01:15 | aombk | left the channel | |
01:49 | masal | joined the channel | |
02:32 | aombk | joined the channel | |
02:51 | ThatCantBe | joined the channel | |
03:00 | ApertusWeb9 | joined the channel | |
03:01 | ApertusWeb9 | left the channel | |
03:16 | ApertusWeb3 | joined the channel | |
03:17 | ApertusWeb3 | changed nick to: chorzo
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03:22 | intracube | joined the channel | |
04:01 | Bertl | off for a nap ... bbl
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06:03 | Morethink | joined the channel | |
06:03 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
06:18 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
06:18 | Buridan | left the channel | |
06:29 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
06:30 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
06:35 | tobias-deml | joined the channel | |
06:36 | tobias-deml | good morning Europe!
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06:50 | ApertusWeb5 | joined the channel | |
06:51 | tobias-deml | left the channel | |
06:56 | tobias-deml | joined the channel | |
07:05 | wescotte | joined the channel | |
07:05 | wescotte | left the channel | |
07:12 | danieel | left the channel | |
07:17 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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07:18 | se6astian | good morning
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07:18 | se6astian | hi tobias-deml, great to have you with us at such a late US time :)
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07:24 | Morethink | Good morning for tobias-deml at Chinese afternoon.
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07:29 | ApertusWeb0 | joined the channel | |
07:30 | alexML | hi se6astian, congrats for the news
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07:30 | tobias-deml | left the channel | |
07:31 | ApertusWeb0 | Are you guys doing your crowdfunding via Kickstarter (or other service) or on your own?
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07:38 | ApertusWeb6 | joined the channel | |
07:39 | se6astian | ApertusWeb0: Indiegogo
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07:39 | se6astian | as kickstarter is not available to creators for most of europe
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07:44 | ApertusWeb0 | Did you guys film your campaign/promo videos with the alpha?
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07:45 | ApertusWeb5 | left the channel | |
07:45 | ApertusWeb0 | changed nick to: Wescotte
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07:47 | Bertl | morning folks!
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07:50 | ApertusWeb2 | joined the channel | |
07:51 | se6astian | Wescotte: no, as we show the prototype in the video all the time :)
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07:53 | sutrepa | joined the channel | |
07:53 | Bertl | but there is a lot of footage from the alpha in it as well
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07:55 | tobias-deml | joined the channel | |
07:55 | tobias-deml | hell yeah!
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07:55 | OSCAR | joined the channel | |
07:55 | tobias-deml | I am editing a quick teaser for the doc btw ;)
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07:57 | ApertusWeb2 | left the channel | |
07:59 | OSCAR | Hi all!
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08:00 | philippej | joined the channel | |
08:01 | tobias-deml | hey Oscar!
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08:01 | danieel | joined the channel | |
08:08 | derWalter | joined the channel | |
08:08 | se6astian | good morning
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08:08 | derWalter | moin ... i missed all the good stuff by now :/
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08:09 | derWalter | AH, no... i thought the irc party starts at 8 and the cf at 9 but i am mistaken, juhuuu, i made a mistake :)!!!
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08:10 | Bertl | so everything fine then :)
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08:11 | macbookprocmc | joined the channel | |
08:15 | macbookprocmc | left the channel | |
08:16 | macbookprocmc | joined the channel | |
08:16 | FergusL | left the channel | |
08:16 | macbookprocmc | left the channel | |
08:16 | ApertusWeb6 | left the channel | |
08:16 | macbookprocmc | joined the channel | |
08:16 | macbookprocmc | changed nick to: WAYOFF
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08:17 | rudo | joined the channel | |
08:18 | dmj726 | joined the channel | |
08:19 | OSCAR | left the channel | |
08:20 | se6astian | 40 minutes to go
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08:20 | se6astian | I know its very early for Europe to start a party
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08:20 | se6astian | and very late for the US :)
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08:22 | derWalter | do you sometimes talk german as well, or do you communicate strictly in english?
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08:23 | mars_ | PARDEY!
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08:26 | Bertl | the channel language is english, as we have folks from all over the world here
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08:27 | Bertl | german in private messages is fine, at least for sebastian an myself (and probably some other folks here)
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08:28 | derWalter | nice :)
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08:30 | se6astian | 30 minutes to
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08:30 | se6astian | go
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08:31 | OSCAR | joined the channel | |
08:32 | derWalter | i want to see the first renders back from elphel times :)!!
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08:36 | se6astian | ah yes thanks for the reminder walter
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08:36 | se6astian | thats was one of the treasures I wanted to dig out from the museum :)
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08:36 | ApertusWeb7 | joined the channel | |
08:37 | mgielda | joined the channel | |
08:37 | philippej | Hi everyone !
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08:37 | mgielda | hi everyone
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08:38 | Bertl | hey! how's going?
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08:38 | ApertusWeb5 | joined the channel | |
08:38 | mgielda | I have my finger on the 'tweet' button ;)
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08:38 | Bertl | you have a 'tweet' button? :)
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08:38 | mgielda | will try to push the news to the electronics industry
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08:39 | mgielda | on the mouse positioned at the tweet button then
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08:39 | ApertusWeb4 | joined the channel | |
08:39 | mgielda | though yea, a tweet button would come in handy
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08:39 | mgielda | need to reorg my keyboard
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08:39 | derWalter | need to log in on your twitter account :) , how is it called?
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08:39 | Bertl | http://a.tgcdn.net/images/products/additional/large/15a5_big_red_button_inuse.jpg
| |
08:40 | se6astian | ok first treasure: http://files.apertus.org/archive/axiom-elphel-render03.jpg
| |
08:40 | derWalter | (auto refresh script loaded...)
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08:40 | se6astian | how can we fit a huge image sensor to the tiny elphel :)
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08:40 | derWalter | looks quite familiar :) (the render ^^)
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08:41 | se6astian | let to this concept: http://files.apertus.org/archive/render11comp.jpg
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08:42 | se6astian | *led
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08:42 | derWalter | is there a name for the symbol on the camera case, which indicates the position of the sensor?
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08:42 | OSCAR | left the channel | |
08:43 | se6astian | "sensor plane"?
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08:43 | se6astian | the next step already looked quite useable: http://files.apertus.org/archive/render16.jpg
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08:43 | derWalter | :D (thumps up!)
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08:44 | se6astian | here with a small history of models
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08:44 | se6astian | http://files.apertus.org/archive/render17.jpg
| |
08:44 | se6astian | these renders are from 2011 btw
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08:45 | derWalter | looks nice already!
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08:45 | tobias-deml | crazy stuff :D
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08:47 | se6astian | http://files.apertus.org/archive/render29_comp.jpg
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08:48 | se6astian | ok its almost 9:40
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08:48 | se6astian | I guess its time to get ready
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08:49 | se6astian | I am hugely afraid of indiegogo saying something like "thank you for submiting your campaign, our staff will review and publish it in the next 3 days" once I hit the big red button :)
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08:49 | Bertl | yes, that would be what I expect too
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08:49 | Bertl | after all, they didn't manage to make the verification work in the last three days
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08:50 | derWalter | oho, getting my hair waxxed, my taxedo and my champagne flute
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08:52 | Wescotte | Does Indiegogo ever vet campaigns? I know Kickstarter used to approve each one but they quit doing that.
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08:52 | Eddy_ | joined the channel | |
08:52 | Wescotte | or at least it'a automated for Kickstarter now.
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08:52 | derWalter | http://support.indiegogo.com/hc/en-us/articles/202530233-How-to-Go-Live
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08:53 | philippej | they advertise it as being instant, but who knows ...
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08:54 | ApertusWeb2 | joined the channel | |
08:54 | ApertusWeb0 | joined the channel | |
08:55 | se6astian | I did it!
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08:55 | se6astian | its instant :)
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08:55 | se6astian | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axiom-beta-the-first-open-digital-cinema-camera/x/5022798
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08:55 | Wescotte | Jumped the gun a bit :)
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08:56 | Bertl | I guess it was an accident :)
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08:56 | se6astian | well I have a few other things to publish before 10:00 and need the indiegogo URL :)
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08:56 | derWalter | left the channel | |
08:57 | se6astian | and mentally I wouldnt have survived the tension of a countdown of the last seconds :)
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08:57 | ApertusWeb8 | joined the channel | |
08:58 | ApertusWeb8_ | joined the channel | |
08:58 | mgielda | wooohooo
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08:58 | tobias-deml | yeyeyeye
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08:59 | mgielda | can we push this forward already
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | congratulations apertus team !!
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08:59 | mgielda | ?
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08:59 | tobias-deml | getting so close :D
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 10
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 9
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 8
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 7
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 6
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 5
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 4
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 3
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 2
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08:59 | Bertl | mgielda: I guess :)
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08:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | 1
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09:00 | tobias-deml | BOOM PROSECCO!!
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09:00 | tobias-deml | I am gonna eat a cake now
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09:00 | sutrepa | left the channel | |
09:00 | philippej | :-)
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09:00 | se6astian | https://www.apertus.org/axiom-beta-crowdfunding-launch
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09:00 | OSCAR | joined the channel | |
09:00 | ApertusWeb6 | joined the channel | |
09:00 | ApertusWeb9 | joined the channel | |
09:01 | ApertusWeb0 | left the channel | |
09:01 | philippej | shall we push it on every channel known to man now ?
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09:01 | ApertusWeb5_ | joined the channel | |
09:01 | ApertusWeb5__ | joined the channel | |
09:02 | Bertl | for all those using the web interface, you can use /nick something to change your nick to something :)
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09:02 | ApertusWeb5__ | hi
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09:03 | Bertl | s/web interface/web irc interface/
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09:03 | ApertusWeb4 | left the channel | |
09:03 | Bertl | otherwise the many ApertusWebXXX names will become confusing
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09:04 | se6astian | ladies and gentlemen, we have received our first AXIOM Beta Super35 perk contribution
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09:04 | ApertusWeb6 | changed nick to: antwerp
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09:04 | se6astian | interestingly this person did not go for the early bird perk :)
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09:05 | Bertl | the freedom of choice ....
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09:05 | alexML | bug report: clicking on the big image from www.apertus.org gives "Request unsuccessful: Not Found"
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09:05 | ApertusWeb5__ | changed nick to: Ata22
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09:05 | ApertusWeb5_ | left the channel | |
09:06 | Bertl | alexML: hehe, yeah, first bug :)
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09:07 | OSCAR | :)
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09:07 | Ata22 | There is also a bug here: https://www.apertus.org/axiom-beta-crowdfunding-launch when you click on: Go to Crowd Funding Website
| |
09:07 | se6astian | its because its still in Beta :)
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09:08 | se6astian | all links should be fixed now
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09:08 | Ata22 | yes it is
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09:09 | philippej | fixed
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09:09 | Bertl | and that's how we handle bugs, they get fixed ASAP :)
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09:09 | tyrone_ | joined the channel | |
09:10 | se6astian | first early bird perk has been claimed
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09:10 | tyrone_ | congratulations to all nice funding page btw. :-)
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09:11 | OSCAR | Yes, it's wonderful!
