00:42 | arpu | left the channel | |
00:44 | arpu | joined the channel | |
01:37 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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01:37 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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01:54 | jucar | joined the channel | |
05:37 | jucar | left the channel | |
07:37 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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07:37 | Bertl | morning folks!
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07:50 | Spirit532 | joined the channel | |
08:22 | niemand | joined the channel | |
08:43 | niemand | left the channel | |
09:48 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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10:17 | niemand | joined the channel | |
10:37 | niemand | left the channel | |
10:59 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
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10:59 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
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11:27 | davidak | joined the channel | |
12:51 | niemand | joined the channel | |
13:03 | niemand | left the channel | |
13:47 | jucar | joined the channel | |
14:03 | jucar | left the channel | |
14:35 | davidak | left the channel | |
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16:30 | niemand | left the channel | |
16:45 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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17:07 | davidak | left the channel | |
17:20 | niemand | joined the channel | |
17:29 | niemand | left the channel | |
17:30 | Spirit532 | left the channel | |
17:31 | Spirit532 | joined the channel | |
17:44 | davidak | joined the channel | |
17:55 | simonrepp | joined the channel | |
17:55 | max_bxl | joined the channel | |
18:00 | simonrepp | ohai everyone, as announced and planned (https://lab.apertus.org/T260) we will have an IRC meeting now :)
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18:00 | simonrepp | i'll allow for some 3 minutes more before we start, to account for misaligned clocks and such
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18:00 | Bertl_oO | :)
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18:00 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl
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18:01 | davidak | hello everyone :)
| |
18:01 | simonrepp | o/
| |
18:03 | max_bxl | hello everyone !
| |
18:04 | simonrepp | alright! let's begin then :)
| |
18:04 | simonrepp | let's do the meta stuff first, because this needs to be done
| |
18:04 | simonrepp | next meeting date - i would suggest in 2 weeks, because christmas and stuff
| |
18:05 | simonrepp | that would be monday 2nd jan 19:00
| |
18:05 | simonrepp | any pro/con?
| |
18:05 | max_bxl | no cons
| |
18:05 | davidak | ok for me
| |
18:05 | Bertl | fine here
| |
18:06 | simonrepp | aaaand we got a date. thx!
| |
18:06 | simonrepp | then 2nd and last meta issue
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18:06 | simonrepp | :)
| |
18:06 | simonrepp | i'll post the summary from the meeting to the mailing list(s), my question is: where should i archive it additionally?
| |
18:06 | simonrepp | wiki? lab?
| |
18:07 | Bertl | the channel is logged, so it will be archived anyway
| |
18:07 | simonrepp | true, but then again it's not easily accessible unless you remember all the dates of previous meetings
| |
18:07 | Bertl | maybe in the future it might make sense to have a separate 'meeting digest' or so?
| |
18:08 | simonrepp | if there's no need to archive it specifically anyway, i wouldn't mind either, fine as well :)
| |
18:09 | simonrepp | ok then i'll just make something pu :D
| |
18:09 | simonrepp | up
| |
18:09 | max_bxl | maybe if there're some issues that can be interresting to a broader audience we can think of a digest
| |
18:09 | simonrepp | where does that digest go?
| |
18:09 | max_bxl | otherwise, the log is enough
| |
18:09 | simonrepp | (like mentioned: i'll be posting a "digest version" via mail anyway
| |
18:09 | Bertl | sounds fine and sufficient to me
| |
18:10 | simonrepp | ok perfect then let's leave it at that for now
| |
18:10 | simonrepp | on to the meeting itself
| |
18:10 | simonrepp | i'd like to hear just quick reports from everyone who has somethign to report :)
| |
18:10 | simonrepp | fire away!
| |
18:10 | simonrepp | (just what you've been up to, recent progress, super short report)
| |
18:11 | Bertl | probably best to make that 'moderated' instead of chaotic :)
| |
18:12 | simonrepp | sure, you want to start?
