00:01 | sb0 | left the channel | |
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01:20 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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01:20 | Bertl | back now ...
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03:19 | Bertl | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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03:19 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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03:47 | mooseboobs | left the channel | |
06:12 | troy_s | left the channel | |
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06:24 | lab-bot | kontrakatze closed T146: Forum restructuring proposal as "Wontfix". http://lab.apertus.org/T146
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06:33 | sb0 | joined the channel | |
06:39 | ItsMeLenny | joined the channel | |
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06:57 | sb0 | left the channel | |
08:00 | renearts | joined the channel | |
08:04 | renearts | left the channel | |
08:52 | lab-bot | philippej reopened T146: Forum restructuring proposal as "Open". http://lab.apertus.org/T146
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08:54 | PhilippeJJ | joined the channel | |
09:00 | intracube | joined the channel | 09:17 | PhilippeJJ | is testing shout (https://github.com/erming/shout)
09:29 | ItsMeLenny | left the channel | |
09:32 | ItsMeLenny | joined the channel | |
09:46 | PhilippeJJ | left the channel | |
09:47 | jucar | left the channel | |
09:56 | philippej|away | changed nick to: philippej
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10:02 | FransKanters | joined the channel | |
10:03 | FransKanters_ | joined the channel | |
10:04 | FransKanters_ | Hi All, as dicussed yesterday with Herbert, we might be able to help with a PCIe recording device.
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10:05 | FransKanters_ | Our company Incatec is currently developing a PCIe framegrabber for our 4k Open Hardware Camera Platform which might also be suitable for Apertus users, maybe with slight changes
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10:07 | philippej | Hello FransKanters_ , and welcome! It seems Herbert is curently away but will probably soon arrive
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10:07 | philippej | His nick is Bertl_zZ (the _zZ meaning he is away :-) )
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10:08 | FransKanters_ | We have already hardware available (PCIe gen2x4, a Xilinx Kintex K160T FPGA and 4x 3G SDI hardware interface (upgradable to 4x6G with pin compatible cable drivers) but we are working on the FPGA code
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10:08 | FransKanters_ | Hi Philippej. Herbert told me he might be asleep or away...:-)
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10:09 | FransKanters_ | I'll wait, but in the meantime feel free to discuss your opinion on the recording solution for the apertus camera!
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10:10 | ItsMeLenny | left the channel | |
10:15 | philippej | Sure, my tech knowledge is limited, but we can already clear the licensing issue. Is the K160T usable with free tools?
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10:19 | FransKanters | yes, the k160t is the largest fpga that can be used with the free webpack software
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10:21 | philippej | Great!
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10:21 | renearts | joined the channel | |
10:25 | FransKanters_ | we are willing to share the full schematics and the FPGA code for normal operation as open source to allow other people to develop their own projects
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10:26 | FransKanters_ | The framegrabber will be able to record 4k@30p RAW over 1x3GSDI, 4k60p RAW over 2x3GSDI and even 4k120p RAW over 4x3GSDI
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10:27 | philippej | this is really interesting
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10:27 | philippej | as for physicall connectors, I'd personnally favor sdi's bnc
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10:27 | philippej | I guess we can implement wathever protocol we want on top of this, and are not stuck to sdi
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10:28 | FransKanters_ | We also plan to develop and sell advanced IP cores as closed source addition to the platform (both for the camera and the framegrabber)> We have to make some money too :-)
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10:29 | philippej | the licence allows it afaict
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10:29 | renearts | defenitely true Phillipej!
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10:29 | FransKanters_ | We currently use the Xilinx SDI IP core, but in fact it is just a 3Gigabit link (the MGT transceivers connect to cable drivers) so it is possible to run whatever protocol you would like.
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10:29 | renearts | I'm an Incatec employee btw, I'll follow the discussion as well as answer questions if possible/needed :0
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10:30 | FransKanters_ | We are considering this ourselves to push the framerate up.
