01:00 | tpw_rules | basically i am trying to figure out the gearing because it looks like dram takes 64 bits per cycle
| |
01:01 | tpw_rules | and how do Pipeline clocks work?
| |
04:10 | tpw_rules | hm, nmigen doesn't support gearbox fifos, does it?
| |
04:14 | tpw_rules | does fifo_chop.vhd downsample the data in some way?
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04:20 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
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04:20 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
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09:34 | fredy | left the channel | |
09:38 | fredy | joined the channel | |
11:29 | vup | tpw_rules: what the beta currently does is use the lower 48 of the 64bits for image data from the sensor and the 16 other bits are use for a overlay one can draw onto it
| |
11:30 | vup | nmigen does not support gearbox fifos, but we have a StreamGearbox that should work
| |
11:32 | vup | I am not sure if we want to keep the part with only using 48 of the 64 bits, I think Bertl wanted to get rid of that aswell and just use the full 64 bits
| |
11:33 | vup | fifo_chop does not downnample (atleast when the input signals are setup as they are) its just a gearbox
| |
11:33 | vup | What do you mean by Pipeline clocks?
| |
12:54 | anuejn | I would also vote for packed
| |
13:32 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
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13:32 | Bertl | morning folks!
| |
16:06 | tpw_rules | i mean what do we do with the rest of the 16 bits?
| |
16:07 | tpw_rules | the sensor is 12 bits per pixel, we could fit 5 pixels in 60 bits but that's kind of weird
| |
16:19 | tpw_rules | also i asked about the fifo_chop because it seems like it should have a clock multiplication but i can't find it
| |
16:20 | tpw_rules | like it takes in 16 pixels per cycle and outputs 4
| |
16:21 | tpw_rules | wait, maybe not
| |
16:23 | vup | tpw_rules: well you can fit 16 x 12 bits into 3 x 64 bits
| |
16:23 | vup | so that would be one way
| |
16:25 | vup | the par_clk of fifo_chop is the serdes (bit) clock, so it does not get 16 pixels every cycle
| |
16:26 | tpw_rules | ok yeah i misread that. it's roughly 16/6
| |
16:27 | tpw_rules | how does the clock domain sync between serdes_clkdiv and serdes_clk on the input to the fifo work? does it depend on the fact that they are in phase?
| |
16:27 | tpw_rules | the only thing i see is the process that sets up remap_dat
| |
16:27 | tpw_rules | remap_data
| |
16:29 | vup | yeah it seems like no "proper" CDC is done here and it relies on them being in phase
| |
16:29 | vup | that should work if you setup the cross domain constraints correctly, but its probably safer to do it with actual CDC
| |
16:29 | tpw_rules | i assume it's okay if vivado does not complain that timing is violated
| |
16:31 | vup | I think you have to be careful, but yes
| |
16:32 | vup | (the slower clock domain obviously has longer setup and hold times than the faster one, so even if they are in phase the setup time of the slower clock domain could be too long for the faster one)
| |
16:32 | tpw_rules | but then presumably timing would not pass
| |
16:32 | vup | I think vivado should handle this, but I am pretty certain for example nextpnr does not handle this
| |
16:33 | tpw_rules | is that something we should be thinking about?
| |
16:34 | vup | well maybe
| |
16:34 | vup | it would be nice to one day get rid of vivado and use a open source flow
| |
16:35 | vup | And I don't think it would hurt much to do "proper" CDC
| |
16:35 | vup | But its not *that* important.
| |
16:35 | vup | But for the very least I would study the timing report that vivado generates very carefully
| |
16:36 | tpw_rules | okay
| |
16:40 | tpw_rules | i was also thinking it might make sense to have four parallel FIFOs and a mux in the faster clock domain
| |
16:41 | tpw_rules | i'm also also thinking it might make sense to implement all the gearing and getting images into DRAM before the remapper
| |
16:43 | vup | hmm why?
| |
16:43 | tpw_rules | like i said i don't think the remapper has any gearing in it so it should be easy to drop in
| |
16:44 | vup | yes the remapper does not do any gearing it just reorders the pixel stream
| |
16:45 | vup | but would it not be more complex to put it after the DRAM, because then you need to unpack the whole packed pixel stream from the DRAM into a wide parallel one again?
| |
16:45 | tpw_rules | sorry, i mean "before" as in implementation wise. the final product would still be sensor -> remapper -> gearing -> DRAM
| |
16:46 | vup | Ahh
| |
16:46 | vup | oh
| |
16:46 | vup | yeah that seems fine
| |
16:46 | tpw_rules | but if the remapper doesn't have any gearing, then you can take it out and everything will work, just the image will look weird
| |
16:47 | vup | and yeah probably makes sense as something like the gearing and DRAM writer will be useful in debugging the remapper
| |
16:47 | tpw_rules | yes
| |
16:49 | tpw_rules | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/naps/blob/main/applets/camera.py does this applet work fully
| |
16:51 | vup | iirc yes
| |
16:52 | tpw_rules | ok
| |
16:54 | tpw_rules | https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/naps/blob/903493ccf959a9e535978f154bf37de5b297ff5d/naps/cores/dram_packet_ringbuffer/cpu_if.py#L55 does this work? i think the next_buffer_ready variable is missing
| |
16:57 | vup | that indeed seems broken
| |
17:00 | BAndiT1983 | MEETING TIME
| 17:00 | Dest123 | is here
17:00 | BAndiT1983 | as se6astian is not available at the moment, he asked me to guide through the meeting again
| 17:00 | vup | is here
| 17:00 | tpw_rules | is here
17:00 | BAndiT1983 | who is here?
| 17:00 | eppisai | is here
17:01 | BAndiT1983 | Bertl: are you also there?
