| 00:13 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 07:14 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 07:14 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 07:28 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
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| 12:03 | aombk | left the channel |
| 14:19 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
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| 15:53 | xthenode | joined the channel |
| 15:54 | xthenode | happy 2021!
| 15:55 | xthenode | what is the process for creating a new software project?
| 16:06 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 16:06 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 16:07 | Bertl | xthenode: create or fork a git repository
| 16:07 | Bertl | then write your code, check it and commit it
| 16:07 | xthenode | under my own id?
| 16:07 | Bertl | yes, you can then create a pull request
| 16:09 | xthenode | ok, throwing up concept in "ideas" on apertus git
| 16:09 | xthenode | is there am image or vsg for apertus logo?
| 16:10 | Bertl | yes, there are a bunch of versions of our logos, sec
| 16:10 | BAndiT1983 | https://www.apertus.org/logo
| 16:10 | Bertl | there you go :)
| 16:10 | vup | also here: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/apertus_multimedia
| 16:30 | xthenode | added "a cloud based environment for using and creating artifacts for A X I O M" as idea...
| 16:31 | se6ast1an | interesting, can you elaborate what that is exactly?
| 16:31 | xthenode | so what is apertus vs axiom?
| 16:32 | BAndiT1983 | association vs camera?
| 16:32 | xthenode | a complete cloud based dev env which im accually using...
| 16:32 | BAndiT1983 | is it something like SAP web IDE, where you can't work when the internet or the cloud is down?
| 16:34 | xthenode | no its all html, css, js and cgis that can be run locally on your favorite httpd...
| 16:34 | xthenode | it can even be run on axiom...
| 16:34 | BAndiT1983 | ok, but then the "cloud" is not applicable there
| 16:35 | Bertl | xthenode: what does it 'develop'?
| 16:35 | xthenode | actually yes. your or web cloud. HTTP...
| 16:36 | xthenode | i use it to generate projects, code and content...
| 16:36 | xthenode | it started off as an open Class Wizard...
| 16:37 | Bertl | no idea what that is ... got some examples? screenshots?
| 16:38 | xthenode | VisualStudio class wizard...
| 16:38 | xthenode | back in the day...
| 16:38 | Bertl | still no idea ... never used VisualStudio
| 16:38 | xthenode | they are now projects templates in VS...
| 16:39 | xthenode | clearcase class generation?
| 16:39 | xthenode | UML to C++...
| 16:40 | Bertl | sounds fancy, still no idea ...
| 16:40 | xthenode | what do you normally use for dev?
| 16:40 | Bertl | an editor, like vi (or vim)
| 16:40 | Bertl | a compiler, e.g. gcc or clang
| 16:41 | xthenode | dude! you rock!
| 16:41 | Bertl | a bunch of tools which help with testing like gdb
| 16:41 | Bertl | at least for C code development
| 16:42 | Bertl | for scripts I use bash and python (again via vim)
| 16:42 | Bertl | for HDL development I currently need to use vendor toolchains
| 16:42 | Bertl | but that slowly changes thanks to open source toolchain development
| 16:43 | xthenode | i use this to generate files to be used in those...
| 16:44 | xthenode | i use QtCreator, VisualStudio and gedit make...
| 16:44 | BAndiT1983 | vs class wizard was rathe bulky back in the day, not missing it much, but haven't used newer versions since 2015, as vscode is the main IDE now
| 16:44 | Bertl | xthenode: so what files does it create?
| 16:45 | xthenode | 1017 generates classes for projects...
| 16:45 | Bertl | okay?
| 16:45 | xthenode | makefiles, .pro / .pro...
| 16:46 | Bertl | makefiles based on what? and what is .pro ?
| 16:46 | BAndiT1983 | why do you need .pro? it's qtcreator specific, so cmakelists should be sufficient
| 16:46 | xthenode | .pro if for creator
| 16:46 | BAndiT1983 | as qtcreator can use it natively, so can clion and vscode
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| 16:52 | xthenode | i've used it to create cmake file trees...
| 16:55 | BAndiT1983 | still using it, as i've resurrected OC a bit
| 16:57 | xthenode | the idea is to be able to map to various dev tool flows...
| 16:58 | BAndiT1983 | what are "dev tool flows"?
| 16:58 | xthenode | work flow using a a particular tool like VS...
| 16:59 | xthenode | i use it to create property sheets when using VS
| 16:59 | BAndiT1983 | usual workflow is to open a folder with cmakelists.txt in it, works in vscode, qtcreator, clion etc.
| 17:00 | BAndiT1983 | haven't used "big" VS for quite a while, but it is also got the possibility to open CMake projects a couple of years ago
| 17:01 | xthenode | developers at Thales used it as a convenience tool...
| 17:01 | Bertl | xthenode: so in short, this is some kind of tool or framework to make VisualStudio development easier, right?
| 17:01 | xthenode | yes.
| 17:02 | BAndiT1983 | xthenode: many companies use convenience tools which are mere obstacle, like HP quality center, so still not seeing a problem to use CMake or another build tool
| 17:02 | xthenode | its built on itself and will include various project trees...
| 17:02 | BAndiT1983 | in the end they are created for such a task: to create make files
| 17:02 | Bertl | xthenode: so, as far as I know, we do not use VisualStudio on the AXIOM
| 17:03 | Bertl | and as the Software is proprietary, I doubt that will change anytime soon ...
