05:16 | lexano_ | left the channel | |
06:24 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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06:24 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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07:15 | se6astian | good day
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08:10 | yasmin | joined the channel | |
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08:26 | AndroUser | joined the channel | |
09:35 | AndroUser | left the channel | |
12:51 | yasmin | joined the channel | |
12:52 | yasmin | left the channel | |
13:24 | intrac | left the channel | |
13:25 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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13:25 | Bertl | morning folks!
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13:52 | lexano | joined the channel | |
14:26 | intrac | joined the channel | |
17:00 | se6astian | MEETING TIME!
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17:00 | se6astian | who is here?
| 17:00 | Bertl | is here ...
17:02 | tpw_rules | hi i am here for once
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17:02 | Bertl | who are you? :)
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17:03 | se6astian | tpw_rules: any news from you to share?
| 17:03 | vup | is here
17:03 | tpw_rules | no, just wanted to say i still exist. but i have a thesis due in 2 weeks and have been insanely busy on that. i was waiting for news on the Beta with HDMI access. do i need to provide any information for that? is it ready?
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17:04 | vup | we should have a setup for that now
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17:04 | tpw_rules | ok, how do i get access?
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17:05 | vup | ill msg you how to connect, I assume using the same ssh key as always is fine?
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17:05 | tpw_rules | yes
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17:05 | vup | great
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17:06 | tpw_rules | there should be two on the beta, but i can add the other if you add one
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17:06 | vup | ok
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17:07 | se6astian | vup/anuejn any news from your side? I see lots of commit messages in the last few days
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17:07 | vup | sure a bit
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17:08 | vup | finally got to merge the subpass rendering into narui (https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/narui/pull/15)
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17:08 | vup | and also did some more cleanup on some internals of narui (https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/narui/pull/22) which makes it more fool proof to use and makes everything a bit cleaner
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17:09 | vup | finally I also did some various bug fixes for axiom-firmware
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17:09 | vup | so the CI now runs through on main again and we should get up to date releases again
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17:10 | vup | (you can find that here: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-firmware/pull/186)
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17:10 | vup | thats it from me
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17:10 | se6astian | great, many thanks
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17:10 | se6astian | should the new release now detect my powerboard version?
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17:11 | se6astian | and run through axiom-start?
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17:11 | se6astian | or does that still require investigation?
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17:11 | vup | unclear
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17:11 | vup | I did not have the time yet to look at the changes of the new powerboard version
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17:12 | se6astian | ok, let me know if I can supply/do anything in that regard
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17:12 | se6astian | BAndiT1983: any news from your side?
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17:13 | BAndiT1983 | nope, not really, some research for remote and SAME70
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17:14 | se6astian | ok then quick updates from me
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17:14 | se6astian | and if nobody else wants to share anything closing words from bertl as usual :)
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17:14 | se6astian | I just soldered and tested a dual USB power adapter cable so I can also test the beta UHD/4K raw mode in the field soon
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17:15 | se6astian | further recording/conversion/finetuning in that regard is ongoing, maybe bertl wants to say something about the UHD -> 4K hdmi upgrade afterwards
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17:16 | se6astian | currently the focus is evaluation the darkframe calibration - something is not working as expected likely an issue because the frames we capture are not the expected 4096x3072 resolution or missing metadata with the raw2dng tool
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17:17 | se6astian | had a vc with curved image sensor manufacturer last week and there is potential ground for a joint grant and research project to get the curved image sensor and beta with it closer to market
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17:17 | se6astian | we will discuss details next week probably
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17:18 | se6astian | another grant to collaborate with the technical university vienna for getting the compact enclosure closer to production has also been drafted and is now in internal review
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17:18 | se6astian | its a rather brief application and rather small grant
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17:19 | se6astian | last screws/springs/nuts have now arrived today and after paying VAT around 3 times I can soon assemble the second Tele produced Dev kit
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17:19 | se6astian | thats all I can remember from my side currently
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17:19 | se6astian | anyone else ready to share now? otherwise Bertl please do!
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17:20 | Bertl | yeah, it seems our intern is missing out today ...
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17:20 | Bertl | let's hope that will get better soon ...
