10:05 | dos | left the channel | |
10:09 | dos | joined the channel | |
13:07 | se6astian | vup/anuejn any progress with the raw decoding task polyrhythm is waiting for to be able to continue with color profiling?
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13:53 | anuejn | not yet
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14:47 | se6astian | I fear polyrhythm will quit soon if he doesnt get anything to be able to further pursue this, its been many months already
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14:48 | se6astian | or if the task is not solveable at this time is there a workaround or different approach?
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15:34 | illwieckz | left the channel | |
20:30 | anuejn | se6astian: do you remember what the last problem was?
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20:30 | anuejn | (the last mail in the email thread is authored by me)
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20:52 | se6astian | http://irc.apertus.org/index.php?day=02&month=04&year=2023#3
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20:53 | se6astian | [00:00:00] - {Day changed to Dienstag, 4. April 2023}
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20:53 | se6astian | [18:23:07] <anuejn> polyrhythm: sounds good, I will generate you just an archive with the converted dngs
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20:53 | se6astian | [18:32:33] <polyrhythm> anuejn: or if you can show me how to do it, too, that would be great :)
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20:53 | se6astian | [18:32:57] <polyrhythm> since I'll need to generate my own to use modified DCPs and so forth anyhow
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20:54 | se6astian | that was the previous exchange we had: http://irc.apertus.org/index.php?day=30&month=03&year=2023
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21:35 | anuejn | ah thanks
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21:35 | anuejn | I remember
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21:35 | anuejn | for some reason, the code I wrote didnt work for polyrhythm
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22:04 | se6astian | yes, the output files didnt work in some tools
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22:04 | se6astian | would be great if you can look into it!
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22:04 | anuejn | ah huh
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22:05 | anuejn | Yeah I test with the adobe DNG converter and darktable
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22:05 | anuejn | both seem to be happy
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22:05 | anuejn | I am currently packing a zip with all the files
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22:23 | se6astian | Great
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22:34 | Guest66 | joined the channel | |
22:40 | Guest66 | left the channel | |
22:48 | anuejn | okay so here are the files already converted (with the default dcp)
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22:48 | anuejn | https://cloud.apertus.org/index.php/s/BynZjg7LBmWi6xQ
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22:49 | anuejn | other than that, I found an upstream bug, where the yaml parser did not parse 0.0 correctly which prevented polyrhythm from using their own dcp
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22:52 | anuejn | I added a workaround to dng-rs and updated the axiom recorder branch
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22:53 | anuejn | polyrhythm: now you should be able to use the axiom recorder with your config file and your dcp
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22:58 | anuejn | (this is how I converted the files: https://paste.niemo.de/ororurayiy.sh)