01:22 | XD[m] | left the channel | |
01:41 | vup[m] | left the channel | |
02:21 | rton93 | left the channel | |
02:38 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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05:48 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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05:48 | Bertl | morning folks!
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06:00 | supragya | joined the channel | |
06:01 | supragya | hi Bertl
| |
06:01 | supragya | I have a few queries regarding the RAW data pipeline...
| |
06:04 | supragya | In a gist... I would like to know... the highest amount of outflow (speed/bandwidth in maybe MBps) could I expect out of USB3 out port... if it were for only RAW12 data
| |
06:05 | supragya | also, what is the separation of tasks between Zync and MachXO2 in USB3 path
| |
06:05 | supragya | (I read the logs often, so you could reply even if I am not on IRC ) :)
| |
06:07 | supragya | X02 and Zync models in use?
| |
06:08 | supragya | ZE/HC/HE?
| |
06:18 | supragya | got it ... 640HC
| |
06:20 | Bertl | the USB3 out is limited by the maximum bandwidth of the FT60x from FTDI (see datasheet)
| |
06:20 | Bertl | the Zynq is the 7020 model used in the MicroZed
| |
06:20 | Bertl | and the Lattice is typically the MachXO2 1200HC
| |
06:21 | Bertl | although it is kind of pin compatible with the 640 and 2000
| |
06:21 | Bertl | MachXO2 is used as routing fabric and controls the GPIOs as well as the I2C interface to the plugin modules
| |
06:22 | Bertl | it doesn't transport any high speed data
| |
06:22 | Bertl | the USB3 module also contains a MachXO2 which receives the high speed data from the Zynq and converts it to the proper output for the FTDI chip
| |
06:23 | Bertl | (see USB3 gearwork task)
| |
06:23 | Bertl | off to the faire now ... bbl
| |
06:23 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
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06:40 | seaman | joined the channel | |
07:14 | supragya | left the channel | |
07:25 | RexOrCine|away | changed nick to: RexOrCine
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07:38 | lexano | left the channel | |
07:43 | seaman | left the channel | |
07:53 | lexano | joined the channel | |
09:03 | rton | joined the channel | |
09:36 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
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13:07 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
13:17 | TofuLynx | left the channel | |
13:23 | RexOrCine | changed nick to: RexOrCine|away
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15:02 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
15:11 | BAndiT1983 | hi TofuLynx, long time no see
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15:14 | TofuLynx | left the channel | |
15:15 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
15:20 | TofuLynx | left the channel | |
15:20 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
15:32 | supragya | joined the channel | |
15:32 | supragya | Good evening!
| |
15:32 | BAndiT1983 | hi supragya
| |
15:32 | supragya | (oops, quite early for that :) )
| |
15:34 | supragya | anyhow, BAndiT1983 : Bertl told me in the morning that the limiting factor of USB3 would be FTDI FT60x
| |
15:34 | BAndiT1983 | read the logs
| |
15:34 | supragya | that is 5Gbps
| |
15:34 | supragya | about 33.333 fps on 18MB per frame
| |
15:35 | supragya | Are we looking at that low of recording fps?
| |
15:35 | BAndiT1983 | currently looking for any sort of stream, so we can proceed with practical side of it
| |
15:36 | supragya | hmm, I was thinking, why not we just piggyback the metadump from the camera with every frame?
| |
15:36 | supragya | *metadata dump
| |
15:36 | supragya | and stream it out...
| |
15:37 | supragya | BAndiT1983: do you have knowledge of how internal system is layed out?
| |
15:39 | supragya | [piggyback] -> leaving the recorder to encode it to whichever format it likes
| |
15:39 | BAndiT1983 | HDMI?
| |
15:39 | TofuLynx | left the channel | |
15:39 | supragya | USB3
| |
15:40 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
15:41 | BAndiT1983 | and which recorder is meant here?
| |
15:41 | supragya | a Recording computer (PC)
| |
15:42 | supragya | The very simplistic schematic to refer is always this: https://trello.com/c/aX7KJihl/24-the-planned-usb3-recording-pathway
| |
15:42 | supragya | However, as Bertl_oO told me, the USB3 chain is as follows:
| |
15:42 | BAndiT1983 | recording software should be open and format known, otherwise you will lose information or get unnecessary one
| |
15:45 | supragya | Sensor (serial data) -> FPGA (small FIFO buffer) -> AXI Memory Writer (Serial to Memory) -> DDR3 Memory Buffer -> AXI Memory Reader (Memory Block to FIFO) -> (Video Processing Stuff) -> TMDS (HDMI) Encoder -> Serialization to D0-D3 -> Zynq (via Serializer) -> MachXO2 (another FPGA) -> FTDI FT60x -> USB3 output
| |
15:45 | supragya | [TMDS (HDMI) Encoder] -> this I don't know if it comes into picture or not
| |
15:46 | BAndiT1983 | HDMI encoder would be an obstacle for clear format
| |
15:47 | supragya | ? this is a pathway Bertl explained me, we are not looking at HDMI
| |
15:48 | supragya | what I suggest is that we stop the serialisation D0-D3 for a few moments between frames and add the metadata that camera captures (as Bertl say, a simple register dump) and add it behind the frame before serialisation, all could be done on one channel
| |
15:49 | BAndiT1983 | meta data consists of multiple things, not only image sensor data
| |
15:49 | BAndiT1983 | if you are sure, that the output would be fast enough, then go on
| |
15:50 | supragya | My calculations are as follows, (need a hardware expert on this however)
| |
15:51 | TofuLynx | left the channel | |
15:52 | supragya | Keep it 30fps, 30*18*8 = 4320 Mbps, leaves out nearly 680 Mb per second = 85 MB -> 2.8333 MB/frame
| |
15:52 | supragya | for meta
| |
15:52 | supragya | if we operate at full 5Gbps
| |
15:53 | supragya | still, I need someone like g3gg0, or Bertl on this, as to how it is feasible, where do we induce such piggybacking (in Zync maybe)
| |
15:53 | BAndiT1983 | collecting meta data is also important, as this factor could slow the whole stuff down
| |
15:54 | supragya | Reasoning: As each frame has it's own meta, the conversion to DNG sequence is easy
| |
15:54 | supragya | [collecting meta data is also important] -> yes, but here is what to look at:
| |
15:54 | supragya | currently axiom cameras can have the following meta only:
| |
15:55 | supragya | Sensor(Reg dump), Lens(has to be discussed), Attached modules(maybe)
| |
15:55 | supragya | anything else?
