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| 12:07 | anuejn | so here are some of the things we tried for getting an environment for executing comands from the webui:
| 12:07 | anuejn | * a login shell with su (this should use PAM and thus read /etc/environment but that didnt work for some reason)
| 12:08 | anuejn | * a login shell with sudo (same)
| 12:08 | anuejn | * manually putting the correct paths in the PATH
| 12:10 | anuejn | & manually sourcing apertus.sh for getting the functions in the bash session (https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-firmware/blob/main/software/configs/apertus.sh)
| 12:10 | anuejn | however that also did not work (define -F sees the functions but all our scripts dont)
| 12:21 | anuejn | (context: systemd does not load /etc/environment nor /etc/profile.d/
| 12:21 | anuejn | which means that we cannot just execute all our stuff
| 12:26 | Bertl | how about using a cgi plugin like php?
| 12:27 | Bertl | this could also process output and present it nicely?
| 12:32 | anuejn | :D
| 12:33 | anuejn | I mean the problem is how do we get an environment that is like the login-shell for a service started by systemd
| 13:04 | Bertl | shouldn't a wrapper like ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc /path/to/whatever do the trick?
| 13:05 | Bertl | of course you can also add Environment or EnvironmentFile options to the service to achieve similar
| 13:49 | anuejn | EnvironmentFile did not do the trick
| 13:50 | anuejn | doing a login-shell with bash i did not try but it normally should not read /etc/environment, no?
| 14:33 | Bertl | that's what -i -l etc controls IIRC
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