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09:11 | OSCAR | The animation is also great, congratulations!
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09:11 | se6astian | ah I am getting spammed, 3rd beta sold
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09:12 | derWalter | joined the channel | |
09:12 | Bertl | we should now talk about stretch goals :)
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09:12 | derWalter | is it possible to change the early bird option later on for the other sensor?
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09:12 | ApertusWeb2_ | joined the channel | |
09:13 | ApertusWeb2_ | left the channel | |
09:13 | Bertl | derWalter: good question ... answer for now: maybe :)
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09:14 | derWalter | cause i dont know yet which one would be more satisfying for me :/
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09:15 | Bertl | get both then, as long as they are available :)
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09:15 | se6astian | lol
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09:15 | ApertusWeb8_ | left the channel | |
09:15 | se6astian | just choose the one you think is better and we can swap the sensor later on
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09:15 | derWalter | money money money it must be funny, in a rich mans wooooorld
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09:17 | derWalter | i took the cheaper option, it seems easier to ask for an upgrade than for a downgrade ^^
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09:17 | tobias-deml | small teaser for the documentary: https://vimeo.com/105737662
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09:17 | derWalter | btw, as my webirc crashed without noticing me... i was always wondering (and didnt find specific information about it) about this: 4K RAW output via experimental HDMI formats
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09:17 | ApertusWeb6 | joined the channel | |
09:18 | ApertusWeb5 | When are you guys at IBC?
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09:18 | ApertusWeb5 | sorry, where?
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09:18 | antwerp | are you at IBC ?!?!?
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09:19 | Bertl | derWalter: yeah, that is a little bit cryptical, but as we haven't had a chance to test it properly yet, it is the best we can do for now
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09:19 | se6astian | ApertusWeb5 we dont have a booth, we will just be roaming the showfloor on saturday
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09:19 | ApertusWeb6 | left the channel | |
09:19 | antwerp | OK
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09:19 | ApertusWeb5 | Well, that'll make it hard as hell to find you guys...
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09:19 | ApertusWeb5 | We're doing much the same
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09:20 | antwerp | haha
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09:20 | philippej | derWalter, it means you'll be able to use an external hdmi recorder and providing the signal sent is correct and the recorder supports the format (like they do with the sony 7s) it will record in 4k
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09:20 | Bertl | derWalter: basically it means that you can convert 4k output into special/several HDMI compatible streams and record them, then use sofware to puzzle everything together
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09:20 | se6astian | ApertusWeb5 we can either contact each other there or set a meeting time/spot in advance :)
| |
09:20 | se6astian | please email *email address removed* to discuss a place/time
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09:22 | dmj726 | wow, these things are selling like hotcakes
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09:23 | mars_ | this is really amazing
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09:23 | Bertl | 2% already
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09:23 | se6astian | after 20 minutes :)
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09:23 | dmj726 | not surprised
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09:24 | dmj726 | we probably had a bunch of people waiting for this moment
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09:24 | Wescotte | congrats on the launch guys but I think it's time for bed
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09:24 | Bertl | if we would keep that momentum, we should be done tomorrow at the same time :)
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09:24 | Bertl | Wescotte: have a good night then!
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09:25 | se6astian | good night and thanks for stopping by :)
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09:27 | tobias-deml | yes, also good night time here in Berkeley, on to a great day and tons of sharing the link as soon as the Americans are awake again! :D
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09:27 | tobias-deml | left the channel | |
09:28 | Buridan | left the channel | |
09:28 | Wescotte | left the channel | |
09:32 | philippej | advices here : http://go.indiegogo.com/playbook/life-cycle-phase/running-your-campaign
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09:34 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
09:34 | mars_ | over 2k!
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09:36 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
09:38 | Buridan | left the channel | |
09:41 | mgielda | 3% funded before the first hours is up :)
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09:43 | ApertusWeb5 | left the channel | |
09:44 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
09:44 | mfoxdogg | joined the channel | |
09:44 | mfoxdogg | hey all congrats on the funding launch :D
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09:44 | mfoxdogg | hi slikdigit :)
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09:44 | se6astian | thanks :)
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09:44 | mars_ | it's going really well
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09:44 | rudo | left the channel | |
09:45 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
09:47 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
09:47 | mars_ | 3.5k!
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09:49 | mfoxdogg | in ~30mins
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09:50 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
09:52 | Buridan | left the channel | |
09:58 | ApertusWeb8_ | joined the channel | |
09:59 | Eddy_ | left the channel | |
09:59 | ApertusWeb8_ | left the channel | |
09:59 | ApertusWeb1 | joined the channel | |
10:00 | ApertusWeb1 | left the channel | |
10:07 | ApertusWeb9_ | joined the channel | |
10:09 | FergusL | joined the channel | |
10:09 | mfoxdogg | left the channel | |
10:12 | Bertl | if there are any question, please do not hesitate to ask ...
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10:15 | ApertusWeb9__ | joined the channel | |
10:18 | OSCAR | Again, lots of congratulations to all of your great work!
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10:20 | ApertusWeb9__ | left the channel | |
10:20 | tyrone_ | bertl where is the champagne? :-)
| 10:22 | FergusL | comes in the early-morning party
10:23 | Bertl | tyrone_: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axiom-beta-the-first-open-digital-cinema-camera/x/8543226
| |
10:23 | ApertusWeb9_ | just logged in well done
| |
10:25 | Bertl | otherwise the many ApertusWebXXX names will become confusing
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10:26 | Bertl | for all those using the web irc interface, you can use /nick something to change your nick to something :)
| |
10:26 | Bertl | (in reverse order :)
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10:27 | danieel | the prices are with or without VAT ?
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10:29 | tyrone_ | bertl, how many i/o ports are planned for the High Speed IO Shield for using to transfer the camera data?
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10:29 | DanUK | joined the channel | |
10:30 | FergusL | there is the weekly meeting at the hackerspace tonight, I want to get people to drink alcohol and then I can present the project and offer to pledge to the campaign on my computer
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10:30 | mgielda | left the channel | |
10:30 | ApertusWeb7 | left the channel | |
10:30 | Bertl | the high speed shield has two connectors with 10 differential pairs each
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10:31 | Bertl | so a total of 40 IOs for high speed data, and some low speed lines as well
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10:31 | DanUK | Congratulations on this launch
| |
10:31 | Bertl | tyrone_: note that the connection should allow up to 1G/s per pair
| |
10:31 | Bertl | DanUK: thanks!
| |
10:32 | Bertl | FergusL: sounds like a plan :)
| |
10:32 | FergusL | hehe
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10:33 | tyrone_ | Bertl: not bad.... i had expected maybe half of the bandwidth....
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10:35 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
10:36 | DanUK | We will be making our pledge to the campaign today looking forward to the journey.
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10:38 | Bertl | wb Buridan!
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10:38 | Bertl | DanUK: great! thanks!
| |
10:39 | Bertl | tyrone_: well, I/O (or more precisely output) bandwidth was one of the limiting factors on the alpha, we learned from that for the beta :)
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10:43 | tyrone_ | Bertl: i'm a bit suprised of the Zynq 7020 i was thinking it would be to slow for the cmosis sensor....
| |
10:43 | tyrone_ | when you put all the logic's in memory speed limits... and so on....
| |
10:44 | Bertl | well, I guess it depends on what software you use/write
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10:45 | Bertl | for example, the TMDS encoders available from xilinx top out at 165MHz pixel clock, but our encoder could do 400MHz+
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10:45 | Juicyfruit | joined the channel | |
10:46 | Bertl | welcome Juicyfruit!
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10:46 | ApertusWeb8 | left the channel | |
10:46 | Juicyfruit | hi everyone
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10:46 | aombk_ | joined the channel | |
10:47 | aombk_ | left the channel | |
10:47 | tyrone_ | sounds nice.... :-)
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10:47 | aombk | left the channel | |
10:48 | Juicyfruit | what does ?
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10:48 | Bertl | http://irc.apertus.org/ (channel logs)
| |
10:49 | Juicyfruit | Bertl, are you one of the people doing the project ?
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10:49 | Bertl | yes
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10:49 | Juicyfruit | Do you by any chance have an appointment in Amsterdam at IBC this saterday with me ?
| |
10:50 | Juicyfruit | well my college :)
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10:50 | Bertl | no, but se6astian is there, so maybe he has :)
| |
10:50 | Juicyfruit | ahh cool
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10:52 | philippej | We just crossed 4K (pun intended)
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11:01 | Bertl | \o/
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11:07 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
11:09 | Ata22 | left the channel | |
11:10 | ApertusWeb2 | left the channel | |
11:10 | ApertusWeb2 | joined the channel | |
11:11 | ApertusWeb7 | joined the channel | |
11:11 | Buridan | left the channel | |
11:11 | ApertusWeb7_ | joined the channel | |
11:11 | derWalter | sorry for being afk for two hours ^^ but on the 4k raw over hdmi, can you give me a protocoll name so i can read a little bit into it to get an idea of how this would/will work on the field and what i will need to record it? i am hoping for an ssd addon asap, to write (up to) 4k raw directly to disk. did someone do some actuall work on this, so one can estimate some rough numbers?
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11:12 | ApertusWeb7 | left the channel | |
11:12 | aombk | joined the channel | |
11:14 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
11:16 | myshko | joined the channel | |
11:16 | ApertusWeb2 | left the channel | |
11:17 | DanUK | Considering 4K RAW we must appreciate the compression used, if uncompressed 4K we require beefier recording systems, compression at determined rates will soften that blow. Are we to have various ways to capture from uncompressed downwards? For UHD, QFHD and the various 4K flavours up to fully uncompressed.
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11:17 | ApertusWeb9_ | left the channel | |
11:17 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
11:17 | ApertusWeb9 | left the channel | |
11:17 | Bertl | derWalter: I don't think that there are protocls for that yet, we are very much on undiscovered country for that one, but I can give you an idea how it is supposed to work if you like
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11:19 | Bertl | DanUK: initially uncompressed raw will be used, but there is nothing stopping us (or you) from adding lossless or even lossy compression to the output pipeline
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11:19 | Juicyfruit | DanUK, 4k-3k is 12MP is at 10bit/p is about 7.5 Gbit/s I would say for the raw bayer
| |
11:20 | aombk | ok i am about to fund one
| |
11:20 | Bertl | derWalter: regarding SSD, we are investigating our options there and I'm pretty sure the AXIOM Beta will allow many sofware and hardware developers/hackers to be innovative
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11:21 | aombk | so i now have to choose a path? like 4/3 or aps-c path and after this, in the future, no changing between sensor format families will be possible?