| |
15:57 | supragya | [could slow the whole stuff] -> can do, but that is to be discussed, as this has to be done anyhow; even if meta does not translate to every frame in the stream we take out of the camera, it sure has to be retrieved and processed in the camera
| |
15:59 | BAndiT1983 | i still doubt we can stream out DNG or any other format that needs bigger processing effort
| |
15:59 | supragya | not dng
| |
16:00 | supragya | ** I struggle to say we can get DNG out **
| |
16:00 | supragya | it will be a RAW12 stream piggybacked with meta
| |
16:01 | supragya | the recording computer is to take this RAW12 and meta and convert it to DNG (or any other format for that matter) in it's leisure time
| |
16:01 | supragya | or on the fly if it has enough strength
| |
16:01 | BAndiT1983 | how will be raw12 data separated? how will be the metadata recorded along with it?
| |
16:02 | supragya | let me draw a scematic
| |
16:03 | BAndiT1983 | can we get away with normal SSD or do we need some faster system for recording without losing data? or is the data buffered first, after receiving it over USB?
| |
16:03 | supragya | yes, buffered in primary memory, flushed as we get time
| |
16:04 | supragya | then this flushed data is taken up (along with appropriate flushed meta) to convert it to suitable format
| |
16:04 | supragya | MLV's non-sequential thing is great because they write directly over an SD, but we stream out the data
| |
16:06 | BAndiT1983 | the stream needs also preparation
| |
16:07 | BAndiT1983 | and don't forget about future extensions of meta data
| |
16:07 | BAndiT1983 | which format will meta data have?
| |
16:11 | supragya | schematic: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gxJGt74VogWa_CyxGyHXaE6gpYT1UJDx67uYQ9NmMqQ/edit?usp=sharing
| |
16:11 | supragya | [ don't forget about future extensions of meta data] -> 2 points on this
| |
16:12 | supragya | 2.8333 MB/frame is a good amount of metadata that I don't think, we will be ever be able to utilise
| |
16:13 | supragya | Even if we don't get 5Gbps, we pass the RAW12 with a "Sequence ID"
| |
16:13 | supragya | this uniquely identifies the frame
| |
16:13 | supragya | On an another (maybe GbE), we can stream metadata (that we would have piggybacked)
| |
16:14 | supragya | with the Sequence IDs
| |
16:14 | supragya | The PC encoder has to just match the meta with frames
| |
16:16 | BAndiT1983 | register dump will be not sufficient, as this covers only image sensor, other data will be received from different modules in system
| |
16:16 | supragya | those will be piggybacked behind sensor dump then...
| |
16:16 | BAndiT1983 | maybe JSON or BSON or flatbuffers, but XML would be overkill
| |
16:17 | supragya | the format is not the worry here, it is the piggybacking technique
| |
16:17 | BAndiT1983 | XMP has a lot of overhead, sa far as i'Ve seen the specification for it
| |
16:17 | supragya | then we won't use it
| |
16:17 | supragya | Ah, I now understand your concern
| |
16:19 | supragya | https://lab.apertus.org/T951 -> my mail was to satisfy the point 2 (the final format), I never tried to put forth that being the way we would stream the data out of the camera itself
| |
16:19 | supragya | I apologize if I did, that was not my intention
| |
16:19 | BAndiT1983 | supragya, no problem here, just trying to get a clear picture of the process
| |
16:24 | supragya | have I missed to tell you something? Is it clear..?
| |
16:29 | BAndiT1983 | no, everything ok
| |
16:30 | supragya | feedbacks?
| |
16:30 | supragya | what do you think about this from your perspective
| |
16:30 | supragya | ?
| |
16:33 | BAndiT1983 | everything looks clear for now, but the practical side of the thing is totally unknown yet, so can't say much
| |
16:34 | BAndiT1983 | meeting in 30 minutes?
| |
16:34 | supragya | Yes
| |
16:35 | g3gg0 | joined the channel | |
16:35 | supragya | for g3gg0!
