| 01:01 | leonardus | According to this page, it's still the most recent: https://github.com/wolfgangw/digital_cinema_tools/wiki/Frequently-asked-questions#smpte-where
| 01:03 | Bertl_oO | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7864300
| 01:06 | leonardus | ah, I've got it now
| 01:06 | leonardus | by being an upstanding law-abiding citizen and paying full price, of course
| 01:09 | Bertl_oO | the way it is supposed to be :)
| 01:13 | RexOrCine | Bertl: Is Interface (Dummy) Board technically part of the stack or the SFE?
| 01:13 | Bertl_oO | part of the stack, although it is not doing much
| 01:13 | RexOrCine | Thanks.
| 01:16 | Bertl_oO | np
| 01:31 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 01:40 | illwieckz | joined the channel |
| 02:14 | RexOrCine | Night all.
| 02:14 | RexOrCine | changed nick to: RexOrCine|away
| 03:46 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 03:46 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 06:15 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 07:21 | illwieckz | left the channel |
| 07:37 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 13:08 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 13:17 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 13:17 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 13:56 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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| 14:06 | apurvanandan[m] | Hi Bertl
| 14:07 | apurvanandan[m] | Can we assume that once the data transfer has started, the delay in clock and data path won't change in between?
| 14:07 | apurvanandan[m] | Do we have to realign at regular intervals?
| 14:09 | Bertl | for a short period, you can assume that there won't be any changes
| 14:10 | Bertl | for longer periods, changes in temperature or power might change the alignment, but usually not very much
| 14:10 | Bertl | so the best approach here is to monitor the 'quality' of the link and if necessary, make some adjustments
| 14:13 | apurvanandan[m] | Ok fine
| 15:42 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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| 16:04 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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| 16:05 | BAndiT1983|away | left the channel |
| 16:05 | philippej | left the channel |
| 16:05 | Nira|away | left the channel |
| 16:05 | RexOrCine|away | left the channel |
| 16:45 | dev__ | joined the channel |
| 16:50 | supraraj | joined the channel |
| 16:51 | supraraj | Gfddj
| 16:51 | supraraj | Good evening dev__
| 16:51 | dev__ | left the channel |
| 16:52 | supraraj | oh well :/ I thought only I had unreliable connection
| 16:59 | dev__ | joined the channel |
| 16:59 | supraraj | Greetings :)
| 16:59 | dev__ | Hello supragya_
| 16:59 | dev__ | I am here now
| 17:00 | supraraj | Very well... we can start. Andrej will join later... he sent an email saying he's busy
| 17:00 | dev__ | okay,
| 17:00 | supraraj | So... Could you brief me about the key things done this particular week
| 17:01 | supraraj | I have a few questions on how you have conceptualized the solution and a few coding practices I see on github
| 17:01 | dev__ | Yes, First the was to correct the out of aviencode and then i added static allocators in it.
| 17:02 | dev__ | Had some problems in flipping the frame (inverted frame)
| 17:02 | supraraj | okay...
| 17:03 | supraraj | what problems were you getting?
| 17:03 | dev__ | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-tagbitmapinfoheader
| 17:03 | supraraj | ?
| 17:03 | dev__ | The document says, we can flip the frame by using negative biheight
| 17:03 | dev__ | it worked
| 17:04 | dev__ | but fails in VLC ..
| 17:04 | supraraj | How did it work and failed...?
| 17:04 | dev__ | it worked in video player of ubunto
| 17:05 | supraraj | Hmm maybe it's not widely used
| 17:05 | supraraj | Or there maybe some other metas who may code this... which is used by others and more popular...
| 17:05 | supraraj | either way... we should not blame VLC, but correct our code :)
| 17:06 | dev__ | Yes, makes sense
| 17:06 | dev__ | I will look for it surely
| 17:07 | supraraj | I don't understand though... if we are always reading from position 0,0 which is top left
| 17:07 | dev__ | I was aiming for frameservering
| 17:07 | supraraj | and that's our reference for everything .... when we allocate and save frames and channels in mem
| 17:07 | supraraj | why is the thing flipped if we write it just that way in the avi :/ weird...
| 17:08 | supraraj | anyways, please continue
| 17:09 | dev__ | okay , so u mentioned somethings avi file map for Fuse
| 17:09 | dev__ | yesterday
| 17:09 | supraraj | let's not jump there so quick
| 17:10 | supraraj | A few questions regarding static allocator
| 17:10 | dev__ | yes
| 17:10 | supraraj | 1. Is it fully built? what happens if we query something which is not there in static alloc? how are you managing the static alloc... LRU etc?
| 17:10 | supraraj | Have you touched all the edge cases etc...