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11:22 | Bertl | you should pick the one which is most likely to suit your needs, but there will be some option to change that at a later time if absolutely necessary I'd say :)
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11:22 | DanUK | Thanks Bertl and Juicyfruit.
| |
11:23 | Bertl | aombk: if you can't decide, just get one of each :)
| |
11:23 | Juicyfruit | DanUK, obviously depends on frame rate and sensor.. I used 12MP at 60p for that rate
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11:26 | tyrone_ | interesting to see is that the super35 is much more requested...
| |
11:26 | DanUK | Juicyfruit, agreed, 444 dual link was 2.2Gb/s data throughput uncompressed at 1920x1080 (F35, Viper etc) but we have gone into compressed 4K and above and as with the Phantom at mind boggling frame rates we can see that many factors impact on your capture data throughput and media amounts recorded
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11:27 | Juicyfruit | DanUK, the pressing problem is that with increase in spacial resolution you really also need to increase the temporal resolution in order to actually get the benefit
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11:27 | Bertl | tyrone_: it seems to match the preference given earlier on the web pages
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11:28 | aombk | ok got one
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11:28 | Juicyfruit | my company actually has a Cmosis CMV12000 / FPGA based solution for computer vision applications but the data rates are well indeed mind boggling
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11:28 | tyrone_ | Bertl: jepp your right....
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11:29 | Bertl | aombk: congratulations! and thanks for backing!
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11:30 | aombk | i guess one will be able to use an aps-c sensor and only record the 4/3 area equivalent pixels right?
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11:32 | Bertl | yes, cropping isn't really a problem
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11:33 | Bertl | we did that on the alpha too with the full-hd output over hdmi
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11:37 | derWalter | thx guys for the answers! @bertl yes sure, i would love to!
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11:38 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
11:39 | Bertl | derWalter: okay, so the simplest option is to split up the captured image into smaller parts and send each part over a separate HDMI channel
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11:40 | Bertl | e.g. even pixels go to channel 1, odd pixels to channel 2
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11:40 | Bertl | another option is to increase the pixel clock up to the limit of the recorder actually used
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11:40 | Buridan | left the channel | |
11:40 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
11:40 | Bertl | this can give you almost twice the data with a good recording soluton
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11:41 | mars_ | 6.7keur
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11:43 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
11:45 | WAYOFF_ | joined the channel | |
11:47 | ApertusWeb7_ | left the channel | |
11:49 | WAYOFF | left the channel | |
11:51 | ApertusWeb2 | joined the channel | |
11:52 | ApertusWeb2 | left the channel | |
11:52 | Bertl | derWalter: and finally, both approaches can be combined
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11:56 | philippej | left the channel | |
11:59 | aombk | will the beta have battery or an external power
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11:59 | aombk | ?
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12:02 | Bertl | the beta board itself will have a simple power connector, the current state is 5V, but there will be a power supply module which can handle 6-40V input from a battery or wall plug
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12:03 | Bertl | so you can use an existing camera battery of your choice, or a simple lead-gel accumulator or just a power supply
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12:07 | _TiN_ | left the channel | |
12:07 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
12:10 | Buridan | left the channel | |
12:10 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
12:10 | myshko | left the channel | |
12:11 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
12:16 | aombk | have you sent emails or press releases at dslr blogs?
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12:17 | Bertl | se6astian will know ...
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12:18 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
12:20 | Buridan | left the channel | |
12:20 | aombk | http://www.cinema5d.com/axiom-4k-camera-update-crowd-funding-starting-today/
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12:22 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
12:25 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
12:26 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
12:26 | Buridan | left the channel | |
12:27 | aombk | shall i tweet about the crouwnfunding campaign? how many orders you think you can satisfy?
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12:27 | se6astian | https://twitter.com/PhilipBloom/status/509664198561759232
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12:27 | se6astian | please tweet until your fingers are stiff :D
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12:29 | aombk | i have 14 followers
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12:30 | aombk | you could use that as a tagline
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12:30 | aombk | will you back us? philip bloom did!
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12:32 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
12:33 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
12:34 | se6astian | lol, great plan :)
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12:34 | se6astian | the 14 followers I mean :)
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12:35 | danhanes | joined the channel | |
12:35 | derWalter | @bertl and in what format would you send the image over hdmi? uncompressed raw? so you have to use 120 hz when recording with 30fps?
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12:37 | Buridan | left the channel | |
12:37 | Bertl | for example, or two channels with 60Hz
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12:48 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
12:50 | philippej | joined the channel | |
12:56 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
12:58 | Buridan | left the channel | |
13:05 | ctag | joined the channel | |
13:05 | Bertl | welcome ctag!
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13:06 | ctag | Hi! o/
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13:07 | se6astian | hello!
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13:07 | ApertusWeb6 | joined the channel | |
13:09 | aombk | maybe in the campaign, it should be more clearly stated that you need an external hdmi recorder?
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13:09 | danhanes | left the channel | |
13:09 | ctag | I'm reading over the page now, that would be nice.
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13:10 | Bertl | well, it depends on what you want to do, it is not required for many tasks
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13:10 | ctag | Holy cow, this sample footage
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13:11 | Bertl | that is done with the alpha, our Proof of Concept prototype
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13:11 | Bertl | s/is/was/
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13:11 | ctag | Awesome
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13:12 | Bertl | we are curious about the campaign video, did you like it? if possible, share your comments ...
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13:13 | ctag | Right
| 13:13 | ctag | scrounges for headphones
13:13 | ctag | don't want to wake the roommate
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13:15 | Morethink | left the channel | |
13:16 | ctag | Hehe, a dangerous approach
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13:19 | jucar | left the channel | |
13:19 | ctag | I think that was an excellent campaign video.
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13:21 | ctag | You guys really put together the Alpha in under a year?
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13:21 | Bertl | six months take or leave a few days
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13:21 | ctag | Incredible
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13:21 | Bertl | we started in summer and finished at x-mas
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13:22 | Bertl | where finished means we got the first moving pictures :)
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13:22 | ApertusWeb6 | left the channel | |
13:22 | ctag | Right
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13:22 | Bertl | after that a lot of tuning and testing and fixing was done
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13:22 | ctag | That's still crazy impressive
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13:23 | ctag | :P I can imagine
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13:23 | Bertl | and we didn't even use any of thos proprietary IP cores :)
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13:24 | Bertl | so everything is available as FOSS/OH (free and open source software/open hardware)
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13:24 | ctag | To me, that's the best part about this campaign/project
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13:25 | Bertl | we already had two folks who started building the alpha (not the beta), one seems to have completed his 'alpha' by now
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13:25 | ctag | Really? :D
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13:26 | Bertl | yes, fascinating if you consider that we made no detailed documentation how to build one (mostly because we didn't expect somebody to build the shoebox camera :)
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13:26 | ctag | Wow
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13:27 | ctag | I just passed the campaign page off to our film leader, this is going to melt his mind.
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13:27 | Bertl | but OTOH, you can get the frontend PCB from OSHpark, download the schematic and bill of materials and build one
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13:27 | Bertl | for the software part, an SD card suffices, if you know your way around with ssh :)
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13:27 | ctag | Excellent x)
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13:28 | ctag | So, the device itself is running an operating system?
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13:28 | ctag | Sorry, I should try reading about it first.
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13:28 | ctag | Right, ARM based.'
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13:30 | Bertl | yes, we have linux running on both arm cores atm
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13:31 | Bertl | but you can install something different there as well, as long as it supports the hardware
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13:31 | Bertl | helped a lot during development/testing to be able to control everything from a shell script
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13:31 | aombk | i sen some emails about the campaign and many of them got interested but i got back this question a lot "so, one needs an external recorder?"
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13:32 | Bertl | and the answer is: 'that depends on what you want to do' but rest assured, we will add this to the upcomin FAQ
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13:32 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
13:32 | Bertl | *upcoming
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13:33 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
13:33 | aombk | yes i know, if you want the beta as a decoration, you dont even need a lens
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13:33 | ctag | Cool, was just wondering what a 3x hdmi to hard disk would look like.
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13:34 | Bertl | aombk: or if you want to do image analysis or if you plan to do time lapse, or if you attach it to your TV ...
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13:34 | Bertl | ctag: we have some ideas how that could look like :)
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13:35 | aombk | or people can use it as a webcam
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13:35 | Bertl | yes, you do not even need a web server for that, everything can be done on the camera
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13:35 | ctag | Oh man, that'd take livestreaming to the next level
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13:36 | ApertusWeb8 | joined the channel | |
13:38 | Bertl | 20 EUR missing for the 10% mark :)
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13:38 | Bertl | not bad for four and a half hour ...
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13:38 | mars_ | i wonder if someone will take the 20keur claim
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13:39 | freeeeeeeeeee | joined the channel | |
13:39 | mars_ | that would be super-awesome
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13:39 | Bertl | indeed
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13:40 | ctag | Have you brought this project to Jupiter Broadcasting's attention?
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13:40 | ctag | No reason that you would, just want to check before sending it to them.
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13:40 | Buridan | joined the channel | |
13:40 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
13:40 | Bertl | ctag: not that I'd know of, but double check with se6astian if you want to make sure.
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13:41 | ctag | Cool, I'll wait a bit for him here.
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13:41 | Burridan_ | joined the channel | |
13:42 | ctag | Yes, your project's been on their subreddit for a while, just found it :D
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13:42 | Bertl | I'm also quite curious what sites will pick up on the AXIOM Beta campaign ...
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13:43 | OSCAR | left the channel | |
13:45 | Buridan | left the channel | |
13:46 | Burridan_ | left the channel | |
13:55 | mars_ | 10.3keur
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13:58 | ApertusWeb2 | joined the channel | |
13:59 | ApertusWeb2 | left the channel | |
14:01 | ApertusWeb9 | joined the channel | |
14:05 | ApertusWeb9_ | joined the channel | |
14:05 | ApertusWeb9 | left the channel | |
14:07 | Bertl | hello freeeeeeeeeee! hello ApertusWeb9_! let us know if you have any AXIOM related questions ...
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14:09 | ApertusWeb9_ | left the channel | |
14:15 | jucar | joined the channel | |
14:17 | philippej | left the channel | 14:17 | ChanServ |
14:18 | se6astian | has set the topic | |
14:19 | se6astian | has set the topic | |
14:24 | ApertusWeb8 | left the channel | |
14:52 | troy_s | Morning. Good luck peeps!
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14:53 | troy_s | Bertl se6astian Best of luck my peeps.
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14:54 | troy_s | That CMV12000 chip... Ugh.
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15:09 | freeeeeeeeeee | left the channel | |
15:18 | aombk | have you people checked out this crowdfunding campaign? https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axiom-beta-the-first-open-digital-cinema-camera/x/898868
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15:18 | aombk | haha, sory
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15:19 | aombk | wanted to post it in another channel
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15:20 | ctag | aombk: as a matter of fact... :P
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15:22 | ApertusWeb9 | joined the channel | |
15:22 | ApertusWeb9 | left the channel | |
15:28 | troy_s | se6astian: On the housing, I forgot to mention that it is worth having six to eight beefy 3/8ths of an inch, Standard Coarse Thread body set points, female.
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15:28 | troy_s | se6astian: I remember discussing it ages ago, but relevant now. For additional stability and support via spuds / thread.
