00:24 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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00:24 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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00:57 | apurvanandan[m] | Anybody available who has access to beta?
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01:58 | aSobhy | I'm
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01:58 | apurvanandan[m] | I meant root access :)
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01:58 | apurvanandan[m] | to ZBox
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01:59 | aSobhy | ah okay not me xD
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02:00 | apurvanandan[m] | How is it going?
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02:02 | aSobhy | I'm reading the files that on beta_e and getting lost
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02:03 | aSobhy | pm
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02:22 | Y_G | left the channel | |
03:14 | Y_G | joined the channel | |
03:16 | Y_G | left the channel | |
05:06 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
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05:57 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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06:10 | nmdis199- | joined the channel | |
06:11 | ArunM_ | joined the channel | |
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06:11 | ArunM | left the channel | |
06:11 | philippej | left the channel | |
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06:11 | ArunM_ | changed nick to: ArunM
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06:11 | philippej|away | changed nick to: philippej
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12:46 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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12:46 | Bertl | morning folks!
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12:46 | apurvanandan[m] | Good morning Bertl!
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14:20 | futarisIRCcloud | left the channel | |
14:59 | Fares | joined the channel | |
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16:00 | Fares | left the channel | |
16:10 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
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16:37 | Bertl | apurvanandan[m], aSobhy: good news, I wrote a bit file loader for the Beta which can load the MachXO2 SRAM much much faster
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16:40 | Bertl | for what pic_jtag_load.py takes about 10 seconds to program, now pic_jtag_bitload.py does in about 1 second
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16:41 | Bertl | and you do not need to mess around with the svf files, just generate an SRAM .bit file
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16:56 | aSobhy | ah thats a good news really
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16:56 | aSobhy | :D
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17:00 | comradekingu | joined the channel | |
17:18 | Fares | joined the channel | |
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17:44 | Fares_ | joined the channel | |
18:04 | Bertl | aSobhy, apurvanandan[m]: here is a small example how to use the JTAG ER1 to read out registers on the MachXO2
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18:05 | Bertl | http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/jtagreg/
| |
18:18 | aSobhy | what I have done Is: add the jtagf module and the TDO will be multiplexed with the BER count shift register and the enable of shifting will be JRTI1 that corresponds to ER1
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18:18 | aSobhy | Is that right ?
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18:18 | Bertl | check the example code
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18:19 | aSobhy | OK
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18:32 | Bertl | http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/jtagreg/pic_jtag_er1.py is an example how to exchange data
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18:47 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl, Can I copy the contents on 1x USB 3.0 Plugin Module wiki page to Gearwork for USB 3.0 Plugin Module wiki page, as I think different wiki page aren't required for it
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18:48 | Bertl | not sure what you want to do, but be careful when moving data around, especially if there are links to those pages
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18:48 | Bertl | when in doubt, double check with se6ast1an or RexOrMatrix[m]
| |
18:48 | apurvanandan[m] | Ok definitely :)
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18:49 | apurvanandan[m] | aSobhy, I am going to use beta, is it free?
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18:50 | se6ast1an | Please don't create content duplets
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18:50 | se6ast1an | Best link to existing content
| |
18:50 | apurvanandan[m] | Ok understood it :) se6ast1an
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18:51 | se6ast1an | Your page should contain stuff about your work, in the explanation you can of course link to other relevant pages like the hardware page of the plugin module
| |
18:52 | apurvanandan[m] | Got it :)
| |
18:56 | apurvanandan[m] | Can we use pic_jtag_bitload.py for programming the USB module also?
| |
18:56 | aSobhy | It is free now :) apurvanandan[m]
| |
18:57 | apurvanandan[m] | Thanks aSobhy
| |
18:57 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl using the same pass code
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18:57 | Bertl | apurvanandan[m]: in theory yes, but it requires the bridge via the RFW
| |
18:58 | apurvanandan[m] | Yeah using the pass through code on RFW?
| |
18:58 | Bertl | yup
| |
18:58 | apurvanandan[m] | great!
| |
18:59 | aSobhy | Thanks Bertl thats save alot of time :)
| |
19:00 | apurvanandan[m] | aSobhy: Everytime I program my hardware my 4 minutes are lost, excluding compilation time
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19:02 | aSobhy | Actuallt I meant for the .py file
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19:02 | apurvanandan[m] | oh, okay
| |
19:03 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl: I tried what you suggested ie send 3 out of 4 data at ft601_clk
| |
19:03 | apurvanandan[m] | No different
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19:03 | Bertl | where 'no different' means?
