| 03:56 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 03:57 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 06:40 | metaldent | joined the channel |
| 08:32 | metaldent | left the channel |
| 10:59 | aombk | left the channel |
| 11:02 | aombk | joined the channel |
| 12:29 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 12:29 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 12:32 | Dest123 | joined the channel |
| 12:32 | Dest123 | Morning!
| 12:56 | Dest321 | joined the channel |
| 12:57 | Dest123 | left the channel |
| 12:57 | Dest321 | changed nick to: Dest123
| 15:20 | anuejn | tpw_rules: no, sorry
| 15:20 | anuejn | but I will look into this now
| 15:28 | lexano | left the channel |
| 15:28 | tpw_rules | left the channel |
| 15:28 | tpw_rules | joined the channel |
| 15:29 | lexano | joined the channel |
| 16:34 | Dest321 | joined the channel |
| 16:37 | Dest123 | left the channel |
| 16:45 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 17:25 | Dest321 | changed nick to: Dest123
| 19:32 | Dest123 | left the channel |
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| 21:24 | metaldent | joined the channel |
| 21:25 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 21:25 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 21:27 | fredy | joined the channel |
| 22:01 | metaldent | left the channel |
| 22:41 | tpw_rules | anuejn: how exactly does clocking work for ControlSignal and StatusSignal? if i have a bunch in different domains is it a problem?
| 22:43 | vup | tpw_rules: its all in the domain defined by the thing that collects the {Control,Status}Signals currently, so for the zynq soc platform its in the axi clock domain
| 22:44 | vup | (the axi clock domain used by the thing that connects the {Control,Status}Signals to AXI)
| 22:44 | tpw_rules | what is that domain named? i guess that implies i need synchronization logic?
| 22:45 | vup | depends on what you want to achieve
| 22:45 | vup | usually it "works" without
| 22:46 | anuejn | the domain name is also in the csr_domain attribute of the platform
| 22:47 | anuejn | (in case of the zynq it is "axi_lite"; https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/naps/blob/main/naps/soc/platform/zynq/zynq_soc_platform.py#L11)
| 23:15 | Dest123 | left the channel |
| 23:16 | tpw_rules | reading that the default axi frequency is just 10mhz?
| 23:22 | anuejn | yup
| 23:22 | anuejn | I changed that (used to be 100) because I had the impression that it had a positive impact on build times
| 23:22 | anuejn | but that might have been placebo
| 23:23 | anuejn | no real measurements were made
| 23:24 | tpw_rules | ok, i plan to rely on that using PulseSynchronizers
| 23:37 | tpw_rules | anuejn: is your beta available now? whether fixed or not
| 23:46 | anuejn | available yes, fixed no
| 23:46 | tpw_rules | ok cool
| 00:38 | balrog | left the channel |