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15:46 | se6astian | troy_s: good, will take care of that :)
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15:56 | dmj726 | Red Epic has a 1/4 inch threaded hole 25mm in front of the first of two 3/8ths, which are spaced 50mm apart.
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15:56 | dmj726 | (it's nicely labeled on the bottom)
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15:57 | dmj726 | wow, such momentum on the campaign day one!
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16:02 | se6astian | nice momentum indeed, even the spammers already discovered us
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16:02 | se6astian | every second comment on the campaign offers paid click or promotion services....
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16:03 | se6astian | but I am faster at clicking to delete them :)
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16:18 | philippej5 | joined the channel | |
16:19 | philippej5 | changed nick to: philippej
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16:20 | chorzo | left the channel | |
16:34 | dmjweb | joined the channel | |
16:34 | dmjweb | morning all
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16:35 | Bertl | morning!
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16:37 | WAYOFF_ | left the channel | |
16:41 | ApertusWeb9 | joined the channel | |
16:45 | ApertusWeb9 | left the channel | |
16:47 | ApertusWeb2 | joined the channel | |
17:02 | dmjweb | interesting the super35 vs 4/3 interest
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17:02 | dmjweb | troy_s: you commented on the S35 sensor earlier?
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17:12 | ApertusWeb9 | joined the channel | |
17:18 | Bertl | yeah, we saw similar on the opinion poll from the web site
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17:19 | philippej | left the channel | |
17:19 | Bertl | that is why we decided to have two versions of the beta board, because originally we only planned to use the KAC
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17:22 | troy_s | dmj726: Yes?
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17:22 | troy_s | dmj726: I did.
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17:23 | troy_s | se6astian: 1/4 20 (quarter inch diameter bolt thread with 20 pitch) is common as hell in stills and accessories, but absolute crap for motion picture cameras due to more extreme applications.)
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17:23 | ApertusWeb2 | changed nick to: Nuno
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17:24 | Nuno | changed nick to: NunoF
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17:24 | tyrone_ | Bertl: i think the estimated Image Sensor unit price is for the cmosis is not much more then the KAC
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17:24 | NunoF | changed nick to: giantpt
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17:25 | Bertl | yes, indeed, it gets a lot cheaper at quantities
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17:25 | troy_s | se6astian: Ideally you should try to find spots that A) feed direct into the chassis in a rigid and non shearable position B) that won't bottom out into electronics (this has happened since the SRII!) C) are distributed well enough to handle three axes of torque.
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17:26 | troy_s | (EG some on top, sides, and rear. Assume that one may be occluded or hard to reach in each position)
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17:27 | troy_s | Bertl: When the Alpha lands, we should probably do a session to generate profiles again. This time a little more refined, and then I will generate a well behaved profile with a true achromatic axis.
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17:28 | Bertl | you mean the Beta I presume?
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17:28 | troy_s | Bertl: Oops. Yes.
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17:28 | dmjweb | troy_s: what were your thoughts on the s35 sensor?
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17:29 | troy_s | Worth revisiting. Doubly so with folks like PB etc. on board.
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17:29 | troy_s | Would like to nail a profile worthy of the beta label
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17:29 | troy_s | dmj726: I have emotional scar tissue still from the earlier data Bertl offloaded from it.
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17:30 | troy_s | dmj726: So my thoughts are biased and not trustworthy.
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17:30 | troy_s | Bertl: How did the KAC behave?
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17:30 | Bertl | hehe, yeah I remember :) the thing is, we have no data yet from the KAC, so hard to tell
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17:30 | troy_s | Erf.
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17:31 | troy_s | Well when we get there, be sure to ping.
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17:31 | dmjweb | troy_s: fair enough
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17:31 | antwerp | left the channel | |
17:31 | dmjweb | quite interesting the comments on filmic black levels though
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17:31 | troy_s | Did you get the shaper curves in place on the board eventually Bertl ?
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17:31 | troy_s | dmj726: What about them?
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17:32 | troy_s | dmj726: I will be blunt; most folks have no clue what the hell they are talking about regarding pixel values and color, and the discussions tend to skew accordingly into meaninglessness.
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17:33 | troy_s | The chats just steer into arbitrary qualia in non-controlled contexts.
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17:33 | dmjweb | My guess is that you can achieve such with most cine cameras, but defaults are coming into play
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17:34 | troy_s | dmj726: Still not clear on the topic. Where is the black level discussion and what context?
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17:39 | troy_s | dmj726: ?
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17:39 | troy_s | Fffff
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17:39 | troy_s | dmjweb: Sorry ^^
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17:43 | dmjweb | troy_s: quotes on the indiegogo page
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17:46 | troy_s | dmjweb: Not sure. Link to one?
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17:47 | troy_s | dmjweb: Most of the chat about color is synthetic. We can bend the captured sensor values to known XYZ values and generate a reliable transform, but black and white response as being "film like" is nothing more than an abstraction above that.
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17:48 | troy_s | dmjweb: The way that film emulsion blows out to white and responds to color (due to crosstalk between the layers in the emulsion) can be accurately modeled, and many exist as you know.
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17:51 | troy_s | Odd. Comments only show seb's.
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17:53 | troy_s | 17%. That is a solid response.
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17:53 | troy_s | I think that tracks well for a successful funding.
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17:53 | skinkie | troy_s: its the third quote
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17:54 | skinkie | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axiom-beta-the-first-open-digital-cinema-camera/x/8609784
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17:54 | skinkie | below the youtube embed
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17:54 | danieel | i agree with troy_s - black is nothing in digital. if it jumps from 0 to 1 (the 1st bit) then you get from black to some point - depending on your gamma setting
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17:55 | danieel | and it looks really bad
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17:55 | danieel | so if you have noise in the bottom, you cant tell where it oscilates around
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17:55 | troy_s | skinkie: Ah. Thanks.
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17:57 | troy_s | dmjweb: Bear in mind that the colorist worked with a variety of starting points, from raw sensor way out of whack to having a profiled (30-4 dE (huge variation as it evolved)) entry point.
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17:58 | troy_s | se6astian: What entry point did A use for grading the footage? Did he just eyeball the whole thing or start with an entry from one of the profiles?
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18:00 | aombk | http://nofilmschool.com/2014/09/apertus-axiom-beta-crowdfunding
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18:02 | ApertusWeb0 | joined the channel | |
18:03 | aombk | the truth is, i dont really like the three quotes in the campaign
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18:03 | ApertusWeb0 | left the channel | |
18:04 | troy_s | aombk: What about them bothers you?
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18:05 | skinkie | danieel: you know that the black level is not a 0/1 even in digital?
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18:06 | troy_s | skinkie: He's aware.
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18:06 | troy_s | skinkie: He was talking at a level of abstraction above that. Bit flipping due to noise.
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18:07 | skinkie | ok :)
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18:07 | troy_s | skinkie: Being the first bit.
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18:07 | troy_s | skinkie: (or more)
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18:07 | skinkie | yes there is always some 'tipping' point or noise floor at which the sensor operates itself
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18:07 | troy_s | The sensel wells will fire for any number of reasons. Temperature, IR, etc.
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18:07 | troy_s | Voltage well spill.
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18:07 | aombk | the first one doesnt talk about true or accurate or great image, it talks about a unique style etc... that translates to me like something very specific special strange style useful only to very few people
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18:08 | skinkie | this is actually minimum compression you may run a compressor 'lossless'
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18:08 | troy_s | skinkie: I learned quite a bit from Bertl early on... Sensors don't behave anything like the data you get out of a consumer / end transformed version.
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18:08 | skinkie | troy_s: exactly :)
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18:09 | skinkie | troy_s: this is also the reason for JP4 in the Elphel stuff
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18:09 | troy_s | aombk: Anyone that understands color knows that look is all transformational above the raw transform from primary data into known XYZ.
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18:09 | troy_s | aombk: That said, all sensors are unique, somewhat akin to film stocks; they all bend data.
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18:09 | skinkie | troy_s: but once you understand the raw components at work, you also understand how you could do focussing by different colour values etc :)
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18:10 | aombk | so this quote applies to all cameras
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18:10 | aombk | so it says nothing about beta
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18:11 | aombk | maybe that it is a bit more unique than the others
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18:11 | troy_s | aombk: Yes. You have to remember that unless you are a massive effort with dollars and momentum and such, you are simply going to limp along with the resources you have. Including pull quotes.
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18:11 | aombk | and thats a problem
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18:11 | troy_s | ;)
| |
18:11 | aombk | nobody said black magic 4k is unique. just beautifull
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18:12 | troy_s | aombk: Uh.
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18:12 | aombk | dont get confused here. i am just explaining why i dont like the quotes. do you want me to stop?
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18:12 | troy_s | I will differ on that front. BM does _much_ well, but the sensor size is a portion of aesthetics so... Well.
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18:13 | troy_s | aombk: Not at all. I was just curious as to why.
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18:13 | aombk | the second one translates to me like all the awesomeness and the ease of use that we got from digital will be gone and we are back to the middle ages of photography
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18:13 | troy_s | aombk: But this is a constraints game.
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18:13 | skinkie | aombk: would you care to mail your opinions about them as well?
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18:13 | skinkie | maybe that is better than IRC
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18:13 | skinkie | and I doubt this will be our only commercial campain :)
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18:13 | aombk | yes maybe i will
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18:14 | skinkie | i doubt that any of us has real commercial experience regarding these types of text
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18:14 | troy_s | aombk: Disagree on the second point. Having a darkroom is a thing many miss in digital due to canned rubbish workflows. I completely understood that point.
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18:14 | skinkie | non-native speakers etc.
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18:14 | troy_s | aombk: So I completely disagree on that context. Still... Arbitrary.
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18:15 | troy_s | aombk: The bottom line is that seb wanted pull quotes and put some in. There are no absolute evaluations here. Different audiences read different things. The audience that is the primary target seems to have taken well enough to the message it seems.
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18:16 | troy_s | So I wouldn't stress too much about pull quotes.
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18:16 | ApertusWeb8 | joined the channel | |
18:16 | ApertusWeb8 | left the channel | |
18:17 | ApertusWeb6 | joined the channel | |
18:17 | aombk | all i am saying is these quotes meaning is not absolutely clear. how do you say... ambiguous
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18:17 | troy_s | aombk: Consider pull quotes as much about the aesthetic of presentation as they are about less abstract factoids.
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18:18 | aombk | brb
| |
18:18 | ApertusWeb6 | Hi, I don't really understand the little number of CMOSIS sensor available, is there no way to have one ?
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18:20 | troy_s | ApertusWeb6: Right column.
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18:21 | troy_s | ApertusWeb6: Only the early bird is gone from what I can see.
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18:21 | troy_s | ApertusWeb6: 50€ bonus early bird is the only version that is gone.
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18:22 | DanUK | left the channel | |
18:23 | Bertl | ApertusWeb6: you can change your nick with /nick somenick if you don't like the confusing ApertusWeb6 :)
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18:23 | Bertl | ApertusWeb6: there are plenty of cmosis devices left, you can grab one right now, as troy_s explained, only the early bird discount is already gone
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18:25 | troy_s | Poor Bertl ... Looks like you will be busy carefully building a _lot_ of cameras. Yikes.