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10:32 | philippej | Herbert will have more interesting questions / ideas than me
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10:34 | FransKanters_ | No problem, all ideas/questions are welcome! The Apertus camera is a great idea and we share your vision on open innovation
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10:35 | philippej | what is the highest bandwidth you could push on a single cable (if it's not sdi) ? At some point I guess cable lenght becomse an issue. Depending on usecase, a short cable could be used (when the camera and recorder are in the same enclosure for example)
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10:37 | FransKanters_ | with the current cable drivers / equalizers the theoretical limit is 3 Gigabit per second per cable. With new cable drivers (pin compatible, so no additional development needed) this can be 6 Gigabit per second.
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10:37 | philippej | cable driver = fpga code?
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10:38 | FransKanters_ | So in total 12 Gbit/s and upgraded 24 Gbit/s although the PCIe gen2x4 is only theoretically 20 Gb/s
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10:39 | FransKanters_ | No the cable driver is an IC on the board which enables higher cable lengths. According to the standard up to 90 meters with good cable. We have only tested it with 20 meters so far...
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10:39 | philippej | for your use case, I guess you need long cables (10m +)
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10:40 | philippej | this could be also a good use case for cinema : put the camera head on a crane, and have the recorder on the ground
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10:41 | FransKanters_ | yes, that's true. HDMI cables over 10 meter for high bandwidth are probably more expensive than coax and less flexible.
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10:41 | philippej | (note to self, crazy that you can put 20Gbit on a 90 m cable :-))
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10:42 | FransKanters_ | hehe, the 20Gb is with 4 cables. However, you do have multiple coax cables within one cable for broadcast solutions, we use a triple coax version.
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10:43 | FransKanters_ | for longer distances you can always use standard 3gSDI to optical fiber converters.
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10:44 | jucar | joined the channel | |
10:47 | philippej | is there a market for this grabber card outside your and our use you think?
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10:48 | philippej | I read quite often stuff like "manufacturer xxx screwed us again, their grabber card doesn't recognize my camera signal"
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10:48 | FransKanters_ | we aim for the high speed/high resolution market, which in itself is very broad.
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10:48 | FransKanters_ | Since we are specialized in image analysis algorithms and FPGA implementations thereof, our primary business is developing and selling IP blocks
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10:49 | philippej | we could for example provide better support and better drivers, maybe crowdsource the development of drivers for various uses
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10:49 | FransKanters_ | Our Open Hardware Camera Platform is a means to demonstrate our IP and to find applications
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10:50 | FransKanters_ | We know that problem you describe, which has actually led us to develop our own.
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10:50 | FransKanters_ | By making the platform open, it is possible to extend it to all kinds of camera's which makes it a more solid investement I guess.
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10:51 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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10:51 | Bertl | morning folks!
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10:51 | philippej | Hello Bertl, some backlog for you already :-)
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10:52 | Bertl | yeah, _zZ actually means asleep btw, _oO is otherwise occupied
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10:53 | FransKanters_ | We are already thinking of crowdfunding for this. We also think about using compression to get the max out of the sensor (4k@400p and 2k@850p) with automatic image analysis for detecting trigger events in the image. This would probably be closed source however, since it is a large investement and close to our core business.
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10:53 | FransKanters_ | Hi Bertl, good morning!
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10:55 | Bertl | okay, I've finished the backlog now :)
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10:56 | FransKanters_ | haha...fire away!
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10:57 | Bertl | the K160T has 8 GTX tranceivers, so you plan to use 4 for PCIe and the other 4 for the SDI, yes?
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10:57 | FransKanters_ | that's right.
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10:57 | Bertl | what IP do you use for the PCIe side?
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10:58 | renearts | *not planning actually, it's already implemented in hardware
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10:58 | Bertl | okay, so the hardware is already available?
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10:58 | renearts | currently we are setting up the framegrabber functionality using the Xilinx PCIExpress IP block
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10:58 | FransKanters_ | yes...we are opening a webshop in december...
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10:59 | Bertl | can I get a look at it (schematic and layout)?
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10:59 | renearts | we still need to develop the FPGA code for the PCIExpress functionality though
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10:59 | FransKanters_ | although we will not yet sell the framegrabber since the fpga code is not yet ready
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11:00 | FransKanters_ | We will start selling our open hardware camera platform in December.