| |
16:35 | supragya | Good evening g3gg0 :)
| |
16:35 | g3gg0 | hi
| |
16:36 | g3gg0 | need some shower. cu in 15 min
| |
16:36 | supragya | sure
| |
16:38 | BAndiT1983 | supragya, discussion in main channel? or is there something we should do in separate one?
| |
16:38 | supragya | your call BAndiT1983.
| |
16:38 | BAndiT1983 | my idea of gsoc is, to do most stuff in main one, as long as we don't have to discuss critical/private stuff of the thing
| |
16:38 | supragya | private? I don't have that on plate today
| |
16:39 | BAndiT1983 | just saying, sometimes we have to discuss some credentials or so, then separate channel is the way, but as it's an OSS org, so as much open discussions as possible
| |
16:40 | supragya | anyways, me too for shower, will be back soon. BAndiT1983: I am fine any way as long as we could communicate :)
| |
16:40 | BAndiT1983 | ok, just give me a ping, when you are back
| |
16:42 | supragya | %n
| |
16:57 | g3gg0 | re
| |
16:57 | supragya | re
| |
16:58 | supragya | g3gg0: http://irc.apertus.org/index.php?day=06&month=05&year=2018
| |
16:59 | supragya | Important: 16, 50, 53, 67, 71, 84, 88, 76
| |
17:00 | supragya | 113, 105, 116,
| |
17:00 | supragya | g3gg0: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gxJGt74VogWa_CyxGyHXaE6gpYT1UJDx67uYQ9NmMqQ/edit
| |
17:00 | supragya | sorry: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gxJGt74VogWa_CyxGyHXaE6gpYT1UJDx67uYQ9NmMqQ/edit?usp=sharing
| |
17:02 | g3gg0 | as far as i understood se6astian, we would have two USB3 chips with up to 3.2 gbits/s each
| |
17:03 | g3gg0 | a single FTDI can achieve data rates up to 5gbits/s, but the net transfer rate will of course be lower
| |
17:03 | supragya | "Sequence ID" then? this could help?
| |
17:03 | supragya | to split the stream in two
| |
17:04 | supragya | http://irc.apertus.org/index.php?day=06&month=05&year=2018#105
| |
17:04 | supragya | BTW, when did se6astian tell you this g3gg0 ?
| |
17:04 | g3gg0 | > the recording computer is to take this RAW12 and meta and convert it to DNG (or any other format for that matter) in it's leisure time
| |
17:05 | g3gg0 | dont underestimage DNG writing!
| |
17:05 | supragya | Here is how it works, let me get a few links
| |
17:05 | g3gg0 | even my desktop machine can't handle converting a MLV into DNG in real time
| |
17:06 | supragya | that's why "leisure", we don't need realtime as long as we can store the stream somewhere fast enough
| |
17:06 | supragya | (schematic)
| |
17:07 | g3gg0 | hehe you are redesigning what MLV was meant for
| |
17:08 | supragya | kindof with a different perspective
| |
17:08 | supragya | to not let camera do much
| |
17:08 | supragya | to not let camera do much
| |
17:08 | supragya | if you look at [http://www.cmosis.com/products/product_detail/cmv12000]
| |
17:08 | supragya | "Datasheet", page 62
| |
17:09 | supragya | Bertls says, we store the meta as a register dump
| |
17:09 | g3gg0 | yep
| |
17:09 | BAndiT1983 | but we need also additional data, like time
| |
17:09 | supragya | If we just piggyback this dump, or better yet, pass it through a GbE with "Sequence ID"
| |
17:09 | g3gg0 | and a timestamp
| |
17:10 | supragya | and add other meta like time/ lens info etc... piggybacked
| |
17:10 | g3gg0 | yep
| |
17:10 | supragya | then all encoding is to be done by encoder...
| |
17:10 | supragya | off the camera...
| |
17:10 | BAndiT1983 | some sort of header has also to be provided with info of meta data sizes, if there are multiple chunks between frames
| |
17:11 | supragya | We can have KLV format for that (key, length, value)
| |
17:11 | g3gg0 | ...
| |
17:11 | supragya | keys maybe as (0-frame, 1-lensMeta, 2-sensorMeta)
| |
17:11 | BAndiT1983 | same as tags in tiff etc.
| |
17:11 | supragya | the difference I feel g3gg0 is this:
| |
17:12 | supragya | MLV is supposed to be structured in camera, but here, we do not structure that in camera
| |
17:12 | supragya | we just throw out what we have, as fast we can
| |
17:12 | supragya | the only thing to make sure is to have the encoder version closely match the hardware version
| |
17:13 | BAndiT1983 | it's more like firmware version
| |
17:13 | supragya | yes
| |
17:14 | supragya | piggyback if ofcourse only a solution on single channel
| |
17:14 | supragya | however, as this may not be feasible, the SequenceID approach is taken
| |
17:14 | supragya | [sID|RAW12 frame][sID|RAW12 frame][sID|RAW12 frame][sID|RAW12 frame][sID|RAW12 frame]
| |
17:15 | supragya | in case the sensors change, so does the Keys in the KLV format, encoder remains unchanged
| |
17:15 | supragya | more like (2-CMV12ksensorMeta, 3-someOtherSensorMeta)
| |
17:16 | g3gg0 | okay now let me play a bit: if we use as KLV format a 32 bit key, 32 bit length and add an accurate microsecond timestamp to get even frame rate jitter recorded - you would end up with what is MLV like ;)
| |
17:16 | BAndiT1983 | to prevent that, consider something like json with generic keys for sensor data
| |
17:16 | BAndiT1983 | as we don't need the whole dump
| |
17:16 | g3gg0 | save the effort encoding binary data into JSON but use binary tags and voila
| |
17:17 | g3gg0 | the only thing that might prevent re-using existing toolchains might be the fact that the raw bitstream is encoded differently
| |
17:17 | BAndiT1983 | there is also BSON for binary json
| |
17:18 | supragya | g3gg0: seems fitting, my issue is would Zync board be fast enough to encode such structs at such high rate, by picking relavant pieces from register dumps while also handling other features of the camera
| |
17:18 | BAndiT1983 | we can re-use same memory, as meta data will be the same length for every frame
| |
17:18 | g3gg0 | come on, you recommend encoding binary data into json, but writing structures is slowe?