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18:25 | alexML | you may want to set the perk as Featured, so it appears first
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18:29 | ApertusWeb6 | left the channel | |
18:29 | ctag | For someone who purchases or builds an Axiom Beta, will there be upgrade paths when the Gamma is ready? Or will both lines be kept separate?
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18:31 | troy_s | ctag: That is listed there no? Upgrade I believe.
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18:31 | se6astian | yes
| |
18:31 | se6astian | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axiom-beta-the-first-open-digital-cinema-camera/x/5022798
| |
18:31 | se6astian | search "Upgrade Path:" :)
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18:32 | Bertl | ctag: we will keep the Beta for a reasonable time and you will very likely be able to reuse the sensor
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18:32 | troy_s | se6astian: PS: Is crop factor relevant here for a motion picture camera?
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18:32 | ctag | Ah, excellent!
| |
18:32 | Bertl | there are no plans to shut down the Beta as long as somebody is interested
| |
18:32 | ctag | Awesome
| |
18:33 | troy_s | ctag: You have two of the most dedicated peeps on the planet here in se6astian and Bertl. I wouldn't suggest success is inevitable, but if anyone can pull it off, it is them.
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18:34 | ctag | I believe you. Having a working proof of concept when going into a crowdfunding situation is a big deal.
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18:34 | ctag | And that's what the Alpha is, correct?
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18:35 | troy_s | ctag: Both have amazing technical prowess that is only eclipsed by their even more incredible presence as people.
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18:35 | Bertl | troy_s: thanks for the flowers, we appreciate your time and dedication as well!
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18:35 | troy_s | ctag: Alpha was the shoebox camera.
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18:36 | se6astian | troy_s: crofactor, why not?
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18:37 | se6astian | and thanks for the kind words as well :D
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18:37 | troy_s | se6astian: Because there is no real crop factor in cinema..
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18:37 | troy_s | se6astian: Sense? Super35 is the base really. 1.0 as it were.
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18:40 | troy_s | (AKA the cinema aesthetic was built on the back of vertical Super35, not horizontal VistaVision.)
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18:41 | aombk | people find the campaign not clear and mysterious in blogs comments
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18:41 | ctag | Oh man, Apertux and Vanitas, this website is full of cool stuff.
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18:41 | ctag | I'm gonna have to come back after class and read up.
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18:41 | se6astian | I guess if we listed a crop factor difference between CVM12000 and KAC12040 where CMV12000 is 1.0 that would have confused people a lot
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18:42 | Bertl | aombk: please check the FAQ section and let us know what you think. thanks in advance!
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18:44 | Bertl | I think we also got rid of the ApertusWeb nicks by adding a nick field to the web client ... if somebody can test this, it would be appreciated.
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18:45 | troy_s | se6astian: Sure. I worry that some folks might see the full frame sensor as cropped.
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18:45 | aombk | Bertl: i already backed the camera. i am just reporting peoples reaction. and i reply to them sometimes
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18:45 | troy_s | se6astian: Not a big deal. Always loathed the whole “crop factor†language as you know.
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18:46 | Bertl | aombk: that is very much appreciated and I was serious about 'checking' it for unclear or confusing information
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18:46 | masal | left the channel | |
18:46 | Bertl | it is very hard for somebody who is as deeply involved in the project as se6astian and myself to figure out what folks will understand and what needs to be explained in more detail
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18:47 | aombk | ok i misunderstood
| 18:48 | ChanServ |
18:55 | Bertl | no problem
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18:56 | alban_ | joined the channel | |
18:56 | alban_ | left the channel | |
19:00 | Bertl | it seems we moved to the second place on indiegogo (trend view)
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19:02 | dmjweb | are there many places reporting on this yet?
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19:02 | dmjweb | have press releases been sent?
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19:02 | Bertl | not bad for the first 10 hours I guess
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19:02 | Bertl | yes, there have been a numnber of press updates featuring the campaign, but as usual, any additional PR is welcome
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19:07 | aombk | the faq is ok
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19:07 | aombk | but there is a flow i think in the campaign
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19:07 | aombk | flaw
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19:08 | Bertl | I'm pretty sure we have and will make many mistakes, after all it is the first time and we're just human :)
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19:42 | aombk | is the campaign video as informative about beta as it should be?
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19:42 | Bertl | we hope so, check it out and tell us your opinion?
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19:49 | aombk | no technical info about beta is given on the video
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19:49 | aombk | it talks about the community
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19:52 | Bertl | ah, technical information, well, that is probably best communicated via tables and diagrams (as we have on the crowd funding web page)
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19:53 | dmjweb | Yeah, the video should be the "big idea" the basic concept, why it matters, and how you can trust the creators
| |
19:54 | dmjweb | enough detail to understand the "what" but not enough to distract from why it matters
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19:59 | se6astian | latest campaign stats: 8,435 unique visitors so far today
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19:59 | se6astian | 11,282 pageviews
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20:00 | dmjweb | super35 sensor and global shutter are both mentioned
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20:00 | dmjweb | not sure if 4K and RAW are
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20:00 | dmjweb | but all that is in an infographic right below
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20:09 | aombk | so Bertl, what is considered low bandwidth data so as to not need an external recording device?
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20:14 | Bertl | the internal microSD can sustain 50MB/s bandwidth and we get the same for the external microSD
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20:15 | Bertl | that is megabyte/s, you also get at least half a gigabit over network
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20:15 | aombk | so you tested and got about these numbers? nice
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20:15 | danieel | left the channel | |
20:16 | Bertl | correct, the gigabit ethernet can achieve higher rates with FPGA support (offloading)
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20:16 | Bertl | and there is also the USB-OTG, which we didn't really test yet
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20:16 | rdroro | joined the channel | |
20:17 | Bertl | welcome rdroro!
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20:17 | rdroro | Hi Bertl!
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20:22 | rdroro | I've just found Apertus projects and its campagn on Indiegogo
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20:22 | Bertl | great! do you like it?
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20:23 | rdroro | It's looks interesting !
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20:23 | Bertl | any questions we can answer for you?
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20:23 | Bertl | (preferably ones not already covered by the FAQ or campaign page :)
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20:24 | danieel | joined the channel | |
20:26 | rdroro | No it's good for now ! I'm checking the Apertus Github !
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20:27 | troy_s | Bertl: You uh... haven't filled out your IndieGoGo credentials. Might want to do that. ;)
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20:28 | Bertl | I'm trying since three days to get my email confirmed, but indigogo is not able to get that done and the links I get do not work
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20:29 | Bertl | but it is work in progress, I hope :)
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20:37 | aombk | seems that mft is not that popular
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20:40 | Bertl | yes, but we kind of expected that from the opinion poll anyways ... nevertheless, I'm curious how it will rank at the end
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20:42 | rdroro | What is "mft" ?
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20:42 | troy_s | Bertl: Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up with same factors
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20:42 | troy_s | rdroro: Micro Four Thirds
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20:43 | Bertl | rdroro: the format of the KAC sensor
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20:44 | rdroro | Ok, thanks for the explanation
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20:44 | Bertl | you're welcome!
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20:53 | skinkie | Bertl: will you be at the IBC again as well?
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20:54 | Bertl | nope, not this time, low budget, and somebody has to work on the beta :)
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20:54 | giantpt | left the channel | |
20:54 | alexML | here's a question for you guys: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=11787.msg128109#msg128109
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20:56 | Bertl | indeed, I presume the MLV codec is a magic lantern raw format?
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20:57 | alexML | yes
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20:57 | Bertl | I also presume that it is open and well documented, yes?
| |
20:58 | alexML | it's documented here: www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=7122
| |
20:58 | Bertl | in which case, I do not see any problems supporting it on the Beta
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20:58 | alexML | how well... I can't be the judge :P
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20:58 | alexML | ffmpeg already has some early support for it
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21:01 | Seku | joined the channel | |
21:03 | aombk_ | joined the channel | |
21:04 | skinkie | Could this be actually implemented in the FPGA itself?
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21:05 | skinkie | alexML: what was the rationale to build this format?
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21:06 | aombk | left the channel | |
21:06 | aombk_ | changed nick to: aombk
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21:06 | Bertl | I presume it is more a wrapper format like DNG (haven't looked into it yet)
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21:06 | skinkie | i some questions of mine are answered by the "why a custom format" :P
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21:08 | Seku | hello, newb here. love that you went crowdsourcing and thinking of getting an s35 (just a magic lantern hobbyist tho). cinema-dng would surely sound impressive :D
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21:09 | Bertl | welcome Seku! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
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21:12 | Seku | thanks Bertl :) not many questionsn as of yet, im just wondering why the cmv12000 is indicated at 10 stops dynamic range :D
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21:13 | Seku | the cion and bm4k seem to use the same chip but advertise 12-ish stops. is the axiom more conservative in shadow noise? other implications?
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21:14 | Bertl | well, we are probably more honest about the stats, but you can expand the dynamic range with HDR modes
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21:17 | alexML | do you guys have some test images (DNG) with this sensor?
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21:17 | Seku | im a bit conservative about HDR :D
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21:17 | alexML | I can do some noise analysis, plot SNR curves
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21:18 | Bertl | yes, there is the xmas image from last year :)
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21:18 | Bertl | but I wouldn't consider it representative, we had no real FPN correction back then
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21:18 | alexML | I need two test images of the same static scene, because I'll subtract them to keep only the random noise part
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21:19 | Seku | mh, so i guess its ISO is also similar to the other cameras using the same sensor? aka 400-800ish
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21:19 | alexML | any out-of-focus HDR scene should do the trick (so it covers both highlights, shadows and midtones)
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21:19 | alexML | more details about the procedure: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=10111.msg117955#msg117955
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21:20 | Bertl | I'm sure se6astian can take a few snapshots after he returns from IBC if you tell him what to do
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21:20 | alexML | cool
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21:20 | Seku | oh youre THAT alex... sorry for not noticing. please accept random deals of great gratitude :)
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21:20 | Bertl | a snap can be taken via ssh, so that's rather simple :)
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21:20 | alexML | thanks
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21:21 | Seku | ssh to the cam? heh
| |
21:23 | Bertl | yep, on the Alpha, everything can be done via ssh, and it helped a lot during development/testing to be able to use shell scripts :)
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21:23 | Seku | i love that line of though
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21:23 | alexML | why not? Canon used a shell console too, it's just hidden :P
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21:23 | Seku | *thought
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21:24 | Bertl | yeah, but it won't be hidden on AXIOM, ever! :)
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21:24 | Seku | thats why im really interested in the axiom ... no hidden features ... and global shutter at that
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21:25 | aombk | so the camera will have vulnerabilities and it will be hackable
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21:25 | Bertl | you can enable SE-linux :)
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21:25 | Seku | se-linux? xD
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21:26 | aombk | i better already register the domain apertus-exploits.net
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21:26 | ludidonkihot | joined the channel | |
21:26 | rdroro | left the channel | |
21:27 | Bertl | welcome ludidonkihot!