| |
17:02 | BAndiT1983 | lets start in the following order: Dest123, tpw_rules, eppisai, vup
| |
17:02 | BAndiT1983 | Dest123: please report your progress
| |
17:02 | Dest123 | Hello Everyone :)
| |
17:02 | Dest123 | so last week t_exp1 signal wasn't triggering the channels
| |
17:03 | Dest123 | it turns out that the running script is operating with internal not external exposure
| |
17:03 | Dest123 | so I modified the HDL and this time around the channels were active and the data was fully sent
| |
17:03 | Dest123 | but still the image couldn't be captured
| |
17:04 | Dest123 | Bertl suspects a problem with the control channel so we are going to connect the design with the logic analyzer today
| |
17:04 | Dest123 | and observe the control channel for any abnormalities
| |
17:04 | Dest123 | That's it for me :)
| |
17:05 | BAndiT1983 | great, many thanks
| |
17:05 | BAndiT1983 | tpw_rules: you are
| |
17:06 | tpw_rules | alright, i was able to make various improvements to the link training algorithm and gateware over last week
| |
17:06 | tpw_rules | everything looks good now and it got merged yesterday, which is great news. so that section is completed
| |
17:07 | tpw_rules | as i was discussing earlier i think the next step is implementing the gearbox and logic to get images into DRAM
| |
17:07 | tpw_rules | i will put off the remapper until later
| |
17:08 | tpw_rules | but i am getting a bit worried about the fact that the end of the GSoC program is approaching rapidly
| |
17:08 | tpw_rules | i guess that's it for me
| |
17:09 | BAndiT1983 | thank you
| |
17:09 | BAndiT1983 | eppisai: the stage is yours
| |
17:09 | eppisai | Hi...
| |
17:10 | eppisai | Last week, I was setting up the core timer in remote
| |
17:11 | eppisai | After much research I got familiar familer with pic32 development.. just to realize most of things were not needed in core timer task.. but they will definitely help me in upcoming tasks..
| |
17:12 | eppisai | With help from Andrej and bertl, I am able to run core timer in remote with interupt, which is planned to be used to optimize and measure performance in remote
| |
17:12 | eppisai | So, will be modifying it accordingly
| |
17:13 | eppisai | Also, ftp module arrived last week! :D
| |
17:13 | eppisai | Very exciting
| |
17:13 | eppisai | Andrej has helped sitting it up.. my serial console is working at last
| |
17:13 | BAndiT1983 | FTP module? do we have a server on the remote now?
| |
17:14 | eppisai | Hahaha.. sorry auto correct
| |
17:14 | eppisai | or I typed wrong again
| |
17:14 | eppisai | Usb to UART ft4232h mini module arrived last week
| |
17:15 | eppisai | So, that's it, besides , I had written other transition animation (pushup, push down , push right) but not finished
| |
17:16 | eppisai | That was my last week... :)
| |
17:16 | BAndiT1983 | thanks for the report
| |
17:16 | BAndiT1983 | vup: you're the next
| |
17:16 | vup | I don't really have much to report, mostly worked with tpw_rules and anuejn on their gsoc projects, but was otherwise kept busy by non apertus related stuff
| |
17:17 | BAndiT1983 | ah, right, the gsoc student anuejn is not here ;)
| |
17:17 | BAndiT1983 | thanks for the update
| |
17:17 | BAndiT1983 | seems like Bertl has also gone missing, will report and close the meeting
| |
17:18 | BAndiT1983 | have mostly worked on the 3d visualiser, as time is still limited, but now it uses the real firmware code, or at least the menu system: http://apertus-open-source-cinema.github.io/AXIOM-Remote/
| |
17:19 | BAndiT1983 | knob and all the required buttons do work like on the real board, next step is to adjust the firmware, so we can use same loop/logic in 2d and 3d visualiser, besides that we are still optimising the CAD data, as the original export contains quiet subpar geometry, at least not always suitable for realtime 3d and texturing
| |
17:19 | BAndiT1983 | that would be it
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17:20 | BAndiT1983 | does anybody else wants to report something?
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17:20 | BAndiT1983 | meeting concluded, thanks everyone!
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17:23 | vup | great work everyone!
| |
18:09 | Bertl | sorry, there was a network outage here for a little over an hour ... but not much to report from my side anyway
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18:09 | Bertl | bascially we did set up the remote control shield for the remote and connected it to the remote remote ;)
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18:13 | vup | any progress on assembling a new beta with sensor?
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18:24 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
18:25 | Dest123 | joined the channel | |
18:28 | Bertl | vup: unfortunately no
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18:33 | vup | ok
| |
19:00 | Bertl | off for now ... bbs
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19:01 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
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20:23 | fredy | left the channel | |
21:13 | Dest321 | joined the channel | |
21:14 | Dest123 | left the channel | |
21:14 | Dest321 | changed nick to: Dest123
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21:50 | lexano | left the channel | |
22:06 | lexano | joined the channel | |
23:35 | fredy | joined the channel | |
23:52 | fredy | left the channel | |
00:54 | tpw_rules | vup: is there a way to run the pydriver with the new zip fatbitstream?
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00:55 | tpw_rules | also i think it would be nice to have the build/ directory be in the current directory. i don't like mixing the code with the build products
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00:58 | vup | tpw_rules: `./fatbitstream.zip --run` should work
| |
00:59 | tpw_rules | i thought that's what i did, let me double check...
| |
00:59 | vup | I think we all agreed on the build directory thing, so I am changing it back to a build directory at the caller site again
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00:59 | tpw_rules | yes, i looked back and anuejn said he did not care one way or the other
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00:59 | vup | yeah