| 05:19 | Bertl_oO | off to bed now ... have a good one everyone!
| 05:19 | Bertl_oO | changed nick to: Bertl_zZ
| 05:47 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 07:19 | LemonDealer | joined the channel |
| 07:35 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 07:44 | comradekingu | left the channel |
| 07:58 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| 08:21 | sebix | joined the channel |
| 09:09 | LemonDealer7 | joined the channel |
| 09:10 | LemonDealer | left the channel |
| 11:36 | LemonDealer7 | left the channel |
| 14:05 | Y_G | joined the channel |
| 14:30 | Bertl_zZ | changed nick to: Bertl
| 14:30 | Bertl | morning folks!
| 14:35 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 15:00 | RexOrCine|away | changed nick to: RexOrCine
| 15:02 | danieel | left the channel |
| 15:04 | danieel | joined the channel |
| 16:16 | RexOrCine | changed nick to: RexOrCine|away
| 16:22 | Y_G | Hi Bertl,Could you help me with what is the current requirement for LUT files
| 16:23 | Y_G | Do we want to send them via daemon ?
| 16:28 | Bertl | yes, we definitely want to upload them in a synchronized way
| 16:29 | Bertl | so there should be some way to 'transfer' all the values to the daemon
| 16:29 | Bertl | and then tell the daemon to update them via the memory space
| 16:29 | Bertl | (ideally synchronized to the HDMI output)
| 16:32 | Y_G | is this what an sample LUT file would look like https://pastebin.com/42r9k9xi
| 16:34 | Bertl | a 'LUT file' format wasn't defined yet, so yes, it might look like that ... note that the current LUTs are 12->16 or 12->18 bit tables
| 16:34 | Bertl | i.e. they are 4096 values of 16 or 18 bit
| 16:39 | Nira|away | changed nick to: Nira
| 16:40 | Y_G | Most files I found had 32768 lines with 3 values .Could you help me with what do these values mean
| 16:41 | Bertl | the list you linked is a 3D lut, i.e. it describes a complete RGB -> XYZ mapping
| 16:42 | Bertl | in our case, we do not have a 3D LUT yet, instead there are four different LUTs for each 'channel' and a matrix to remap them
| 16:42 | Bertl | so a LUT file format, if it was designed, would probably need to list 4096 x 4 values
| 16:43 | Bertl | but as I said, most LUTs are currently created by some kind of mathematical formular and then 'uploaded' to the LUT table registers
| 16:43 | sebix | left the channel |
| 16:45 | Y_G | And instead we want values from out LUT file to fill up these registers ?
| 16:45 | Bertl | we just want to fill those registers in a coordinated way via the daemon
| 16:46 | Bertl | let me explain the purpose of the daemon in regard of config and registers
| 16:47 | Bertl | there are huge number of different peripherials in the Beta which need to be 'adjusted' to make everything work as intended
| 16:47 | Bertl | we have devices on I2C busses (yes, several of them)
| 16:47 | Bertl | we have virtual devices with memory mapped regions created by the FPGA bitstream
| 16:48 | Bertl | and we have PS peripherials connected to the ARM CPU
| 16:49 | Bertl | in general, there is a problem if more than one 'user' or 'client' adjusts those registers or changes values of those peripherials
| 16:49 | Bertl | so it needs a central orchestration, i.e. some control process (the daemon) which coordinates any changes to those registers or any access to those peripherials
| 16:50 | Bertl | in addition to just preventing two 'clients' from accessing those registers at the same time (and causing huge provlems, maybe even lockups)
| 16:51 | Bertl | it is also desireable to synchronize those changes with the FPGA image pipeline
| 16:51 | Bertl | e.g. change sensor specific registers only when the sensor is not acquiring a new frame
| 16:51 | Bertl | change HDMI output registers only during blanking, etc
| 16:55 | Y_G | Ok ,Makes sense
| 16:55 | Bertl | for almost all settings, we already have some scripts, and there is a good chance that developers want to write their own scripts
| 16:55 | Y_G | Thanks :)
| 16:56 | Fares | joined the channel |
| 16:56 | Bertl | so there needs to be some kind of interface which can be used from bash, python, etc
| 16:56 | Bertl | as well as from C and other compiled languages
| 16:57 | Bertl | for the LUT tables, I can imagine a number of interfaces which would work quite well
| 16:57 | Bertl | for example the data could be transferred as simple ASCII format (like the one you pasted)
| 16:58 | Bertl | this is perfectly fine for unix commands and the C program to generate the various computed LUTs can be easily adjusted to produce this file format
| 16:59 | Bertl | which then can be simply piped into whatever CLI command or socket interface is available from the daemon side
| 16:59 | Bertl | for the synchronization part it would be benificial to store the 'new' LUTs somewhere in the daemon and have some 'activate config' command to actually transfer them to the respective registers
| 17:02 | Bertl | so, it's about meeting time, but sebastian is still away ...