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21:27 | aombk | wireless ddos attacks to cinematographers
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21:27 | philippej | joined the channel | |
21:28 | Seku | btw, why go the strange route of multiple hdmi for 4k raw? and not just go to a pci-e or usb3 or thunderbolt ssd?
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21:29 | aombk | ok after alpha and beta, i suggest you rename gamma to axiom nightly and add great low light capabilities
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21:29 | Bertl | Seku: the basic interface is several (up to 20) differential pairs, the hdmi interface is just one I/O shield (we have to start somewhere) and HDMI is already known to us, as we implemented a free version for the alpha
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21:29 | Seku | aombk, dunno if the sensor can follow :D
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21:30 | Bertl | USB3 is a nightmare (at least to me) but it shouldn't be a technical problem
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21:30 | Bertl | PCIe is also an option but requires dedicated serdes hardware which is not available without addon
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21:30 | Seku | no need for usb3 really. s-ata3 should do nicely enough. but nice to hear there are other options :D
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21:31 | aombk | too bad without rolling shutter we wont be able to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKXOucXB4a8
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21:32 | Seku | i think one of the BM-s biggest perks is to SSD drives. keeps storage cheap. well, relatively. Samsung EVOs arent expensive . external HD recorders are :D
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21:32 | Bertl | aombk: maybe get the KAC then too, it can switch between rolling and global shutter
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21:33 | Seku | aombk, im just a silly hobbyist with too much time on his hands... i film a lot of handheld stuff ... and deshaking rolling shutter is a nightmare.
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21:33 | Bertl | Seku: yes, SATA will probably be our preference when we get to the 'recording' part
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21:34 | Seku | will the beat really look like the product renders btw? i mean slr format-ish
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21:34 | Seku | *beta
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21:35 | Bertl | there will be two options, a skeletal version for hackers (easy access to everything)
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21:36 | Bertl | and the version you basically see in the renderings
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21:36 | aombk | Bertl: nice idea!
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21:36 | Bertl | but we will try to improve it where necessary during development
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21:36 | ludidonkihot | Congrats guys, campaign is selling cameras at rate "1 camera per 5 minutes" :D
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21:37 | Bertl | thanks!
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21:38 | Seku | well, add me to that. just ordered an s35
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21:39 | Bertl | great! thanks!
| |
21:40 | Seku | i believe in opensource :) this is just the first version of the cam, and im looking forward to the 5k varieties later
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21:40 | Seku | but im a sucker for global shutter, cant help it
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21:40 | Bertl | yes, I do not understand why somebody would want a rolling shutter either, but from the technical PoV it has some advantages
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21:41 | Seku | dynamic range and iso sensitivity i presume
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21:41 | Bertl | for example you can get a way higher SNR with a rolling shutter
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21:41 | Bertl | because the data doesn't 'hang around' degrading in the sensor
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21:42 | Seku | yeah. but i still have that silly dream that one day i can take pictures and film at the same time\
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21:42 | Seku | (fast shutter, raw)
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21:42 | Seku | and then add motion blur as needed in post
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21:43 | Bertl | like 1000 FPS and then post processing the shutter angle
| |
21:43 | Seku | was thinking at 25/50 fps for starters with fast shutter :D
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21:44 | Seku | btw, where are you guys based? i read about europe, but where?
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21:44 | Bertl | well, you can do that with the Beta then :)
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21:44 | Seku | thats the plan :D
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21:44 | CoolSpecter | joined the channel | |
21:44 | CoolSpecter | hi everyone. does anyone know how long the battery life is on this camera?
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21:45 | Bertl | Seku: there is a map of all involved folks ... sebastian an me are located in Austria
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21:45 | Seku | as its the beta, i presume it depends a lot on the battery pack you connect it to
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21:45 | Bertl | Welcome CoolSpecter!
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21:45 | CoolSpecter | thanks
| |
21:45 | Seku | ah, great, i can switch to german at leisure then
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21:45 | Bertl | CoolSpecter: the battery life will depend on the battery you use
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21:45 | CoolSpecter | oh ok so its not coming with a battery
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21:45 | Seku | luxembourg here, german 2nd language, english 4th :)
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21:46 | Bertl | CoolSpecter: and the power consumption will depend on the features you enable
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21:46 | CoolSpecter | i see
| |
21:47 | Bertl | we will see, if we find a suitable battery pack, we might integrate it
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21:47 | Bertl | (or at least make it an option)
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21:47 | Seku | its a beta after all :D
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21:48 | Seku | im looking forward especially how you will manage fixed pattern noise and color science... as those seem to be most difficult on that sensor
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21:48 | Bertl | we will definitely support a wide input range, so utilizing whatever is available shouldn't be a problem
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21:48 | Bertl | Seku: you don't say :) troy_s can sing a song about that :)
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21:49 | Seku | well ill be a difficult customer, coming from canon raw xD
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21:49 | CoolSpecter | this would be my first camera
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21:49 | Seku | i think for postproduction one of the most important things is to have flawless import into resolve (black level, color balance)
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21:50 | CoolSpecter | it would be nice to learn on a bare bones system first
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21:50 | Seku | most buyers of the cam will prolly process RAW that way (i will)
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21:51 | Bertl | CoolSpecter: I can assure you, you will learn a lot with the Beta (if you are serious about learning stuff that is)
| 21:51 | Seku | sighs
21:51 | Seku | its a long road. and i havent even started my journey (taking the easy way with canon-specific LUTs and Kodak Luts)
| 21:52 | Seku | is layz
21:53 | Seku | btw, please please implement something like a live RGB histogram based on RAW values
| |
21:54 | CoolSpecter | I sure am, I have an interview at USC for the Stark program next month. If I get in ill be sure to use this camera to impress classmates
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21:54 | Seku | and not some silly jpeg like canon does
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21:54 | Bertl | Seku: we have a wiki describing certain 'interesting' features, maybe add information there?
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21:55 | Seku | great, i sure will. but im a bit leery to do so... im just a hobbyist with no technical knowledge at all :)
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21:55 | philippej | left the channel | |
21:55 | CoolSpecter | so when you compare this camera to the black magic 4k and the GH 4 what aspects does it hold over them?
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21:56 | Bertl | Seku: I don't think the technical knowledge matters much, it is more to figure out what makes sense and what not
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21:57 | Seku | mhhh... theres 2 reasons why i bought into this project
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21:57 | Bertl | CoolSpecter: first, it is the only camera where you can do whatever you like, run your programs on it, use all features without modifications and update the firmwar by simply swapping an SD card
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21:57 | Seku | open source, and global shutter
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21:57 | Seku | i hope that someday , in a way, it can replace my dslr :)
| |
21:57 | Seku | no more need to take pictures, just get stuff from the DNGs
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21:57 | Seku | thats still far fetched, but i like to believe that idea
| |
21:57 | CoolSpecter | im not a programmer, but what kinds of programs are you talking about?
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21:58 | Seku | CoolSpecter, all programs the community comes up with
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21:59 | CoolSpecter | oh ok
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21:59 | derWalter | left the channel | |
21:59 | Bertl | whatever you can imagine and what fits hardware wise, just to give a (maybe silly) example, you can use it as web cam and have your own web page served on the camera, including some fancy calculations on the image
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21:59 | Seku | like flickerless timelapses for instance
| |
21:59 | CoolSpecter | aah
| |
21:59 | Bertl | you can program it to do realtime image warping or motion detection as well
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21:59 | Seku | one could do fancy stuff with long-time exposures too, expanding dynamic range... HDR
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22:00 | Seku | IR would sound fancy too :D
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22:00 | Seku | thats why i invested... people will come up with lots crazier ideas than i do
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22:00 | Bertl | yes, the CMV is very sensitive in the IR range as well
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22:00 | Seku | and ... global shutter?
| |
22:00 | Seku | *!
| |
22:00 | CoolSpecter | any chance there could be a modification to make it a 3d camera?
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22:00 | Bertl | you just need to remove the IR/UV cutoff
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22:01 | Bertl | there is a stereovision project which probably will use the AXIOM Beta
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22:01 | Seku | btw, is there any anti aliasing filter?
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22:02 | Seku | CoolSpecter, for 3D you need 2 cameras... to do stuff right
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22:02 | CoolSpecter | right. so if I got two of these cameras, and had them work in sync. and placed them at the correct angles... we could program them to do that right?
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22:02 | Seku | although (personally) i believe 3D to be a fad... i would rather invest into oculus rift-ish stuff
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22:02 | Bertl | Seku: we didn't use any anti aliasing filters yet, but it is definitely an option
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22:03 | Bertl | CoolSpecter: definitely
| |
22:03 | Seku | Bertl, @4k it doesnt really seem necessary, but im looking forward to 5k sensors downsampling to 4k. would make most AA filters useless :)
| |
22:03 | Bertl | the axiom Beta is quite small, so you could get the correct eye distance by simply putting them side by side
| |
22:03 | CoolSpecter | that just sold me
| |
22:04 | Bertl | great!
| |
22:04 | Seku | the advantage with an opensource cam, is that someone talented can write genlocking / syncing firmware to 2 cams for 3d
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22:04 | Seku | if someone writes it :)
| |
22:05 | Bertl | actually syncing two cams is rather trivial
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22:05 | CoolSpecter | are there any warranties? also, If I do the 350 kickstarter will I only get 50% off one camera, or multiple cameras?
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22:05 | Seku | (i would be interested in timecode for synching sound)m *cough cough*
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22:05 | Bertl | the CMV12k supports a 'frame request' so just triggering that at both cameras is enough
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22:05 | Seku | buy 2 . get 2. i presume
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22:05 | Bertl | and yes, we plan to support timecodes as well
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22:08 | Seku | thats great... good reason for em to upgrade to sounddevices
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22:09 | Seku | btw, i was in austria just a month ago, damn if i had known :)
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22:10 | Bertl | there will be another chance, I guess
| |
22:10 | Seku | its not far away. only 4 hours driving or so. autobahns are fast.
| 22:11 | Seku | sighs
22:12 | Seku | need to buy me some new lenses now. only got fullframes :)
| |
22:12 | Seku | some declicked samyangs prolly
| |
22:13 | Seku | btw, any screen on the axiom? focus-peaking, zoom? etc.
| |
22:13 | Bertl | I'm sure there will be sooner or later
| |
22:14 | Seku | no problem i guess, i can just use a cheap peaking monitor too.
| |
22:14 | Seku | itll be fun.
| |
22:15 | Seku | is there any forum/disussion board planned for funding members?
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22:15 | Bertl | we have talked about a forum, yes, but it hasen't taken shape yet ... I'm sure if there is some demand, it will
| |
22:16 | Bertl | for now there are a number of mailing lists and of course the IRC channel
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22:16 | Seku | ill join the lists to then, but i am partial to irc ... theres nothign mroe direct ... except direct talk :)
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22:17 | CoolSpecter | its just the camera, it doesnt come with internal audio doees it?