| |
17:18 | g3gg0 | *slower
| |
17:18 | BAndiT1983 | just write new values to it, one has to ensure that memmore is zeroed beforehand, if data is shorter, like text string
| |
17:19 | supragya | I never went for JSON ;)
| |
17:19 | BAndiT1983 | g3gg0, nope, it was just about format
| |
17:19 | g3gg0 | ah that came from you :)
| |
17:20 | g3gg0 | no matter if JSON or BSON. its a dynamic, structured format
| |
17:20 | BAndiT1983 | for performance a fixed one would fit better
| |
17:21 | BAndiT1983 | fixed structure for tags, gathered in one memory chunk and data replaced there
| |
17:21 | supragya | the only reason I described regdump to be streamed is performance... as once it has been read... nothing more than streaming has to be done...
| |
17:21 | supragya | however if struct writing can be done in time, why not :)
| |
17:21 | BAndiT1983 | memset should be fast, if you pre-allocate
| |
17:24 | supragya | so how are we to proceed now?
| |
17:25 | supragya | [memset]-> wouldn't we need to call it multiple time
| |
17:25 | supragya | *times... that's struct writing ain't it?
| |
17:25 | g3gg0 | no need for memset
| |
17:25 | supragya | *isn't it
| |
17:25 | g3gg0 | either you just memcpy or set the elements manually
| |
17:26 | supragya | exactly
| |
17:26 | BAndiT1983 | you can also memcopy, my point was, that we should re-use pre-allocated chunk of memory for meta data
| |
17:27 | g3gg0 | yeah, prevent malloc if possible
| |
17:27 | supragya | while setting manually can reduce size of the regdump, it imposes new restrictions -> for every new sensor, a new struct setter from regdump has to be written (anyways we would have to, but then it would have resided at encoder only)
| |
17:28 | supragya | now it has to reside on zync
| |
17:28 | supragya | result: unneded load on zync, Gbe is not utilised fully
| |
17:28 | supragya | benefit: MLV libraries
| |
17:28 | g3gg0 | so from what i've read, i'd split the writing part into two processes
| |
17:29 | g3gg0 | a) USB3 -> intermediate file
| |
17:29 | g3gg0 | b) intermediate file -> CDNG
| |
17:29 | g3gg0 | right?
| |
17:29 | supragya | yes
| |
17:29 | g3gg0 | so i will recommend: pick MLV as intermediate file and you have b) for free
| |
17:30 | g3gg0 | you then have to:
| |
17:30 | g3gg0 | a) receive video frames -> write as e.g. JPEG92 or MLV formatted raw
| |
17:31 | g3gg0 | b) extract interesting information from metadata and write them - if they changed since the last metadata
| |
17:31 | BAndiT1983 | as we don't have the jpeg92 part in fpga, it's not an option currently
| |
17:31 | supragya | a fitting point to note here:
| |
17:31 | supragya | with sID based system
| |
17:31 | g3gg0 | wasnt it on the "small PC" side ?
| |
17:31 | supragya | if a single stream is capable of 25fps
| |
17:31 | supragya | we can have two streams and then we have 50fps
| |
17:31 | supragya | as meta in on Gbe
| |
17:32 | supragya | MLV is single stream, am i wrong?
| |
17:32 | g3gg0 | no, just write two files
| |
17:32 | g3gg0 | (called chunks)
| |
17:33 | supragya | then rearrange on timestamp?
| |
17:33 | g3gg0 | yes
| |
17:33 | g3gg0 | but back to writing. do we agree we are on an external barebone PC which is connected to axiom using two USB3 ?`
| |
17:33 | g3gg0 | and goal was to write CDNG ?
| |
17:33 | supragya | yes, we are.... but there sits encoder
| |
17:33 | supragya | struct writing is in camera
| |
17:34 | supragya | on zync board
| |
17:34 | g3gg0 | axiom side is restricted to META/RAW12/...
| |
17:34 | BAndiT1983 | forget the encoder for a moment, it would be ok just to get the stream without dropped data first#
| |
17:34 | g3gg0 | right?
| |
17:34 | supragya | BAndiT1983: in that case, to get a stream out, as soon as USB3 gearwork is done, we will get a stream of RAW12 anyways
| |
17:35 | supragya | (that is the problem statement)
| |
17:35 | supragya | we skip some clocks to enter some data... MLV things in stream
| |
17:35 | supragya | and then we get the final stream
| |
17:36 | g3gg0 | https://app.sketchtogether.com/s/sketch/qBIfw.1.1/
| |
17:36 | g3gg0 | can you see this?