| 17:02 | Bertl | but he asked me to take over for him if he doesn't make it here
| 17:03 | Bertl | so I'd say we give it another five minutes and then we start
| 17:03 | Bertl | I'm sure you all have plenty to report this week ;)
| 17:10 | Bertl | okay, please let me know if you want to report today
| 17:11 | Bertl | (via PM, as usual)
| 17:12 | Bertl | aSobhy already let me know that he cannot make the meeting today ('for some reason') and reported what he had done last week besides cleaning up stuff for the first evaluation
| 17:13 | Bertl | he reported: 'I wrote the deserializer module for the machXO2 side' and 'Working on word alignment'
| 17:13 | Bertl | so the first one to report today is Nira, please go ahead ...
| 17:13 | Nira | hi everyone!
| 17:14 | Nira | this week I have been working on interrupts, so coding PIC16 and making and improving basic code for making a debouncing test
| 17:15 | intrac | left the channel |
| 17:15 | Nira | I have had some problems, but solved most of them. I'm improving a lot my knowledges about all this. I will keep working on it
| 17:16 | intrac | joined the channel |
| 17:16 | Bertl | sounds good, any new code to look at?
| 17:17 | Nira | not at the moment, but soon I will send you something more
| 17:18 | Bertl | okay
| 17:19 | Bertl | anything else to report?
| 17:19 | Nira | that's it from me, thank you
| 17:20 | Bertl | great! Fares please go ahead then
| 17:20 | Fares | Hi everyone!
| 17:21 | Fares | last week I have been working on Axi lite module to set and read lj92 parameters (height and width and huffman encoding values)
| 17:22 | Fares | Also I have write simple module to gather some data when the core is running and access them as well via axi lite - to understand where the bottleneck.
| 17:22 | Fares | and I tested them in the FPGA as well.
| 17:23 | Bertl | excellent
| 17:24 | Fares | actually both of them can be enabled or disabled via flags. lastly I started working on axi hp reader/writer, wrote them in migen and will continue working on them next week.
| 17:25 | Fares | They only will be for testing purposes so configuration will be minimum.
| 17:25 | Fares | that would be all. thank you!
| 17:25 | BAndiT1983|away | changed nick to: BAndiT1983
| 17:25 | Bertl | sounds good to me, thank you!
| 17:25 | Bertl | apurvanandan[m]: you'r up ...
| 17:26 | Bertl | *you're
| 17:26 | apurvanandan[m] | Hi everyone
| 17:30 | apurvanandan[m] | This week I spent major time on implementing the deserializer for machXO2 of usb plugin. As the machXO2 doesn't has a ISERDES, I went through all documentation available figured out how to use IDDRX4B primitive for deserializeing the data. Deserializer has been written and I am writing other modules and then I will test it on hardware.
| 17:31 | apurvanandan[m] | This is what I did mostly this week, apart from giving little time to documentation
| 17:32 | apurvanandan[m] | Thats all from my side
| 17:33 | Bertl | okay, thanks!
| 17:33 | Bertl | Y_G: please go ahead
| 17:34 | Y_G | Hi all,
| 17:34 | Y_G | This week didn't have much coding done as most of work was reading about gamma configuration and LUT tables.
| 17:34 | Y_G | Tried moving the `set_gain.sh` functionality to daemon using the MemoryAdapter,haven't tested it yet as zbox was down(Will do it today).Most probably it would require rework as BAndiT1983 said it should probably use different packet(for data arrays) for sending the parameters.
| 17:35 | Y_G | Work was also done to update the wiki about more sample DaemonCLI commands.
| 17:35 | Y_G | That would be all from my side .
| 17:35 | Bertl | okay, thanks!
| 17:36 | Bertl | anybody else who would like to report?
| 17:37 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 17:38 | Bertl | doesn't look like, so we don't have any info from dev and se6astian is still away ...
| 17:38 | Bertl | thus we conclude the meeting for today.
| 17:38 | BAndiT1983 | Dev was working on OC frame server, wondering why he misses this meeting, will urge to attend IRC more
| 17:39 | Bertl | aSobhy, apurvanandan[m]: we'll hold a metting tomorrow evening to discuss the first evaluation and further tasks
| 17:40 | apurvanandan[m] | Yes okay
| 17:41 | Bertl | so if there is anything to discuss while most of the students and mentors are here ... please go ahead
| 17:45 | Fares | left the channel |
| 17:49 | Y_G | Nothing for now ,but will ping later for the LUT conf part .
| 17:49 | Y_G | Off for now ,need to get somewhere .
| 17:49 | Y_G | left the channel |
| 17:52 | Fares | joined the channel |
| 18:07 | se6astian|away | changed nick to: se6astian
| 18:09 | se6astian | good evening
| 18:09 | se6astian | sorry for the delay
| 18:16 | anuejn | a bit late, but i will also report some stuff :)
| 18:17 | anuejn | i was working on the axiom micro recorder lately
| 18:17 | anuejn | it has now a converter tool which can debayer images and assemble them to an mp4 file
| 18:18 | anuejn | also the preview is now configurable which is good for performance on low end devices which can use halfres debayering
| 18:19 | anuejn | the tool is generally also interesting to you, apurvanandan[m] because maybe we want to implement a datasource for the usb3 plugin
| 18:20 | anuejn | so that the recorder can directly be used with the beta
| 18:21 | anuejn | the recorder is still lacking in some regards (e.g. performance, ux and a simple to use actual recording feature ;)) but that can be sorted out
| 18:23 | apurvanandan[m] | Is the USB module attachable to the axiom micro? You mean the mp4 files will serve as data source from the axiom?'