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22:18 | Bertl | no audio planned on the main board, but it would be easy to add on one of the shields, we'll see
| |
22:18 | CoolSpecter | ah
| |
22:18 | Bertl | or you can simply use some of those cheap USB audio devices :)
| |
22:19 | Seku | mh, as long as there-s timecode *hint hint* everyyhings fine
| |
22:19 | Seku | most on-cam audio is hideous anywaz :D
| |
22:19 | CoolSpecter | i know, just thought id ask
| |
22:19 | Seku | i think with the gamma camera therell be audio. but... its just a beta cam after all
| |
22:20 | Bertl | it is not just a beta cam, it is 'The Beta Cam' :)
| |
22:20 | Seku | just a beta cam... with global shutter *hazy eyes*
| |
22:21 | Seku | im really lookling forward to sata3 tho. got some 3 tera of SSDs lying around xD
| |
22:21 | Bertl | send us some for testing ...
| |
22:21 | Seku | you need some?
| |
22:22 | Seku | only samsung EVOS tho
| |
22:22 | Bertl | we can always make good use of hardware and SSDs (especially reasonably fast ones) are always expensive
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22:22 | intracube | hi :)
| |
22:22 | Bertl | hello intracube!
| |
22:22 | Seku | hi intracube :)
| |
22:22 | intracube | hello Bertl, Seku
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22:24 | CoolSpecter | oh yeah, i forgot to ask what your intention was as far as what it can save to? ssd's?
| |
22:24 | Bertl | Seku: so if you're serious, I can give you a shipping address, and we'll make sure that you get mentioned as contributor
| |
22:25 | Seku | sure why not... actually i bought the drive to have 2 tb total space for davinci RAW projects... but i guess you guys can use it better
| |
22:25 | Bertl | CoolSpecter: the base system has a single microSD slot plus an option for a two more microSD via PMOD
| |
22:25 | CoolSpecter | excellent
| |
22:26 | Bertl | they can sustain up to 50MByte/s for internal and extern cards
| |
22:26 | Bertl | the external cards share the bandwidth
| |
22:26 | Seku | btw, what are most users targeting? prores? dhxnd?
| |
22:27 | Seku | is there some interest in raw? then its more like 300 mbyte/sec i presume
| |
22:27 | Bertl | I guess I have to delegate this question to the folks here on the channel (or the users in general)
| |
22:27 | Bertl | movie makers are mostly interested in uncompressed, unaltered raw
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22:27 | intracube | quick question about the campaign; for the €300/€350 options, does it mean first in line for the beta
| |
22:27 | Seku | no wonder :D
| |
22:28 | Bertl | and yes, at 4k, the bandwidth is huge
| |
22:28 | intracube | with no commitment to buy?
| |
22:28 | Bertl | correct
| |
22:28 | intracube | Bertl: thanks
| |
22:28 | Seku | im used to 100mbyte/sec ML raws, so i know what im getting into :D
| |
22:28 | Bertl | intracube: and if you decide to buy, you get it at half the price
| |
22:28 | intracube | yup, cool :)
| |
22:29 | Seku | if i dont hoave to remove FPN, reencode from MLV to cinema DNG, and nice timecode metadata... thatd be worh ti
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22:29 | alexML | I'm happy to help with FPN correction, since I'm also researching it for ML
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22:29 | Bertl | excellent!
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22:30 | intracube | just have to see how my bank balance is and how adventurous I feel nearer the time :P
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22:30 | Seku | alexML, i didnt mean to complain at all, im incredibly humbled by what you did on ML
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22:30 | Seku | its the raeson i upgraded from 5dmk2 to mk3
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22:31 | alexML | hehe, FPN is Canon's weakness, not ML's
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22:31 | Bertl | alexML: so there might be more overlaps between ML and AXIOM than we imagined when we made the promotional video :)
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22:31 | Seku | right now im going through an osx mlv - dng workflow, and do the rest on a windows workstation
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22:32 | Bertl | alexML: glad that we got in contact!
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22:32 | alexML | yeah, once the cameras get out in the wild, I'm sure there will be more overlaps
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22:32 | alexML | btw, g3gg0 is also ready to help you with implementing the MLV format
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22:32 | Seku | :O
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22:32 | Seku | im glad i bought in
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22:34 | ApertusWeb9 | Hi guys, amazing campaign! Congrats. 2 quick questions: Does the 300/350EUR perk give us chance to change choice of sensor after campaign ? also if for any (e.g. budget) reason I don't take the beta, do i still have the same upgrade to gama advantages ?
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22:35 | Seku | mhh... exciting times :D
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22:36 | Seku | sorry, dont know the answers to that question .
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22:39 | se6astian | Hi ApertusWeb9, if you dont own a Beta there is nothing to upgrade to a Gamma - the Upgrade Path is actually meaning to reuse the parts from the Beta
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22:39 | CoolSpecter | so the campaign is for the axiom beta... what about the alpha and gamma models? whats the difference if you had to sum it up in a couple sentences?
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22:40 | se6astian | changing of sensor later on is OK if it will not become the norm as it will make it impossible for us to estimate production volume if everyone changes his components :)
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22:40 | se6astian | CoolSpecter: We even made a table and infographic just to explain that differences :)
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22:40 | se6astian | https://apertus.org/axiom
| |
22:40 | CoolSpecter | oh thx
| |
22:41 | se6astian | had no time to add the beta camera image to the table yet
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22:41 | se6astian | will take care of that tomorrow :)
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22:42 | CoolSpecter | i see, so the gamma is like an upgrade to the beta... will there be a campaign for the gamma too?
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22:43 | Bertl | maybe, we'll see how the Beta does and what we learn from that
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22:44 | se6astian | time for bed for me
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22:44 | se6astian | good night!
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22:44 | Bertl | the Beta is the result from feedback and experience with the Proof of Concept Alpha prototype, so it will be similar with the Gamma and Beta I guess
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22:44 | CoolSpecter | ah. so the gamma is up there as the completed vision of your camera. as a goal point perhaps.
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22:44 | Seku | look at it like this : axiom is an empty drawing board.
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22:45 | Seku | beta was great enough to get me hooked
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22:45 | Seku | but now that i know alex and greggo are getting on board... OH damn
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22:45 | Seku | this will be fun times
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22:47 | Seku | colorscience will be most interesting. canon has done great as usual, panasonic seems to be huge strides lately
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22:47 | Seku | too bad their varicam is out of reach
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22:47 | Bertl | I think the open source community can easily do better
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22:48 | Seku | i think so too. especially after speaking with soem crazy people doing argylcms or other color related stuff
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22:51 | Seku | this will be most beneficial
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22:51 | Seku | too bad stuff like davinci isnt available on linux... difficult to stay in a complete open srouce environment
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22:53 | Bertl | we'll get there sooner or later ...
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22:53 | Seku | mhh... the 35mm seems a lot more popular than the beta 3/4 :D
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22:55 | dmjweb | what's the plan for when the perks sell out?
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22:56 | Bertl | which ones?
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22:57 | dmjweb | the Camera perks
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22:58 | Bertl | I guess we'll add some more then, in batches
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22:59 | Bertl | they might not ship at the same time, but they will certainly help reducing the price further
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23:00 | Seku | i might drive to austria to get mine xD
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23:01 | Seku | hrmf... that cam might actually be a good reason to upgrade my home thaeater from 2k to 4k
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23:01 | Seku | my computer also only runs at 2.5k ... this will be fun
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23:02 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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23:06 | ApertusWeb9 | left the channel | |
23:10 | anton | joined the channel | |
23:10 | tyrone_ | Bertl: small question since when there is the picozed? i was just suprised there is a new product :-)
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23:12 | Seku | heh, lots of magic lantern vets in here. i like.
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23:14 | anton | hiya, go apertus go! small bit of publicity (310 views only, but still) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11242/axiom-beta-4k-raw-opensource-crowdfunding-started
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23:18 | anton | btw the promo video - it was short in HDR was it?
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23:18 | anton | I mean the promo video was not shot in HDR was it?
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23:22 | Bertl | tyrone_: no idea, I just read the specs myself a few minutes ago!
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23:22 | Bertl | they had a 10/20 version announced some time ago, but the new 15/30 options look very interesting
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23:24 | Bertl | anton: no, as far I know it wasn't
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23:25 | Bertl | but se6astian will be able to give you all the details when he wakes up
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23:26 | Bertl | anton: and thanks for the publicity! we appreciate it!
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23:28 | Bertl | regarding the question in the thread "How about using email and/or skype" ... email is fine, the team can be reached there as well and we make sure to answer all email we get ASAP
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23:28 | Bertl | Skype is too proprietary for my taste, but IIRC, se6astian is willing to use it if necessary :)
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23:29 | Seku | i think theres a need for a forumtho. im no forum guy, but i think lots of people are :)
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23:29 | Seku | ii mean a dedicated oen to the beta
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23:30 | tyrone_ | Bertl: i just wanted to see what are the specs of the microzed and tada... picozed.... :-) ... press release 3.09.2014 so just out of the box...
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23:30 | Bertl | Seku: noted. we'll get there, just not right now
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23:30 | Bertl | tyrone_: did you find the measurements? I was looking but I couldn't find them
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23:31 | Bertl | tyrone_: it looks like it should be about the same size as the microzed though
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23:31 | Bertl | (judging from the connectors used there)
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23:32 | intracube | can anyone confirm what the fps should be for the test footage? the ungraded .mxf shows as 29.97 but motion seems a bit fast
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23:32 | intracube | looks like it was originally shot either 24 or 25?
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23:32 | CoolSpecter | left the channel | 23:33 | intracube | is doing some grading on it :)
23:33 | Bertl | personally I'd say it was 30 FPS or 25 FPS, because the recorder we used doesn't support 24 FPS well, the default was certainly 30 FPS
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23:33 | Bertl | (i.e. that was the first resolution we got to work after we discovered that 60 FPS is not understood by the recorders available to us :)
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23:33 | Seku | heh
| |
23:33 | tyrone_ | Bertl: the size i couldn't find but when you see the pics of the microsed 7020 and the picozed 7020 it looks the same just no ethernet and usb... so it should be the same.... the prices i find is fair the zynq 7030 is just 399$ but with only 4 GTX Trancievers
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23:34 | intracube | Bertl: ah ok. I'll try encoding the whole vid at 25 and see what the motion looks like
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23:35 | Bertl | intracube: but the shutter angle might be completely off, so don't let that fool you
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23:36 | Bertl | tyrone_: yeah, so maybe we do a picozed version of the beta as stretchgoal or something like that ...
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23:37 | Bertl | I guess the 7015 version would be preferable though
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23:38 | tyrone_ | Bertl: or plan it right away with it and make a small suprise :-)
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23:38 | Seku | ah there are stretch goals?
| |
23:38 | Bertl | we'll see if we get there :)
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23:39 | tyrone_ | Bertl: 7015 is 299$ that's sweet :-)
| 23:39 | Seku | grins
23:39 | Seku | it will be a house plenty of toys anyway
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23:39 | dmjweb | 7030 looks sweet
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23:40 | Seku | a part not to be underestimated will prolly be to get raws nicely into resolve.
