| 03:58 | eppisai | joined the channel |
| 04:03 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 04:03 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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| 06:10 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 07:26 | se6ast1an | good day
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| 11:33 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 11:33 | Bertl | morning folks!
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| 11:33 | anuejn | morning :)
| 12:51 | Bertl | off for now ... bbs
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| 13:23 | se6ast1an | new freenode spam wave incoming?
| 13:49 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl
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| 19:05 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 19:28 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
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| 20:46 | anuejn | Bertl_oO: why is the fill order of the current raw12 files the way it is
| 20:46 | anuejn | it seems... not very handy
| 21:47 | Bertl_oO | you mean the RG/GB/O pattern?
| 21:51 | anuejn | no
| 21:51 | anuejn | intuitively I would expect the data to be packed this way:
| 21:52 | anuejn | (assuming the least significant bit is written right and the byte with the lowest address is the rightmost byte)
| 21:52 | anuejn | BA987654 3210BA98 76543210
| 21:53 | anuejn | but the data is encoded this way:
| 21:53 | Bertl_oO | i.e. little endian?
| 21:53 | anuejn | yes somehow something like that but it is not clear to me how le and be interact with the data being 12 bit
| 21:54 | eppisai | left the channel |
| 21:54 | anuejn | 76543210 3210BA98 BA987654
| 21:55 | Bertl_oO | how do you look at the data? i.e. who assembles the bytes here?
| 21:55 | Bertl_oO | and is that system little or big endian :)
| 21:55 | anuejn | err 76543210 BA983210 BA987654
| 21:56 | anuejn | currently I am doing this more or less in my head
| 21:56 | Bertl_oO | well, if you have the following bytes:
| 21:56 | Bertl_oO | 01 23 45 67 89 (all hex)
| 21:56 | anuejn | but afaik all the systems I work with are little endian (x86 and arm)
| 21:57 | Bertl_oO | then there is one way to create a 'stream' of bytes from left to right
| 21:57 | Bertl_oO | 0123456789....
| 21:57 | Bertl_oO | now if you cut that into 12bit sequences, the question is what bit comes first
| 21:58 | Bertl_oO | i.e. big endian, you start with 102
| 21:58 | anuejn | is your lowest memory addres on the right or on the left?
| 21:58 | Bertl_oO | lowest memory is the first byte
| 21:58 | Bertl_oO | i.e. on the left
| 21:58 | anuejn | okay
| 21:59 | Bertl_oO | ah, sorry, big endian would be 103
| 21:59 | Bertl_oO | and little endian will be 012
| 22:00 | Bertl_oO | it is basically one of those two options if you consider byte streams
| 22:00 | Bertl_oO | now the real problem comes when you read the bytes in larger chunks
| 22:01 | Bertl_oO | e.g. read 4 bytes in one 32bit word
| 22:01 | Bertl_oO | because now the bytes can get read in two different orders depending on the endianess
| 22:02 | Bertl_oO | so 01 23 45 67 might end up as 01234567 or 67452301
| 22:02 | anuejn | I see that
| 22:03 | anuejn | so your gateware writes the 12bit values big endian packed?
| 22:04 | Bertl_oO | the data is packed in the natural order (FPGA) side and then written out by the AXI interface (without any reordering)
| 22:04 | Bertl_oO | the arm architecture is by default big endian, although it can do little endian as well
| 22:05 | anuejn | arm is big endian o_O?
| 22:06 | anuejn | hm... my original confusion comes from the fact that I am also packing the data in the natural order from the fpga and write it to the axi interface
| 22:06 | BAndiT1983 | wiki says the opposite is the case
| 22:06 | BAndiT1983 | little-endianness is the dominant ordering for processor architectures (x86, most ARM implementations, base RISC-V implementations) and their associated memory.
| 22:06 | anuejn | then I stream it over ethernet and I get different data than you
| 22:08 | Bertl_oO | sorry, the other way round, little endian and can do big endian
| 22:08 | anuejn | okay
| 22:08 | anuejn | so everything in the process is le
| 22:09 | anuejn | and I guess the natural order in the fpga is also le
| 22:12 | Bertl_oO | no idea, IIRC, AXI is considered endianess invariant
| 22:13 | anuejn | hm... I guess I have to read your gearbox then
| 22:14 | Bertl_oO | the main question is if the difference doesn't come from the userspace tools repacking the image
| 22:15 | Bertl_oO | i.e. are you looking at the .raw files or are you looking at the frame buffer memory in the beta
| 22:15 | anuejn | I am loading the .raw12 files
| 22:15 | Bertl_oO | because we changed the .raw format so often, that I do not have a clue what we currently do there anymore :)
| 22:15 | anuejn | ah I see that
| 22:16 | anuejn | I am quite confued myself (as you might see)
| 22:16 | Bertl_oO | it is definitely confusing :)
| 22:16 | anuejn | somehow dng only seems to allow your packing and not mine
| 22:17 | anuejn | > If BitsPerSample is not equal to 8 or 16 or 32, then the bits
| 22:17 | anuejn | must be packed into bytes using the TIFF default FillOrder of 1 (big-endian), even if the TIFF
| 22:17 | anuejn | file itself uses little-endian byte order.
| 22:18 | Bertl_oO | IIRC, we changed something back then to make dng happy, but I'm not sure if that was in the format or not
| 22:18 | anuejn | that seems... dumb to me
| 22:18 | anuejn | ah probably it was
| 22:18 | anuejn | that explains that
| 22:18 | Bertl_oO | alexML probably knows more there
| 22:18 | anuejn | so cmv_snap already does a lot of that byte cooking?
| 22:19 | Bertl_oO | I think DNG is somehow related to TIFF and if I'm not mistaken, TIFF is big endian encoded
| 22:19 | BAndiT1983 | DNG is TIFF extension
| 22:20 | BAndiT1983 | TIFF has also the endianess marker at the beginning
| 22:20 | anuejn | TIFF can do both ;)
| 22:20 | BAndiT1983 | II or MM
| 22:20 | anuejn | but the quote that I posted forbids the use of le bit packing
| 22:20 | BAndiT1983 | Every TIFF file begins with a two-byte indicator of byte order: "II" for little-endian (a.k.a. "Intel byte ordering", circa 1980)[9] or "MM" for big-endian (a.k.a. "Motorola byte ordering", circa 1980)[9] byte ordering.
| 22:20 | BAndiT1983 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TIFF
| 22:21 | Bertl_oO | we can agree that it is all very confusing :)
| 22:22 | BAndiT1983 | is the packing in TIFF really always LE?
| 22:25 | anuejn | no but in 12bit dng
| 22:25 | anuejn | Bertl_oO: +1
| 22:31 | anuejn | has an exploded head
| | 22:32 | BAndiT1983 | https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BiodegradableVelvetyAnglerfish-mobile.mp4