| 01:07 | Bertl_oO | that's why we have mentors too :)
| 01:28 | Bertl_oO | apurvanandan[m]: task looks good, still a few minor formatting issues but nothing critical ... but the 75° phase makes me uneasy :)
| 02:43 | shivamgoyal | joined the channel |
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| 05:48 | GC | left the channel |
| 05:50 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 05:50 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: bertl_zZ
| 06:26 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl_oO: Could you tell what minor formatting issues were you referring to? I will deal with that 75° phase after proposal is complete.
| 06:35 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 06:52 | aSobhy | left the channel |
| 07:01 | saurabh_raj | joined the channel |
| 07:01 | saurabh_raj | Hi, BAndiT1983
| 07:10 | BAndiT1983 | hi saurabh_raj
| 07:11 | saurabh_raj | I have tried to make my code more object oriented, its still work in progress but am I heading in the right direction?
| 07:11 | BAndiT1983 | don't know, have not looked
| 07:12 | saurabh_raj | okey, please look into it when you get the time
| 07:13 | BAndiT1983 | maybe after work, but can't say for sure
| 07:13 | BAndiT1983 | what is the current strucutre?
| 07:14 | saurabh_raj | three classes whose objects interact with each other in main
| 07:14 | saurabh_raj | completely seperated input output and processing
| 07:16 | BAndiT1983 | ok
| 07:17 | BAndiT1983 | off for work, will be back later
| 07:17 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 12:55 | apurvanandan[m] | Hi everybody, I wanted I came to know Arun had worked on Image Sensor emulation. Can anybody tell how much was it accomplished? And how much not.
| 12:56 | saurabh_raj | left the channel |
| 13:14 | bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 13:14 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 13:15 | apurvanandan[m] | Good morning
| 13:22 | Bertl | hey apurvanandan[m]!
| 13:22 | Bertl | here is the github link: https://github.com/arun13e/Image_Sensor_Emulation
| 13:23 | apurvanandan[m] | Thanks Bertl
| 13:24 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| 13:31 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 13:37 | Bertl | nafizzz: the font used in the CV makes some parts look a little weird, especially when it comes to single digits in the text
| 13:38 | Bertl | the challenge code still needs some formatting and could really benefit from a bunch of error checks (defensive programming)
| 13:39 | Bertl | also the timeline is a little optimistic .. you might want to reserve more time before evaluations and at the end for fixing unexpected problems or ironing out issues with the code
| 13:40 | Bertl | the rest looks reasonably fine to me ...
| 14:21 | sebix | left the channel |
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| 15:50 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 15:50 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 15:59 | danieeeel | changed nick to: danieel
| 16:29 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 16:58 | saurabh_raj | joined the channel |
| 16:59 | saurabh_raj | Hi BandiT1983
| 17:13 | saurabh_raj | left the channel |
| 17:14 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 18:21 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
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| 20:55 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
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| 23:00 | alexML | joined the channel |
| 23:01 | Bertl_oO_ | joined the channel |
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| 23:01 | Bertl_oO | left the channel |
| 23:02 | aSobhy | hello Bertl :)
| 23:03 | aSobhy | I sent you the link of my initial proposal can you look at it :)
| 23:11 | Bertl_oO_ | sure
| 23:13 | Bertl_oO_ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 23:17 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 23:17 | Bertl | okay, so the CV looks terrible to me ... layout and kerning is very bad (looks like you've done it with Microsoft Word)
| 23:18 | Bertl | on the proposal the mix of many different fonts and styles (serif and sans serif) really hurts my eyes ...
| 23:20 | dcz | left the channel |
| 23:23 | Bertl | you are also missing a link to the challenge task
| 23:34 | aSobhy | I write it quickly to have your feedback before the end of the day
| 23:36 | aSobhy | Yeah the CV looks like a paper. But I'll change its formate
| 23:36 | Bertl | also you might want to have somebody proof read it, as despite the CV claiming 'English: Very Good' your English is not that good ...
| 23:39 | Bertl | content wise I'm missing any research and testing required to decide how the protocol might work and what bandwidth might be achieved
| 23:39 | Bertl | (same for latency etc)
| 23:40 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 23:45 | aSobhy | OK that will held on the Preparation period
| 23:53 | aSobhy | and I'll add it in the first week delivery
| 23:54 | Bertl | good let's clean it up and format it properly and I'll take another look
| 23:56 | aSobhy | what is the max speed that should be reached in the communication ?
| 23:57 | Bertl | that needs to be decided as it depends on many factors
| 23:58 | Bertl | for example: what speed can be reached over a single or dual LVDS connections between the Zynq and MachXO2
| 23:58 | Bertl | how much data is to be communicated and what are 'acceptable' latencies
| 00:02 | aSobhy | I think their would be a desired speed that I should reach
| 00:02 | Bertl | for the challenge task or for the actual task?
| 00:03 | aSobhy | The actual task :)
| 00:03 | Bertl | as I said, this depends on many factors which have not been evaluated yet
| 00:04 | Bertl | but I'd expect something around 500 Mbit to be realistic
| 00:04 | niemand | left the channel |
| 00:05 | aSobhy | Yes i meant that your expected speed :)
| 00:06 | aSobhy | Ok 'll formating the doccument and talk again :)
| 00:06 | Bertl | great! looking forward to it
| 00:06 | aSobhy | Thanks Bertl :)
| 00:06 | Bertl | no problem
| 00:18 | apurvanandan[m] | Bertl, do you have schematic of 4k hdmi plugin module?
| 00:19 | Bertl | no
| 00:22 | apurvanandan[m] | So what all is there on the module?
| 00:22 | Bertl | it hasen't been designed/finished yet but it will be similar to the SDI module except for the line drivers
| 00:23 | Bertl | https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/SDI_Plugin_Module
| 00:23 | apurvanandan[m] | Can designing the module be a part of proposal?
| 00:24 | Bertl | not officially as GSoC doesn't support hardware development
| 00:26 | apurvanandan[m] | ok, and can we write using some code of previous gsoc projects?
| 00:26 | apurvanandan[m] | If related work has been done
| 00:26 | Bertl | sure, FOSS/OH is all about reusing code and designs
| 00:27 | apurvanandan[m] | Great
| 00:40 | intrac_ | changed nick to: intrac