| 05:38 | jn_ | joined the channel |
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| 20:07 | Guest83 | joined the channel |
| 20:10 | Guest83 | Hello, 11ty-hugo guy here again... If I recall correctly, there was someone here who researched static site generators and Hugo in particular. Could that person maybe answer this question, as I haven't found the answer online yet:
| 20:12 | Guest83 | If you have a footer.layout file in _includes and the position of this layout is defined in the base.layout file, how can I change this position in a new post layout file if needed?
| 20:19 | Guest83 | Say I have in base.layout file, the code "<footer>{% include 'footer.layout' %}</footer>" at the bottom, how can I change the footer position in any later page-specific layouts if I need to?
| 20:20 | Guest83 | position in the resulting html file*
| 20:49 | Guest83 | If I am right this is in both hugo and 11ty the same syntax and methods
| 20:52 | anuejn | Guest83: that was probably me
| 20:53 | anuejn | I have no Idea if that is possible
| 20:55 | anuejn | I see why that might be usefull but i think one needs to create a seperate layout file for that?
| 20:55 | anuejn | but I am not sure (also only briefly looked at static site generators)
| 21:14 | Guest83 | Ah okay. Well I need to figure that out with help of tutorials :) I am happy to say that I finally created a barebones homepage with a working linked css file.
| 21:15 | anuejn | sounds cool :)
| 21:16 | Guest83 | I can share the raw html code of the homepage of what I have in mind tomorrow (without any styling probably)
| 21:22 | Guest83 | or atleast the .md file.
| 21:46 | Guest83 | left the channel |
| 23:39 | BAndiT1983 | Guest83: probably is this the Hugo feature, you're looking for -> https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/create-new-layout-for-an-about-page/6223/7
| 23:40 | BAndiT1983 | check the links in the thread, they are about how Hugo is determining what to use for specific pages etc.