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11:01 | Bertl | what precisely is the "open hardware camera platform"?
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11:01 | philippej | May I ask if you already have a price range for the grabber?
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11:02 | FransKanters_ | I can send you the schematics if you like. This is sufficient for most users to fully exploit the possibilities. We want to keep the layout to ourselves for now, since it was a big investement and I don't want Chinese copies too soon :)
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11:02 | Bertl | so the hardware is not really open then, just documented
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11:03 | Bertl | (which is fine)
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11:03 | FransKanters_ | Price range for the framegrabber will probably be about 2500-3000 euro.
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11:03 | Bertl | and yes, please send me whatever you can send me without getting into trouble :)
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11:03 | FransKanters_ | If volumes increase, the price can be lower of course
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11:04 | Bertl | a picture of the card would be nice too though
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11:05 | comradekingu | joined the channel | |
11:06 | FransKanters_ | i have sent the schematics, will send an image soon.
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11:06 | Bertl | excellent! thanks!
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11:11 | Bertl | okay, so basically you're considering opening up the platform (how far?)
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11:11 | Bertl | and you are currently working on the software (FPGA code) or looking for somebody to work on that?
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11:15 | FransKanters_ | sorry, have been on the phone for a moment...
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11:16 | Bertl | no problem
| |
11:17 | FransKanters_ | We plan to open up the schematic and the FPGA code for normal operation (sensor control, SDI, PCIe, SPI communication to raspPi, etc.) up to 120p
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11:17 | FransKanters_ | On top of that we plan to build some additional closed form IP (e.g. speeds up to 400p using compression) and improved processing
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11:18 | FransKanters_ | this closed code will also include some application specific code such as we use for our sports projects which we cannot open up
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11:19 | FransKanters_ | However, with the open source code you will have a fully functional 4k120p system.
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11:19 | Bertl | 'p' in 120p means FPS?
| |
11:19 | FransKanters_ | yes.
| |
11:20 | FransKanters_ | we almost have our camera running at 4k/120 fps
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11:20 | FransKanters_ | RAW bayer pattern over 4x3G SDI
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11:20 | Bertl | okay, and that one will be available soon-ish too I guess?
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11:21 | Bertl | do you have a price estimate for the camera?
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11:22 | FransKanters_ | yes it will. Actually the board used in the camera is almost the same as the board of the framegrabber. They only differ in assembly, so you now have the schematics for the camera too :-)
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11:22 | FransKanters_ | It will probably be around 4500 euro
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11:23 | Bertl | haven't got the schematics yet, but it might have been delayed by greylisting (if you used a new/different account)
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11:23 | Bertl | okay, sounds reasonable
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11:23 | FransKanters_ | including simple aluminium housing, raspberry PI with touch screen for control and power cables.
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11:24 | FransKanters_ | ok, I sent it by email ...
| |
11:27 | Bertl | so let's get back to the frame grabber, what is your vision what we can do for eachother there?
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11:31 | FransKanters_ | it depends a bit on what is needed for you. We could for example together make sure that our framegrabber correctly communicates with your camera. That way the apertus users can have access to recording equipment as soon as the camera comes out.
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11:33 | FransKanters_ | If electrically a different design is desired by you or the apertus community we could help in developing such a design.
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11:34 | FransKanters_ | I'm not sure however what you need. Do you need more manpower for your development? Could we make shorter time to market by bringing in our framegrabber and camera knowledge?
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11:35 | FransKanters_ | we are quite open for different types of collaboration, depending on what your community needs
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11:35 | Bertl | sounds good to me. to answer the questions
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11:36 | Bertl | we can definitely benefit from some manpower for development
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11:36 | Bertl | using the card as is would require to add a 4 channel SDI interface shield to the Beta
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11:37 | Bertl | which is something we haven't planned in the first step, mostly because it requires a lot of space
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11:38 | FransKanters_ | I understand.So you are planning to use HDMI right?
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11:38 | Bertl | HDMI or DP or for recording maybe a custom interface
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11:39 | FransKanters_ | Do you plan to use MGT pairs for these?
