| 00:50 | aombk2 | joined the channel |
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| 01:40 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 01:42 | Bertl | felix_: I would suggest to restore the backup (you or somebody hopefully did) from/at 34c3 because the 'normal' SD image will not work with the SDI plugin
| 01:43 | Bertl | regarding danieel's pcie sdi card: as far as I understood, there are no plans to make it open hardware, only open source the drivers at some point (aimed for mainline inclusion)
| 01:44 | Bertl | (please correct me if I got that wrong)
| 01:52 | felix_ | on the sd card image: it would be good if whoever made the backup from that could send me the image
| 01:53 | felix_ | on the pcie card: i don't really care about the pcb artwork not being open source; full schematics and open source gateware would be nice though. working on the second one at the moment ;)
| 01:59 | Bertl | I think Apertus° cares ;)
| 01:59 | Bertl | regarding SD image: how about getting a copy from the other Beta?
| 02:02 | felix_ | the other one isn't here yet
| 02:03 | Bertl | where is it?
| 02:06 | felix_ | i don't see much benefit of having the pcb design completely open other than "because we can", but i'm not opposed to the idea. not havin the designs open source probably won't prevent clones, so that't not a very good argument against publishing that and i can't really think about any other good argument against. i also don't have a good pro argument
| 02:07 | felix_ | Bertl: _florent_ has the second one; he'll arrive at the weekend
| 02:07 | Bertl | the pro argument is that it can be reproduced and modified without putting in extra work to reverse engineer it
| 02:08 | Bertl | means, no vendor lockin, no restrictions on modifications
| 02:09 | felix_ | ok, being able to easily modify the device is a pro argument. building your own device yourself is probably more expensive than just getting an assembled unit and requires tools most people don't have
| 02:10 | Bertl | yes, but let me make an example here: let's say we use a proprietary card from vendor XY with excellent open source drivers we incorporate in our 'product'
| 02:11 | Bertl | everything is fine, till one day, vendor XY goes bankrupt or decides to not build any more of those cards
| 02:12 | Bertl | the result for us is that we either have to reverse engineer the card to build our own version or to switch everything to a new card, given that there is one available
| 02:12 | felix_ | yeah, that will be a problem. the beta uses a commercial module though where i'm not sure it the pcb artwork is public...
| 02:13 | Bertl | which module are you referring to?
| 02:14 | felix_ | the zynq board
| 02:14 | Bertl | the layout for all revisions is available for download
| 02:14 | felix_ | ah, nice
| 02:14 | Bertl | also the bom list
| 02:15 | felix_ | ok, didn't know that
| 02:15 | Bertl | and of course the schematic
| 02:15 | felix_ | yeah, i've alerady looked in the schematics
| 02:22 | Bertl | regarding SD image: maybe _florent_ can make a copy dd/xz and make it available for you before the weekend
| 02:23 | Bertl | note that when you have both cameras running with the same SD image, you want to modify the MAC address for one of them (on the SD card) if you want to put them in the same network
| 02:23 | felix_ | i don't depend on that at the moment, but yesterday i wanted to show the setup to someone at the timvideos hackfest
| 02:46 | mithro | Bertl: So - it would be really awesome if we could get the AXIOM camera into the LCA video recording set up here
| 02:47 | mithro | Bertl: What is needed to get video (say, raw 720p30?) streaming out the Ethernet port on the AXIOM?
| 02:52 | Bertl | a real time video compressor which can reduce the data to 500Mbit/s or so?
| 02:55 | Bertl | 720p30 is 27 megapixel per second, so assuming 24bit RGB, it could almost work, for raw, at least a 2:1 compression is required
| 02:56 | felix_ | iirc there's mjpeg encode support in the hdmi2usb project
| 02:57 | Bertl | in any case you need some kind of streaming server which can send out the data at the given rate
| 02:57 | felix_ | but just using either the hdmi or the sdi output will require much less work
| 02:57 | felix_ | for getting it working for the conference
| 03:00 | Bertl | yes, definitely
| 04:02 | rton | left the channel |
| 04:11 | Bertl | back to bed ... still not really well.
| 04:11 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 05:29 | davidak[m] | felix_: i flashed the image and don't made a backup before, since it is mostly the same as the other beta
| 05:29 | davidak[m] | the HDMI image don't work because it is too old for the hardware
| 05:31 | davidak[m] | sadly we don't automatic image building yet
| 05:31 | davidak[m] | do you know who flashed the two betas initially? the person should have the right image
| 05:32 | davidak[m] | or just clone the sd card from the other beta
| 05:34 | felix_ | uh, i neither know who flashed that not their nicknames
| 05:35 | davidak[m] | probaply Bertl
| 05:35 | davidak[m] | but i don't know. maybe mithro knows?
| 05:36 | felix_ | ah, yeah, Bertl_zZ built the right image. i thought you meant at 34c3
| 05:37 | felix_ | probably the newest version from here http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/FLORENT/
| 05:43 | davidak[m] | felix_: that seams to be the bitstream for the SDI FPGA
| 05:43 | davidak[m] | not the camera firmware image
| 06:01 | felix_ | that should be the image for the axiom side
| 06:48 | davidak[m] | maybe for the FPGA
| 06:49 | davidak[m] | but it's not the image for the sd card. it's too small
| 06:49 | davidak[m] | that was 16 GB!
| 06:51 | felix_ | ah. i meant the image that gets shoved into the device that is used to configure the fpga fabric
| 06:54 | davidak[m] | ok. then that might be right
| 06:55 | davidak[m] | isn't that included in the firmware image and get's flashed when the kick script is executed?
| 07:06 | felix_ | should be, but i don't know for sure
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| 09:33 | danieel | Bertl_zZ: / felix_ : the bankrupcy issue is solved by *USING STANDARDS* so that you can use any other vendor's card. There is nothing really proprietary in SDI
| 10:08 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 10:09 | Bertl_oO | danieel: good to hear that you plan to write your drivers for other vendor's cards as well!
| 10:12 | danieel | Bertl_oO: eh?? it will have V4L2 so you dont need to change your app, if other vendors follow the standard ways :)
| 10:14 | Bertl_oO | and as you already stated, they don't so that doesn't help either
| 10:17 | danieel | being not compatible is their choice, not mine.
| 10:17 | danieel | we could not find any with arm drivers, so we built it this way
| 10:18 | Bertl_oO | do you provide schematics to your card?
| 10:23 | danieel | what for? I except it might need NDAs
| 10:24 | Bertl_oO | thanks
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| 17:57 | se6astian | hi dimitri!
| 18:00 | dimitri | hi
| 18:01 | dimitri | wie geht es?
| 18:01 | se6astian | danke gut
| 18:01 | se6astian | siehe pm
| 18:01 | dimitri | pm?
| 18:02 | se6astian | personal message
| 18:02 | se6astian | direkte message
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