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17:20 | Bertl | I was mostly busy with improving the raw HDMI transfer and testing various modes
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17:21 | Bertl | for this purpose, I adapted the generator setup to calculate the register settings from a simple timing data array
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17:22 | Bertl | so you can basically use the typical modeline data to set sync, front porch, back porch and active display and the script takes care of the rest
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17:22 | Bertl | this was mainly done to test more atypical modes like 2048x1080 and of course the 2048x1536 which contains the entire sensor data
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17:23 | Bertl | again we did hit the USB bandwidth limit slightly below 400MByte/s which seems to be the practical limit for USB despite the theoretical limit of 500MByte/s
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17:24 | Bertl | so around 388-390MByte, the Magewell capture tool starts dropping frames
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17:24 | Bertl | this is rather easy to detect as we have frame counter information in the 'corner' points
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17:24 | Bertl | note that this is done via the overlay, so it doesn't have to be the corners :)
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17:25 | Bertl | I also started to rethink and redesign the scan and HDMI logic because I plan to finally fix HDMI for good in the near future
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17:26 | Bertl | found a bunch of interesting articles and researched some projects which also had some issues with proper HDMI and there are enough clues available to hopefully get it right :)
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17:26 | Bertl | that's it from my side for this week
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17:28 | se6astian | sunds great
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17:28 | se6astian | *sounds
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17:28 | se6astian | many thanks
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17:28 | se6astian | so last chance, anyone with project news? :)
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17:29 | se6astian | many thanks all participants! MEETING CONCLUDED!
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17:44 | vup | Bertl: se6astian which firmware is currently on the PICs on the beta se6astian is using?
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17:47 | Bertl | Nov 24 2020
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17:47 | vup | do you have a link to the source code?
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17:49 | Bertl | not at hand, but we can upgrade/downgrade the pic firmware to whatever you like as long as it uses the 0x4x 0x6x scheme
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17:50 | se6astian | Shall I Boot it up?
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17:50 | se6astian | Cooking currently so you can use it
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17:52 | vup | se6astian: sure I can take a quick look
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17:54 | vup | Bertl: Hmm well as long as its compatible with the 0x4x 0x6x scheme it should be fine obviously
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19:35 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
21:48 | Nicolas42 | joined the channel | |
21:48 | Nicolas42 | Hello there :)
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22:01 | se6astian | hi Nicolas42!
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22:04 | Nicolas42 | Glad to join the team!
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22:05 | Nicolas42 | I am just getting up to speed with the Beta
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22:12 | Bertl | hey, how's going?
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22:17 | Nicolas42 | Bertl: pretty good, now that we got the camera going, thanks to your help :-)
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22:18 | Bertl | great! so everything working as expected?
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22:24 | Nicolas42 | So far so good!
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22:24 | Nicolas42 | You asked us by email what kind of Ethernet switch we use to connect to our Linux Desktop:
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22:24 | Nicolas42 | Netgear GS105
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22:25 | Bertl | good choice!~
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22:29 | Nicolas421 | joined the channel | |
22:29 | Nicolas42 | left the channel | |
22:32 | Nicolas421 | left the channel | |
22:34 | Nicolas42 | joined the channel | |
22:43 | Nicolas42 | Anybody has suggestions for alternatives to the small fan mounted on the MicroZed in the dev kit? I know this may sound like a minor concern but... the one we have is really loud.
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22:48 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
23:17 | Bertl | Nicolas42: unfortunately the tiny fans are all quite noisy and they do not really last very long either
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23:18 | Bertl | the best choice here is to use a larger fan mounted on top of the Beta (over the PCBs) to cool the PCBs and the Zynq
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23:18 | Bertl | (this is also how we will have it on the ABCP enclosure
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23:19 | Bertl | )
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23:19 | Bertl | but it should be easy to 3D print something for the devkit
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23:20 | Bertl | note that it is also advantageous to power the fan from an external power supply if that is an option
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23:31 | Nicolas42 | yes, we can consider another power supply just for the fan. Custom 3D print parts are definitely on the table for us too.
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23:35 | Bertl | so probably an 80mm of 90mm fan would be a good choice, they are reasonably popular and you can pick one which is extremely silent
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23:36 | Bertl | together with a power supply and some kind of speed regulation you can optimize the cooling to noise ratio
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23:36 | Nicolas42 | Sounds good!
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00:39 | lexano | left the channel |