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11:39 | Bertl | i.e. whatever connector we have but a custom protocol
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11:40 | renearts | Bertl: what about 4x3Gbit serial channels? :+)
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11:40 | Bertl | the GTX on your framegrabber card should be capable of 12Gbit per channel no?
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11:41 | renearts | so anyone can decide which protocol he/she wants to use, whether it be SDI or not
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11:41 | renearts | our speed grade limits us to 6.6GT
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11:41 | renearts | but with -3 12GT should be possible IIRC
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11:41 | Bertl | okay, so let's say 6Gbit then :)
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11:42 | FransKanters_ | Our board has basically MGT's connected to a 3Gigabit cable driver into a HDBNC connector. We can do whatever protocol we want on that interface, as long as the physical connection is 3Gb or 6Gb and adheres to the physical SDI standard. The driver chips are small (5x5mm) and the HDBNC are also not very large.
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11:42 | Bertl | yes, agreed
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11:43 | FransKanters_ | It is also possible to remove the cable drivers and connect directly, but cable lengths will be limited...
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11:43 | Bertl | so, if you want to help AXIOM, maybe a good idea would be to create an "SDI" shield which can connect to the framegrabber but is not limited to SDI as protocol?
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11:43 | renearts | Just checked the datasheet: with speed grade -3 and FFG package the GTXs go up to 12.5Gb/s
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11:44 | FransKanters_ | sure, sounds good to me.
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11:44 | Bertl | of course, it would be great to open up the design for the shield
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11:45 | Bertl | (which I think shouldn't be a problem for you at all)
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11:45 | FransKanters_ | that would be no problem of course
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11:47 | Bertl | I also think it shouldn't be a problem for you to get us one or two of the frame grabber cards for testing in the near future
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11:48 | Bertl | which would allow the AXIOM Beta community to have a generic as well as AXIOM Beta specific recording solution
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11:48 | FransKanters_ | I think we could arrange that.
| |
11:48 | Bertl | in return, we can provide an AXIOM Beta (once we have something working) to test with as well
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11:50 | FransKanters_ | sounds good!
| |
11:51 | Bertl | okay, so if you still want to help with current development, then definitely having a review of our sensor and interface designs would be much appreciated
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11:51 | FransKanters_ | One drawback in our current design is that you need two slots since we have components on the back side of the board.You can see that on the pics I sent by e-mail.
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11:51 | FransKanters_ | We still want to develop a custom frame with coolinf gor the FPGA that is GPU like dual slot.
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11:52 | Bertl | yeah I don't think that's a big problem nowadays
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11:52 | FransKanters_ | we'll be on a lunch break now. Talk to you later!
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11:53 | Bertl | okay, great! some time to grab breakfast :)
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12:07 | surami | joined the channel | |
12:08 | surami | left the channel | |
12:13 | comradekingu | left the channel | |
12:55 | FransKanters_ | we're back...if you have further questions...
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13:05 | Bertl | well, no questions from my side at the moment ... everything sounds great so far!
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13:06 | Bertl | we should probably do some technical discussions on the SDI shield soon, but that doesn't need to happen right now
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13:06 | Bertl | what I would appreciate is feedback to the current sensor and interface design ASAP as we plan to order the PCBs soon
| |
13:07 | Bertl | http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/
| |
13:08 | Bertl | specifically the axiom_beta_sensor* and the axiom_beta_interface_dummy*
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13:21 | FransKanters_ | didn't check every connection :) but it certainly looks good!
| |
13:22 | FransKanters_ | Did you actually calculate the differential impedance on the LVDS channels?
| |
13:23 | Bertl | yes, we did, but a second opinion (check with expensive tools :) would be welcome
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13:24 | FransKanters_ | :-) We don't have these tools. Our board is designed with a partner who has these tools...
| |
13:25 | Bertl | yeah, well, it was worth a try :)
| |
13:25 | FransKanters_ | How is the stack for the dummy board? Top and bottom signal and ground in between? Or also power?
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13:26 | Bertl | ground and power in between
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13:26 | Bertl | (same as for the sensor board)
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13:30 | FransKanters_ | Not sure, but if i remember correctly we have signal planes always next to a GND plane and not a power plane. Is the power plane split up into multiple voltages?