| |
18:12 | Bertl | no problem there
| |
18:12 | simonrepp | cool, let's hear it :)
| |
18:12 | Bertl | I'm currently working on a number of Beta related hardware and software part
| |
18:13 | Bertl | top priority currently has testing SFEs, so that is the main focus
| |
18:13 | Bertl | on the hardware side, I'm working on:
| |
18:14 | Bertl | - bringing the THT SFE up to date
| |
18:14 | Bertl | - incorporating SFE changes to both THT and ZIF version
| |
18:14 | simonrepp | (can you just quickly spell that out for the uninitiated :))
| |
18:14 | Bertl | let me list first, we can then get into details if you want to :)
| |
18:15 | simonrepp | sure go ahead
| |
18:15 | Bertl | - a test rig for power board testing
| |
18:15 | Bertl | - a prototype for a smart power adapter
| |
18:16 | Bertl | - HDMI in plugin
| |
18:16 | Bertl | - ESP32 shield
| |
18:16 | Bertl | - GPS shield
| |
18:16 | Bertl | - IMU center solder on
| |
18:16 | Bertl | on the software side:
| |
18:17 | Bertl | - software for SFE testing (microcode and scripts)
| |
18:17 | Bertl | - software for HDMI in (FPGA code and userspace)
| |
18:18 | Bertl | - bandwidth tests (FPGA, userspace)
| |
18:18 | Bertl | - advanced routing fabric interconnect (FPGA, Lattice & Xilinx)
| |
18:19 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| |
18:19 | Bertl | besides that, there are some 'projects' cooking, but not really active
| |
18:19 | Bertl | like for example the SD card raid or the next generation power board
| |
18:20 | Bertl | so, where do you want to get more details? :)
| |
18:20 | simonrepp | just the acronyms spelled out - SFE, THT, ZIF :)
| |
18:21 | Bertl | SFE = Sensor Front End
| |
18:21 | davidak | sounds like great progress. can you tell what THT, SFE and Zif means
| |
18:21 | Bertl | THT = Through Hole Technology
| |
18:21 | Bertl | ZIF = Zero Insertion Force
| |
18:22 | Bertl | we have two kinds of frontends currently
| |
18:22 | simonrepp | ok so two different ways to mount the sensor to the front end basically, correct? :)
| |
18:22 | Bertl | one uses a ZIF (cpu) socket for the CMV12k
| |
18:22 | Bertl | the other uses socket strips from andon
| |
18:23 | davidak | ok, clear now
| |
18:23 | Bertl | the THT (socket strips) version is lagging behind, because we focused on the ZIF version
| |
18:25 | simonrepp | ok cool, do you need anything from anyone that should be mentioned here, or should we move on to next reporter?
| |
18:26 | max_bxl | yep
| |
18:26 | simonrepp | (also: sounds amazing! nice to hear so much stuff progressing :))
| |
18:26 | Bertl | unless somebody has a practical solution for cloning or increasing available time, I'm all good :)
| |
18:26 | max_bxl | how developped is the SD card raid project ?
| |
18:27 | Bertl | I designed and assembled a prototype with three different card slots
| |
18:27 | max_bxl | (and yes : sounds amazing all what is already in the pipelines !)
| |
18:27 | Bertl | but there hasn't been any time to play around with it
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18:27 | niemand | joined the channel | |
18:27 | Bertl | requires a lot of boring 'implementing SD protocol in FPGA'
| |
18:28 | max_bxl | ok!
| |
18:28 | simonrepp | ok who else wants to report? :)
| |
18:29 | max_bxl | i can take the turn !
| |
18:29 | simonrepp | all yours, let's hear it!
| |
18:29 | max_bxl | the Belgian team have made contact with one teacher from Louis-Lumière (french cinema school) and he is making some research with his students to elaborate the picture pipeline (they were discussing with A1ex, but the project is on hold for the moment)
| |
18:29 | max_bxl | we also have made contact with a researcher at the same school, who is working on optical lenses and would like to tweak the signal of an AXIOM to check if we can "adapt" sensors to suit lenses best (in short, the other way around the usual).
| |
18:29 | max_bxl | and finally, we establish contact with Jacques Perconte, french video artist (https://vimeo.com/jacquesperconte), that is willing to make a collaboration with apertus° for a specific project of his own (by the end of 2017, beginning of 2018).
| |
18:29 | max_bxl | we also start our "apertus° IRL brussels" meetings (IRL stands for Info & Research Lab) in order to build a community mixing tech people and cinema folks together around the beta, making movies for example !
| |
18:30 | max_bxl | the first meeting end up with an idea of making an "open kino", that is a festival where we make movies in 72h with only FLOSS tools !
| |
18:30 | max_bxl | the open kino will be preceded by workshops in order to train people in using FLOSS editing software, and of course the beta!
| |
18:30 | max_bxl | the first one should be organize in april.
| |
18:30 | simonrepp | sweet
| |
18:30 | Bertl | either you are typing extremely fast or you did prepare well ;)
| |
18:31 | simonrepp | how often will the IRL meetings happen?
