| 04:33 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 04:33 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 06:06 | se6astian | left the channel |
| 06:06 | eppisai | left the channel |
| 06:06 | eppisai | joined the channel |
| 06:06 | se6astian | joined the channel |
| 06:11 | mithro | left the channel |
| 06:11 | vnksnkr | left the channel |
| 06:11 | mithro_ | joined the channel |
| 06:12 | vnksnkr | joined the channel |
| 06:14 | vup | left the channel |
| 06:14 | felix_ | left the channel |
| 06:14 | Bertl_zZ | left the channel |
| 06:15 | Bertl_zZ | joined the channel |
| 06:15 | felix_ | joined the channel |
| 06:15 | vup | joined the channel |
| 07:29 | Dest123 | joined the channel |
| 12:29 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 12:29 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 15:05 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 15:05 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 16:27 | mithro_ | changed nick to: mithro
| 16:57 | BAndiT1983 | meeting in 3 minutes
| 16:57 | eppisai | is here
| | 16:58 | tpw_rules | good morning
| 16:58 | Dest123 | is here
| | 16:58 | BAndiT1983 | hi tpw_rules (here is evening actually)
| 16:59 | tpw_rules | good evening too!
| 17:00 | vnksnkr | is here
| | 17:00 | BAndiT1983 | MEETING TIME
| 17:00 | BAndiT1983 | se6astian and Bertl are absent today, so they asked me to guide through the meeting
| 17:00 | vup | is here
| | 17:00 | BAndiT1983 | lets start with the usual program, gsoc participants first, then whoever wants to report too and as last i will report the progress and conclude the meeting
| 17:01 | BAndiT1983 | who wants to start?
| 17:01 | tpw_rules | i can start if you don't mind
| 17:01 | BAndiT1983 | please go on
| 17:01 | Dest123 | I can go next then
| 17:01 | eppisai | I can go after that!
| 17:01 | vnksnkr | Ill go after eppisai
| 17:02 | tpw_rules | ok, i was busy this week with other stuff primarily, but I wrote my PHY implementation and I plan to test it today. hopefully I can get it finished in the next couple. the goal is to successfully receive the test image from the cmv12k on the beta
| 17:02 | anuejn | is here
| | 17:02 | tpw_rules | i believe GSoC phase 1 reviews or whatever are due friday so i plan to work with vup on that this week too
| 17:02 | tpw_rules | anuejn: have you managed to repair your beta fully? has Bertl made any others available?
| 17:04 | tpw_rules | but that is it from me. we can talk about the repairs later
| 17:05 | BAndiT1983 | great, many thanks, Dest123 please continue
| 17:05 | Dest123 | Hello everyone
| 17:05 | Dest123 | so the last thing I was working on was some timing issues I had in the data generation module
| 17:06 | Dest123 | I fixed all the timing issues and the output channels are ready to be integrated and tested
| 17:07 | Dest123 | I can start on that today once Bertl is available
| 17:07 | Dest123 | That took me a while as I had final exams, but I finished last week and I've submitted my thesis
| 17:08 | Dest123 | so I have now a lot of free time, so I expect that things to get done in a faster pace
| 17:08 | Dest123 | that's it for me this week :)
| 17:08 | BAndiT1983 | many thanks, eppisai, your turn
| 17:09 | eppisai | Hi everyone..
| 17:10 | eppisai | Since last week, I was working on improving transition algo, other things that I am doing wrong in code..
| 17:11 | eppisai | BAndiT has been helping alot in everything.. because of which currently transition is not crashing in remote.. so it bit of progress, but it's not properly coming like in visualizer
| 17:12 | BAndiT1983 | let me guess, visualiser is capped at some frame rate and remote is running free
| 17:12 | eppisai | I was facing trouble designing unit tests for display driver, but that is resolved after discussion with BAndiT.. so writing unit test for that
| 17:13 | eppisai | Yea.. vis is at 60, and remote is set free
| 17:13 | eppisai | Also, mental dent after discussion with Sebastian and Andrej and sent her remote
| 17:14 | eppisai | It's 25 km away from my home at a post office, I will pick it up tomorrow morning
| 17:14 | eppisai | So will try to speed things quite alot
| 17:15 | BAndiT1983 | last time she wasn't mental, probably the axiom remote development got to her ;)
| 17:15 | eppisai | And there was small issue at visualizer because of which it's not compiling currently in upstream.. so have discussed that with andrej
| 17:15 | eppisai | Oh.. auto correct
| 17:15 | eppisai | Damn!
| 17:15 | vnksnkr | :D
| 17:15 | eppisai | No offense.. really embrassing
| 17:15 | eppisai | *metaldent
| 17:16 | eppisai | Thats it! Trying to turn off autocorrect in android now..
| 17:16 | BAndiT1983 | alright, many thanks for the report, vnksnkr, you are
| 17:16 | vnksnkr | Hi
| 17:17 | vnksnkr | So last week I was working on testing my JTAG interface
| 17:18 | vnksnkr | with some help from bluez and Bertl I was able to start testing it on the beta-c
| 17:18 | vnksnkr | I ran a few tests, was able to get response from the fabric, but still needs more testing
| 17:19 | vnksnkr | Once the testing is done I can start working on the testing framework
| 17:20 | vnksnkr | and once ready, I can also start testing the shield
| 17:20 | vnksnkr | That's it from my side :)
| 17:20 | BAndiT1983 | many thanks, who wants to report next? anuejn? vup?
| 17:22 | BAndiT1983 | anybody else?
| 17:24 | BAndiT1983 | hm, alright, will report and conclude the meeting
| 17:24 | BAndiT1983 | was mainly looking at JTAG and PIC32, it was already reported last week that we partially achieved good results, but breakpoints were not working
| 17:25 | BAndiT1983 | after some experiments it ocurred to me that pic32prog and also ejtagproxy support FT2232 chips, adapters like bus blaster and several olimex ones support it
| 17:26 | BAndiT1983 | as we have mostly FT4232 mini modules here, the code had to be adjusted, so cloned pic32prog, addedd FT4232H PID/VID and it worked right from the start
| 17:27 | BAndiT1983 | flashing got so much fastern than with pickit3, after first success also ejtagproxy was modified and gdb connected to it, loaded ELF file, to have symbols and added breakpoints, worked too
| 17:27 | BAndiT1983 | wiki was extended with the infos and links to our forks of pic32prog and ejtagproxy
| 17:28 | BAndiT1983 | forgot to mention, debugging is also a lot faster, than with pickit3, also it works in VSCode, the subchapter is not filled in yet, but config is comitted to the repo for quite a while
| 17:28 | BAndiT1983 | that would be it
| 17:28 | BAndiT1983 | many thanks everyone! meeting concluded!
| 17:28 | vnksnkr | thanks!
| 17:29 | Dest123 | Thank you :)
| 17:29 | BAndiT1983 | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Remote/Development
| 17:29 | BAndiT1983 | *forgot to paste the link
| 18:22 | Spirit532 | left the channel |
| 18:22 | Spirit532 | joined the channel |
| 18:51 | metaldent | joined the channel |
| 20:07 | metaldent | left the channel |
| 20:20 | Dest123 | left the channel |