| |
17:36 | BAndiT1983 | yep
| |
17:39 | g3gg0 | sketched correctly?
| |
17:39 | supragya | let me add
| |
17:39 | g3gg0 | zync is meant to be within the axiom camera
| |
17:40 | supragya | yes it is
| |
17:40 | g3gg0 | errh i mean that was obvious :)
| |
17:40 | g3gg0 | AXIOM abstracts this
| |
17:41 | g3gg0 | all we see to the outer world is the CMOS and the two USB3
| |
17:41 | g3gg0 | call it black box
| |
17:41 | g3gg0 | light in, USB3 out
| |
17:42 | g3gg0 | nah remove MLV for now
| |
17:42 | g3gg0 | we are talking about how it one level above would look like
| |
17:43 | g3gg0 | not the technical implementation
| |
17:43 | g3gg0 | "meta" is more or less the register dump of the CMOS and some other stuff
| |
17:44 | supragya | yes, but then, if everything passes ZYNC, skipping clocks for RAW writing to accomodate meta and to write structs at high rates would put pressure on zync... is it capable of that?
| |
17:44 | supragya | otherwise, what g3gg0 says is correct
| |
17:44 | supragya | In such a case
| |
17:45 | g3gg0 | so okay thats what exists (left side) and what should get implemented (right side)
| |
17:46 | supragya | a few changes on left -> code for zync to serialise/write the stream into MLV
| |
17:46 | supragya | chunks etc
| |
17:46 | g3gg0 | wait, no MLV yet
| |
17:46 | supragya | okay
| |
17:46 | g3gg0 | just the top level view
| |
17:46 | g3gg0 | we all agree?
| |
17:46 | supragya | then to
| |
17:46 | supragya | yes g3gg0
| |
17:46 | g3gg0 | BAndiT1983 ?
| |
17:47 | supragya | then a code for zync.... to serialise the RAW and meta in stream
| |
17:47 | supragya | BAndiT1983: is busy drawing g3gg0 :)
| |
17:47 | g3gg0 | maybe not, lets do the next steps
| |
17:48 | g3gg0 | on the barebone side we might have not enough power to save CDNG directly, right?
| |
17:48 | supragya | on the right,
| |
17:48 | supragya | yes exactly
| |
17:48 | g3gg0 | so the "magic here" has to buffer the RAW12 stream locally
| |
17:48 | g3gg0 | let me draw
| |
17:49 | xfxf | left the channel | |
17:49 | xfxf | joined the channel | |
17:50 | supragya | then it is a two way step:
| |
17:50 | supragya | 1. to flush the stream to SSDs directly (I would go for a RAID maybe)
| |
17:50 | supragya | 2. to initiate a process that can access this flushed data to convert it to CDNG or whatever we feel fit, and then flush to disk back
| |
17:50 | BAndiT1983 | nope, just watching the discussion and the image
| |
17:50 | BAndiT1983 | yes, seems legit for now
| |
17:50 | BAndiT1983 | i will bring again the example of ARRIRAW: our data stream is stored on the PC first or any other device providing storage, then converted afterwards
| |
17:50 | BAndiT1983 | focus should be on lossless data
| |
17:50 | supragya | so ARRIRAW does this? :)
| |
17:50 | supragya | never knew...
| |
17:51 | supragya | but figured it would be used atleast somewhere
| |
17:51 | BAndiT1983 | they store their primary data as proprietary ARRIRAW format, afterwards everything is converted to the needs of the projects/films
| |
17:51 | xfxf | left the channel | |
17:51 | xfxf | joined the channel | |
17:51 | g3gg0 | yep
| |
17:52 | BAndiT1983 | also saw somewhere a frame server example for arriraw, maybe in their ads
| |
17:52 | supragya | why would you need a frameserver here?
| |
17:52 | g3gg0 | not the worst solution to me
| |
17:52 | g3gg0 | lets keep focused
| |
17:53 | BAndiT1983 | they do it, to provide preview
| |
17:53 | BAndiT1983 | and to explore recorded meta data and so on
| |
17:53 | supragya | A few things have come up now:
| |
17:53 | supragya | 1. to understand how zync side is to be done
| |
17:54 | supragya | 2. to finally set the stream format
| |
17:54 | supragya | 3. how to cache on SSDs
| |
17:54 | supragya | 4. A system to convert to CDNG (Encoder_
| |
17:54 | supragya | *)
| |
17:54 | g3gg0 | nothing to do on zynq side. should have been some other work
| |
17:55 | g3gg0 | you can assume "you will get the RAW12/metadata stream somehow"
| |
17:55 | supragya | that helps
| |
17:55 | g3gg0 | ok then lets define that.
| |
17:55 | supragya | meta on same stream as frames
| |
17:55 | supragya | ?
| |
17:55 | supragya | or different Gbe
| |
17:55 | g3gg0 | might be as a file stream, a pipe or as an simplification, a local file
| |
17:57 | supragya | how should it look like then? meta/RAW piggyback? seqID|Frame and seqID|meta on differenct channels? or MLV?
| |
17:57 | g3gg0 | if you now used MLV as the "cache" format, the CDNG conversion could be done using existing software
| |
17:57 | g3gg0 | the "from-zynq"-format?
