| 00:06 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 02:11 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 02:11 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 04:28 | rton | left the channel |
| 06:25 | supragya | joined the channel |
| 06:27 | supragya | RexOrCine, my classes end today at 12:30 GMT. I will be available from around 1PM.
| 06:27 | RexOrCine | 104.
| 06:28 | supragya | i don't understand that. sorry
| 06:30 | RexOrCine | Message received.
| 06:30 | supragya | :)
| 07:33 | TofuLynx | Good morning!
| 07:44 | rton | joined the channel |
| 07:49 | Iti | joined the channel |
| 07:50 | Iti | Good morning everyone :)
| 07:55 | supragya | left the channel |
| 07:56 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 07:57 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 08:06 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| 08:06 | Iti | left the channel |
| 08:20 | TofuLynx_ | joined the channel |
| 08:24 | RexOrCine | https://cloud.gerade.org/index.php/s/36LV4ckdTGfOu0J
| 08:27 | se6astian | very nice!
| 08:27 | TofuLynx_ | that's awesome!
| 08:29 | sebix | joined the channel |
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| 08:29 | sebix | joined the channel |
| 09:09 | TofuLynx_ | left the channel |
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| 09:31 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 09:31 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 09:35 | se6astian | good morning!
| 10:46 | supragya-web | joined the channel |
| 10:54 | TofuLynx_ | left the channel |
| 11:03 | supragya-web | left the channel |
| 11:13 | futarisIRCcloud | left the channel |
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| 12:58 | supragya | joined the channel |
| 12:59 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 13:04 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 13:04 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 13:06 | supragya | RexOrCine, available now
| 13:13 | supragya | left the channel |
| 13:14 | supragya | joined the channel |
| 13:17 | RexOrCine | supragya: Yeah.
| 13:18 | supragya | well.. if you would like to have a look, I am here
| 13:18 | RexOrCine | OK. Follow me in the doc.
| 13:18 | ArunM | joined the channel |
| 13:18 | supragya | okay
| 13:23 | ArunM | changed nick to: Arun__
| 13:29 | RXFDW5Orbitrix | joined the channel |
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| 13:46 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 13:47 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 13:48 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 14:08 | Arun__ | left the channel |
| 14:48 | supragya | left the channel |
| 14:57 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
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| 15:06 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
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| 16:07 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 16:14 | ymc98 | joined the channel |
| 16:15 | ymc98 | Should I include testbenches for qualification task 1 in my repository?
| 16:16 | Bertl_oO | I presume you are doing the VHDL task, yes?
| 16:18 | ymc98 | yes
| 16:19 | supragya | joined the channel |
| 16:23 | ymc98 | left the channel |
| 16:23 | Bertl_oO | well, you might want to get a proper IRC client :)
| 16:24 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 16:24 | ymc98 | joined the channel |
| 16:24 | Bertl_oO | in general test benches are not required, but they are definitely a bonus when they do extensive testing (i.e. test the corner cases too)
| 16:25 | Bertl_oO | if you want me to take a look at your VHDL code, let me know, I can do so an provide some feedback
| 16:27 | ymc98_ | joined the channel |
| 16:28 | ymc98_ | Sorry, really bad wifi here.
| 16:28 | supragya | It's better to use a client than freenode web interface :)
| 16:29 | ymc98_ | Isn't it true writing testbenches for our own code is not advisable?
| 16:29 | Bertl_oO | also always check the irc logs when you lose connection
| 16:29 | ymc98 | left the channel |
| 16:30 | BAndiT1983 | writing tests is not advisable??? it's the first thing a developer should do
| 16:30 | BAndiT1983 | was often glad, that tests from colleagues revealed how the code has to be used
| 16:30 | supragya | BAndiT1983, I need some technical help on documentation
| 16:31 | BAndiT1983 | yes?
| 16:31 | Bertl_oO | ymc98_: well, sometimes you have to write your own test bench. if you have somebody else to write them for you, that's fine too
| 16:31 | supragya | ie proposal.
| 16:31 | supragya | can you have a look at doc
| 16:31 | ymc98_ | I see
| 16:31 | BAndiT1983 | supragya, am there
| 16:31 | supragya | let me connect
| 16:33 | supragya | also unsure what to add there
| 16:34 | BAndiT1983 | you have multiple things: pool allocator (which is also called static), reading only image data from sub-sequential frame, using downscaler to avoid de-bayering
| 16:35 | supragya | sub-sequential frame?