| |
18:31 | max_bxl | we also think of preparing the beta with a wifi usb dongle so we can access the menu easily (as with the alpha software)
| |
18:31 | max_bxl | (i'm very slow at typing ^^)
| |
18:31 | max_bxl | we'll try to make a twice per month rendez-vous
| |
18:32 | simonrepp | is there a website for the meetings that i could include in the meeting summary?
| |
18:32 | max_bxl | not yet
| |
18:32 | Bertl | the updated Beta image should have no problem with the right USB dongle
| |
18:33 | max_bxl | great ! what would be a "right" usb dongle
| |
18:33 | max_bxl | ?
| |
18:33 | Bertl | one which has a driver compiled
| |
18:33 | max_bxl | ok
| |
18:34 | Bertl | best check what is enabled in /proc/config.gz
| |
18:34 | max_bxl | I'll do that !
| |
18:34 | simonrepp | ok super, sounds awesome, thanks max! who's up next? davidak? se6astian?
| |
18:34 | Bertl | if you are unsure, either simply test it (when the dongle is available) or ask me specifically
| |
18:35 | davidak | i can report next
| |
18:35 | max_bxl | sure
| |
18:36 | simonrepp | all ears! :)
| |
18:36 | davidak | i'm working on the content structure of the new website with RexOrCine, Alex_Chooks and se6astian.
| |
18:36 | davidak | it is already really clear how it will be organized and we already working on details.
| |
18:36 | davidak | we had weekly meetings what helped well to have good progress.
| |
18:36 | davidak | we also want to setup a new forum for users and participants. there RexOrCine is investigating what our options are and then the team can make an educated decision :)
| |
18:37 | davidak | we used a quiet new collaborative editor that supports markdown what is nice for quick note taking. it was once offline for 30 minutes while a meeting but worked very well otherwise. https://hackmd.io/ maybe you have a use case
| |
18:38 | simonrepp | ah cool, looks good
| |
18:38 | davidak | Sebastian Gilits is working on the CMS (Drupal 8) and templates
| |
18:38 | simonrepp | etherpad 2.0 :)
| |
18:38 | davidak | yes, but with markdown :)
| |
18:38 | simonrepp | (that's the 2.0, but do continue :))
| |
18:39 | davidak | that was everything. any questions on details?
| |
18:40 | Bertl | who will be doing the drupal setup?
| |
18:41 | davidak | Sebastian Gilits
| |
18:41 | davidak | or do you mean the final deployment to the live server?
| |
18:42 | Bertl | yeah, kind of, or at least verification/testing/etc
| |
18:42 | davidak | i'm not sure on that
| |
18:43 | Bertl | okay, here are a few point (if not considered yet, otherwise please ignore :)
| |
18:43 | davidak | se6astian is involved here
| |
18:43 | Bertl | - please, please, please make sure that the web pages are actually HTML :)
| |
18:44 | davidak | like statis content caching?
| |
18:44 | Bertl | - please verify that accessibility is guaranteed (there are plenty of checks out there)
| |
18:44 | davidak | static
| |
18:44 | Bertl | no, like conforming to the standard, not like the current pages :)
| |
18:44 | davidak | ah, ok
| |
18:45 | Bertl | https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.apertus.org%2F
| |
18:45 | davidak | i will test it!
| |
18:45 | Bertl | thanks, very much appreciated!
| |
18:46 | davidak | anything else to consider?
| |
18:48 | Bertl | accessibility (like for example somebody reading the pages with a braille reader)
| |
18:48 | Bertl | basically boils down to having meaningful alt tags and similar
| |
18:49 | simonrepp | i'll pass the mic on now, just to stay in time somewhat ;) thanks david!!
| |
18:49 | davidak | can you recommend a tester?
| |
18:50 | simonrepp | (if you want to get more in depth, please do go on after the meeting! very encouraged :))
| |
18:50 | simonrepp | anyone else want to report?
| |
18:51 | Bertl | how about you?