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13:31 | FransKanters_ | i.e. does the differential signal on top or bottom cross a voltage change?
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13:32 | FransKanters_ | probably not really a problem at 600 MHz, but for the high speed serial transceivers this should be avoided.
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13:33 | davidak2 | MOX crowdfundinf was succesfull and reached all of it's streched goals
| |
13:33 | davidak2 | S20postfix -> ../init.d/postfix*
| |
13:33 | davidak2 | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Apr 22 2014 S20rsync -> ../init.d/rsync*
| |
13:33 | davidak2 | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Apr 22 2014 S20screen-cleanup -> ../init.d/screen-cleanup*
| |
13:33 | davidak2 | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 May 27 13:09 S20sysstat -> ../ini
| |
13:33 | davidak2 | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mox-file-format
| |
13:33 | davidak2 | lol, some crap pasted
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13:34 | davidak2 | then we can plan to integrate it in the beta software
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13:40 | FransKanters_ | looked it up for our design: for the sensor connections we also cross power planes, but not for the high speed SDI signals...
| |
13:41 | FransKanters_ | So doesn't seem a problem here :-)
| |
13:49 | Bertl | davidak2: sounds good!
| |
13:50 | Bertl | FransKanters_: great!
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14:00 | mooseboobs | joined the channel | |
14:34 | jucar | left the channel | |
14:44 | jucar | joined the channel | |
14:49 | philippej | changed nick to: philippej|away
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15:01 | comradekingu | joined the channel | |
15:40 | philippej|away | changed nick to: philippej
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16:08 | Bertl | off for now ... bbs
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16:08 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
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16:13 | FransKanters_ | left the channel | |
16:13 | FransKanters | left the channel | |
16:15 | renearts | left the channel | |
16:43 | Daves | joined the channel | |
16:44 | Daves | i'm a noob who missed out on the indiegogo campaign by a day! can anyone help me
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16:44 | Daves | I want an f-mount beta
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16:44 | Daves | will they ever be for sale openingly on this website?
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16:47 | Daves | left the channel | |
17:01 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl
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17:01 | Bertl | back now ...
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17:03 | aombk | live pseudorandom audio and video data stream : http://aombk.attinom.net/otr/betahive
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17:07 | lab-bot | Bertl created T174: Investigate Micron HMC Technology (Memory). http://lab.apertus.org/T174
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17:09 | lab-bot | Bertl created T175: Investigate Open Source USB 3.0 Stack. http://lab.apertus.org/T175
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17:12 | lab-bot | Bertl created T176: Investigate CoaXPress. http://lab.apertus.org/T176
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17:18 | lab-bot | Bertl created T177: Investigate (e)DisplayPort. http://lab.apertus.org/T177
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17:31 | niemand | joined the channel | |
17:33 | lab-bot | Bertl created T178: Investigate FPGA Options (Low Power as well as Processing) and Licenses.. http://lab.apertus.org/T178
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17:39 | slikdigit | joined the channel | |
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17:39 | slikdigit | joined the channel | |
17:43 | niemand | left the channel | |
17:47 | comradekingu | left the channel | |
17:56 | sb0 | joined the channel | |
17:57 | davidak2 | aombk: is it just a random playlist or somehow generated?
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17:57 | aombk | the audio is generated
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17:58 | aombk | by a software synth i am building the last couple of days
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17:59 | philippej | it sounds really good (and creepy)
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17:59 | aombk | haha thanks
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17:59 | davidak2 | what software do you use for streaming?
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17:59 | aombk | wirecast
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18:00 | aombk | but Open Broadcaster Software is also good
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18:00 | comradekingu | joined the channel | |
18:03 | niemand | joined the channel | |
18:03 | sb0 | left the channel | |
18:08 | philippej | changed nick to: philippej|away
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18:19 | davidak2 | OBS looks really nice. will try it if i had the need for video streaming
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18:32 | philippej|away | changed nick to: philippej
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18:41 | philippej | changed nick to: philippej|away
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18:48 | jucar | left the channel | |
18:48 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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18:53 | se6astian | good evening
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18:54 | Bertl | evening se6astian!
