| |
17:23 | se6astian | will test
| |
17:23 | vup | unfortunately I think the color filter array is not configured correctly in the dngs currently
| |
17:23 | se6astian | what is the syntax?
| |
17:24 | vup | well anuejn did not push the changes :(
| |
17:25 | se6astian | ah
| |
17:25 | se6astian | right
| |
17:25 | vup | (just noticed it)
| |
17:26 | se6astian | https://cloud.apertus.org/index.php/apps/gallery/s/bMYjZA5QgqL7w9f
| |
17:26 | se6astian | last image is moving hand
| |
17:26 | vup | that looks interesting
| |
17:26 | Bertl | that's nice ;)
| |
17:27 | se6astian | you noticed the penguin immediately didnt you? :D
| |
17:27 | vup | I don't think that has anything to do with the downscaling
| |
17:27 | se6astian | debayering?
| |
17:28 | Bertl | the downscaling could be responsible for the pattern
| |
17:28 | Bertl | but the color effect seems to be motion related
| |
17:30 | Bertl | as it seems to be blue-green vs red-green, mismatched frames could be the reason
| |
17:31 | vup | oh yeah se6astian: do you get any output on stdout?
| |
17:31 | se6astian | yes, but nothing that looks like an error
| |
17:31 | vup | (it should print a message if it detects a mismatched / dropped frame)
| |
17:32 | vup | hmm
| |
17:32 | se6astian | using gpu: intel...
| |
17:32 | se6astian | mesa-intel warning: performance support disabled...
| |
17:32 | se6astian | it did report 2 slipped frames
| |
17:33 | se6astian | but not related to the motion artifacts
| |
17:33 | se6astian | but I noticed similar artifacts on the raw12 sequences recorded when played back with the axiom recorder
| |
17:33 | se6astian | when there was motion
| |
17:33 | vup | oh interesting
| |
17:33 | se6astian | should I capture a video
| |
17:34 | vup | when we tested it on saturday we also had some motion related color artifacts, but they looked a bit different, but until those are fixed, I would just assume its the same artifact you are seeing
| |
17:34 | se6astian | my screen is rather low resolution
| |
17:34 | se6astian | they appear much finer and less severe when the screen is fullhd like the material
| |
17:35 | se6astian | so that maybe explains the differences to what you are seeing
| |
17:35 | se6astian | this lcd is 1024x600 IIRC
| |
17:35 | se6astian | anyway, anyone else who wants to report/share something at the meeting?
| |
17:35 | vup | yeah maybe, we can try with screen scaling and see what happens
| |
17:36 | vup | sure I can quickly report some bits
| |
17:36 | vup | So I finally did the finishing touches on https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/pcbs
| |
17:36 | vup | its now live at https://apertus-open-source-cinema.github.io/pcbs/
| |
17:37 | vup | atm it just generates the preview images, the gerbers and pdf version of the schematics
| |
17:37 | se6astian | nicely done, forgot to mention I added the link to many pcb related wiki pages already: https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/Special:RecentChanges
| |
17:37 | vup | nice
| |
17:37 | se6astian | and updated our OUI PR request accordngly
| |
17:38 | se6astian | https://github.com/openmoko/openmoko-usb-oui/pull/37
| |
17:38 | vup | if anybody thinks it would be interesting, one could also add a interactive boardview / bom thingy like this: https://files.niemo.de/axiom_beta_main_board_v0.38_r1.2_ibom_eagle.html
| |
17:39 | se6astian | yes!
| |
17:39 | vup | ok :)
| |
17:39 | se6astian | does the conversion work automatically or did you have to drag it through kicad manually?
| |
17:39 | se6astian | its beautiful!
| |
17:39 | vup | the one I linked can be generated using a ulp script from eagle
| |
17:40 | se6astian | great
| |
17:40 | se6astian | would be a nice addition to the pcb page IMO
| |
17:40 | vup | sure should not be hard to add
| |
17:40 | vup | to add a new board one should just need to drop a `.brd` and a `.sch` into this folder: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/pcbs/tree/main/boards
| |
17:40 | cscar | I'm off to the groceries. I'll read the rest when I'm back. Great progress! See you all later!
| |
17:40 | vup | (best with accompanying .license files)
| |
17:41 | vup | and if the naming scheme of the other pcbs is followed it should work out nicely
| |
17:41 | vup | thats it from me
| |
17:43 | se6astian | many thanks
| |
17:43 | se6astian | right then, off to dinner as well
| |
17:43 | se6astian | MEETING CONCLUDED
| |
17:43 | se6astian | many thanks everyone!
| |
17:53 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| |
18:31 | anuejn | hey, changes for dng recording are pushed
| |
18:31 | anuejn | tho it is not really stable at the moment
| |
18:53 | se6astian | cool
| |
18:58 | elafon | left the channel | |
18:58 | elafon | joined the channel | |
19:00 | elafon | left the channel | |
19:00 | elafon | joined the channel | |
21:07 | cscar | left the channel |