| 01:26 | evilcat | joined the channel |
| 06:35 | intrac | left the channel |
| 06:36 | intrac | joined the channel |
| 08:51 | evilcat | left the channel |
| 09:53 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 10:05 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
| 17:04 | se6astian | MEETING TIME, anyone around?
| 17:04 | Bertl | is here ...
| | 17:09 | se6astian | any news Bertl?
| 17:10 | Bertl | still working on the power controller ... currently investigating options to configure it from the Zynq side
| 17:10 | Bertl | I'm also working on the SMT version of the power adapter board
| 17:10 | Bertl | that's basically it from my side
| 17:13 | se6astian | great, thanks for the update
| 17:13 | se6astian | don't forget the PR for maximes bugfixes :)
| 17:13 | Bertl | yeah, that's still on the todo list
| 17:13 | se6astian | great
| 17:13 | se6astian | no news from me this week
| 17:13 | se6astian | anyone else with news?
| 17:17 | se6astian | right then, MEETING CONCLUDED, thanks for the updates Bertl!
| 17:22 | Bertl | thanks for the moderation!
| 17:50 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 17:52 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
| 22:54 | anuejn | As always a late report from my side:
| 22:54 | anuejn | I did a bit of investigations into lens mount protocols and talked to different people (including se6astian) about it
| 22:54 | anuejn | but the effort is not very far
| 22:54 | anuejn | thats it from my side for this week
| 22:55 | anuejn | currently having a bit of a stressful time with uni and the end of the semester
| 23:01 | Spirit532 | left the channel |
| 23:01 | Spirit532 | joined the channel |