| 18:26 | anuejn | ah no it is only software :)
| 18:27 | anuejn | https://github.com/axiom-micro/recorder
| 18:27 | anuejn | no, it can ultimately output mp4 files
| 18:28 | apurvanandan[m] | Okay, I will see if I can understand how it can be helpful
| 19:00 | Fares | left the channel |
| 19:01 | Fares | joined the channel |
| 19:08 | Dev_ | joined the channel |
| 19:10 | Dev_ | Hello everyone. Sorry, I was outside at that time and away from Internet that's why couldn't attend the meet
| 19:13 | Dev_ | I am working on aviencode , I will try to resuse my code from oc_frameserver
| 19:14 | Dev_ | This will be done before in first half and then we will go for Fuse
| 19:16 | Dev_ | Using webclient now , its is looking cool :)
| 19:16 | Dev_ | Now
| 19:16 | Nira | changed nick to: Nira|away
| 19:20 | Dev_ | left the channel |
| 19:31 | Nira|away | changed nick to: Nira
| 19:31 | Bertl | changed nick to: Bertl_oO
| 19:32 | Nira | changed nick to: Nira|away
| 19:34 | niemand | left the channel |
| 19:42 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 19:46 | niemand | left the channel |
| 19:46 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 19:56 | niemand | left the channel |
| 19:56 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 19:56 | niemand | left the channel |
| 19:56 | niemand | joined the channel |
| 20:41 | Fares | left the channel |
| 20:44 | niemand | left the channel |
| 20:44 | Fares | joined the channel |
| 20:56 | Fares | left the channel |
| 21:38 | Y_G | joined the channel |
| 22:04 | BAndiT1983 | hi Y_G, could you please create a task in trello, for evaluation of data blob packet
| 22:05 | BAndiT1983 | how many parameters at max do we need for general tasks? 3 or 4?
| 22:13 | Y_G | Hi BAndiT1983, will create
| 22:14 | Y_G | For now most work is done with 1/2 parameters.
| 22:16 | Y_G | But with the last requirements
| 22:16 | Y_G | 1)"i2c set/get" through DaemonCLI requires 4 parameters
| 22:17 | Spirit532 | left the channel |
| 22:17 | Y_G | 2) For gamma_config we need another data blob packet
| 22:17 | Spirit532 | joined the channel |
| 22:20 | BAndiT1983 | Y_G, sounds fine, please go on, will try to assist in the next days, but am rather busy with my job at the moment
| 22:26 | Y_G | So should we go with 3 different data packets for testing purpose now ?
| 22:26 | Y_G | Data arrays and the blob
| 22:27 | BAndiT1983 | why 3?
| 22:27 | BAndiT1983 | we have one for general settings, max 4 params, second one for data blobs
| 22:28 | BAndiT1983 | what would be the third one?
| 22:28 | Y_G | Oh ,if we are increasing to 4 parameters then only 2
| 22:30 | BAndiT1983 | as long as it's not getting out of meaningful boundaries, then we are free to adjust
| 22:30 | BAndiT1983 | as you'Ve discovered that we require 4 params to be able to check on i2c, then i would say that is max
| 22:31 | BAndiT1983 | either we take them as is and extend setter signatures or check on suitable methods like tuples, but everything should be kept as simple as possible, no need to get all too fancy with templates and whatnot
| 22:32 | se6astian | changed nick to: se6astian|away
| 22:33 | Y_G | Yup , lot of changes would have to be made to MessageHandler.Going to stick with basics for now ,once things are in place will work to make them better
| 22:35 | BAndiT1983 | not that many, at least for 4 params
| 22:35 | BAndiT1983 | have you understood the thing with packet header and payload?
| 22:38 | Y_G | packet header would be an additional parameter in the daemon request ?
| 22:39 | BAndiT1983 | no, this would be an additional structure ->
| 22:40 | BAndiT1983 | you would have a header, which would tell the type of payload (enum) and maybe an attribute for payload size, but this has to be checked
| 22:40 | BAndiT1983 | and of course you would have payload, like current packet or new one for data blobs
| 22:41 | BAndiT1983 | just as example -> http://solace.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/solace-message_payload.png
| 22:42 | BAndiT1983 | header could hold general infos, e.g. module, command etc.
| 22:42 | BAndiT1983 | so you just have to split current packet in 2 suitable parts and extend header with enum
| 22:42 | BAndiT1983 | example for flatbuffers enums -> https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/md__schemas.html
| 22:47 | BAndiT1983 | off for today, see you
| 22:47 | BAndiT1983 | changed nick to: BAndiT1983|away
| 22:48 | Y_G | Will have a look and update you with the procedure tomorrow
| 00:06 | Y_G | left the channel |