| 01:04 | jn | left the channel |
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| 04:11 | pinkforest | sorry I had a client distracting me
| 04:12 | pinkforest | I no more have that client so I can get back to contributing again
| 05:25 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 05:25 | illwieckz_ | joined the channel |
| 07:35 | se6astian | pinkforest: cool, we can pick up the ideas you had discussed via email here and see what would be a feasible project for collaboration
| 16:06 | aombk | left the channel |
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| 17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME, who is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
| | 17:00 | se6astian | anything new to report Bertl?
| 17:01 | Bertl | There has been some progress on the Axiom Remote side
| 17:01 | se6astian | great, please share some insights :)
| 17:01 | Bertl | we should have all the parts and places now figured out and can actually start routing the board
| 17:02 | Bertl | other than that, I spent most of the time preparing a customer Beta
| 17:02 | se6astian | excellent!
| 17:05 | se6astian | anything else?
| 17:05 | Bertl | nope, guess that's it for this week! thanks!
| 17:06 | se6astian | great, sounds perfect
| 17:06 | se6astian | BAndiT1983 you around?
| 17:06 | se6astian | quick updates from my side
| 17:06 | se6astian | I finished producing the first set of paper shims for the lens mount of the CP enclosure
| 17:07 | se6astian | and matching shim packaging, also laser cut from heavy paper
| 17:07 | se6astian | someone on telegram shared a video and experience from a friend who successfully laser cut thin steel sheets with a diode laser
| 17:08 | se6astian | couldnt believe it so I ordered sheets to try
| 17:09 | se6astian | more progress with assembly guide and cp kits preparations, the end is nigh
| 17:09 | se6astian | thats it from my side, pinkforest you around currently to discuss ideas?
| 17:11 | se6astian | note from oscar, the apertus company has been converted from BVBA to BV, this needs to be updated in some places on website, invoices, letters, etc. I am on it
| 17:20 | se6astian | ok then, MEETING CONCLUDED
| 20:47 | balrog | left the channel |
| 20:51 | balrog | joined the channel |