| 17:11 | dev__ | We check if the frame is present in buffer (_mem) first, if its not present at this point of time.
| 17:12 | supraraj | 2. Why do I see some code commits done ON github.com ... not pushed TO github.com ... Nothing particular here... but some commits worry me... (not a major point... just curious about the workflow)
| 17:12 | dev__ | we will always have its position in the main file buffer. we will allocated this frames where we find space
| 17:12 | supraraj | please continue
| 17:13 | dev__ | if the _mem is full, we will start allocating memory from starting of buffer
| 17:15 | dev__ | a circular queue feature, we can say
| 17:16 | supraraj | sure...
| 17:16 | supraraj | regarding 2?
| 17:17 | dev__ | some commits worry me : can u please point me there
| 17:17 | supraraj | your IDE is not correctly set up, commits are unclean... just so you know
| 17:18 | supraraj | anyways... how do you visualise frameserver would function since you have already built so much
| 17:18 | supraraj | Please explain what would we need now in codebase where and why
| 17:20 | dev__ | I would say , we need fuse implementation so we can request the data and supply back to video player.
| 17:20 | dev__ | The read callback implemention of Fuse
| 17:21 | dev__ | We are doing this currently using a loop (which loops from 1 to frameCount)
| 17:21 | supraraj | A few concerns are certainly there: for example, how do you handle the case where downscaler is on (half size) vs off
| 17:22 | supraraj | a dirty patch is in place where you /2 currently, but when working with full frameserver, that parameter is very vital for frame number computation
| 17:25 | dev__ | AVIEncode should know the parameters of downscaler
| 17:25 | dev__ | which parameters we were taking about that time, I am confused here a little
| 17:26 | supraraj | https://github.com/kakashi-Of-Saringan/opencine/commit/eab7fa1448654fbd8d39b7612122609794589171
| 17:28 | dev__ | How I should replace /2 ?
| 17:29 | supraraj | AVIEncode should know the parameters of downscaler <- this... you answered it yourself
| 17:29 | BAndiT1983 | joined the channel |
| 17:29 | supraraj | Hello BAndiT1983
| 17:29 | dev__ | hello BAndiT1983
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | Hi supraraj and dev__
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | hi Bertl, BIP crashed hard again, could not join earlier
| 17:30 | dev__ | I need to replace / 2, u Mean
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | how to solve /2 dilemma?
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | i gave you some hints a couple of weeks ago
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | remember the video clip class?
| 17:31 | dev__ | Yes , The order of memory ..
| 17:31 | dev__ | allocation
| 17:32 | BAndiT1983 | ??
| 17:32 | dev__ | https://trello.com/c/ANcx80qY/9-order-of-memory-allocation
| 17:32 | BAndiT1983 | and what is your solution?
| 17:33 | dev__ | We should know beforehand , we are going to use downscaler , then we will only allocate /2 memory
| 17:34 | dev__ | that*
| 17:34 | BAndiT1983 | and if downscaler makes 1/3, 1/4 etc.?
| 17:34 | supraraj | How are links you give solution to anything someone asks? Please refrain from doing that without context.
| 17:35 | dev__ | I was typing at that time , sorry
| 17:35 | supraraj | Another important thing: Do remember... when you are writing an AVI, which eventually you will frameserve, you will have to also tell the amount of frames in total that AVI file would have... this would mean that we need to know the number of files in the folder (seq)... dev__ do we already have a code for it or you have a solution?
| 17:36 | dev__ | if downscaler makes 1/3, 1/4 etc : - we should know about this also
| 17:36 | BAndiT1983 | But this would mean tight coupling
| 17:36 | BAndiT1983 | also what happens if we use some other method for debayering?
| 17:37 | dev__ | supraraj: we are suppling frameCount at this moment, that is remaining
| 17:39 | dev__ | So we need something which can know all these parameter like which processing method to be used, how much size we need to allocate
| 17:39 | dev__ | automatically .
| 17:39 | BAndiT1983 | hm, and where could it be?
| 17:39 | dev__ | That's what should a video clip class do , yes ?
| 17:40 | BAndiT1983 | yes, video clip class should hold general infos, which are valid for every frame
| 17:40 | BAndiT1983 | but how would it get the right height of the data, e.g. if it's smaller because of downscaler
| 17:42 | sraj | joined the channel |
| 17:43 | dev__ | i was thinking , the user will give these parameters
| 17:43 | dev__ | the UI structure, we planned for it
| 17:43 | dev__ | left the channel |
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| 17:44 | supraraj | left the channel |
| 17:44 | BAndiT1983 | ??
| 17:44 | sraj | Doesn't really sound right... Means that user will always have to tell what's to happen?