| 16:35 | BAndiT1983 | i mean the frames after first one
| 16:35 | supragya | oh
| 16:35 | BAndiT1983 | you read first fully, header + data, then you know image data offset
| 16:35 | BAndiT1983 | and following frames will be read from the offset on
| 16:35 | supragya | fixed sized header I presume after first one?
| 16:35 | supragya | or access to header is needed on other frames
| 16:36 | BAndiT1983 | if they are encoded, which i haven't met yet, then it's a bit different approach
| 16:36 | supragya | are they to be tackled ?
| 16:36 | BAndiT1983 | my idea was to avoid header in other files and assume same information, at least for preview
| 16:36 | BAndiT1983 | ?
| 16:36 | supragya | if they are encoded, which i haven't met yet, then it's a bit different approach <- this
| 16:36 | supragya | could not understand much
| 16:37 | BAndiT1983 | encoded -> compression
| 16:37 | BAndiT1983 | haven't seen any (C)DNG sequences which were compressed
| 16:37 | BAndiT1983 | have still to find the website, which provided many DNG sequences from different cameras
| 16:40 | supragya | can you comment on the timeline? especially Phase 3. Looks okay?
| 16:43 | BAndiT1983 | have to look through it first, but a bit later, came home not long ago and have to install washing machine and dishwasher water supply
| 16:43 | supragya | so much info I have got about your home now :)
| 16:43 | supragya | whenever you are available... drop a comment
| 16:43 | BAndiT1983 | ok
| 16:44 | ymc98_ | I'm still have to finish i2c slave. Link to pwm controller vhdl code : https://github.com/mahesh15230/Task_1.git
| 16:45 | ymc98_ | Thanks for feedback in advance
| 16:57 | Bertl_oO | first, Copyright is great! but you need to use your name there, otherwise it won't work
| 16:57 | Bertl_oO | also, put it under a FOSS compatible license
| 16:57 | Bertl_oO | regarding your question? about <= and := ...
| 16:57 | Bertl_oO | <= assigns to signals while := assigns to variables
| 16:58 | Bertl_oO | first thing you want to do is fix the indentation and the spaces in the code
| 16:59 | Bertl_oO | also, you don't need/want parentheses for conditions in VHDL, so e.g. line 39 becomes:
| 16:59 | Bertl_oO | if reset = '0' then
| 16:59 | Bertl_oO | and line 42 becomes elsif rising_edge(clk) then
| 16:59 | nmdis1999 | joined the channel |
| 17:00 | nmdis1999 | Hi Bertl, when you'll be frew tomorrow?
| 17:00 | nmdis1999 | Free*
| 17:00 | Bertl_oO | don't know, you want something reviewed or something else?
| 17:00 | nmdis1999 | I will complete my proposal tomorrow, so it'd be good if you can have a look at it.
| 17:01 | Bertl_oO | just let me know (here) when you have something and I'll check it as soon as possible
| 17:02 | nmdis1999 | Okay, thanks
| 17:02 | Bertl_oO | no problem
| 17:03 | Bertl_oO | ymc98_: generics are basically constants so you want to write them all upper case (see existing code)
| 17:03 | Bertl_oO | (same of course for real constants
| 17:05 | Bertl_oO | ymc98_: one more hint: you proabbly want to run the code through a synthesis and implementation to check some basic stuff
| 17:05 | Bertl_oO | -a
| 17:06 | Bertl_oO | also please add a link to your code to the challenge task, it's easier to find
| 17:14 | ymc98_ | left the channel |
| 17:15 | ymc98 | joined the channel |
| 17:16 | ymc98 | Bertl_oO : I'll do all of that. Again, thank you very much.
| 17:17 | Arun__ | joined the channel |
| 17:24 | felix_ | left the channel |
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| 18:01 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 18:01 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 18:03 | Bertl_oO | ymc98: you're welcome!
| 18:13 | BAndiT1983 | supragya, should we continue to look into your proposal?
| 18:14 | supragya | sure...
| 18:14 | supragya | let me connect
| 18:40 | ymc98 | left the channel |
| 18:48 | TofuLynx | joined the channel |
| 18:50 | sebix | left the channel |
| 18:55 | supragya | hey TofuLynx
| 18:58 | BAndiT1983 | hi TofuLynx, should we do the C++ challenge review?
| 18:59 | TofuLynx | left the channel |
| 19:02 | supragya | left the channel |
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| 20:25 | Arun__ | left the channel |
| 21:30 | seku | joined the channel |
| 22:33 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 22:33 | comradekingu | left the channel |
| 22:43 | se6astian | off to bed
| 22:43 | se6astian | good night
| 22:43 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 23:55 | seku | left the channel |