| 17:04 | BAndiT1983 | "big" VS has a remote feature to build on a linux machine, e.g. raspi, or in the WSL environment, but then i can also use a linux machine to do cross-compiling
| 17:04 | BAndiT1983 | yes, it's possible to cross-compile under windows, but a lot of problems is involved, like installing and setting up mingw etc.
| 17:04 | xthenode | project artifacts are open...
| 17:06 | BAndiT1983 | what are project artifacts?
| 17:07 | xthenode | .sln etc
| 17:08 | BAndiT1983 | .sln is VS-specific
| 17:08 | BAndiT1983 | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/395169/using-cmake-to-generate-visual-studio-c-project-files
| 17:08 | xthenode | CMMI definition of parts of a project...
| 17:09 | BAndiT1983 | used it back then, but it's more problematic to focus on specific requirements of the IDE, as each one is different, so cmake is my favourite, although there are also other tools which can accomplish the job and are wrapping the setup needs
| 17:10 | Bertl | in general we want to get rid of proprietary software wherever possible and not introduce new proprietary software into AXIOM related development
| 17:10 | xthenode | yes
| 17:10 | Bertl | so I'm not sure why we are discussing VisualStudio stuff here?
| 17:10 | xthenode | only as example of dev env
| 17:11 | BAndiT1983 | VS would still involve WSL, which is the linux environment under win10
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| 17:12 | xthenode | are open and freedom the same?
| 17:12 | BAndiT1983 | it depends, but every project needs boundaries, otherwise it will turn into the tower of babylon
| 17:13 | xthenode | per project. yes.
| 17:14 | xthenode | linux is nice because it provides a vast array of choices to the developer...
| 17:16 | xthenode | even big Microsoft is starting to embrace what was once considered treason...
| 17:17 | Bertl | well, that's good for Microsoft :)
| 17:17 | xthenode | and the world...
| 17:18 | BAndiT1983 | not that new, ms uses linux for server for years if not decades, they've just noticed that they can't avoid linux environment for users too long
| 17:19 | BAndiT1983 | so they started to open .NET and other tech, so Mono got a proper move forward
| 17:22 | xthenode | is apertus only interested in focusing on photo?
| 17:23 | BAndiT1983 | never knew that we do a photo camera
| 17:23 | xthenode | what about audio?
| 17:24 | xthenode | not as part of video...
| 17:25 | xthenode | since apertus means clear, why not high end audio?
| 17:27 | BAndiT1983 | apertus comes from aperture, don't know how to apply it to audio
| 17:28 | BAndiT1983 | https://www.apertus.org/about
| 17:28 | xthenode | clear in latin...
| 17:29 | Bertl | in professional (movie) production audio is handled by separate devices
| 17:29 | Bertl | we might at some point tackle that as well, but currently the focus is on the video side
| 17:30 | Bertl | off for now ... bbl
| 17:30 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | https://lab.apertus.org/T761
| 17:30 | BAndiT1983 | https://lab.apertus.org/T361
| 17:30 | xthenode | i have a history in film, video and high end audio...
| 17:31 | xthenode | would be a great branding for purist high end audio...
| 17:36 | xthenode | left the channel |
| 17:58 | comradekingu | joined the channel |
| 18:15 | eppisai | left the channel |
| 19:11 | aombk | joined the channel |
| 19:17 | EmilJ | Hi all
| 19:18 | EmilJ | I wish everybody a better year
| 19:19 | xthenode | joined the channel |
| 19:19 | EmilJ | I barely did anything over the holidays, I'll blame it on the lack of light and abundance of distractions. I did however watch a bunch of rc3 talks
| 19:20 | xthenode | is there an axiom logo like the apertus one?
| 19:20 | xthenode | .png
| 19:22 | EmilJ | se6ast1an: I liked the following talks: what not to do with IOMMU, thunderbolt 3 security, nintendo game & watch console hack, power side channels "warum leakt hier Strom"
| 19:23 | BAndiT1983 | xthenode: it's everything in the github repo -> https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/apertus_multimedia/tree/master/apertus%C2%B0%20Corporate%20Identity/AXIOM%20Logo
| 19:23 | EmilJ | it was also cool to see these talks but they are not too practical as they are either too slow or specific: fuzzing the iphone baseband and bluetooth, qualcomm hexagon baseband commands, rapberry pi RGMII RF emission airgap exfiltration
| 19:25 | BAndiT1983 | nah, the joke about "Strom" is too easy
| 19:25 | se6ast1an | thanks EmilJ!
| 19:25 | xthenode | BAndiT1983: thanks. i was looking...
| 19:54 | eppisai | joined the channel |
| 20:05 | EmilJ | I didn't get the joke, I assume it's a big cultural reference
| 20:13 | xthenode | oh. i worked on RED too...
| 20:13 | xthenode | and for DOL...
| 20:15 | xthenode | but, the cool one was the NASA MPP used for SAR...
| 20:16 | xthenode | ...microcode on a bit-serial massively parallel SIMD machine...
| 20:28 | xthenode | EmilJ: isn't code the ultimate distraction?
| 20:32 | xthenode | left the channel |
| 20:45 | EmilJ | I do want to *make* code my ultimate distraction, but as long as I have things to learn about what I'm programming, it's easy to get stuck, since learning is hard
| 21:00 | eppisai | left the channel |
| 21:59 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 22:30 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 23:31 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away