| 02:58 | jn | left the channel |
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| 11:26 | jn_ | joined the channel |
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| 16:54 | se6astian | have to get something quickly, might be late for meeting by few minutes
| 16:55 | se6astian | anyone around for meeting then?
| 16:56 | Bertl | is here ...
| | 17:03 | se6astian | back
| 17:03 | se6astian | great Bertl any news?
| 17:03 | Bertl | not much, a lot of work has been done on the machine hall
| 17:04 | Bertl | but unfortunately not much progress on the electronics design side
| 17:05 | Bertl | I hope that will improve in the near future
| 17:06 | se6astian | https://mastodon.social/@apertus/111506909369241912
| 17:09 | Bertl | nothing else from my side
| 17:10 | se6astian | right, just some progress from my side with CP assembly but nothing big to share
| 18:13 | anuejn | is here
| | 18:14 | anuejn | I have some further progress on the 5d mark II reverse engineering:
| 18:14 | anuejn | I found out the voltage levels of the analog outputs
| 18:16 | anuejn | and started designing a test-board that should plug into the z-turn-lite (like the micro)
| 18:16 | anuejn | the board is going to have an HMCAD1511 and a bunch of power supply support
| 18:17 | anuejn | with this I am hoping to get a first image with the sensor :)
| 18:17 | anuejn | and charakterize it a bit more maybe
| 18:17 | Bertl | nice
| 18:18 | anuejn | I also suspect (and hope) that the HMCAD1511 and HMCAD1520 are actually the same silicon which would give us 12 bit :)
| 18:18 | anuejn | thats also something I want to find out with the board
| 18:18 | anuejn | thats it from my side :)
| 19:23 | dos1 | joined the channel |
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| 19:25 | dos1 | changed nick to: dos
| 19:56 | se6astian | thanks anuejn, very cool!