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19:03 | apurvanandan[m] | Same issue there also, values are lost by this method also
| |
19:04 | apurvanandan[m] | Exactly same problem like previous method
| |
19:04 | Bertl | whatever 'previous method' was :)
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19:05 | Bertl | it would be a perfect time to create a wiki page with the information what was tested (including setup, etc) and what problems were found
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19:08 | apurvanandan[m] | And on counting the number of values lost they were around some thousands of 32 bit values
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19:08 | apurvanandan[m] | Sorry, let me explain in detail
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19:08 | apurvanandan[m] | I had this problem of data being skipped due to FIFO getting full at some times
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19:08 | apurvanandan[m] | I diagnosed that by putting at disable/pause condition on counter when FIFO is full and made write enable also zero at FIFO full condition
| |
19:09 | apurvanandan[m] | You suggested me to clock the FIFO with FT601CLK but give 75
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19:09 | apurvanandan[m] | but give only 75% of data
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19:10 | apurvanandan[m] | This way get the similar setup but with synchronous clock
| |
19:10 | Bertl | did you check if the FIFO slowly gets full or stays basically empty till point X where the controller stalls and the FIFO runs full?
| |
19:11 | apurvanandan[m] | I tried this thing and found out that the results are same as earlier
| |
19:12 | apurvanandan[m] | Okay forgot to check, checking that now
| |
19:23 | apurvanandan[m] | So after 187 million clock of FIFO being not full, the fifo gets full for 1000 clocks
| |
19:23 | apurvanandan[m] | These numbers vary a little
| |
19:23 | Bertl | you want to check almost empty and almost full with e.g. 30%/70% of the FIFO
| |
19:24 | Bertl | otherwise you don't know if it gets slowly full or suddenly
| |
19:25 | Bertl | best add all four singals to your output, i.e. empty, almost empty, almost full and full
| |
19:26 | Bertl | (note that full is unlikely to end up in the FIFO :)
| |
19:27 | apurvanandan[m] | Okay, that will take a little time ( need to regenerate fifo with 30 and 70 thresholds)
| |
19:28 | Bertl | regenerate?
| |
19:28 | apurvanandan[m] | By IPexpress and then make modifications that I made earler
| |
19:29 | Bertl | still using IPexpress ...
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19:29 | Bertl | well, it's your time ;-)
| |
19:30 | apurvanandan[m] | What do I say now :/
| |
19:31 | Bertl | note that you can set pmi_full_flag to something below the FIFO depth
| |
19:31 | Bertl | which should actually allow you to record 'full' in the FIFO
| |
19:33 | apurvanandan[m] | okay , i see
| |
19:34 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl, please tell possible reasons for both slowly filling and abruptly filling. I will debug for both reasons
| |
19:35 | Bertl | well, if the controller cannot catch up, it will fill slowly, if the controller works just fine till it suddenly stalls (retransmit, whatever) it will happen abruptly
| |
19:42 | apurvanandan[m] | Okay, I have something to say here. I removed some 80 lines of useless code in the controller https://gist.github.com/apurvanandan1997/27a217c0cdc40d92343d748850d38837 and it doesn't retransmit at all instead when the fifo gets empty or the fifo inside ft601 gets full, it save 3 values taken out of the fifo for future transmission due to difference in timing of FT601_TXE_N and FT601_WR_N
| |
19:43 | apurvanandan[m] | https://ibb.co/r5DD2Zf
| |
19:44 | apurvanandan[m] | In 245 Synchronous FIFO mode master read operation, the bus master shall be able to read out the maximum possible data in the RX FIFO in one read transaction, i.e. the bus master shall be able to read out 4 KB in one bus transaction. In write operations, if the bus master expects the data to be transferred on the USB bus in a maximum possible packet length, it should write the
| |
19:44 | apurvanandan[m] | data to the FIFO in a single bus transaction.
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19:45 | Bertl | doesn't matter much (i.e. it's now 'whatever' instead of 'retransmit, whatever')
| |
19:46 | apurvanandan[m] | Okay :P
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20:31 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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21:57 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl, I have the statistics now
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21:57 | Bertl | excellent, let's see
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21:57 | aSobhy | Bertl: I'm confused with that example http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/AXIOM/BETA/jtagreg/jtagreg.vhd
| |
21:57 | aSobhy | why at the JTAGF_inst (TCK, TMS, TDI) are set to zero
| |
21:58 | apurvanandan[m] | Fifo is most of the time getting empty after sending 14 values
| |
21:58 | aSobhy | and from the document JTCK is drived from TCK
| |
21:58 | Bertl | aSobhy: because this is an access port to the MachXO2 JTAG which you do not want to mess with
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21:58 | se6ast1an | off to bed
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21:58 | se6ast1an | good night
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21:59 | Bertl | nn
| |
21:59 | apurvanandan[m] | Fifo seems to be always amlost empty , except before it gets completely full
| |
21:59 | Bertl | aSobhy: the J* ports are only active for the ER1 instruction, and that's where you want to hook into
| |
22:00 | Bertl | the TCK/TMS/TDI/TDO is a JTAG access port to the MachXO2 JTAG bus
| |
22:01 | apurvanandan[m] | It gets completely full after some 7-10 thousand
| |
22:01 | apurvanandan[m] | It gets almost full and immediately get full and thousand values are lost
| |
22:01 | apurvanandan[m] | Most of time it is almost empty
| |
22:01 | apurvanandan[m] | and switches between empty and non empty after approx 14 values
| |
22:01 | apurvanandan[m] | Anything else you would like to know?
| |
22:02 | aSobhy | so how I'll set them to 0 ? or connecting them(TCK/TMS/TDI/TD) to the PIC16
| |
22:02 | apurvanandan[m] | So it seems there are abrupt pauses
| |
22:03 | Bertl | almost empty is set to about 30% that would be 150 words or so?
