| 04:30 | evilcat | joined the channel |
| 13:06 | evilcat | left the channel |
| 17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME, I am back from vacation, who else is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
| | 17:00 | se6astian | how are things going Bertl? any news for the meeting?
| 17:01 | Bertl | not much, currently working on another AXIOM Beta build
| 17:01 | Bertl | testing and fixing boards but that's basically it
| 17:01 | se6astian | alright then, anyone else around?
| 17:01 | se6astian | I will need some time to work through my inbox and start work again
| 17:02 | se6astian | ok then, very quick meeting!
| 17:02 | se6astian | MEETING CONCLUDED
| 17:28 | anuejn | I am currently having a little 5d2 reverse engineering session :)
| 18:04 | se6astian | cool, please share some pics when you can