| 09:59 | intrac | left the channel |
| 09:59 | intrac | joined the channel |
| 12:49 | anuejn | there is some progress on the rust gui player for axiom raw files
| 12:49 | anuejn | https://files.niemo.de/Screen%20Recording%202022-10-02%20at%2013.40.12.mp4
| 12:49 | anuejn | this is a working integration of the gui library (narui) with the axiom-recorder codebase
| 15:11 | BAndiT1983_ | nice!
| 15:11 | BAndiT1983_ | is it full 4k footage? is debayering done in compute shader in vulkan?
| 15:14 | vup | yes to both
| 20:08 | se6astian | very cool to see anuejn!
| 20:08 | se6astian | can I post to this video to twitter, telegram, etc.=
| 20:08 | se6astian | ?
| 22:05 | anuejn | yup, i am fine with tha