10:31 | paulk-bis | left the channel | |
10:31 | paulk | joined the channel | |
10:42 | tpw_rules | left the channel | |
10:46 | tpw_rules | joined the channel | |
12:15 | illwieckz | left the channel | |
16:03 | illwieckz | joined the channel | |
17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME, who is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
17:01 | se6astian | anything new to share Bertl?
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17:01 | se6astian | you told me you were working on several fronts already
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17:02 | Bertl | Yeah, we recently decided to go with an additional power distribution pcb and for this the design has already begun
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17:03 | Bertl | at the same time, I'm currently setting up a test/dev environment for the power board PIC controller
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17:03 | se6astian | https://mastodon.social/@apertus/111549758396630257 for anyone not in the loop
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17:03 | Bertl | and of course, there is work to be done at the hall
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17:03 | se6astian | did you find an alternative new date with anuejn?
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17:04 | Bertl | not yet, but at the moment everything is fine as I can do enough stuff on my own atm
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17:05 | Bertl | but once the frame work is complete, I'll need some help with the large boards
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17:05 | se6astian | right
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17:06 | Bertl | then the most recent Beta was completed and tested and that's about it from my side I guess
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17:07 | se6astian | the changes/additions you made for maxime, are they in a PR already?
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17:07 | Bertl | not yet, because I haven't created the diffs yet, but will happen in the next few days
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17:08 | se6astian | great!
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17:09 | se6astian | anyone else around? BAndiT1983 vup anuejn ?
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17:09 | se6astian | quick updates from my side: beta hardware picked up from bertl last week, doing assembly and firmware flashing right now
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17:10 | se6astian | should be shipping out to belgium in the next couple of days
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17:10 | se6astian | 12V fans also picked up from Bertl
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17:10 | se6astian | and DC Jacks, they have a 2.1mm pin inside though
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17:10 | se6astian | and hardly hold the 2.5mm jacks tight
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17:10 | se6astian | so will order new 2.1mm 12V supplies shortly
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17:12 | se6astian | and I have an idea for an art project I want to apply for a grant for next year with the AXIOM Beta, deadline in fall 2024 so plenty of time
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17:12 | se6astian | will discuss with you soon after I sorted some ideas in my head
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17:12 | se6astian | anything else?
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17:13 | Bertl | not from my side ;)
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17:13 | se6astian | ah yes our webserver crashed again and I had to reload the service, asked morrigan to look into it
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17:14 | se6astian | there is no high traffic currently so its not the high load we had recently
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17:14 | se6astian | cause a crash
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17:14 | se6astian | will cut threaded rods now
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17:14 | se6astian | MEETING CONCLUDED
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17:15 | Bertl | thanks for the moderation!
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17:16 | se6astian | as always: my pleasure!
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23:00 | Spirit532 | left the channel | |
23:01 | Spirit532 | joined the channel | |
23:38 | anuejn | here is a very late report from my side
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23:38 | anuejn | unfortunately I couldnt help with hte hall last week
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23:39 | anuejn | but I made a bunch of progress on the 5d mark II reverse engineering project
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23:39 | anuejn | I started (and almost finished) designing a test board for the sensor module
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23:39 | anuejn | here are some pictures: https://files.niemo.de/Screenshot%202023-12-12%20at%2000.36.09.png
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23:40 | anuejn | https://files.niemo.de/Screenshot%202023-12-12%20at%2000.36.22.png
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23:40 | anuejn | the board mainly contains power supplies an HMCAD1511 ADC and the sensor
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23:41 | anuejn | it will mount onto the z-turn lite board and can thus reuse the same linux-foo as the axiom micro
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23:42 | anuejn | the board is a 4 Layer one and I will order it assembled from JLCPCB when its done
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23:42 | anuejn | I hope to be able to bring up the sensor with the board and get first images
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23:43 | anuejn | It has a bunch of zero-ohm resistors that should facilitate bodging if I fucked something up (very probable)
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23:43 | anuejn | and all the power rails are adjustable so it should give plenty of room for experimenting
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23:43 | anuejn | thats it from my side :)