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23:40 | Seku | blacklevel / metadata
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23:41 | Bertl | would that work fine with the MLV format for example?
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23:41 | Seku | depends on the cinemaDNG converters i presume
| |
23:41 | Bertl | okay, so cinemaDNG would still be preferable?
| |
23:42 | Seku | for now theres imho only 2 solutions for MLV to cinemadng > magicRAW and raw2dng by chmee
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23:44 | Seku | im not knowledgeable at all..,. but cinemaDNG sounds the way to go, as it allows to be imported straight into resolve, and sync up with audio. BUT afaik FCPXs and premieres import of cinemaDNG leave a lot to be desired, mind you, i dint use premiere or FCPx... just some threads i read >&
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23:44 | tyrone_ | dmjweb: i like ti too :-)
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23:46 | intracube | 25% of goal already!
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23:46 | Seku | going raw is the correct but stony way :D
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23:50 | Seku | btw, for non-raw, wouldnt it be possible to use some ff-mbc? for prores and the like
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23:52 | Seku | dont know about licenses tho
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23:53 | Bertl | regardless of licensing issues, you could still add those yourself for private purposes, unless you live in a coutry which puts copyright claims above personal freedom :)
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23:54 | Seku | we all do, i guess. but youre right. it puts a smirky grin on my face, just imagining to compile prores support just for mylsef on the cam
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23:55 | Seku | not that i want to use prores, but still :D
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23:55 | anton | might be off topic today.. I've long been thinking of having a handheld rig for my GH3 - {camera, NP battery, monitor, quick release plate}; maybe rails and FF; I've got 0 experience with this so might be compeletely off with my wish.. the idea was fit it nicely into a shoulder bag meant for a big DSLR, didn't want a big heavy cage if possible; I'm posting it here in case you may find it at least a tiny bit inspirational when designin
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23:55 | anton | here are some sketches http://s02.radikal.ru/i175/1409/c9/1ca9c2ffe77e.jpg
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23:56 | TheOne | joined the channel | |
23:57 | Seku | anton : for handheld, this seems most optimal to me : http://store.zacuto.com/marauder/
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23:57 | Seku | if you dont plan on going shoulder
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23:58 | Seku | no rails, FF on that tho
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00:02 | Bertl | welcome TheOne!
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00:03 | TheOne | left the channel | |
00:05 | Samuel | joined the channel | |
00:05 | Seku | heh, 2nd batch?
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00:05 | anton | Seku, Marauder is great - but I wanted my whole rig to go on top of Marauder or tripod if needed; I want a pico rig to fit completely into a photo bag - basically a way to attach monitor to the back of the camera and a battery somewhere bellow the camera - to make it very compact, foldable; and extra attachment points on the camera body might be a great help - if the body is metallic of course; and because attachment points can help I
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00:05 | anton | with the developers of Axiom - in case they find it sensible.. in a way the body might be its own small cage - if it is already strong enough anyway
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00:07 | Seku | i see where you are getting at. id love to have something similar, but its only a beta cam too :D
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00:09 | Seku | i hope that somehow theyll be able to keep the core light, and maybe outsource raw to SDI or SSD ... global shutter will allow for cropping or stabilisng :D
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00:09 | Bertl | welcome Samuel!
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00:10 | CoolSpecter | joined the channel | |
00:10 | Seku | but frankly my opinions arent important... im not the core consumer (im just a silly hobbyist who likes stuff)
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00:12 | anton | "im just a silly hobbyist who likes stuff" he-he, me too - but then the project needs beta testers, that could as well be us :)
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00:13 | Seku | i ordered a cam, so ill be a tester :D
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00:14 | Seku | so much looking forward to it. and random silly stares
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00:16 | Samuel | Bertl: hi, and hi to all
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00:17 | Seku | hiyas
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00:18 | Bertl | Samuel: if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, especially if they are AXIOM Beta related :)
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00:19 | Samuel | Bertl: thank you, I'm more of an linux-audio guy, but I love open hardware
| 00:19 | Seku | pokes puise-audio for fun
00:20 | Bertl | Samuel: so what about running pulse-audio or jack on the AXIOM Beta?
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00:20 | Samuel | does it have any audio i/o ?
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00:21 | Seku | (to me it really depends on the ADCs implemented tho)
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00:21 | Bertl | not yet, but there is USB and two options for I/O shields
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00:21 | Bertl | so plenty of potential even for high end audio freaks
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00:22 | Samuel | he he
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00:22 | Seku | you dont know how crazy we high end audio freaks actually are willing to go :D
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00:22 | Samuel | Seku: really good question
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00:22 | CoolSpecter | left the channel | |
00:23 | Seku | (home theater at home, with DIYed 4-way speakesr, active XO, and some fancy DACs xD)
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00:24 | Seku | mh, i lied actually.. theyre not fancy... sabre32 DACS
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00:24 | Seku | seems theyre used in normal hardware nowadays
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00:24 | anton | Bertl - the ventilation - it's not going to blow dust onto the sensor is it?
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00:24 | Samuel | Seku: (small home studio with RME cards and SSL converters, starting to DIY my own mic pres)
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00:25 | anton | somehow all the photo cams I've seen looked more or less sealed
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00:25 | Seku | your own mic pres? thats above my level. nice!
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00:25 | Samuel | Seku: no, not designed, i'm just a solder monkey
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00:26 | Bertl | anton: I don't think so, the sensor is in direct touch with the lens mount, which basically seals it from the surrounding arflow
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00:26 | Seku | same here... running Linkwitz Orions, and a Twisted Pear Sabre Dac
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00:27 | Samuel | Bertl: how hard would it be to plug an usb soundcard and have it working with, say, jackd?
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00:27 | Seku | being a copycat is good enough for me :)
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00:27 | Samuel | Seku: nice
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00:27 | Bertl | anton: we already did that on the alpha, and despite the fact that the alpha lens mount had two holes, we didn't get any dust onto the sensor
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00:28 | Bertl | Samuel: that's kind of the question I was hoping you could answer ... the plugging part is easy, just get an USB-OTG adapter (micro USB to USB receptacle) and plug in a soundcard of your choice
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00:28 | Bertl | then you probably have to get the sound driver loaded (for the linux kernel) and an arm version of jackd running
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00:29 | Samuel | OK, so pretty easy
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00:29 | Bertl | we plan to go for arch linux on the AXIOM Beta, but we also used rapsian in a chroot on the Alpha, so there are several options
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00:30 | Seku | oh , arch. tricky :)
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00:31 | Bertl | I guess at some point there will be a special AXIOM tailored linux, but for now, we will see what works best
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00:31 | Samuel | OK, good to know, we just need a way to record all this synced and we have nice audio capabilities
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00:31 | Seku | personally, i dont care. ill just run a gentoo or arch VM.
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00:32 | Seku | but for gamma that should be difficult for casual users :D\
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00:33 | Bertl | there is no need to ever get down to the OS level on the Gamma, it will have some kind of GUI for controlling the camera (precisely for those casual users or folks who just want to use it as plain old camera :)
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00:34 | Seku | how boring :D
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00:36 | Seku | after a good laugh, bedtime... worktime bekkons in 6 hours
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00:37 | Samuel | As I don't know enough about cameras, how do people sync their sound to the images ? manually? I know there are sync soft, but is it the only way?
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00:37 | Seku | google timecode :)
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00:38 | Seku | naturally you can do it manually too (clapperboard) ... but i am lazy
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00:40 | Bertl | Samuel: I guess it is a mix of science, tradition and art :)
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00:41 | ctag | Samuel: I just clap? :D
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00:42 | Seku | (even if you use timecode to sync.... use a clapperboard too. makes you look professional. and your talents feel important. clapperboard is cheap, even if you dont use it)
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00:42 | ctag | Seku, See google has started shooting themselves in the foot. I half read it as "Google Timecode" as though it were a product of theirs.
| 00:42 | Seku | coughs
00:42 | Seku | never mind me
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00:42 | ctag | :P
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00:42 | Samuel | :-D
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00:43 | ctag | .. What's the symbol for adding two numbers together again?
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00:43 | Seku | +
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00:43 | ctag | Zing!
| |
00:43 | Seku | xD
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00:44 | Samuel | so the video part of the axiom would generate a timecode that I just need to sync to the audio. I'm just trying to understand the axiom workflow
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00:44 | Seku | i see this channel will be funny in the next years . ill stay
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00:45 | ctag | Samuel, unless there's something I don't know, it's the same as the RED cameras, our basic setup is separate video and audio, and a clapperboard to sync them and keep the tracks organized.
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00:45 | Seku | actually, timecode is on the audio part. the axiom woud need to generate a timecode audio track.... recorded by an at least 3 channel mixer (plis sterep)
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00:45 | ctag | It's a minimal amount of editing compared to other items :)
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00:45 | Seku | tjem synced in post
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00:46 | Seku | timeccode os a complex beast tho, lets leave that for late r:D
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00:46 | Seku | (you can ... google the different implementations)
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00:47 | Samuel | ok
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00:47 | Seku | i would love something like pluraleyes tho. but thats a bit far fetched. and expsinve
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00:48 | Samuel | I recorded the sound of an orchestra and had friends record footage from 6 or 9 cameras. And I know it was a nightmare to sync everything
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00:48 | Seku | or stitching a high-emd ADC board wih phantom power on top of the cam *coughs*
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00:49 | Samuel | and in the end he had to use non-linux tools to edit
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00:49 | Seku | audition?
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00:50 | Seku | mh, frankly, for the axiom... i doubt linux tools are ready
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00:50 | Seku | i will probably go davinci resolve
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00:50 | Seku | which means winblows or hackintosh
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00:50 | Samuel | well as far as I know it runs on linux
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00:51 | Seku | you can
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00:51 | Seku | but is it manageable
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00:51 | Seku | the only nice software i know on linux for video editing wouold be lightworks
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00:51 | ctag | Hrm
| |
00:51 | Seku | and thats editing... not working on video raws
| |
00:51 | ctag | I do with Linux had better video and audio editing software :-\
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00:52 | Seku | me too... but for me davinci lite is without competition , for now
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00:53 | Samuel | ctag: I don't know about video, but linux-audio does a nice job, at least for non-linear daw
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00:54 | ctag | I'll have to take your word for it x) I've been sticking with Audacity lately
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00:55 | Samuel | ctag: because not happy with the other tools?
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00:55 | ctag | Because needs are low right now :)
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00:56 | ctag | School's been keeping me away from my film crew, so I haven't been exploring video and audio tools for archlinux like I should be.
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00:57 | Samuel | ctag: ok
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00:58 | Bertl | school is important too ...
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00:59 | ctag | Yup :P
| |
00:59 | ctag | Still, I'm all abuzz
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00:59 | ctag | I only heard about the Apertus project a few days ago
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00:59 | ctag | And the Axiom Beta is enticingly close to our price range.