| |
18:51 | simonrepp | i had in mind to go last, but that might be now anyway, so, sure :)
| |
18:51 | Bertl | davidak: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tools/
| |
18:52 | simonrepp | i did some stuff on elmyra lately to kinda wrap up easy accessibility for a larger audience
| |
18:52 | simonrepp | basically i wrapped the whole package into an electron application, so people can just "download and start the exe"
| |
18:53 | davidak | what works very nice ;)
| |
18:53 | simonrepp | my main concern is at the moment to actually get some real life persons to try it out, so that's the culmination of this effort for now
| |
18:53 | simonrepp | i'll let it rest for now, and see what happens when the team talk is posted where elmyra is featured
| |
18:54 | simonrepp | (should be next 1-2 weeks i guess? not sure, looked relatively finished already :))
| |
18:54 | simonrepp | asides that i have been exploring visualization for the beta
| |
18:54 | simonrepp | on the very custom and manual side that is
| |
18:55 | simonrepp | i've dived into unreal engine 4 and looked at some possibilites to interactively visualize the beta in there (snippet: http://fdpl.foundation/beta-ue4.mp4)
| |
18:56 | Bertl | (with dramatic music :)
| |
18:56 | simonrepp | haha yeah ;)
| |
18:57 | simonrepp | i have a good overview of this now in terms of technical and artistic (if you will) possibilites and and am now moving a bit more to upgrading the source data I am working with
| |
18:57 | simonrepp | Bertl gave me some pointers to how to set up a EAGLE -> 3D model pipeline for the beta pcb designs
| |
18:58 | simonrepp | i did some research meanwhile in terms of tools and arrived at https://sourceforge.net/projects/eaglepcb2freecad/
| |
18:58 | simonrepp | that's basically a plugin for FreeCAD that allows to import *.brd files, among others
| |
18:58 | simonrepp | among all the brd parsers in different languages, etc. etc. this seems like the coolest and most viable approach to me currently
| |
18:58 | Bertl | interesting
| |
18:59 | simonrepp | like with most approaches this also has the problem of mapping component identifiers to actual 3d models
| |
18:59 | simonrepp | or rather: the problem of actually having the needed 3d models on disk :D
| |
19:00 | simonrepp | so i'm currently investigating how to get an overview of which parts i need and where to get them the easiest and in the right format
| |
19:00 | Bertl | well, that I consider the least problem to be honest
| |
19:00 | simonrepp | not sure if/how i'm going to succeed there
| |
19:00 | simonrepp | i might be a non-issue, i just feel a bit lost in terms of what components even exist, how many there are, where to start etc. :)
| |
19:00 | Bertl | I mean: worst case scenario is 'somebody' searching for the models online till everything is there :)
| |
19:01 | simonrepp | yeah exactly, i'm trying to get an overview how much work that might be, and how to possibly split it up if necessary or helpful
| |
19:01 | Bertl | many parts look identical (R's C's and most L's)
| |
19:02 | Bertl | so there is only one model for all 0402 R's required for example
| |
19:02 | simonrepp | ok i'll keep that in mind
| |
19:02 | simonrepp | that's exactly the insider knowhow i'm missing, and that makes me a bit lost in this :)
| |
19:03 | simonrepp | i'll just keep bugging you on irc from time to time i guess, if that's ok with you bertl :)
| |
19:03 | Bertl | no problem with that ... happy to share
| |
19:03 | simonrepp | ok that's all from my side actually, i'll leave one more minute for more reporters to speak up, and then, or otherwise, i'll close the meeting]
| |
19:04 | Bertl | btw, the FreeCad solution should cover future KiCad projects too (which I consider nice)
| |
19:04 | simonrepp | (cool! glad to hear)
| |
19:05 | simonrepp | Alright then, thanks everyone for participating in this first general apertus IRC meeting!!
| |
19:06 | simonrepp | Leave feedback here if you want to: https://lab.apertus.org/T260
| |
19:06 | Bertl | thanks for the moderation! appreciated!
| |
19:06 | simonrepp | I'll be posting the meeting notes later to team@ and axiom-dev@, see you in two weeks on 2nd january 2017 19:00 right here
| |
19:06 | simonrepp | my pleasure!
| |
19:11 | max_bxl | thank you for the initiative of the meeting and the moderation !
| |
19:11 | davidak | thanks everyone. it was very informative!
| |
19:13 | max_bxl | gotta go... Good evening everyone !
| |
19:13 | simonrepp | bye!
| |
19:13 | max_bxl | left the channel | |
19:15 | simonrepp | Is the "Please do not seek technical support about Elphel cameras in IRC...." remark on https://www.apertus.org/irc-chat still an issue? I think this could be removed otherwise
| |
19:21 | Bertl | probably not very relevant anymore
| |
20:08 | Bertl | off for a nap ... bbl
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20:08 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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20:10 | simonrepp | left the channel | |
20:10 | simonrepp | joined the channel | |
20:12 | simonrepp | left the channel | |
20:22 | niemand | left the channel | |
20:42 | slikdigit_ | joined the channel | |
20:45 | slikdigit_ | changed nick to: slikdigit
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20:52 | slikdigit | left the channel | |
21:00 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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21:09 | arpu | left the channel | |
21:18 | davidak | left the channel | |
21:23 | arpu | joined the channel | |
22:12 | davidak | joined the channel | |
22:59 | davidak | left the channel |