| 00:06 | comradekingu | joined the channel |
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| 05:40 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 05:40 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 06:52 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 06:58 | LordVan | joined the channel |
| 08:02 | se6ast1an | good day
| 08:21 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 08:22 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 10:05 | mumptai | joined the channel |
| 12:42 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 12:42 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 13:19 | xthenode | joined the channel |
| 13:20 | xthenode | hello...
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| 16:34 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
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| 17:59 | se6ast1an | eppisai: you there?
| 17:59 | eppisai | hello!
| 18:00 | se6ast1an | I wanted to check in with you to see what you are working on currently
| 18:01 | se6ast1an | and if you created something related to the "virtual keyboard" already or if you need some pointers before that
| 18:11 | eppisai | I have been checking out the archive code of axiom remote, and have understood how transition animation, and framebuffer is happening,and yesterday after analyzing I made changes to the current axiom remote firmware(declared one more framebuffer, and wrote the same algo as in archive),but it was giving me an error, so BAndiT983,helped me with it. And Since transition animation frame buffer also needs to be in visualizer so have added, and modifed main.cpp
| 18:11 | eppisai | of visualizer.. Now i am just hoping that it complies without giving me an error,figures crossed ðï¸
| 18:11 | se6ast1an | ah great, the transition animation task
| 18:12 | eppisai | I have added an screen for keyboard,but havent started drawing it, sorry. I will start proper work on it tonight,just was preoccupied iwth archive code
| 18:13 | se6ast1an | no worries
| 18:13 | aombk2 | joined the channel |
| 18:13 | se6ast1an | but yes I was about to suggest to create a new empty screen and just place 3 buttons on it
| 18:14 | se6ast1an | and a simple text element that acts as text field
| 18:18 | aombk | left the channel |
| 18:21 | eppisai | Okie! Will do so tonight! buttons part will not take time for me,but text element,that acts as a text feild, I think will need another draw function. so it will take somethings and knowledge that i might not know rightnow.. ðï¸ I'll text you,if I feel stuck..
| 18:25 | se6ast1an | text is very simple: just add a new string member variable to your new screen
| 18:25 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 18:25 | se6ast1an | and in the screens draw function draw that string somewhere on screen
| 18:26 | se6ast1an | check whitebalance screen for reference: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/AXIOM-Remote/blob/dev/Firmware/UI/Screens/WhiteBalanceScreen.cpp#L46
| 18:32 | eppisai | yeh,but that will only be static, for text input feild,I painter needs to make changes in the same area, that means,if user types A,then backspaces it,then painter will need to clear that part of the framebuffer and redraw on that memory of framebuffer again..
| 18:35 | se6ast1an | currently we redraw the entire screen constantly
| 18:35 | se6ast1an | so you do not need to care about clearing/redrawing only certain elements
| 18:36 | se6ast1an | in other words, every frame starts empty and the draw function of each element paints on an "empty canvas"
| 18:39 | se6ast1an | off to cook now
| 18:49 | eppisai | ohk,so just an array of text inputs, and then making changes and drawing that array on screen,every time user presses a key?
| 19:16 | se6ast1an | the redrawing also happens without pressing any key
| 19:17 | se6ast1an | its an infinite redraw loop
| 19:18 | se6ast1an | so you just change the string variable and the screen will draw the correct content
| 19:30 | eppisai | yeh,while(appIsRunning).. will try it out!! thenks!!
| 19:32 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 19:33 | eppisai_ | joined the channel |
| 19:34 | BAndiT1983 | just a note, later we will have "dirty" rectangles, as the display buffers the image, so the plan is to redraw only changed parts, also drawing won't be happening like in a computer game, which needs constant framerate to show animations, but on demand
| 19:35 | eppisai | left the channel |
| 19:35 | eppisai_ | changed nick to: eppisai
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| 21:56 | xthenode | joined the channel |
| 21:58 | xthenode | BAndiT1983: have you looked at things like vp9...
| 21:59 | xthenode | vp9 is a very efficient image differential engine...
| 22:04 | xthenode | left the channel |