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22:03 | apurvanandan[m] | 158 words
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22:03 | apurvanandan | joined the channel | |
22:04 | Bertl | how does a backlog of 158+ words arise?
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22:04 | apurvanandan | exit
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22:04 | apurvanandan | left the channel | |
22:04 | apurvanandan[m] | I don't know exactly how does that happen
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22:04 | Bertl | aSobhy: you just ignore the access port TCK/TMS/TDI/TDO
| |
22:05 | Bertl | apurvanandan[m]: well, as previously suggested, I'd get rid of the controller
| |
22:05 | Bertl | and see what happens with unidirectional data transfer, 32bit on every clock cycle
| |
22:06 | Bertl | aSobhy: all the data transfer happens via the j* ports
| |
22:07 | apurvanandan[m] | These is the sequence of events : Normal routine ie empty after 14 clocks --> not almost emoty suddenly --> almost full in near time --> full
| |
22:08 | apurvanandan[m] | There isn't much left in the code :/
| |
22:08 | apurvanandan[m] | It just basic IO handling of FT601
| |
22:09 | Bertl | yes, but you are still in bidirectional mode with all the problems it has, no?
| |
22:09 | Bertl | (like turn around and idle, etc)
| |
22:09 | apurvanandan[m] | No I am not in bidirectional mode at all
| |
22:09 | aSobhy | But all j* ports are output except JTDO
| |
22:09 | aSobhy | and ER1 must be shifted to the JTAG instruction register
| |
22:09 | Bertl | yup, precisely
| |
22:10 | Bertl | see the .py which does exactly this
| |
22:10 | apurvanandan[m] | I fixed the mode to ACTIVE Transmitting then also this problem was happening
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22:10 | Bertl | were is the wiki page with all the information you collected? :)
| |
22:10 | apurvanandan[m] | And now the code doesn't have any bidirectional or retransmit or any thing like that
| |
22:12 | apurvanandan[m] | https://gist.github.com/apurvanandan1997/b61c1f01f17897af8d37ea1b44fb8b8b here is the code , you can see there isn't any bus turn around
| |
22:12 | Bertl | what is the config on the other side (PC)?
| |
22:13 | apurvanandan[m] | 1 IN channerl in FT245 mode
| |
22:19 | Bertl | okay, needs more analysis
| |
22:19 | Bertl | let's focus on getting the tests working on the Beta for now
| |
22:19 | Bertl | this way I can also easily test things
| |
22:22 | apurvanandan[m] | Okay, better option
| |
22:22 | apurvanandan[m] | Thanks
| |
22:25 | Bertl | I'll improve the jtag bypass to make programming the plugin FPGA easier
| |
22:25 | Bertl | (shouldn't take too long :)
| |
22:39 | apurvanandan[m] | Thanks a lot :D
| |
23:44 | Bertl | okay, looks good, do we have a 'blink' bit stream for blinking the LED on the USB plugin module?
| |
23:45 | apurvanandan[m] | Hey, aSobhy I wrote a script using which you can easily send files from and to the beta
| |
23:45 | apurvanandan[m] | Yes I have that Bertl
| |
23:46 | Bertl | @file: what's wrong with scp?
| |
23:48 | apurvanandan[m] | Two times scp and writing ports, for download and upload!
| |
23:48 | Bertl | you can forward a port with the first ssh
| |
23:48 | apurvanandan[m] | Now just one word command for files and folder
| |
23:49 | Bertl | something like ssh -L 5555:beta_e:22
| |
23:49 | apurvanandan[m] | :O
| |
23:49 | Bertl | will allow you to use local port 5555 as if it were port 22 on the beta
| |
23:49 | Bertl | @blink please upload and provide the url for testing
| |
23:50 | apurvanandan[m] | Ok will see that
| |
23:52 | apurvanandan[m] | Both svf and bit files on Beta now
| |
23:52 | Bertl | I said url :)
| |
23:52 | Bertl | I have a local setup for testing here ...
| |
23:53 | apurvanandan[m] | I didn't get you
| |
23:53 | apurvanandan[m] | Location of file?
| |
23:53 | Bertl | upload it somewhere
| |
23:53 | Bertl | nevermind, I copy it from the beta ...
| |
23:54 | Bertl | apurva_ws?
| |
23:55 | apurvanandan[m] | inside apurva_ws on both zbox and beta_e
| |
23:55 | apurvanandan[m] | The folder
| |
23:56 | Bertl | yup, works like a charm
| |
23:56 | apurvanandan[m] | \o/
| |
23:56 | Bertl | let me upload the scripts and provide some explanations
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23:56 | Bertl | aSobhy: you still around?
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23:57 | Fares_ | left the channel | |
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23:57 | Fares | left the channel | |
23:58 | apurvanandan[m] | Please test with data_transfer bit file once
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23:58 | apurvanandan[m] | You will be able to resceive data from ft602
| |
23:58 | apurvanandan[m] | ft601