| |
17:57 | g3gg0 | i guess a series of RAW12
| |
17:57 | supragya | and meta?
| |
17:58 | g3gg0 | probably, yeah
| |
17:58 | g3gg0 | -> ask and make an assumption
| |
17:58 | supragya | ? didn't get you
| |
17:58 | g3gg0 | @bertl_oO / @se6astian
| |
17:58 | g3gg0 | thats what i tell my students very often :D
| |
17:59 | g3gg0 | if you dont know, ask people who could now and with all the information make an assumption on how it would look like
| |
17:59 | g3gg0 | *who could know
| |
17:59 | supragya | okay... so this needs further investigation... and that I should ask Bertl_oO or se6astian, choose a fitting format and go on..
| |
17:59 | supragya | in case "from-zync" format is RAW12 series, then a question is raised
| |
18:00 | supragya | are we then doing RAW12 series -> MLV -> CDNG?
| |
18:00 | g3gg0 | yep
| |
18:01 | supragya | O.o 2 conversions, so that we don't have to make efforts on MLV-> CDNG
| |
18:01 | supragya | so two encoders... kindoff?
| |
18:01 | g3gg0 | noooo, MLV is not conversion
| |
18:01 | BAndiT1983 | why?
| |
18:01 | supragya | chained in series
| |
18:01 | supragya | g3gg0: please elaborate the chain
| |
18:02 | g3gg0 | 1 min
| |
18:03 | g3gg0 | re
| |
18:03 | g3gg0 | if you want to write DNG, which pixel format will you have to use?
| |
18:04 | supragya | raw bayer pattern?
| |
18:04 | g3gg0 | the same encoding you get out of the AXIOM?
| |
18:04 | supragya | yes
| |
18:05 | supragya | infact the RAW could be memcpy'ed in the pixel data of DNG
| |
18:05 | g3gg0 | oh okay, thought the AXIOM bitstream is a bit odd and cannot be written directly into DNG?
| |
18:05 | BAndiT1983 | it's just raw12, fitting DNG rather well
| |
18:05 | g3gg0 | (had in mind that the bitstream was kind of interlaced)
| |
18:06 | BAndiT1983 | don't remember if byte swapping have to be done or not
| |
18:06 | supragya | interlaced ?
| |
18:06 | g3gg0 | ok maybe i mixed something then
| |
18:08 | g3gg0 | how i'd start then, is writing the RAW12 data into MLV's VIDF frames
| |
18:08 | supragyaraj | joined the channel | |
18:08 | supragyaraj | [ byte swapping] -> can refer OCcore
| |
18:09 | g3gg0 | and modify e.g. MLVFS to accept that RAW12 bitstream for DNGs
| |
18:09 | BAndiT1983 | byte swapping: if required to accomplish that, then right format should be sent by the camera
| |
18:09 | g3gg0 | as cinema dng is a lot of work to do it right, i'd reuse existing tools
| |
18:10 | supragyaraj | how about meta? do you save that for every frame in MLV
| |
18:10 | supragyaraj | ?
| |
18:10 | supragya | left the channel | |
18:10 | supragyaraj | if I understand right... a meta is (mode changer) for further frames
| |
18:10 | g3gg0 | i'd try to only write updated LENS/EXPO blocks if they really changed
| |
18:10 | supragyaraj | so if the meta does not changes between frames, it should not be written
| |
18:10 | g3gg0 | yep
| |
18:11 | g3gg0 | https://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=13152.0
| |
18:11 | supragyaraj | but current system says, we should write it all the time (until you would like to strcmp both meta's serial somehow, which would be expensive)
| |
18:11 | supragyaraj | current system as in ... dumping quickly into cache
| |
18:12 | g3gg0 | then as a first step, just write it
| |
18:12 | supragyaraj | serial -> you convert the struct/object to string (serialise to JSON maybe) and compare
| |
18:13 | supragyaraj | sure g3gg0!
| |
18:13 | g3gg0 | o.O
| |
18:13 | g3gg0 | do not even think about strings
| |
18:13 | g3gg0 | neither in C nor in java
| |
18:13 | BAndiT1983 | string compare is the slowest thing
| |
18:13 | g3gg0 | the only string in raw video processing you would ever see is maybe the "author name"
| |
18:14 | g3gg0 | or some "scene 32, take 19" strings
| |
18:14 | Kjetil | strncmp > memcmp :P
| |
18:14 | g3gg0 | you do binary compares
| |
18:15 | g3gg0 | you have binary data and you simply can compare fields in them
| |
18:15 | supragyaraj | is it just me or Kjetil just comes, does some magic and poof... he goes? :)
| |
18:15 | BAndiT1983 | yep, he is a fairy
| |
18:15 | g3gg0 | hehe
| |
18:15 | g3gg0 | depends on how ">" operator was defined in this context :)
| |
18:16 | Kjetil | maybe I shouldn't joke about this. Someone might take it seriously
| |
18:16 | supragyaraj | let's not go to other world :)
| |
18:16 | supragyaraj | an emulation environment could look as follows:
| |
18:17 | supragyaraj | a file with data in format (to be discussed) that would make it look like a AXIOM stream
| |
18:17 | supragyaraj | that could be piped to a program which saves it to MLV as fast as itcould on disk
| |
18:18 | supragyaraj | other system... reads the cache (concurrently or after the MLV writer is done) and then writes DNG sequence
| |
18:18 | supragyaraj | (the last one is in place)
| |
18:18 | BAndiT1983 | concurrently is more trouble than required
| |
18:18 | supragyaraj | And finally time them and optimise them
| |
18:18 | g3gg0 | that can for the first implementation also be done in post
| |
18:18 | g3gg0 | see -> BAndiT1983
| |
18:19 | g3gg0 | as soon the recording stops, the CDNG conversion could be started
| |
18:19 | supragyaraj | that is one plan for sure
| |
18:19 | g3gg0 | either like the FUSE things work "in-place" e,g, via samba
| |
18:19 | g3gg0 | or copying the CDNG to the disk
| |
18:19 | BAndiT1983 | just image on-set situation, things are filmed, then backuped, if some one would convert live and loase data, then he/se will be a dead man/woman
| |
18:20 | BAndiT1983 | *imagine
| |
18:20 | g3gg0 | definitely!
