08:16 | getzi2 | left the channel | |
08:18 | getzi22 | joined the channel | |
09:54 | aombk | left the channel | |
11:26 | aombk | joined the channel | |
16:37 | Guest31 | joined the channel | |
16:38 | Guest31 | hello I am that guy from friday, I was looking to the site and immeadiatly noticed that the coockie banner has total transparancy etc. I would like to correct it with some raw css code, But I dont know if you can implement it in bootstrap framework?
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16:42 | Guest31 | I will lookup the logs monday for the reply.
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16:45 | Guest31 | left the channel | |
16:51 | se6astian | hi Guest31
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16:51 | se6astian | ah no not the damn cookie banner plugin again, its been acting up for some time but there is no proper replacement for it
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16:52 | se6astian | if you find a fix or have an idea let us know
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17:09 | Guest31 | joined the channel | |
17:14 | Guest31 | Hello, if it is not too big of an hassle, I would suggest to convert the website into raw html as it does not seem to be a really complicated one. Which is really nice for me as I am not a high professional web designer and prefer not to work with frameworks because then I have to comply to those css rules from the framework which I have a hard
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17:14 | Guest31 | time understanding because its a little bloated. However, I do not know how the coockie reaction is handled. Like, are the buttons tied to some script on the backend or is it wholly integrated within the framework? That would make it difficult as I guess only the admins of the website can adjust the plugins. (Another reason why I prefer raw html)
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17:17 | Guest31 | I think it wouldnt be hard to change the layout of the banner, via the html and css code. And I can send the changes to you via this chat.
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17:18 | Guest31 | If its possible without the framework startying to get confused as things dont go by his predefined rules.
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17:27 | Guest31 | I also wanna take up the task of creating the necesary css files and html files, if you want. Maybe also a few folders. And Ill use a nostr pastebin to share them. However I might underestimate the whole stuff, so I think the best way to do this is that I just copy the html and css from the browser side, adjust it to make it fit the raw html
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17:27 | Guest31 | approach and send it back, so you can gradually test and check it out. Luckily that the lab page is no longer used, that makes it alot easier I think.
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17:31 | Guest31 | And a little bit of java script is needed for the coockie banner to appear and go away I guess.
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17:33 | Guest31 | Altough I dont know with what languages the server side is working with regards to the coockies
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17:33 | Guest31 | left the channel | |
17:36 | BAndiT1983 | Guest31, the website uses drupal 7 as CMS, there were some plans for static generated replacement, but we're all busy with other tasks right now, so the idea is crawling a bit slow at the moment, started to test again, but am also swamped with other stuff than that
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17:40 | Guest31 | joined the channel | |
17:42 | Guest31 | Hello, altough I have not much knowledge about the backend, I might be able to help. And I might be able to have contact with some contacts of mine who have more knowledge about the backend, to inform me.
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17:46 | BAndiT1983 | one doesn't have to know the backend, as most fixes which were supplied from my side were done using the browser dev tools and then se6astian applied them to the site
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17:47 | Guest31 | Oh nice
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17:47 | BAndiT1983 | so you need to check the HTML and CSS code mostly, which is usually enough, also a bit of bootstrap knowledge is useful
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17:48 | Guest31 | Well I havent, only wordpress a little. But you guys might help me out if I run against a problem right?
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17:48 | BAndiT1983 | of course
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17:50 | Guest31 | Nice. I will reach back monday and start then with just copying and modifying the stuff. Are their any special design rules, color palletes or sonething?
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17:50 | Guest31 | There*
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17:50 | Guest31 | Something*
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17:51 | BAndiT1983 | if you mean corporate identity, then there is this summary -> https://www.apertus.org/logo, otherwise look at the colors used on the page, e.g. footer
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17:53 | BAndiT1983 | se6astian: just out of interest, where do you've grabbed the cookie banner from? haven't seen this CSS classes before
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17:53 | Guest31 | Alright nice.
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18:00 | BAndiT1983 | this example is also not bad for start -> https://kolappannathan.github.io/bootstrap-cookie-banner/, don't remember which version of bootstrap we use, certainly not 5, probably 3, but with few adjustments, if at all, it should be possible too
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18:04 | Guest31 | Oh nice
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18:05 | Guest31 | Then there is no work needed I guess
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18:06 | se6astian | its a drupal addon called EU Cookie Compliance (eu_cookie_compliance)
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18:08 | Guest31 | For what purpose are the coockies needed?
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18:08 | se6astian | and yes, a big website revamp with static html is long planned but currently it seems nobody has the time to work on it
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18:08 | Guest31 | Oh well then there is work needed I guess
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18:08 | se6astian | the cookies are needed to be compliant with EU laws
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18:09 | Guest31 | Do websites REQUIRE coockies, even if they dont need them?
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18:13 | Guest31 | Interesting
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18:15 | se6astian | no you can also create websites without cookies
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18:16 | se6astian | but most CMS like drupal/wordpress/etc. will do them by default
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18:17 | Guest31 | Okay. Anyway, I will try monday to copy the whole website (or maybe you can send the neccesary parts to me to save time?) And make an alternative css stylesheet.
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18:18 | Guest31 | If you can send it, it would be nice, because otherwise Ive to visit every page and then Im still not sure if I got all pages that require a revamp
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18:19 | BAndiT1983 | you can just save the complete homepage through your browser, just did it and got a folder full of images, html and css
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18:21 | Guest31 | Okay, Thanks. But this means the focus only lies on the homepage? Or is it just a starting point?
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18:21 | BAndiT1983 | ah, was to quick there, am not seeing CSS yet, but there are also other ways to grab the calculated ones via browser or suitable tools
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18:21 | BAndiT1983 | just as starting point, as the banner is applied on the top of the website overall, so it doesn't matter which one to grab
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18:22 | Guest31 | Okay nice to know. See you monday then. Have a nice day!
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18:23 | BAndiT1983 | you too!
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18:23 | Guest31 | left the channel |