| 00:00 | uberardy | joined the channel |
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| 05:03 | Bertl | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 05:03 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 05:11 | codetronaut_ | joined the channel |
| 05:50 | codetronaut_ | @vup, and @anuejn i have build the webui .. currently it's not showing anything under devices(under open register explorer)
| 05:51 | vup | codetronaut_: nice, i think your problem is, that you have not started the control daemon / nctrl yet
| 05:52 | vup | when running nctrl you need to give it a mountpoint and then link that mountpoint to the nctrl_mountpoint directory in the webui folder
| 05:53 | codetronaut_ | i tried running the daemon but it's showign cargo.toml file not found
| 05:53 | vup | how are you trying to run the daemon?
| 05:54 | vup | it should be enough to clone this repository: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/nctrl
| 05:54 | codetronaut_ | i have created a folder and then clone the gitrepo and also created axiom_api
| 05:55 | codetronaut_ | then proceeded with cargo run -- --mock --mountpoint ./axiom_api camera_descriptions/beta/beta.yml
| 05:55 | vup | that seems like that should work
| 05:55 | codetronaut_ | but it's not working
| 05:56 | vup | are you sure you are running this command in the directory you cloned this repository: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/nctrl ?
| 06:08 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 06:10 | codetronaut_ | left the channel |
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| 06:11 | vup | codetronaut_: you should be running the `cargo run [...]` in the folder containing the "Cargo.toml" file
| 06:11 | vup | and not for example in the folder containing the webui source
| 06:15 | codetronaut_ | yes
| 06:16 | codetronaut_ | i am running it from nctrl directory but still it's showing error
| 06:16 | vup | can you upload the full error message somewhere?
| 06:16 | vup | (for example to https://paste.niemo.de/ )
| 06:19 | codetronaut_ | sure
| 06:23 | codetronaut_ | https://paste.niemo.de/eqeriworoc.sql
| 06:23 | vup | ahh ok
| 06:24 | vup | the rust-fuse directory is a git submodule, so you either need to recursively clone the repository
| 06:24 | vup | or execute `git submodule update --recursive --init` to download the submodule
| 06:25 | codetronaut_ | ok let me try
| 06:26 | codetronaut_ | it's running :D
| 06:26 | vup | nice
| 06:26 | codetronaut_ | can i update this part in the docs
| 06:26 | vup | sure
| 06:26 | codetronaut_ | in the git repo
| 06:27 | codetronaut_ | ok
| 06:40 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 06:46 | codetronaut_ | left the channel |
| 06:59 | codetronaut_ | joined the channel |
| 07:06 | codetronaut_ | @vup, a new error https://paste.niemo.de/ujewofecar.js
| 07:07 | vup | codetronaut_: currently you have to run the control daemon in such a way, that the camera description is at camera_descriptions/beta/beta.yml
| 07:07 | vup | and not nctrl/camera_descriptions/beta/beta.yml as is your case
| 07:10 | codetronaut_ | oh now i understand
| 07:11 | codetronaut_ | i am already in nctrl file
| 07:11 | codetronaut_ | and tried to access nctrl file under nctrl file
| 07:11 | vup | yep
| 07:19 | codetronaut_ | are mounting ./axiom_api takes time?
| 07:20 | codetronaut_ | *does
| 07:20 | vup | if you are not compiling in release mode yes
| 07:20 | codetronaut_ | that means i am not compiling in release mode ig
| 07:20 | vup | (if you use cargo run --release is should be quite fast, i think at maximum about 300ms)
| 07:20 | codetronaut_ | ok
| 07:22 | codetronaut_ | that means i should omit --mountpoint and --mock
| 07:24 | vup | no
| 07:24 | vup | just add --release
| 07:24 | vup | so `cargo run --release -- --mock --mountpoint ./axiom_api camera_descriptions/beta/beta.yml`
| 07:26 | codetronaut_ | adding --release with --mountpoint and --mock showing error
| 07:26 | vup | what exact command did you run?
| 07:26 | codetronaut_ | cargo run --release --mock --mountpoint ./axiom_api camera_descriptions/beta/beta.yml
| 07:26 | codetronaut_ | this
| 07:26 | vup | you are missing the `--` between `--release` and `--mock`
| 07:27 | vup | `--release` is a argument to cargo and the `--` means all the arguments after that are passed to the control daemon
| 07:27 | codetronaut_ | now added and it's working
| 07:27 | codetronaut_ | please tell what does '--' do in this
| 07:27 | vup | if you omit the `--` it thinks `--mock` and `--mountpoint` and so on are arguments to cargo
| 07:28 | codetronaut_ | ohk
| 07:28 | vup | the `--` just tells cargo that everthing after that are not arguments for cargo, but instead arguments for the binary cargo executes, in this case the control daemon
| 07:34 | codetronaut_ | it's still taking time...should i wait
| 07:39 | vup | what do you mean, by it's still taking time, it should keep running, until you don't need the mountpoint anymore
| 07:41 | vup | it's not like a normal `mount` that you execute once and then it is mounted, starting the control daemon should automatically `mount` the fuse filesystem at the specified mountpoint, but the control daemon needs to keep running to actually answer to any actions (for example reads, writes) on this fuse filesystem
| 07:41 | codetronaut_ | i mean after buliding the webui it should show devices under the (registers explore)
| 07:41 | vup | yes
| 07:42 | codetronaut_ | so after running the daemon
| 07:42 | codetronaut_ | it should show
| 07:42 | vup | did you change the `nctrl_mountpoint` link in the webui folder to point the the axiom_api folder where the daemon is mounted?
| 07:44 | codetronaut_ | how should i change it
| 07:44 | codetronaut_ | just add axiom_api to this
| 07:45 | codetronaut_ | ?
| 07:45 | vup | just `unlink nctrl_mountpoint` and then `ln -s path/to/axiom_api nctrl_mountpoint`
| 07:51 | codetronaut_ | it's still not showing devices under registers section
| 07:51 | vup | what does `ls nctrl_mountpoint` show?
| 07:55 | codetronaut_ | nothing
| 07:57 | vup | what does `file nctrl_mountpoint` show?
| 07:57 | codetronaut_ | this....nctrl_mountpoint: symbolic link to /home/codetronaut/Desktop/nctrl/axiom_api
| 07:57 | vup | ok and what does `ls /home/codetronaut/Desktop/nctrl/axiom_api` show?
| 07:58 | vup | (nothing probably)
| 07:58 | codetronaut_ | it's showing nothing
| 07:58 | vup | so is the control daemon running?
| 07:58 | codetronaut_ | yes
| 08:00 | vup | can you restart the control daemon with `RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --release -- --mock --mountpoint ./axiom_api camera_descriptions/beta/beta.yml` and give me the output of that?
| 08:00 | codetronaut_ | ok
| 08:02 | codetronaut_ | https://paste.niemo.de/icimavupob.sql
| 08:02 | vup | it seems like you have linked `nctrl_mountpoint` to the wrong `axiom_api` directory
| 08:03 | vup | it should probably be /home/codetronaut/Desktop/nctrl/nctrl/axiom_api instead of /home/codetronaut/Desktop/nctrl/axiom_api
| 08:06 | codetronaut_ | i think i have to do it from beginning
| 08:10 | vup | codetronaut_: i think just `unlink nctrl_mountpoint` and `ln -s /home/codetronaut/Desktop/nctrl/nctrl/axiom_api nctrl_mountpoint should be enough
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| 12:32 | Bertl | morning folks!
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