| |
18:20 | supragyaraj | so two subparts: Stream to MLV on the fly
| |
18:20 | supragyaraj | and the other: MLV to CDNG other time (maybe next year)
| |
18:20 | g3gg0 | and one hint -> you would most probably never implement CDNG writing on your own
| |
18:21 | supragyaraj | seems like it
| |
18:21 | g3gg0 | https://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5618.0
| |
18:21 | g3gg0 | theres a 55 page discussion about cinemadng
| |
18:21 | g3gg0 | Questions: (*1) Raw-Data - Subpixel-Chunks, MSB or LSB first? LittleEndian, so LSB first, right? (*2) is it worth that? Maybe another Fileformat would be more usable? DPX? EXR? TIF?
| |
18:21 | g3gg0 | > thx for coming chmee, save us from Adobe hell.
| |
18:21 | g3gg0 | > As you can see stills standard DNG EXIF is very different to Cinema DNG.
| |
18:22 | g3gg0 | there are many comments that will give you a picture of how complex CDNG is
| |
18:22 | supragyaraj | [stills standard DNG EXIF is very different to Cinema DNG] -> what?
| |
18:22 | supragyaraj | never knew this
| |
18:22 | supragyaraj | :)
| |
18:22 | g3gg0 | > no. cinema dng and "simple" dng differs much - in terms of mandatory tags. i use a cdng-template, i merged myself from looking into another cdng-frames. just to clarify some things:
| |
18:23 | g3gg0 | thats why i recommend to *not* reinvent the CDNG wheel
| |
18:23 | supragyaraj | aye aye, I am afraid now
| |
18:24 | g3gg0 | better go the open source way in this case and use smth existing and make it fit
| |
18:24 | supragyaraj | so should I begin emulation -> stream to MLV flush to disk system?
| |
18:25 | g3gg0 | some things should first get checked:
| |
18:25 | g3gg0 | would you write the RAW12 bitstream unmodified into VIDF frames and then modify the CDNG converter (maybe MLVFS) so it can work with it? (i'd prefer that way)
| |
18:25 | supragyaraj | [ side note: 5 users on Gdoc schematic diagram :), who are the other 2? ]
| |
18:25 | g3gg0 | or:
| |
18:26 | g3gg0 | would you convert the RAW12 into the canon used bit encoding so you dont have to touch the CDNG encoder
| |
18:26 | BAndiT1983 | Kjetil is probably trying to do his magic on the document ;)
| |
18:27 | supragyaraj | the latter for sure but if it hampers the stream speed... then the following:
| |
18:27 | g3gg0 | the first option is probably a bit more work (modifying two things the same time plus extending MLV's header specification for non-linear stuff?)
| |
18:28 | supragyaraj | stream -> save somehow (S). when get time S -> MLV (canon format) -> CDNG
| |
18:28 | g3gg0 | the latter is probably the quickest win
| |
18:28 | g3gg0 | hmm
| |
18:28 | g3gg0 | when thinking about it, i am not sure
| |
18:28 | supragyaraj | why
| |
18:28 | g3gg0 | especially when the cache should not contain post-processing (like gamma) the latter one is probably worse
| |
18:29 | g3gg0 | but still a quick-win prototype
| |
18:30 | supragyaraj | don't know how canon bit encoding is different?
| |
18:30 | BAndiT1983 | gyus, don't forget, that it will never satisfy demands, as every project uses different format, like EXR, DNG etc., so people will convert to the required format in post, just focus on the way to that first
| |
18:30 | BAndiT1983 | prores also
| |
18:30 | g3gg0 | yeah
| |
18:31 | BAndiT1983 | endianess depends on the MCU/CPU in the camera, some are big, other small
| |
18:31 | supragyaraj | I am losing track here... are we talking about endianness when we are talking about bit encodings?
| |
18:31 | BAndiT1983 | it can be read out by using markers in the beginning, see tiff header
| |
18:31 | supragyaraj | or bigger forces are in play here?
| |
18:32 | BAndiT1983 | you are losing track, because you are trying to do the details first
| |
18:32 | BAndiT1983 | stay at the big picture for now, so we can finalize the pipeline, at least in general terms
| |
18:32 | g3gg0 | my point was the gamma curve in axiom was special, right?
| |
18:32 | g3gg0 | multi part
| |
18:32 | g3gg0 | dont remember the term
| |
18:32 | g3gg0 | multiple slope?