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18:57 | davidak | joined the channel | |
19:03 | sb0 | joined the channel | |
19:29 | jucar | joined the channel | |
19:42 | comradekingu | left the channel | |
19:44 | comradekingu | joined the channel | |
19:59 | FransKanters | joined the channel | |
20:00 | FransKanters | Hi Bertl, I noticed your task to investigate the Micron HMC memory.
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20:00 | FransKanters | That is cool technology to include :-)
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20:01 | Bertl | yes indeed, not sure how practicable it is atm though
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20:02 | Bertl | btw, regarding SDI, you are using the Xilinx IP for that, yes?
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20:02 | FransKanters | I know some of the companies involved in the coaxpress standard by the way. They do up to 4x6.25Gb/s giving 25 Gbit/s. Not sure if they use specific drivers.
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20:02 | Bertl | if you have some input to those tasks, please go ahead and comment
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20:02 | FransKanters | Yes, we currently use the IP core from xilinx, but it is in fact very well possible to do it yourself.
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20:03 | FransKanters | We probably will do it at some point to go to 6Gb/s
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20:03 | Bertl | yeah, it shouldn't be too complicated as far as I checked
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20:03 | FransKanters | It is just a wrapper that includes the right headers and CRC.
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20:04 | FransKanters | Of course it will take some time to develop but it shouldn't be too difficult.
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20:04 | Bertl | I see more a problem with compliance testing
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20:04 | Bertl | do you have resources to do that?
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20:04 | FransKanters | yes, of course we don't comply to anything...:-)
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20:05 | FransKanters | but hey, it works!
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20:05 | Bertl | yeah, not a big deal in a known environment, but for generic interfaces, it might become a problem
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20:05 | Bertl | we've seen that with HDMI out to the Atomos
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20:05 | FransKanters | yes, that's true. By using the Xilinx IP block it is easier to assure compliance.
| |
20:06 | FransKanters | We noticed that some companies use black magic in their products (and name) and do not adhere to the SDI standard...
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20:07 | FransKanters | We had a hard time interfacing with these products...
| |
20:07 | Bertl | *G*
| |
20:08 | FransKanters | So I guess it is the same everywhere...More reasons for open platforms...
| |
20:09 | FransKanters | i'm away for a moment...
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20:26 | danieel | FransKanters / Bertl : CxP is special chips, different than SDI, with inclusion of coupled power its quite hard to get it to work
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20:31 | comradekingu | left the channel | |
20:52 | philippej|away | changed nick to: philippej
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20:55 | lab-bot | sebastian closed T165: Create TAG Festival article for apertus.org as "Resolved". http://lab.apertus.org/T165
| |
21:12 | niemand | left the channel | |
21:17 | intracube | left the channel | |
21:30 | lab-bot | sebastian closed T170: add sample providers to website as "Resolved". http://lab.apertus.org/T170
| |
21:45 | se6astian | time for bed
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21:46 | se6astian | long day at the university ahead
| |
21:46 | se6astian | good night
| |
21:46 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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21:46 | davidak | good night se6astian
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21:46 | Bertl | night se6astian!
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21:46 | FransKanters | left the channel | |
21:52 | wescotte | joined the channel | |
21:52 | wescotte | left the channel | |
21:59 | lab-bot | davidak closed T130: Images not loaded as "Resolved". http://lab.apertus.org/T130
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22:02 | philippej | thanks davidak !
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22:03 | philippej | new unified faq here, now with a table of content
| |
22:03 | philippej | https://apertus.org/en/faq
| |
22:04 | lab-bot | philippej closed T154: move crowdfunding FAQ questions to AXIOM FAQ as "Resolved". http://lab.apertus.org/T154
| |
22:44 | philippej | good night everyone
| |
22:47 | Bertl | nighty night
| |
22:50 | philippej | changed nick to: philippej|away
| |
22:53 | designbybeck | left the channel | |
23:27 | lab-bot | davidak created T180: Update Donation site. http://lab.apertus.org/T180
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23:29 | surami | joined the channel | |
23:30 | surami | left the channel | |
23:39 | g3gg0 | left the channel |