| 17:44 | BAndiT1983 | why should user give this parameters, if they should be got from the file and pipeline
| 17:45 | dev__ | MlV sample gives height and width, we want
| 17:45 | dev__ | are we considering other codecs here
| 17:46 | BAndiT1983 | i don't get the logic at the moment, please explain
| 17:47 | sraj | Tomorrow if we have a smart way to detect whether we need downscaling on a certain machine through some internal system, oc may let's say automatically set it's variables... Why would u need user to provide it to the system through manual input
| 17:47 | dev__ | yes , makes sense.
| 17:48 | dev__ | But , I have to think how we can do this.
| 17:49 | BAndiT1983 | ehm, dev__, it's your task, remember?
| 17:49 | dev__ | yes BAndiT1983,
| 17:51 | dev__ | I am clear about the need of such system which can automatically know the height , width of data
| 17:51 | BAndiT1983 | ???
| 17:51 | BAndiT1983 | we know width and height, it comes from the loader
| 17:51 | BAndiT1983 | you have to find a way how to tell the video data and allocator how much space is required for frames etc.
| 17:53 | dev__ | The space need to be allocated, will depend on parameters like how we are downscaling it etc
| 17:54 | BAndiT1983 | yes, and where could we get them?
| 17:56 | dev__ | it depends on what we what to do 1/3, 1/4 etc, as u said
| 17:57 | sraj | :/
| 17:57 | BAndiT1983 | this is not really the answer i'Ve expected
| 17:59 | dev__ | I don't have solution yet ,sorry
| 18:00 | dev__ | Can i take time
| 18:00 | Bertl | aSobhy, apurvanandan[m]: you around?
| 18:00 | BAndiT1983 | how long do you need?
| 18:00 | apurvanandan[m] | Yes
| 18:01 | sraj | Hello Bertl apurva
| 18:01 | apurvanandan[m] | Hi Supragya
| 18:02 | dev__ | till tommorow , I will try to think about it
| 18:02 | Bertl | apurvanandan[m]: did you manage to work with aSobhy on the BER testing?
| 18:02 | BAndiT1983 | ok, let us do a meeting day after tomorrow, as i also need time because of a very important project at work
| 18:03 | BAndiT1983 | will inspect your code, so i know what's going on there
| 18:03 | dev__ | I will mail u asap about the process
| 18:03 | apurvanandan[m] | Actually I was working alone, afaik he was busy with his graduation project.
| 18:04 | Bertl | thought so, but good to know :)
| 18:04 | Bertl | so, what's the status and what are the current challenges?
| 18:05 | dev__ | sraj, BAndiT1983 , i will be working on it now.
| 18:06 | BAndiT1983 | very good
| 18:07 | dev__ | okay , update u , Good night!
| 18:07 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl: But it is at its final stage, all gearwork is working. I am making that 8:1 to 10:1 converter after that I will test on hardware. On simulation it is working good.
| 18:07 | Bertl | okay, so has been any testing done on real hardware yet?
| 18:08 | dev__ | left the channel |
| 18:09 | apurvanandan[m] | Configuring modelsim what damn irritating
| 18:09 | apurvanandan[m] | was*
| 18:09 | apurvanandan[m] | But now everything is set up and working peacefully
| 18:10 | apurvanandan[m] | Yes, but only was receiving random data. First need to verify complete design on simulation.
| 18:10 | apurvanandan[m] | Thats why I installed MIcrosemi IDE for Modelsim
| 18:12 | apurvanandan[m] | At this moment I am trying to make the 8:1 to 10:1 work, rest all is working fine
| 18:12 | apurvanandan[m] | The ALIGNWD pin makes the link training very easy.
| 18:19 | Bertl | okay, please create some VCD files for the simulations
| 18:19 | sraj | left the channel |
| 18:19 | apurvanandan[m] | Link training is working for x8 gearing
| 18:19 | BAndiT1983 | left the channel |
| 18:20 | apurvanandan[m] | Do I to send right now?
| 18:21 | Bertl | no, just create some during testing so that I get an idea what you're doing and how the progress is
| 18:22 | Bertl | originally the bandwidth tests should have been finished for the first evaluation
| 18:22 | apurvanandan[m] | I will send you tonight!
| 18:29 | RexOrCine|away | joined the channel |
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| 20:14 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
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| 21:17 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 21:17 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 21:20 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 21:20 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 21:39 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 22:07 | se6astian | off to bed
| 22:07 | se6astian | good night
| 22:07 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 22:45 | apurvanandan[m] | Hey Bertl, I am using K28.5 for link training. Can I directly compare equality with the encoded RD+ and RD- words for link training ie without decoding them as decoder takes two clock cycles.
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