| |
18:33 | BAndiT1983 | can't find info about that in wiki
| |
18:33 | BAndiT1983 | this one? -> https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/CMV12000
| |
18:33 | BAndiT1983 | adc slope?
| |
18:34 | g3gg0 | hmmm not sure
| |
18:34 | BAndiT1983 | will look in the datasheet, maybe there is something
| |
18:35 | BAndiT1983 | page 36 in datasheet
| |
18:35 | g3gg0 | anyway. latter option would involve that you convert the pixel values in the barebone when writing MLV
| |
18:35 | BAndiT1983 | that would be preferrable, as it allows more adjustments in post
| |
18:35 | supragyaraj | so how should I go about? 1 (change MLVFS) or 2 (additional step)
| |
18:36 | g3gg0 | this means you have to apply some multi slope correction so you will have linear data.
| |
18:36 | supragyaraj | seems doable
| |
18:36 | supragyaraj | however, not sure if doable on the fly
| |
18:36 | g3gg0 | can CDNG tools handle this multi slope raw?
| |
18:36 | g3gg0 | (i suspect not!)
| |
18:37 | g3gg0 | (i bet they just implement the minimum they need to for their favorite cameras)
| |
18:37 | BAndiT1983 | many things are calculated afterwards usually
| |
18:37 | BAndiT1983 | with existing image data
| |
18:38 | BAndiT1983 | seen also just general value in C/DNG files, so it's mostly "faked"
| |
18:38 | g3gg0 | so: i'd start converting the RAW12 to a normal linear raw if the multi slope feature is used
| |
18:39 | g3gg0 | ergo: latter option is sufficient for now
| |
18:39 | sups | joined the channel | |
18:40 | ArunM | joined the channel | |
18:40 | BAndiT1983 | ah, read the specs again, there was a linearization table
| |
18:40 | g3gg0 | if you implement this and you get the feeling it might be too slow for a barebone, then you can go for the "extend CDNG-tool" variant
| |
18:40 | sups | I am losing packets on IRC here
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18:40 | sups | again :)
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18:40 | BAndiT1983 | sups, which irc client?
| |
18:40 | g3gg0 | oh ok
| |
18:40 | supragyaraj | left the channel | |
18:41 | sups | isn't multiple slope an option to achieve HDR using PLR?
| |
18:41 | sups | HexChat BAndiT1983 !
| |
18:41 | g3gg0 | @sups: thats what i meant
| |
18:41 | BAndiT1983 | sups, same here, no problems so far
| |
18:41 | BAndiT1983 | ok guys, have to go for a walk, will read logs later
| |
18:41 | BAndiT1983 | see you
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18:41 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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18:41 | g3gg0 | and i am quite sure even if CDNG could handle that, the tools wont
| |
18:41 | sups | see you too BAndiT1983|away
| |
18:41 | g3gg0 | so for the first prototype: just convert it to a normal linear raw
| |
18:42 | g3gg0 | i'd start writing the cache already in "canon-style" raw
| |
18:42 | g3gg0 | then you can check your cache-MLV with common tools if the data is fine
| |
18:42 | sups | "canon-style" documentation? reference?
| |
18:43 | g3gg0 | e.g. mlv_dump
| |
18:43 | g3gg0 | thats the MLV VIDF format
| |
18:43 | g3gg0 | raw.h
| |
18:44 | sups | [thats the MLV VIDF format] -> reference?
| |
18:44 | g3gg0 | https://bitbucket.org/hudson/magic-lantern/src/0e6493e8ac5e118976b94237b5048c436f379d98/src/raw.h?at=unified&fileviewer=file-view-default
| |
18:45 | sups | this is canon style?
| |
18:45 | g3gg0 | yep
| |
18:45 | sups | will look into it. Thank you
| |
18:45 | g3gg0 | https://bitbucket.org/hudson/magic-lantern/src/0e6493e8ac5e118976b94237b5048c436f379d98/modules/mlv_rec/mlv_dump.c?at=unified&fileviewer=file-view-default
| |
18:45 | g3gg0 | look for bitextract
| |
18:46 | g3gg0 | thats how the mlv tools read/write pixels from/to a VIDF stream
| |
18:46 | g3gg0 | as said, first steps
| |
18:46 | g3gg0 | if you realize it will get too slow, put that effort into the CDNG writer
| |
18:47 | g3gg0 | okay will leave now too
| |
18:47 | g3gg0 | lets continue via mail as usual
| |
18:47 | sups | okay... g3gg0
| |
18:47 | g3gg0 | cu
| |
18:47 | sups | thanks for your time
| |
18:47 | sups | see you
| |
18:48 | sups | leaving for now :)
| |
18:49 | g3gg0 | left the channel | |
18:53 | sups | left the channel | |
19:00 | ArunM | left the channel | |
19:51 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
20:01 | TofuLynx | left the channel | |
20:42 | illwieckz | left the channel | |
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21:30 | seaman | joined the channel | |
22:19 | danieel | left the channel | |
22:19 | BAndiT1983|away | left the channel | |
22:19 | BAndiT1983|away | joined the channel | |
22:19 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
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22:48 | TofuLynx | joined the channel | |
22:53 | seaman | left the channel | |
22:53 | lexano | left the channel | |
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23:00 | seaman | left the channel | |
00:33 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| |
00:33 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