| 09:46 | guest31 | joined the channel |
| 09:47 | guest31 | Hello, little question: if the coockie banner is just included by default, is it even needed for your website? Otherwise I would gladly leave it out.
| 09:51 | BAndiT1983 | Hi guest31, as we're using some cookies for processing, so it's required by EU law
| 09:51 | BAndiT1983 | have you stumbled upon some problems with banner layout?
| 09:56 | guest31 | No, I first am converting the site into static html
| 09:57 | guest31 | And theres an insane amount of css imports for such a site as yours haha. It is quite bloated. I am now downloading all css files and looking what I can delete from it via devtools
| 09:59 | guest31 | Because if I dont do it, I cant accurately see what changes can be made in those css files. Its not fast and maybe also not efficient, as I could also just remake it, but I have the feeling that the current approach is somewhat a little more accurate...
| 10:00 | guest31 | In the sense that i can cross out any unused css while trying to keep it original.
| 10:05 | guest31 | left the channel |
| 10:12 | se6astian | content management systems are very good at bloating css and co :)
| 10:14 | se6astian | guest31 the current plan is to create a completely new website with new layout and only up to date relevant information that is much easier to maintain, no cms just static html generated from some shared repository (maybe github)
| 10:15 | guest31 | joined the channel |
| 10:15 | se6astian | and to "archive" the current "old" website in a way that it can still be used and accessed but as static html rather than dynamic CMS, so we can stop maintaining it
| 10:16 | se6astian | for both projects we have not really gotten far as nbody has time to deal with it currently so your help is greatly appreciated
| 10:16 | se6astian | the static archive will not use cookies though so that problem is probably of no concern anymore then
| 10:17 | guest31 | Okay so archiving is the first focus? Because if the website is revamped, it might be difficult to archive the old one right?
| 10:24 | guest31 | And im glad I can help, youre welcome :)
| 11:18 | BAndiT1983 | what do you use for conversion, some static site generator or manually via some framework?
| 11:45 | guest31 | left the channel |
| 13:33 | guest31 | joined the channel |
| 13:34 | guest31 | Manually, using firefox devtools. I know its crazy XD...
| 13:35 | guest31 | left the channel |
| 13:50 | guest88 | joined the channel |
| 13:50 | guest88 | left the channel |
| 14:08 | BAndiT1983 | would suggest some SSG, like hugo or gatsby, otherwise it can get pretty tedious, also if a need arises for custom web components then you will need proper structure nevertheless -> https://jamstack.org/generators/
| 14:49 | se6astian | there are hundreds of subpages and articles, I dont think you want to manually download them all and fit them together...#
| 17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME, who is here?
| 17:01 | BAndiT1983 | is here, but not much to report, besides the usual testing and crawling along the tasks
| | 17:01 | se6astian | Very good :)
| 17:04 | se6astian | Anyone else around?
| 17:05 | se6astian | Ok, MEETING CONCLUDED then
| 17:05 | se6astian | I am leaving for the summer vacation in 2 days so no meeting the next 3 weeks with me